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FRINGE Season 3 |OT| Inexplicably renewed for a 4th season!

ivysaur12 said:
It's too early to make assumptions based on next season's ratings with what we have now, but Fox would be wise to cut to the order to 16 or 18 and air them all in order before Day Light Savings. Then move another one of their dying shows to Friday afterward.

Well obviously. I meant that Fox still had questions and hadn't written them off completely. Its better to have them involved rather than throw than give them no input and start the clock.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
mm04 said:
It's some sort of crazy measurement where it has to be watched before 3am or something, but I believe they still have to watch the commercials. I'm no expert by any means, so take what I say with a grain of salt. But as always, it only matters if you're a Nielsen household. If you're not, then it doesn't matter. Then it turns into a debate about statistics etc, which is a circle jerk in the best of times.

I always watch the show the day after on FOX.com to try and show some support since ads are present during that viewing as well, and that's gotta count for something.
Really, they don't count you if you're fast-forwarding through the commercials?


do you guys think that walter is smarter than walternate? i know their the same person, but walter with part of his brain missing was able to outsmart a more able, and technologically advanced walternate,

maybe it has to do with meeting william bell...

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Teh Hamburglar said:
Also, Astrid was looking very Halle Berry-ish. She looked hot.
She's really cute, but I thought wig [was it even a wig?] looked awful.
It was like, Jack's young Dr. hair levels of hilarity.


maruchan said:
do you guys think that walter is smarter than walternate? i know their the same person, but walter with part of his brain missing was able to outsmart a more able, and technologically advanced walternate,

maybe it has to do with meeting william bell...

That's an interesting theory. It's quite possible that having the friendship with Bell could've had a more positive effect in the development of Walter's intellect. That is if you believe by surrounding smart people with more smart people, they become more capable of great things. I certainly don't think it hurt Walter's intelligence (other than Bell taking parts of his brain out!).


I promised not to mention LOST again, but in this case I had too:

diunxx said:
I was a little disappointed with the first people reveal, I was hoping for an ancient civilization of flamboyant time travelers trying to prevent the end of days, not walter and astrid throwing shit down a wormhole.

What you wanted was LOST. What you got was Fringe.


PhoncipleBone said:
Gonna wait for official pics to come out from it. I am already planning how to tweak what I did for the OP this season to fit for season 4. A more thorough description of spoiler policy for sure.

But until a better title comes along, I am planning the title to be "Fringe Season 4 |OT|: WTF IS GOING ON HERE!?"

I still think incorporating a Walter quote would be apropos. "Fringe S4 |OT| of Travelling through Madness" or something like that.
Kinda hated that episode. Peter never existing really makes no sense.

@TiffanyJWarren if Peter never existed none of the series exists either because Walter never would have gone to bring him over to cure him...@TSFringe well... he existed in that timeline - but once he created the bridge to save these 2 universes... he served his purpose

This really does not answer the question at all.

They really need to simplify the story, and go back and watch season 1 again.


Guardian Bob said:
Kinda hated that episode. Peter never existing really makes no sense.

@TiffanyJWarren if Peter never existed none of the series exists either because Walter never would have gone to bring him over to cure him...@TSFringe well... he existed in that timeline - but once he created the bridge to save these 2 universes... he served his purpose

This really does not answer the question at all.

They really need to simplify the story, and go back and watch season 1 again.

Good god no.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I think it's going to have a pretty simple explanation, there's a new timeline that just has the people who are in the room working on the machine (and their alternates). These few dozen members of each Fringe team are going to figure out a way of either totally combining both universes or splitting them up without issue.

If that's what happens, then Peter will probably be back within the first few episodes next season. They're not going to permanently cut him out of the show when in the middle of explaining everything.

big ander

Guardian Bob said:
Kinda hated that episode. Peter never existing really makes no sense.

@TiffanyJWarren if Peter never existed none of the series exists either because Walter never would have gone to bring him over to cure him...@TSFringe well... he existed in that timeline - but once he created the bridge to save these 2 universes... he served his purpose

This really does not answer the question at all.

They really need to simplify the story, and go back and watch season 1 again.
You couldn't be more wrong.
Also, not knowing the answer to something doesn't mean it doesn't make sense. Do you honestly think that's the last we'll see of Peter, that the show will forever continue without him? He'll come back and the exact anomaly in time that made him disappear will be explored. Count on it.


big ander said:
You couldn't be more wrong.
Also, not knowing the answer to something doesn't mean it doesn't make sense. Do you honestly think that's the last we'll see of Peter, that the show will forever continue without him? He'll come back and the exact anomaly in time that made him disappear will be explored. Count on it.

Then what was the point of his disappearance? Being so certain on that point just robs the episode of any emotional resonance it may have had in the same way Olivia's death was thanks to its taking place in futureland. If the cliffhanger is going to pay off in any meaningful way Peter has to stay blinked out of existence, at least in the "prime" string of universes. Otherwise he may as well be a member of the X-Men inasmuch as he'll never, ever die.

