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FRINGE Season 3 |OT| Inexplicably renewed for a 4th season!


It was a fun episode but really weird with the cartoon and crap. Also that ending totally reminded me of lost, just have some Michael Giacchinio playing in the background and boom, lost-style cliffhanger
ultron87 said:
Worst product placement of all time. Of all time.

It's not even remotely close to the placement on Chuck. Like, at all.

I thought the episode was alright. The cartoon approach was a nice idea, but I don't think they made particularly good use of it. Most of all though I'm just relieved the whole Bell/Olivia arc is over so we can get back to the Good Shit™.
The episode was ok. Some good moments mixed in with a bunch of awkwardly executed and unexciting scenes. Dream episodes just don't have much novelty for me anymore and this one played out exactly as you'd expect. To be honest, it wasn't even all that trippy and kind of dull for an episode of this type.

Even though this season has been consistently good with some great episodes here in there, it hasn't come close to the highs of season 2.

big ander

Crazy fun episode. Animation kind of sucked, but it was more than made up for in humor and a fast-paced and interesting plot with a cool ending.

"I never understood why Walter was so drawn to licorice. But look at it. The swirl. It's Bernini's spiral altar at St. Peters. It. doesn't. end."

The surprise of the cartoon was definitely ruined by that guy not spoiler tagging it after the promo. :/ So it goes.

Keyser Soze said:


All three of these are god-tier gifs.

jax (old)

There's a way better shot/segment with broyles where he's high on LSD with his mouth open being dumbstruck thats way funnier

Good episode. Was expecting cartoon not bad cheap cel shaded cgi so that threw me for a bit. I couldn't watch the 2nd deadspace movie for the same reason. Here I sat through it. It was a bit eh. When they had zombies I was like "hmmm".

Loved it when it was inceptiony (when they got in). Is this really filmed in NYC or is it greenscreened to look like? (I think its shot in canada?)


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
im not gonna lie.
was hoping for a Broyles/Astrid romance.
I would've enjoyed the cartoon part more if everyone actually looked like the people they were supposed to. Only Bell looked like himself, everyone else looked almost nothing like the people they were portraying. The animation and style in general was a bit shit I felt.

Very odd episode but I enjoyed it, looking forward to the rest of the season.


randomlyrossy said:
I would've enjoyed the cartoon part more if everyone actually looked like the people they were supposed to. Only Bell looked like himself, everyone else looked almost nothing like the people they were portraying. The animation and style in general was a bit shit I felt.

Yeah, I agree. The style was pretty fun though. It was a bit like A Scanner Darkly, but not quite since it wasn't filmed.



Zoe said:
I loved that part :lol

Hah and I love how Walter always screams ASTRID! and she's right next to him.

Veidt said:
im not gonna lie.
was hoping for a Broyles/Astrid romance.

I kinda thought something might happen, but then it's always been Astrid's thing to provide empathy for the team.
water_wendi said:
Okay.. this last episode was great. The two before it were horrible though.
:( Sorry you hated them. I thought the Over There one with Fauxlivia's accelerated pregnancy was fantastic. But hey, to each their own right?

jax (old)

PhoncipleBone said:
:( Sorry you hated them. I thought the Over There one with Fauxlivia's accelerated pregnancy was fantastic. But hey, to each their own right?

Yeah, I thought the alter world episode was great. Let's get the pregnancy over with ASAP as we migh be on our last legs (cancellation) and also no pregnancy dramas down the line.

It was clever, consistent with tech advance alter world... And it even had a twist at the end of it too. (didn't see that coming...)


I was really beginning to dislike Fringe, it was turning into a more of a soap opera than I could really tolerate. Cross-universe pregnancies? THAT'S MY GRANDCHILD!!!!! Ugh.

But... that last episode? Pure genius. The CG was lame, could deffinitly use better animation, but it got the job done. Peter and Broyles tripping was genius. I'm VERY happy to have the Bellivia shit over as well. Fringe returned to the quirky, weird, interesting show I loved way back when. (even if it reeked of inceptrix)


Water is not wet!
PhoncipleBone said:
:( Sorry you hated them. I thought the Over There one with Fauxlivia's accelerated pregnancy was fantastic. But hey, to each their own right?
Stowaway was by far the worst of the two. Its possibly the worst of the series, imo. One of the shames of that episode is that it had potential but fell flat due to the writing. The performances i thought were good though, especially Paula Malcolmson.

