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FRINGE Season 3 |OT| Inexplicably renewed for a 4th season!

Yaweee said:
The First People placed the limiters on humanity that sealed its latent powers, and Cortexiphan removes them.

Yes. Which is why I feel there's still more out there. It's too strong of a story point to get rid of completely.

big ander

KibblesBits said:
There's a link between the kids and the first people.
Yaweee said:
The First People placed the limiters on humanity that sealed its latent powers, and Cortexiphan removes them.
Yeah, all I was saying is that a few times now there's been a MOTW that heavily involves the (re-)discovery of a new Cortexikid. I don't mind, but it is a very convenient plot device.

big ander

Oh shit. She noticed it's Sam Weiss. Goddamn. GODDAMN.

Love triangle just got fucking real.

Oh no, poor Liv :((((

Next ep preview:


Loved it, as has been the case every one this season. They are so good at taking a seemingly standalone episode/MOTW, making it entertaining in its own right, but then sprinkling just enough mythology onto it to keep you salivating for the next big episode. I love that Sam Weiss is back and that the First People are coming to the forefront. Walter was in rare form in this one too, so much funny. They need to dress Anna up more often.

<3 Fringe


Awesome episode. Cool case for the week. Glad Sam Weiss is back. Love all the First People stuff. I did feel bad for Olivia though, especially at the end :(

Also, Anna looked great in that dress.

Yes. She needs to glam up more often. Sadly, I must wait for hulu or (cough) other sources to catch tonight's episode.


Noooo, why does next week have to be a
episode. The X-Files version gave me the creeps :(


but ever so delicious
Damn what an awesome episode. Glad sam is back, i got shivers when Nina was writing out the names, i could just tell Sam was the next step.


OptimoPeach said:
The fate of two universes is to be determined by a love triangle? What is this crap?
That's what I thought... I love this show but please don't make this be where the show is going with these story lines.
Martouf from SG-1 in the episode. Nice.

Great episode, but not sure how I feel about the love triangle deciding things.

And we need more of Olivia dolled up.


I'll shall sacrifice a hundred bulls to The Old One in the name of great numbers.

I was too young to appreciate MotW episodes of the X-Files. Now I can appreciate them. However, the damned show does a marvelous job of using the pause to reflect on the characters and still advances the plot. It's ridiculous.

My only real complaint: I agree that the factor in deciding which universe is saved has the potential to be incredibly corny.


Everyone remembers this bit of Over there Pt. 2 right?

A chalkboard in Secretary Bishop's old Harvard lab (Over There, Part 2) has the phrase "A DEMONS TWIST RUSTS" written on it. One anagram for this is "DON'T TRUST SAM WEISS". The commercial break glyphs for the episode also spell "WEISS".


Good episode, not exactly keen on the idea of the fate of the world resting on who loves who...unless Peter chooses neither and both worlds get destroyed, that would be a fun finale.

Any word on how the show has been doing in its new timeslot btw?


PhoncipleBone said:
Martouf from SG-1 in the episode. Nice.

Great episode, but not sure how I feel about the love triangle deciding things.

And we need more of Olivia dolled up.

You know I actually like that. It's actually somewhat different. It isn't cold logic or some scientific reason. One thing this show has done well and without a lot of discussion is examine our humanity and love is a part of that. So I think it works and will be interested to see the result of it.


So there's some guy who can read minds, and now Walter decides it might be useful? And then they send him back to his farm? Why not set him up in some secure place with whatever the hell he wants where he can interview suspects?

OptimoPeach said:
The fate of two universes is to be determined by a love triangle? What is this crap?

Indeed. So stupid. As viewers, is our motivation for their hookup now "come on Olivia love Peter so the universe will be saved"?

Bad, bad episode


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Not wild about this story arc's twist at all. They're actually tying the fate of the universes to the fate of Peter and Olivia's relationship? Just seems very "meh" to me. It's as if the writer's didn't think the relationship drama itself had enough... drama. So they had to loop it into the mythology.
Good episode, but can the show's writers stop treating the fans like idiots? It's rubbing off on the characters.

Samuel Weiss
Seamus Wiles
M. Weiselauss

"Hey Nina, I'm so happy to see that you've figured out that all of the authors' names can spell out 'Samuel Weiss' when those books have been in Massive Dynamic's possession for days now!"


Subconscious Brolonging
Good episode, the MotW element really shined. The love triangle twist is kind of cheesy, but they've handled the relationship stuff very well this year so I have faith it'll work out.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Exclamation-One said:
Good episode, but can the show's writers stop treating the fans like idiots? It's rubbing off on the characters.

Samuel Weiss
Seamus Wiles
M. Weiselauss

"Hey Nina, I'm so happy to see that you've figured out that all of the authors' names can spell out 'Samuel Weiss' when those books have been in Massive Dynamic's possession for days now!"
That makes more sense to viewers since we have access to limited pieces of information. If you were in that world, why would you particularly start doing anagrams of the titles, and think to check out Sam Weiss?


Good episode. It's excruciating watching Olivia, but I can kind of relate to both her and Peter with past experiences. I felt bad for both of them. Sucks for Olivia since she's been put through the wringer to bring Peter's ass back, but Fauxlivia IS hot and they had a relationship for 2 months. You just can't forget that even after finding out about the switcheroo. That being said, I was saying out loud, don't read it!
I would've read it

I agree that the whole love triangle saves the universe thing is kinda cheese. But I think the writers have done a fantastic job of handling it so far. I have faith that it won't be that cut and dry. I'm also glad they're using the red universe to give us a change of pace next week. It'll be interesting to see how they handle the storyline of missing Broyles.