It's not like Joshua Jackson needs to be out of a job. Perhaps he could play alternate future Peter on the quest to build the machine and send it into the past. Maybe in the series finale he can cross space and time and meet prime present Olivia under an assumed identity if you want to create some sort of sentimental closure to that relationship.


In that Twitter Q&A someone brought up the picture with Peter and Olivia that the child is only holding his hand. Also a rainbow. Someone earlier brought up Bifröst, which seems alluded to throughout the episode


squicken said:
In that Twitter Q&A someone brought up the picture with Peter and Olivia that the child is only holding his hand. Also a rainbow. Someone earlier brought up Bifröst, which seems alluded to throughout the episode

How timely.


I didn't even buy that 15 years had actually passed. Olivia and Peter are seemingly just married, and didn't even have kids? They are talking about having 4 kids with a 47 year old (ish) Olivia? The whole scenario just seemed like a what-if, and wasn't fully fleshed out.


A random thought about the first people. If, theoretically, the book the first people was tossed into the wormhole and we have several copies of the book. Is each book an attempt to fix the timeline?


Dez said:
I didn't even buy that 15 years had actually passed. Olivia and Peter are seemingly just married, and didn't even have kids? They are talking about having 4 kids with a 47 year old (ish) Olivia? The whole scenario just seemed like a what-if, and wasn't fully fleshed out.

they are reluctant to have children because they know the world is ending


Flash said:
they are reluctant to have children because they know the world is ending

my point is it's probably late to be having the discussion given olivia's age.. but then again, it is the future, maybe it's not an issue.


Subconscious Brolonging
I'm happy about the First People reveal. When Olivia's face popped up on that scroll I started getting Alias flashbacks, and that's a bad thing. The Fringe writers found a way of explaining why Peter and Olivia were so important without relying on prophecies, omens, or other nonsensical bullshit and I applaud them for that. The more they avoid "All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again." and "It's the will of the island!", the better.

big ander

Balphon said:
Then what was the point of his disappearance? Being so certain on that point just robs the episode of any emotional resonance it may have had in the same way Olivia's death was thanks to its taking place in futureland. If the cliffhanger is going to pay off in any meaningful way Peter has to stay blinked out of existence, at least in the "prime" string of universes. Otherwise he may as well be a member of the X-Men inasmuch as he'll never, ever die.

It's not like Joshua Jackson needs to be out of a job. Perhaps he could play alternate future Peter on the quest to build the machine and send it into the past. Maybe in the series finale he can cross space and time and meet prime present Olivia under an assumed identity if you want to create some sort of sentimental closure to that relationship.
You're right that he may not come back in the same way. This show has played with downloading people into computers and going inside dead peoples brains and time travel. He could come back in any number of ways.
But you said his disappearance didn't make sense. That's what I don't get. We don't know what his disappearance was yet. That was the cliffhanger. And he'll probably go through a ton of obstacles on his way to getting back, and again he probably won't come back whole. Whatever he loses on his way will give the cliffhanger meaning.
As for the other part of your original post: going back to the simpler story of season 1 is the worst idea. The reason seasons 2 and 3 were so good is that the show got weird, embraced its weirdness, and successfully executed all of it. We'll have to wait until season 4 to see if it pulls off Peter's disappearance.


Cool stuff with all the twitter questions and that other interview. This is all I've been thinking of today. Still trying to figure out what all is going to happen. Got my brother caught up. He liked it, but just didn't know what to think of the end with Peter disappearing or whatever. He said he is willing to see how it all shakes out though. Should be a long summer.


So I finally got done watching it. I had to make a choice and Hockey Playoffs won. So the ratings are of course going to be affected by both NBA playoffs and Hockey Playoffs. So I wouldn't worry about them.

Anyway it was a great episode but I just did not like the abrupt ending. Obviously we're going to get that expanded upon next season but imagine if there hadn't been a next season. That would have been an awful way to end the show.

Either way the wait for next season is going to be a very very tough wait.

Let me in

Hey... does anyone remember when we first learned about the machine, Olivia showed the picture to Nina Sharp and she recognized it as William Bell's design? What does this mean knowing what we know now?


Again this show fails to really keep my attention in the end or make me care about these characters. This happens at the end of every season. They have this big lead up and end with a giant "meh". A solid episode overall but mostly served as a midseason episode. It didnt really feel like a finale.

Didnt even care when Olivia died because I dont give a shit about her. These writers need to do a better job of making me give a crap about anyone other than Walter. Take for instance the last ep when Peter was going to step into the machine. They had this long drawn out moment and I was confused because I forgot I was suppose to care about him being in a dangerous situation. Hes no Omar Little.