Bloodline isnt a bad episode, its just a massive disappointment. There are so many small inconsistencies it was maddening to watch. And dont give me "YOU WANT BELIEVABLE IN FRINGE?" i want what any good story should have whether its Andrew Lloyd Webers Cats or Asimovs Foundation series, i want plausibility.

You have these kidnappers who have Altlivia strapped down to a table and they administer sedatives via pills? Not only that but they dont check to make sure she takes them. Altlivia is Sarah Connor compared to Ourlivia. That seemed way out of character for her to just go along with her captors the first pill. Later when she fakes swallowing the second pill (again, the nurse doesnt check even though there was protest) there is a worthless escape attempt that does nothing but to pad action into the episode. Precious time wasted, imo.

Then you have Bubbles. His interrogation by Fringe Division is crucial to the overarching plot but having him there at the end to deliver the baby was just cringe worthy. That whole scene at the end was horribly done. The three of them see the crowd around Altlivia and they identify themselves as Fringe Division. In the other universe, Fringe Division means bad shit is about to go down and people tend to panic because of the use of Amber. Here the crowd sticks around to watch a birth.

And the identity of the kidnappers. What purpose did that serve? ill spoiler the rest of my thoughts
i take it that Walternate wanted to distance himself from the birth because he seemed adamant about "NO TESTING ON CHILDREN!" and the ending makes him sinister or whatever. The whole rigamarole seemed pointless.
i was hoping it wasnt going to go that way and that the kidnappers were our worlds ZFT (remember them? The interesting guys before this whole Peter vs The Machine garbage came about) who made it to their side and were continuing their fight. We never knew why David Jones was headed to the other side and it would be a welcome irony if ZFT turned out to be more along freedom fighters for us and terrorists for them. They even established a little theme like that with that one general who wasnt ZFT but was trying to warn of the other worlds threat.

jax (old)

water_wendi said:
Stowaway was by far the worst of the two. Its possibly the worst of the series, imo. One of the shames of that episode is that it had potential but fell flat due to the writing. The performances i thought were good though, especially Paula Malcolmson.

Bloodline isnt a bad episode, its just a massive disappointment. There are so many small inconsistencies it was maddening to watch. And dont give me "YOU WANT BELIEVABLE IN FRINGE?" i want what any good story should have whether its Andrew Lloyd Webers Cats or Asimovs Foundation series, i want plausibility.

You have these kidnappers who have Altlivia strapped down to a table and they administer sedatives via pills? Not only that but they dont check to make sure she takes them. Altlivia is Sarah Connor compared to Ourlivia. That seemed way out of character for her to just go along with her captors the first pill. Later when she fakes swallowing the second pill (again, the nurse doesnt check even though there was protest) there is a worthless escape attempt that does nothing but to pad action into the episode. Precious time wasted, imo.

Then you have Bubbles. His interrogation by Fringe Division is crucial to the overarching plot but having him there at the end to deliver the baby was just cringe worthy. That whole scene at the end was horribly done. The three of them see the crowd around Altlivia and they identify themselves as Fringe Division. In the other universe, Fringe Division means bad shit is about to go down and people tend to panic because of the use of Amber. Here the crowd sticks around to watch a birth.

And the identity of the kidnappers. What purpose did that serve? ill spoiler the rest of my thoughts
i take it that Walternate wanted to distance himself from the birth because he seemed adamant about "NO TESTING ON CHILDREN!" and the ending makes him sinister or whatever. The whole rigamarole seemed pointless.
i was hoping it wasnt going to go that way and that the kidnappers were our worlds ZFT (remember them? The interesting guys before this whole Peter vs The Machine garbage came about) who made it to their side and were continuing their fight. We never knew why David Jones was headed to the other side and it would be a welcome irony if ZFT turned out to be more along freedom fighters for us and terrorists for them. They even established a little theme like that with that one general who wasnt ZFT but was trying to warn of the other worlds threat.

sounds like you're nit picking. The child birth thing? Its child birth. The crowd can see through the glass that she's giving birth. Not amber/emergency

The kidnappers role was to accelerate the birth of the child. They're not experimenting on children. And they saved the child. The final identity of the kidnapper - did you not see the same doctor hand the blood sample to walternate? He's involved in the kidnapping + the growth of his grandson.

