Rodent Whores
Edit: The chinchilla looks like it's about to hang itself!
Auto-erotic asphyxiation is part of our St. Paddy's Day special next week
Edit: The chinchilla looks like it's about to hang itself!
If I had a nickel for every time a customer has told me those words . . .
If I had another nickel for every time a customer has told me those words after telling me those other words . . .what the fuck is this!?!?
i had some hamsters as a kid. they suddenly disappeared one day after school. my mum and dad told me they gave them away but they probably snuffed it. it is weird that both went at the same time. maybe they got into some kinda of fight or another hamster murdered them.
RIP harry + gerry
Everyone's chickens getting tended to
Mine are!Everyone's chickens getting tended to
Pooping rn
Auto-erotic asphyxiation is part of our St. Paddy's Day special next week
always cracks me up
i've never seen you post before
always cracks me up
Are you sure about that? Because from what I've seen, these girls love switching up their usernames all the time. One minute it's something cute, and the next, it's completely different. Good luck keeping track!i've never seen you post before
aye alright i see what you're getting at ffs calm downAre you sure about that? Because from what I've seen, these girls love switching up their usernames all the time. One minute it's something cute, and the next, it's completely different. Good luck keeping track!
Are you sure about that? Because from what I've seen, these girls love switching up their usernames all the time. One minute it's something cute, and the next, it's completely different. Good luck keeping track!
Mine are!
If I had a nickel for every time a customer has told me those words . . .
I'm livid. Waiting weeks for UFC 131 and HBO (+Sport) removed the OG commentary and only has the Dutch commentary.
They already had a monkey doing the audio mixing between the OG commentary and switching to the Dutch panel but this is just criminal. You bet I'm going to call them and try to get hold of someone over at HBO NL to ask WHY and then some they choose to do this.
At least we had a choice to switch in the past and even if the OG commentary can be questionable I'd choose that 10 out of 10.
apple's image gen is not that great.