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From Dust |OT| Eric Chahi is the new Molyneux


Ubisoft can suck my hairy balls.

WHAT THE FUCK is wrong in spending like, 3 FUCKING DAYS adding some options for PC gamers? Game seems cool, concept seems cool, but it seems that they actually try HARD to fuck up somewhere else.

Fuck you Ubisoft, fuck the consoles and fuck this damn game, I won't buy a 360 just to play this shit.


Gold Member
There's no screen tearing if you force vsync. Forcing AA doesnt seem to do much so I'm using FXAA.

Controls are a bit better if you disable mouse scroll in the options.

The dumbest thing is really the locked FPS. At least lock it at 60 you morons.


I already thought it was weird I got a steady 30fps, even in the menu :p

Stupid PC port, great game. Hope they patch some things in the end but I doubt it.


Neo Member
Stitch said:
There's no screen tearing if you force vsync. Forcing AA doesnt seem to do much so I'm using FXAA.

Controls are a bit better if you disable mouse scroll in the options.

The dumbest thing is really the locked FPS. At least lock it at 60 you morons.

Sorry for the (possibly) stupid question but... how?


Obviously locking something at 30 for PC is dumb, but is that really so terrible as to not even give this game that is quite fun a chance?

It's not like this game about fairly slowly moving natural forces really requires a lightning quick frame rate.


Neo Member
Stitch said:
There's no screen tearing if you force vsync. Forcing AA doesnt seem to do much so I'm using FXAA.

Controls are a bit better if you disable mouse scroll in the options.

The dumbest thing is really the locked FPS. At least lock it at 60 you morons.

just turned the mouse scrolling off and yes it did help quite a bit =)
now if only you could move the cursor with the mouse while scrolling with wasd, a small change that would make the world of difference,

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Phonomezer said:
Seriously? Bit of an overreaction.

No idea why he'd uninstall it unless he was short on HDD space, but a locked 30fps is unacceptable to me for PC games. I certainly wouldn't play the game while that restriction existed.
Zefah said:
No idea why he'd uninstall it unless he was short on HDD space, but a locked 30fps is unacceptable to me for PC games. I certainly wouldn't play the game while that restriction existed.

Sorry, I just didn't realise that the fps would matter for a game like this. Sounds like a lazy port.


Phonomezer said:
Seriously? Bit of an overreaction.
Nope. Locked 30 FPS in a game for no good reason is usually an instapass for me. That's as lazy as you can get, portwise. What a joke.

Maybe Valve'll give me a refund. They've done it before.

edit: And this is AFTER the inexplicable delay for the PC version. Ubsisoft is such a pile.


Phonomezer said:
Seriously? Bit of an overreaction.

Rather not have that shit on my hard drive. I'll reinstall it if they ever fancy finishing porting it over to the PC. Till then I'll chalk it up to a regrettable purchase.
Phonomezer said:
Sorry, I just didn't realise that the fps would matter for a game like this. Sounds like a lazy port.

In every game 30FPS in unacceptable. It is a direct result of sloppy port - console games are locked at 30FPS because it's old tech. PC games should never have their framerate locked.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.

Good thing I didn't preorder. Bloody shame since I wanted this. Oh well.


Gold Member
Phonomezer said:
Sorry, I just didn't realise that the fps would matter for a game like this. Sounds like a lazy port.
The problem is that a PC game locked at 30fps always feels like there is some kind of slowdown. :-/


Wow, the Ubi hate here seems hilarious sometimes (though I dislike their DRM immensely and boycotted my dear Silent Hunter 'cause of it, to be honest), but they really seem to go out of their way to annoy pc gamers these days.


Stitch said:
The problem is that a PC game locked at 30fps always feels like there is some kind of slowdown. :-/

It's that mouse movement at 30fps feels incredibly slow compared to moving an analog stick at 30fps.