I think they also deliberately facilitated her escape - because you're telling that the grown men doctors couldn't chase up to a fully pregnant woman? They never showed people chasing her. When she was wandering in the back alley in chinatown, I was thinking "hmm, no one's caught up yet?"

so all up, I think you should watch the episode again. It was quite good. - again in light that this is a series that is mythology heavy and that they probably wrote it to facilitate ending fringe for a cancellation finale in 4 more episodes.


Water is not wet!
Jax said:
sounds like you're nit picking. The child birth thing? Its child birth. The crowd can see through the glass that she's giving birth. Not amber/emergency
There is a strange thing happening and Fringe Division shows up and people dont panic. Perhaps its nit picking but it goes contrary to every other time weve seen Fringe Division announce themselves to the public.

The kidnappers role was to accelerate the birth of the child. They're not experimenting on children. And they saved the child. The final identity of the kidnapper - did you not see the same doctor hand the blood sample to walternate? He's involved in the kidnapping + the growth of his grandson.
Thats what i was trying to get across.. what was the point? Why do this whole charade? If You-know-who came out and said "Hey, i know you have this horrible disease and there is a way we can save you both and spare you months of pregnancy" would Altlivia, being as militantly servile as she is, refuse his help?

The plan also couldnt have been to slyly inform Lincoln and Charlie of the other universe because that entire aspect was dependent on Bubbles.

I think they also deliberately facilitated her escape - because you're telling that the grown men doctors couldn't chase up to a fully pregnant woman? They never showed people chasing her. When she was wandering in the back alley in chinatown, I was thinking "hmm, no one's caught up yet?"
Thats possible they wanted her to escape but why even put up the ruse of a chase to begin with? Was it necessary for a doctor to go running after her even if her escaping was their intention? Was the doctor staying character when he found the nurse and started the pursuit even though Altlivia wasnt there? If they wanted to make sure she was safe they could have returned her just like they took her once they were done, instead of staging an escape which could possibly go awry with variables out of their control.
water_wendi said:
Thats what i was trying to get across.. what was the point? Why do this whole charade? If You-know-who came out and said "Hey, i know you have this horrible disease and there is a way we can save you both and spare you months of pregnancy" would Altlivia, being as militantly servile as she is, refuse his help?
I have a feeling Walternate wasn't expecting Olivia to survive the accelerated birth. The fact that she did might well end up complicating whatever plans he has for the baby.

Lamest way to cover for Nimoy possibly ever. They were clearly trying for Waking Life style but instead it just looked ass terrible (any sequence with people running or even moving slowly was just awful). Conceptually it was pretty interesting but, and I've said this before, I miss the slightly plausible nature that the show's science used to have.

Here's hoping that was truly the end of Belly. God knows what they'd have to do to cover for Nimoy next time. Release an episode as a fucking MP3?
BenjaminBirdie said:

Lamest way to cover for Nimoy possibly ever. They were clearly trying for Waking Life style but instead it just looked ass terrible (any sequence with people running or even moving slowly was just awful). Conceptually it was pretty interesting but, and I've said this before, I miss the slightly plausible nature that the show's science used to have.

Here's hoping that was truly the end of Belly. God knows what they'd have to do to cover for Nimoy next time. Release an episode as a fucking MP3?

I thought they were really going to put him in the computer so he could be a Kitt-like computer.


That was definitely a weak episode, probably the only one of the season. I don't even understand what the Bell came back for in the first place. There was basically no pay-off.


Dez said:
That was definitely a weak episode, probably the only one of the season I don't even understand what the Bell came back for in the first place. There was basically no pay-off.

I'm going to assume that somewhere along the line, he gave Peter the info on the shapeshifters' memory discs and how to read them etc. But the main reason in this storyline is to convince Walter that he doesn't need Bell to save the universe. That he's got it within himself to do what has to be done w/o Bell. The main reason Walter even rang that bell was because he didn't feel like he was complete without the missing parts of his brain and wasn't smart enough to outsmart Walternate. So even though it wasn't a tangible pay-off, that was it.


