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FRINGE Season 3 |OT| Inexplicably renewed for a 4th season!


PhoncipleBone said:
Torv and Jackson both talked about how they didn't want Olivia and Peter to hook up on the show. I will say that they handled it wonderfully though. As for the triangle, it is over and done with now, so there is that.
When Peter inevitably comes back next season, won't that cause all the paradoxes to be fixed i.e. Altivia/Peter's son? That could re-open the love triangle.
It is done with for now. It might come back, but most likely only in the form of Fauxlivia wanting child support payments from Peter. Of course, they probably dont take our side currency in the red universe. Must be a bitch to handle inter dimensional paternity cases.


PhoncipleBone said:
It is done with for now. It might come back, but most likely only in the form of Fauxlivia wanting child support payments from Peter. Of course, they probably dont take our side currency in the red universe. Must be a bitch to handle inter dimensional paternity cases.
Or it'll cause Peter to consider going back over to care for his son and the fact that he still has bonds with his mother over there as well
PSFan said:
Or it'll cause Peter to consider going back over to care for his son and the fact that he still has bonds with his mother over there as well

Wont happen. I think Peter would have a hard time overlooking the fact that she lied to him and impersonated our Olivia for so long. Peter shut the door on them getting together in Entrada. A child would change things, but never getting back together.


PhoncipleBone said:
Wont happen. I think Peter would have a hard time overlooking the fact that she lied to him and impersonated our Olivia for so long. Peter shut the door on them getting together in Entrada. A child would change things, but never getting back together.
I didn't say Altivia was a reason so much as the child.
SyNapSe said:
I liked it until the end.
Same, although I skipped through the whole Olivia funeral thing because I knew she would be brought back somehow later in the episode and that none of this really mattered.


PhoncipleBone said:
Wont happen. I think Peter would have a hard time overlooking the fact that she lied to him and impersonated our Olivia for so long. Peter shut the door on them getting together in Entrada. A child would change things, but never getting back together.

And there isn't really enough time to explore that anyway. It's going to be a challenge just to flesh out the First People back story on how they got the machine through the wormhole and how Peter is going to be introduced back into the universe and into the minds of Olivia, Walter etc. Then you have the Mr. X plot-line which they say they're going to get to from the LSD episode among other things.

If for some reason baby Henry is brought up, Peter should be able to hop back and forth using the Liberty Island portal to make his child support payments. But the idea of both Olivias competing for his affection, I think that ship has sailed. Like PrincipleBone said, too many lies and too much deception as well as a bevy of other reasons why any guy would say F that noise (although, Fauxlivia is HOT, but so is future Olivia).


Basileus777 said:
It is? So when Peter inevitably comes back, they are just going to ignore how he had a child with Fauxolivia?

Peter doesn't exist, bro. Spawn of Peter therefore does not exist!


Solo said:
Peter doesn't exist, bro. Spawn of Peter therefore does not exist!
Joshua Jackson has a contract for season 4. Besides, they wouldn't really permanently kill off one of the two main characters in a non final season would they?


Solo said:
Peter doesn't exist, bro. Spawn of Peter therefore does not exist!

It'll be interesting how they handle that. On the live tweet session, I think the wording was "If Peter doesn't exist". That's a big IF. I'm sure they worded that response carefully.

big ander

Zeitgeister said:
The 'kid' was never a character in the strikt sense, so good riddance.
Heh, I don't feel like less than half a season is enough time to make a baby a strict character. The baby will be back.


Wasn't really that crazy about that finale.

Oh no, this Olivia we know nothing about got shot!

I guess the absurdity of the machine being specifically keyed to Peter and Olivia at least makes way more sense now.

How did the machine get Over There though?


ultron87 said:
Wasn't really that crazy about that finale.

Oh no, this Olivia we know nothing about got shot!

I guess the absurdity of the machine being specifically keyed to Peter and Olivia at least makes way more sense now.

How did the machine get Over There though?

Probably because the split between the universe happens after the time in which they send them apart?


@ John Noble..

Seeing Walter in that state *sniff*
nice to see Olivia's niece is still part of the universe.
Astrid looks pretty with that hair style

That climax. Mind Blown. Is that some FFX style he was a dream


bathala said:
@ John Noble..

