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FRIDAY NIGHT [OT] - Official NeoGAF Weekend Kickoff


Gold Member
Let's bury the hatchet, brother.

That's an axe not a hatchet.

Turn Around No GIF by Sesame Street


Edited that post

How so. Nice song btw.

Man... Walked for about 80min and upon arriving home immediately took my bike to get some groceries.

Was an awesome walk.

Nice weather despite the strong wind. Haven't walked for a little while and had my new NikeSB's on so at some point I took a shortcut as to not cause potential blisters on my heels. I (power) walk so lot's of friction lol.

Have some company coming over but hope to take a peak here when I want/can.

Now some GT7 in the meantime.

Have an awesome evening/night GAF.

Fucking LOVE this track


John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight.
Sleeping is one of my best features.
And my dreams range from very boring pedestrian stuff to borderline nightmare/terror inducing (No pun intended 😄 ).

I feel crippled the few times I haven't been able to sleep because of my mind racing like a hamster on a wheel.

And stop watching those Freddy Krueger movies it helps.


Gold Member
It's been a long time so I'm revisiting the early seasons of American Horror Story.
Just finished Murderhouse and starting Asylum.
I forgot how good the writing was and how it goes into dark places.
The cast is also terrific.
It's where I discovered Evan Peters & Jessica Lange is sublime 🥰
I was exited about American Horror Story but I did not get into it when I started watching it


Sunday plans anyone?

For myself starting Dragon's Dogma 2 (PS5 sale), some cleaning/housekeeping and need my stretch routine.

Maybe take a walk or epsom salt bath later now I think of it.

I'll see how the day flows.


Biggest Trails Stan
Sunday plans anyone?

For myself starting Dragon's Dogma 2 (PS5 sale), some cleaning/housekeeping and need my stretch routine.

Maybe take a walk or epsom salt bath later now I think of it.

I'll see how the day flows.

Reading more of The Blade Itself By Joe Abercrombie

I'm already past 100 pages and the book is getting good. Be able to finish this book this week


Sounds relaxing friend.

Can you lend me some of your reading passion.

I have loads I want/need to read but somehow can't make myself get to as I've already explained in our PM's lol.

Frustrated Parks And Recreation GIF
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