I was gonna say Charlie but enough comparisons have been drawn to LOST already.

And another small gripe will be how the production limitations of the show will have us watching a bunch of over the shoulder camera scenes when the alternate characters interact. Those scenes always annoy me because they are never interesting to watch.


But my question would be what exactly does the machine do? Does it have the power to show people the future AND merge/destroy worlds? That was my main confusion involving that. Id ask "who created the fake Peter" but Im sure thats a question for next season.

I did like the idea of Peter though. He was created to inject an emotional element into a situation that was mostly about science. Pretty touching when you think about it.


ivysaur12 said:
Fox's advertising for Fringe have been impeccable. Getting rid of the hiatuses is a huge must, but that almost might require Fringe's order to be slashed a bit. I'm comfortable with that.

Also they need to quit comparing its ratings to american idol


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I don't know why and I haven't really been able to put together anything to really make the comparison, but something about this makes me think of the Star Trek TNG episode "All Good Things" and the anti-time anomaly.


Iv been looking at the last scenes for a while now. Im pretty sure that the Statue of Liberty is reversed. Look at this screenshot i took its facing forward,


here is an actual photo of the statue liberety from the back, it looks nothing like the one from the show...
maruchan said:
Iv been looking at the last scenes for a while now. Im pretty sure that the Statue of Liberty is reversed. Look at this screenshot i took its facing forward,

I am pretty sure every Statue of Liberty shot in the show is CG, so I don't think it orientation is important. They just wanted to make sure people knew what it was for the final shot, so used some artistic licence to frame it in the show.
big ander said:
You couldn't be more wrong.
Also, not knowing the answer to something doesn't mean it doesn't make sense. Do you honestly think that's the last we'll see of Peter, that the show will forever continue without him? He'll come back and the exact anomaly in time that made him disappear will be explored. Count on it.

Of course I know Peter will be back. Season 1/2 seamed remain focused on a theme or arc and it didn't try and twit the story in the last 5 minuets like every episode in season 3. Sure, this season has some really good episodes, but I feel it's trying too hard to make the show awesome and it's getting buried by extra story that it doesn't need.
Let me in said:
Hey... does anyone remember when we first learned about the machine, Olivia showed the picture to Nina Sharp and she recognized it as William Bell's design? What does this mean knowing what we know now?

It means the writers forgot or ignored it. This seams to happen more and more.

big ander

Guardian Bob said:
Of course I know Peter will be back. Season 1/2 seamed remain focused on a theme or arc and it didn't try and twit the story in the last 5 minuets like every episode in season 3. Sure, this season has some really good episodes, but I feel it's trying too hard to make the show awesome and it's getting buried by extra story that it doesn't need.
...you do realize that Season 1 solved the pattern and jumped to dynamic alternate universes all in one episode, right? And season 2 played with the narrative by returning to the past?
Guardian Bob said:
It means the writers forgot or ignored it. This seams to happen more and more.
Or it'll, y'know, come up again. But sure, jump to conclusions.


lacks enthusiasm.
maruchan said:
Iv been looking at the last scenes for a while now. Im pretty sure that the Statue of Liberty is reversed. Look at this screenshot i took its facing forward,

here is an actual photo of the statue liberety from the back, it looks nothing like the one from the show...
It's not facing forward in the first screenshot, you're looking at it from the back and slightly to the right. The orientation is correct.
Solo said:
I promised not to mention LOST again, but in this case I had too:

What you wanted was LOST. What you got was Fringe.
This post is awesome.

Oh and everyone talking about specific episodes of LOST and Fringe, I think White Tulip is probably the best thing either show has done. It's just an unbelievably perfect short sci-fi story. God, I love that episode.


I went back to the OP and saw that there was a big DECEASED over Peter's face and I was all, WTF has that spoiler always been there?!

And then I realized what it meant


Ashhong said:
I went back to the OP and saw that there was a big DECEASED over Peter's face and I was all, WTF has that spoiler always been there?!

And then I realized what it meant

It means someone needs to edit the OP and remove Peter's cast entry entirely.



Balphon said:
It means someone needs to edit the OP and remove Peter's cast entry entirely.


Sure, and have it say this at the bottom of the post while we're at it:

Last edited by Observer September : Yesterday at 09:58 PM


Grandma's Chippy
Well I liked it.

And every bit of it makes sense in my head so I am content.

Can't wait for next season :)

If you think of who the watchers are (or more accurately who they HAVE to be), how and why Peter came to be (in the one world), and the revelations of the machine's origin and purpose, then it all fits together quite nicely...albeit not perfectly.

I love paradox and time stuff...very fun to wrap your head around.
What... the fuck?

Just caught the finale. Whoa. Paradoxes, man.

I do hope they actually deal with the First People. I like the idea of the paradox, but I'm hoping something comes about with that idea.

And Peter never existed? The hell?
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