It's pretty damn unfortunate and disappointing that a lot of people seemed hyped about this game, but had a "wait for the PC version with mouse control" outlook (including me). It would be a stellar game with proper controls. The port seems VERY slapdash. It's like they took the 360 code, compiled it for PC, and hoped for the best. You can't even change the sound volume! It's sad, because so far the game has been very cool, barring the awkward controls.


Carcetti said:
Wow, the Ubi hate here seems hilarious sometimes (though I dislike their DRM immensely and boycotted my dear Silent Hunter 'cause of it, to be honest), but they really seem to go out of their way to annoy pc gamers these days.

Well rightly so in this case...it's not just the DRM (which I actually dont care about) it's just the sloppy port of what could have been a great PC game.


Man up people. Stop crying. I like these sorts of games and have been dying for one for a long LONG time. I'm waiting for the PS3 release, if I wasn't I'd be all in on the steam release and may still... I'm not going to cry about a delay or fps, etc.. I want to play it for the game itself not all the other bs..


Well, I played a couple of hours of the PC version and I'd say a controller is absolutely the way to go. The keyboard+mouse controls are awkward as hell and the game is definitely designed with the 360 controller in mind.

Moreover, what makes this version a lot more playable than the 360 version is resolution. On the 360 version I struggled with the camera view constantly. It was either too close to the ground or so far away I couldn't see anything. The increased detail (1080p) on the PC is very beneficial in this regard; I leave it on the zoomed out view mostly and it actually works quite well. As for the locked framerate, there are no excuses but it hasn't bothered me at all since this is an incredibly slow paced game so janky movement is never apparent.

It's a lazy port, it could've been tons better but I'm still having quite some fun with it. I'd say definitely pick this up when it's on sale.


eroots said:
Man up people. Stop crying. I like these sorts of games and have been dying for one for a long LONG time. I'm waiting for the PS3 release, if I wasn't I'd be all in on the steam release and may still... I'm not going to cry about a delay or fps, etc.. I want to play it for the game itself not all the other bs..

You do realize you have to pay for this right? Some people have certain conditions that need to be met when they are giving money to somebody else for a good or service.


For those asking about difficulty I will say that the game becomes a lot more "challenging" later in the game. Some of the difficulty is just handling the controls, but in the last 5 stages or so, the game does require some problem solving, or at least prioritization of threats. I was pleased with the game once I got over the controls but I can see how one could still find issues with certain things like the pathfinding. It's worth playing though and is still a unique game with some pretty solid production value. I can see how it might be a wait for sale for some people with large backlogs, but I thought it was a nice change of pace if not the perfect God game some here may have expected.


eroots said:
Man up people. Stop crying. I like these sorts of games and have been dying for one for a long LONG time. I'm waiting for the PS3 release, if I wasn't I'd be all in on the steam release and may still... I'm not going to cry about a delay or fps, etc.. I want to play it for the game itself not all the other bs..
But wouldn't you want the game to run and look and play as best as it can?
I'm about to try it now (steam) so I can't comment on the game yet.


Neo Member
eroots said:
Man up people. Stop crying. I like these sorts of games and have been dying for one for a long LONG time. I'm waiting for the PS3 release, if I wasn't I'd be all in on the steam release and may still... I'm not going to cry about a delay or fps, etc.. I want to play it for the game itself not all the other bs..

You obviously haven't played it

After playing 4 levels I'm somewhat enjoying it. I love the concept but it's such a shame all the stuff that bring, what could've been an awesome game, down

I'm going to try it with the 360 controller


Holy shit guys. I hate the mouse controls, performance, and frames cap as much as the next guy but damn, I'm enjoying the hell out of this game using a 360 controller.


Off to a fantastic start.

Decide to set controls to pad as the controls look awkward for mouse (not RTS like at all). First sign of weird: the default pad picture is a Sony PS3 pad. Most PC games nowadays with pad support natively support the 360 pad (and use it's shape and button prompts etc like Bastion). I don't worry too much, the pad works on the menu.
I get into game, watch the brief opening and I need to hold the Left Trigger (LT. So it is using 360 button prompts). I hold the button and.......... Nothing.

