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Fresh and Fit have quit YouTube.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Apparently, YouTube demonetized the F&F channel, removed their superchats, and did a host of other things to slowly bleed the channel dry, without forthright banning them.

Not only that, but their landlords also want them out, due to the podcast drawing way too much unwanted attention.

Now, they're begging for their viewers to follow them to another platform, Bumble.


It looks like it's over for the Red Pill community...

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Not my kind of content, but this is why it's important to branch out and host your stuff on different platforms. I don't see another site taking their amount of views any time soon, just because of the amount of content and creators still on there, but at least a channel won't go broke. I heard itsAGundam also got hit, and there were rumors going around that youtube is cutting ad shares off a lot of people

Edit: futo is creating a video app called "GrayJay" which is releasing next month. It will be used to follow creators instead of a single platform channel, which will alleviate getting banned or demonetized for arbitrary reasons. Might be worth keeping an eye on
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Not my kind of content, but this is why it's important to branch out and host your stuff on different platforms. I don't see another site taking their amount of views any time soon, just because of the amount of content and creators still on there, but at least a channel won't go broke. I heard itsAGundam also got hit, and there were rumors going around that youtube is cutting ad shares off a lot of people

Edit: futo is creating a video app called "GrayJay" which is releasing next month. It will be used to follow creators instead of a single platform channel, which will alleviate getting banned or demonetized for arbitrary reasons. Might be worth keeping an eye on
Aye, given the kind of controversial content they were pushing, it was never going to be sustainable on a family friendly platform like YouTube.

they should have planned for this day a long time ago..
Probably way off base or oversimplified but my long ago impression of red pill was a bunch of guys wanting to blame women for their problems.
It‘s a bunch of guys profiting on disillusioned and lonely men. It‘s pathetic.
I mean, I would love to believe all that content is genuine but for that I do not have enough faith in these infuencers. Same with JustPearlyThings and the others. Can‘t help myself imagining them making this content and then laughing their ass off after and calling their audience incels.

Only genuine guy in this regard is Peterson I think, which is probably why he gets the most flak.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Who's really the pussy here, the guy gloating about censorship from a powerful tech cartel with government ties because his feelings are hurt or the guy calling him out?
You. You are the pussy.
btw, I'm not gloating, but thanks for your cringey projection.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Apparently the Red Pill Movement is "at the heart of modern misogyny." If that's the case then I'm not sad I had never heard of them. It's a shame I've heard of them now.
Not a fan of the demonizing, deplatforming, debanking nonsense, but these are the times we live in when it comes to these companies. I'll never be a fan of tearing down what others have built unless it's outwardly violent or preventing another person from living how they wish to.

Apparently the Red Pill Movement is "at the heart of modern misogyny." If that's the case then I'm not sad I had never heard of them. It's a shame I've heard of them now.
Hopefully my algorithm doesn't get fucked after this.
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Apparently the Red Pill Movement is "at the heart of modern misogyny." If that's the case then I'm not sad I had never heard of them. It's a shame I've heard of them now.
Yes and no. Some are more about traditional gender roles, and then others are Tate types who actually say women need to be in the kitchen. In the age of outrage, I wouldn't believe such remarks so easily, but you do you


Flashless at the Golden Globes
They had some decent things to say at first but i couldnt stand them when i watched more than 20 minutes of their content. they fill up their podcast with dumb bimbos and then proceed to own them in a debate. Destiny runs circles around them and that guy is literally a cuck. These dudes are just grifters who are taking advantage of young guys who cant get laid or divorced men who wish they never got laid.

It's a sad sorry state of affairs that young men have to turn to guys like Fresh N Fresh and Andrew Tate to feel heard. Youtube demonetizing them is only going to turn them into martyrs.
Apparently, YouTube demonetized the F&F channel, removed their superchats, and did a host of other things to slowly bleed the channel dry, without forthright banning them.
Never heard of them. Did they actually break the rules, or is this yet another case of arbitrary rule enforcement?


Probably way off base or oversimplified but my long ago impression of red pill was a bunch of guys wanting to blame women for their problems.

People mention unplugging from the matrix but seems fair to say in my mind that red pill is just another form of matrix.

Have you ever watched it? It was pretty toxic, and repetitive, but I did watch some episodes. It was almost a depressing way of exposing how dumb social culture has become, particularly from the female side.

It is very Jerry Springer-esque, but with real people. All they did was expose popular delusions that unfortunately many women have. I stopped watching because it was simply too depressing, the women were awful and the solutions the guys talked about were far from real solutions.


All these sorts of channels get promoted like crazy by youtube, but they always whine and complain that youtube are not doing enough for them. Probably they got caught behind the scenes manipulating views or using bots to take advertiser money or something. They would never tell you.
I saw a couple of clips from these guys' streams in the past. They just invite a couple of dumbass women and have them spew their uninformed opinions and unrealistic expectations about men, dating etc. Then the guys shut them down with their rhetoric. It's similar to that whatever podcast, but more ideologically driven and disrespectful.

Not surprised YouTube decided to act, though they're the ones who pushed them in the first place. We're not missing much with this one.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
It's similar to that whatever podcast, but more ideologically driven and disrespectful.
Basically this. The F&F hosts are extremely disrespectful tbh, and their prescription for everything is to convert to islam, treat women as property and keep them locked at home while treating them badly, and be as promiscuous as possible yourself. They idolize Andrew Tate and helped each other blow up.
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