0 sentence, wow. Is there a decent way to reduce it playing solo? I'm only Code 5 but it seems pretty slow, I'm only just reaching 800k I think, maybe even not there yet.
Congrats on freedom!
I think people are usually around 900k after finishing the story.
As far as solo goes, mine was all grind. I've barely played online due to difficulty finding rooms that offered what I was looking for or connection problems =/ I'd like to play online more but the connection is very hit or miss and it's such a hassle to get into another room when one goes bad x.x
The vast majority of my sentence was reduced by making extensive use of my munitions facilities lol. I would run through the Sector 2-4 Cell Garden mazes collecting Non-Existent Non-Resources when doing something like watching a show/video. Mindless multitasking =p
Edit: I am likely to jump online more without caring what missions I'm doing now, though, since I've reduced my sentence so I won't be as likely to go "But there are more productive things to do!". Though I still need to do some work on weapons lol.