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FRINGE Season 3 |OT| Inexplicably renewed for a 4th season!


PhoncipleBone said:
Hmm, interesting. I will have to rewatch to make sure. I don't think that said person will be playing that other role because it belongs to a rival studio. But it would be neat.

Also, the producers tease about the finale. Spoilery, but not really. He just talks about how big the finale will be but gives almost no specifics. I am blacking it out just in case though:

Its possible considering the people involved with the show...

Roberto Orci- Star Trek Screen Writer
Alex Kurtzman- Star Trek Screen Writer
J. J. Abrams- Star Trek Director
Bad Robot Productions- Co-Production Company for Star Trek

Perhaps we could get a cameo from
Zachary Quinto
William Bell's new body
... :)

Looking at the video again, it may not have been what I though it was, but that really would be very neat if they did do it!

big ander

I really hope
it becoming a huge part of the Star Trek universe doesn't happen. I thought the reboot was fine but I haven't seen anything else and that would alienate segments of the already very very small fanbase, effectively killing the show.
Luckily, I don't see it happening at all, even if we were to travel to a thousand other alternate universes. ^_^ I mean come on, that's sort of a ridiculous thing to even theorize might happen :p


Subconscious Brolonging
While I would bet my life that it doesn't happen, Fringe somehow tying into
Star Trek
would explain why Fox renewed it so quickly.
Spire said:
While I would bet my life that it doesn't happen, Fringe somehow tying into
Star Trek
would explain why Fox renewed it so quickly.
Especially since
WB produces and Fox broadcasts Fringe, while Paramount owns and distributes Star Trek. No REAL crossover will ever happen except maybe a comic. The most would be a homage


I am almost done with my Fringe marathon and I'm loving it. I can't read the thread yet.

I just got done with Subject 13 and the previews made it look cheesy, but that had to be one of the most emotional episodes I've seen. Loved it.

I pray the other universe doesn't explode or something because I really like those guys. Plus, I prefer new Olivia with Peter.

I'm not a bigot or anything (Why some of my best friends are interdimensional), but there should not be dating between universes. Think of the children!
Keyser Soze said:
I am honestly not to excited about Friday, the biggie seems to be next week <--- this is soley based on reading an episode synopsis
They are all biggies. And I have not read synopses for the episodes, but we are in the home stretch. And all the producers have said is that the last three are like one big episode, or something to that effect.


Keyser Soze said:
I am honestly not to excited about Friday, the biggie seems to be next week <--- this is soley based on reading an episode synopsis

There hasn't been one bad episode this season. Friday's looks to be a crazy fun episode too.
threenote said:
alright. Now I'm excited. I hope you're not overhyping this, though.
I'm not hyping or saying what the shit? It is literally WHAT THE FUCK? I will say that is, by far, the strangest thing I have seen on this show, by far.

By far.
I don't know what the hell anyone is talking about. I don't know what the reveal is, or what it is even about, or what it even hints to. I did not even know there was supposed to be a reveal of anything, but now I know something will be revealed, even though I did not think anything needed revealing, I am happy.


Oh God, this feels like
Space World 2001
all over again!

Long live

LOL! WTF, indeed!
Got Looking into a Scanner Darkly vibes. Maybe Robert Downey Jr. will turn up and watch someone die.

Edit: I didn't know it was a spoiler. Changed it.

big ander

well, that sure seems like a spoiler for what the WTF part of the episode is. I guess I could still be getting it wrong, but... :/
From EW, the producers talk of the finale and Over There:

EW said:
Since it has been renewed (Thank you!), can we assume that Fringe will go out with a bang? And by ‘bang’, I of course mean a cliffhanger so perpetually mind-blowing it will make even the casual watchers cry themselves to sleep. — Quincy

You better believe Fringe is going out with a bang. In a conference call with reporters yesterday, I asked (and in doing so, shared my wisdom with a room of reporters…you’re welcome) creators Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman about two rumors in the Fringe-verse: 1) Will a beloved character die? 2) Will there be a third world introduced? Turns out half was true. “Somebody who we all love deeply will die, but we’re not introducing a third world. There’s our world and then there’s the world where Peter was taken from when he was an 8-year-old. We still have plenty of story to tell just in those two worlds,” said Pinkner. “Maybe at some point in the future there will be a third world, but not yet.”

The Fringe honchos also guaranteed the safety of the altverse world – maybe not all of its characters, but the world itself. anyway.  “It’s not going to end. That’s our plan to go forward. It’s part of the language for the series now,” Wyman said. “We can promise that it’s going to be even more compelling, and we’re going to develop those characters even more and we’re going to see our characters through their eyes and their characters through our eyes. It will definitely dimensionalize further.”

Interesting wording on one of his answers.
he says that the Other Side is safe and not going anywhere. But no mention of THIS side. Hmmm.


PhoncipleBone said:
From EW, the producers talk of the finale and Over There:

Interesting wording on one of his answers.
he says that the Other Side is safe and not going anywhere. But no mention of THIS side. Hmmm.

Yeah that would be
a seriously awesome move if they ended up destroying THIS universe and having the rest of the series take place Over There. Almost entirely unlikely, but it would certainly be awesome.
Looks like Fox have cancelled tonight's epsiode...

...OVER THERE. I feel sorry for them, but the 32nd Biannual Blernsball Championships takes precedent over scripted TV.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Someone we all love deeply will die? Fuck, they better not kill anyone from our little Fringe group of 4! But seeing as he said "love deeply", it's probably one of them :( I'm betting on Astrid since she's less important than the other 3.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
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