Everything was going so well until the end. The way they presented it compounded the unfortunate amount of cheese.

Can't wait to go back to the alt universe and have some fun outside Walter.
Dan said:
That makes more sense to viewers since we have access to limited pieces of information. If you were in that world, why would you particularly start doing anagrams of the titles, and think to check out Sam Weiss?
Okay yeah, I'm probably being a little harsh.

I do hope that the ratings boost will re-energize the show. Looking forward to the alt-verse!

big ander

I dunno, at face value "A man accidentally dates the alternate universe twin of his love interest and then faces the fallout afterwards" sounds like a shitty soap plot, but it successfully drove the first part of season 3. The love triangle being so influential to the machine sounds iffy, but I trust Wyman and Pinkner.
And when you think about it, it's not that ridiculous. We didn't know exactly what the machine would do, but it depending on who Peter's love is makes sense because it does reveal his preference of universe also. Fauxlivia is representative of her universe and Olivia of ours.

big ander

TheVampire said:
So who is that bowling guy really?
Well, what we know about Sam Weiss:
-He helped Nina with her arm
-He helped Olivia with traveling between universes
-He has extensive knowledge of the First People and both universes, and must have been living for several years.

I'm sure we'll see more of him soon.

Cool foreshadowing quote that wiki showed me from "Olivia. In the Lab. With the Revolver.":
"Oh, I don't know. I'm older than I look. I barely remember my childhood"
We're definitely going to learn if he is one of the First People of if he somehow knew them.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
big ander said:
I dunno, at face value "A man accidentally dates the alternate universe twin of his love interest and then faces the fallout afterwards" sounds like a shitty soap plot, but it successfully drove the first part of season 3.
I think they've handled this well by taking it seriously. It's a very good use of science fiction, using the scenario to explore very complicated questions that normal existence doesn't allow to be tested. I'm a fan of the continuing exploration of that weird love triangle.

The love triangle being so influential to the machine sounds iffy, but I trust Wyman and Pinkner.

And when you think about it, it's not that ridiculous. We didn't know exactly what the machine would do, but it depending on who Peter's love is makes sense because it does reveal his preference of universe also. Fauxlivia is representative of her universe and Olivia of ours.
I trust those two enough at this point. I think if I have any quibble it's that it was spelled out. Might seem less hokey if it's left to the viewers to make that connection, rather than characters in the universe explicitly stating it.


but ever so delicious
I don't think it will honestly come down to peter picking which Olivia he wants to keep, Unless he can pick both then hell yea go Pete.

The poster who mentioned back in S2 with "don't trust sam weiss" on the blackboard, I feel this could be an important part to it all.

If you look at what each side wants then to me it seems like Sam is the one who really wants the destruction of either world, Which is why i guess we shouldn't trust him.

Observers wants to fix shit so there's at least a hint of balance.
Our world wants to fix shit so neither gets blown up.
Alt world wants to simply survive, to stop the damage being done. If they can do this through balance then so be it however they have no issues with the other being destroyed.

Three of the parties want balance while Sam seems to suggest that the only way this will stop is with peter picking one Olivia.

If there was to be a cheesy love triangle ending then i would go with Peter not picking either and sacrificing himself for the good of both worlds.


OptimoPeach said:
The fate of two universes is to be determined by a love triangle? What is this crap?

I think its foolish to think there won't be more to it than WHICH OLIVIA DO I WANT TO BONE, DERP

In other words, I find the lack of faith from many in here disturbing. This isn't LOST. Pinkner and Wyman have earned our trust.
Solo said:
I think its foolish to think there won't be more to it than WHICH OLIVIA DO I WANT TO BONE, DERP

In other words, I find the lack of faith from many in here disturbing. This isn't LOST. Pinkner and Wyman have earned our trust.
The love triangle business does have the potential to be terrible, but the show has handled the personal relationships of the characters masterfully so far, so I do have hope.


Just started the episode now, but... this isn't so good.

They’re back: The CW’s Smallville and Supernatural returned Friday night, the latter facing Fox’s Fringe.

Smallville (2.4 million, 1.0 preliminary adults 18-49 rating) and Supernatural (2.3 million, 1.0) both matched their last original ratings, but Fringe (4.3 million, 1.6) dipped from its rating from the last couple weeks.


Solo said:
I think its foolish to think there won't be more to it than WHICH OLIVIA DO I WANT TO BONE, DERP

In other words, I find the lack of faith from many in here disturbing. This isn't LOST. Pinkner and Wyman have earned our trust.
That's what most were saying by the end of Season 3 of Lost, too. But that's just my cynical side. I agree with you, they have earned my trust. I just don't like how that scene went down, it doesn't sit well with me.


Just finished. Decent episode, nothing that special.

But jeez, the director (Dennis Smith) really enjoys Dutch shots. It made the entire episode look cheap.


UraMallas said:
That's what most were saying by the end of Season 3 of Lost, too. But that's just my cynical side. I agree with you, they have earned my trust. I just don't like how that scene went down, it doesn't sit well with me.
Unlike Lost, Fringe has actually been connecting the dots with info that was given in prior episodes. No out of left field stuff that was not somehow established prior to the reveal.
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