Seeing Walter in that state *sniff*
nice to see Olivia's niece is still part of the universe.
Astrid looks pretty with that hair style

That climax. Mind Blown. Is that some FFX style he was a dream
No he was real, it's that the Observer erased him from existence so no one remembers him


I've been thinking, if Peter doesn't exist... what would be the reason for Walter to go into Walternate's reality, and what the hell were the two even fighting about when Peter vanished?

"You stole my son who doesn't exist, bastard." "I only went there to save Peter's life, uh... wait, who is Peter again?"

I need to watch that episode again :p


Epcott said:
I've been thinking, if Peter doesn't exist... what would be the reason for Walter to go into Walternate's reality, and what the hell were the two even fighting about when Peter vanished?

"You stole my son who doesn't exist, bastard." "I only went there to save Peter's life, uh... wait, who is Peter again?"

I need to watch that episode again :p
Walter and Bell were planning to travel to the AU before Peter died as a kid

big ander

PSFan said:
No he was real, it's that the Observer erased him from existence so no one remembers him
Except normally Observers don't force things, they just let them happen. I don't think they tried to erase Peter. September just knew it would happen.


Not happy with that finale.

Season 4 could redeem it, but after LOST, I've given up the expectation of getting answers.

Guardian Bob said:
Kinda hated that episode. Peter never existing really makes no sense.

@TiffanyJWarren if Peter never existed none of the series exists either because Walter never would have gone to bring him over to cure him...@TSFringe well... he existed in that timeline - but once he created the bridge to save these 2 universes... he served his purpose

Pretty much.


Just watched it. Thought it was awesome.

If this show ends up in a multi-denominational church where everyone is hugging and smiling and we're told that nothing matters but the time they spent together, I will fucking rage.


ultron87 said:
Years = slightly less than one year?

Oh man that was last year? Shitty ending was shitty. I'll go spoiler it to appease you fucking babies.

edit: nvm, no i won't. I never said what show it was.

big ander

Except *spoilers for that show*
Lost is often compared to Fringe because of JJ and we spent pages talking about Lost after the finale, so. Stop being a cock.


I think that people are taking the entire 'Peter never existed' thing a bit too literally.

Seems to me that the observers tried to retcon the universe because it was convenient for them to do so. Luckily, they most likely failed.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Solo said:
I really wish there was a better way to convery sarcasm in text.
Convery? Is that what Sean Connery does when he was to convey something?

big ander

Jerk said:
I think that people are taking the entire 'Peter never existed' thing a bit too literally.

Seems to me that the observers tried to retcon the universe because it was convenient for them to do so. Luckily, they most likely failed.
No! He really doesn't exist and it doesn't make sense! Good job, Fringe writers.


Trying to explain time travel paradoxes in any form of media is an attempt in futility and a pointless endeavor. Every series will make its own rules as to how those paradoxes apply, every series will choose some answer for the purpose of reaching the story they want to tell, not necessarily what makes the "most sense".

Just relax and soak it in, don't try to analyze everything. Over-analysis is what killed Lost, The X-Files, Alias, and so many other amazing shows because people got way too wrapped up in meaningless minutiae instead of things that actually matter.

I simply can't sympathize with someone who is disappointed with writers who are unable to perfectly resolve the literally unresolvable "correctly". What, exactly, did you expect? Within the context of the show and the logic the writers chose to represent, the finale was fucking fantastic.

Besides, it's not like we've seen everything there is to see about what Peter did at this point. There's obviously a whole lot more to tell.


Jerk said:
I think that people are taking the entire 'Peter never existed' thing a bit too literally.

Seems to me that the observers tried to retcon the universe because it was convenient for them to do so. Luckily, they most likely failed.

I agree with you here. There's always more than 1 meaning in everything they say. I think it's a virtual guarantee that once Peter is "found", that the history of his existence will come flooding back to the inhabitants of both universes. The pressure is really on the writers to do that in the most awesome way possible. It's going to make or break the season or possibly the direction of the entire series.
this show went from oh hey it's mulder and scully to wtf am i watching to is this some LOST shit to I don't even care anymore it's just too batshit insane so i must keep watching
Just started watching season 3. So nobody has made a game yet, how many actors from "the wire" can you spot? Maybe a write from the wire does this now? producer?
Guardian Bob said:
Still wish he died by getting burnt. Seriously we don't need new characters. Every character already has 2 to play now. The cast basically doubled.


Love that he is a regular now. Now if they can just add Kirk Acevedo back as a regular.
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