Wow what a god awful episode. What the hell was the point of bringing bell back? It literally led to nothing.

He was there then no one wanted him there then he tried to get out but couldn't then tried again and still couldn't and then he went away. What a terrible use of three episodes. This show is such shite sometimes.

And why even do the animation if it's gonna be crap? Took me out of the whole experience. Apparently running means keeping the upper body completely still while making the legs go real fast.
.GqueB. said:
Wow what a god awful episode. What the hell was the point of bringing bell back? It literally led to nothing.

He was there then no one wanted him there then he tried to get out but couldn't then tried again and still couldn't and then he went away. What a terrible use of three episodes. This show is such shite sometimes.

And why even do the animation if it's gonna be crap? Took me out of the whole experience. Apparently running means keeping the upper body completely still while making the legs go real fast.

Yeah, the animation is crap but you can't have Leonard Nimoy sprinting through a neighborhood or jumping onto blimps. he's in his 80s I think now. He's old. haha


.GqueB. said:
Wow what a god awful episode. What the hell was the point of bringing bell back? It literally led to nothing.

Walter gained his confidence back. I imagine this will lead to less second guessing and brilliant ideas.
Arment said:
Walter gained his confidence back. I imagine this will lead to less second guessing and brilliant ideas.

It also lead to Olivia becoming more self possessed and confident. It was a fundamental change in her character that hopefully plays out through this season and into the next.


Teh Hamburglar said:
Yeah, the animation is crap but you can't have Leonard Nimoy sprinting through a neighborhood or jumping onto blimps. he's in his 80s I think now. He's old. haha
Then don't write him into those situations. The whole thing had me groaning, and just made me think about the external circumstances of nimoy being semi-retired. You would think that they would only bring bell the character back if he had some importance to the story, given that he DIED and the actor playing him retired. Yet they go through all these hoops - soul magnets, bellivia, and animated nimoy, all for what? I think they just brought him back for the sake of it, just so they could try these crazy ideas rather than actually advancing the story.


Water is not wet!
im going to have to go with those that think bringing back Bell was kind of pointless. Personally i liked it.. the animation, Bellivia, etc.. it was fun and interesting. The whole affair however didnt really amount to much.

Teh Hamburglar said:
It also lead to Olivia becoming more self possessed and confident. It was a fundamental change in her character that hopefully plays out through this season and into the next.
The problem i have with this, is that if changing Olivia like this is the main objective of this little arc, its kind of a cop-out because we never really see her overcome anything as a character. In the ten minutes she appears she kind of just ascends. Theres no struggle or tension. She just holds up her hands to a cartoon army and says "I'm not afraid." Thats it? Meh.
Dez said:
Then don't write him into those situations. The whole thing had me groaning, and just made me think about the external circumstances of nimoy being semi-retired. You would think that they would only bring bell the character back if he had some importance to the story, given that he DIED and the actor playing him retired. Yet they go through all these hoops - soul magnets, bellivia, and animated nimoy, all for what? I think they just brought him back for the sake of it, just so they could try these crazy ideas rather than actually advancing the story.

100% agree.

I can't help but feel like it went like this.

a) Fuck. We can't get Nimoy on camera.
b) Well, we need this arc for Walter, where he feels like he's less of a genius because his brain is missing and Belly is critical to that.
c) Hm.
d) Yeah.
e) What if we did an LSD episode and like half of it is animated?
f) Uh. Do we have the budget for that?
g) And we can have Bell be like in some crazy action shit! With the Zeppelins from the other universe! Yeah!
h) No seriously, do we have the budget for that?

And cetera.


Arment said:
Walter gained his confidence back. I imagine this will lead to less second guessing and brilliant ideas.
Yea that's all well and good but I was talking more about the narrative. You have a character who generally knew more about what's going on than anyone else. He's been to both sides, lived on both sides. Became significant on both sides yet three episodes later we learned nothing new.

It was a waste of time to me. Reminded me of the last season of lost. Jack and the leader of the temple sit down. They have this big private moment. Lots of tension. Then they proceed to talk about... nothing.

I hate when characters don't ask the obvious questions. "hey belly... how do I save my son from dying?" Or erm "did you learn anything about Walternate that will enable me to stop him from destroying my world and killing my son?"
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