Couldn't back out or use the keyboard either.


Zuhzuhzombie!! said:
Opened thread. Saw a retard. Promptly replied and closed thread.

Fuck off PC goons.
How dare we expect a game to run smoothly on our platform of choice?

Just because some games run like shit on consoles doesn't mean they have to on PC as well you know.


okay so maybe im being stupid, but i opened the game up and just stuck on some landscape with hte camera swaying back and fourth with some music playing....but nothing happens? pressing escape and any of the keyboard and nothing happens.

am i missing something?

edit: just restarted the game and a screen has popped up askign for my name. bit shoddy that.


Pandoracell said:
On a bit of a different note, how long is the game, and is it ever challenging?
I dunno how long it is, but I'm just passed the lava level, and I would like to have everything intact (meaning 100% vegetation, all my villages alive, etc) and the lava and spreading things were quite troublesome at times to keep alive. It was fun challenging and not terribly short.


Zuhzuhzombie!! said:
Opened thread. Saw a retard. Promptly replied and closed thread.

Fuck off PC goons.

Just because you have no standards doesn't mean we don't either.

This is a shitty port.
It might be locked at 30 because a system in the game was written specifically for an update every 30 frames. Some games just have these sorts of issues with them, like VF3-5 have to run at 60 because that is how the animation and attack timing works. Who knows.


will learn eventually
Zuhzuhzombie!! said:
Opened thread. Saw a retard. Promptly replied and closed thread.

Fuck off PC goons.

People expect at least a good port for their 15$ and you add insult to injury? Well played.


Gold Member
even with all the problems i have to say that changing the landscape is still fun and really impressive


Played a bit of it now (finished second level. So not much) and It itsn't horrible with the pad. Could be much better with decent kb/mouse though.

Main thing I notice is how... bad(?) it looks. I mean, it's not horrible but I watched Giant Bombs QL and thought it looked pretty awesome (granted It was 'high' quality, full screen from my bed a good 4-5 feet away from my 22" monitor and not right in front of it). Could use some AA.

I like it though. I like using the sand to shape the world and quite like the fiction.


Zomba13 said:
Played a bit of it now (finished second level. So not much) and It itsn't horrible with the pad. Could be much better with decent kb/mouse though.

Main thing I notice is how... bad(?) it looks. I mean, it's not horrible but I watched Giant Bombs QL and thought it looked pretty awesome (granted It was 'high' quality, full screen from my bed a good 4-5 feet away from my 22" monitor and not right in front of it). Could use some AA.

I like it though. I like using the sand to shape the world and quite like the fiction.
There seems to be quite some odd pixelated bits with the water, but the game looks far from bad. Nice DoF etc, but the IQ could be better yeah.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not saying there aren't a number of valid complaints in this thread, but the gamepad control issues from earlier that lead into mouse control issues now seem the most unfounded.

I get that in a game that LOOKS like this, pixel perfect, instant mouse-movement is what you expect when you start. But part what it is to play this game comes from being that worm-like think racing across the map making very large, broad brush strokes rather than fine, surgical movements. One of the things I enjoyed most about this game was the "you're a god that is just learning how to do things and you're totally fucking up, man" aspect of it. I suspect I have a higher tolerance for failure in games than many of you, especially when it's the result of a few different systems working together in ways I hadn't forseen, and that's practically neither here nor there, but if nothing else I'd encourage you to try and put aside that urge to constantly be in control of everything and just, well, like, go with the flow, like, man.

If I were playing on PC, I'd suspect that WASD would be my control method of choice.

The real problem, even with gamepad, is the lack of a completely controllable camera. It meant I spent more time zoomed out than I'd have like.


Neo Member
summarizing, PC Versión:
-shit mouse control
-shit configuration
-30 fps limited
-uplay client (on steam)
-No offline mode

I like the game. I would have bought it anyway but pc versión is a big shit.


I was playing From Dust offline for a good 10 seconds, to test the DRM, so it does have offline mode.
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