GaimeGuy said:We get animated Ling <3
Don't forget Mai and her black and white 'cat'!
GaimeGuy said:We get animated Ling <3
Dundar said:
Deadly said:I'll spoiler it just in case butWhy is Scar and Ed fighting? I don't remember them ever fighting in the manga...
you know what? Fuck Mei and Xiao Mei. They are the most pointless characters in the entire FMA story (okay, maybe aside from Fuery), and I wouldn't mind if they had been cut altogether from BrotherhoodB.K. said:Don't forget Mai and her black and white 'cat'!
You could also read it in english.Masked Man said:Looks awesome!As GaimeGuy mentioned, I still have some catching up to do, but I'm anxious to watch more, since I've still only read the first chapter of the manga. (Hopefully my Japanese has improved enough over the past five months or so, thus making reading the manga a little easier than it was when I read the first chapter.) :lol
duckroll said:You must be reading the wrong manga.
GaimeGuy said:You could also read it in english.
Shadowlink123 said:Hey guys! Why didn't Funimation sub episode 15 yet?
Oh wow, I'm stupid. Sorry for asking. I guess I can wait. Thanks for answeringB.K. said:Because it isn't Thursday yet. said:Is there any way to legally stream this in Ireland? I'd rather not have to use Hotspot Shield to watch on the Funimation site (If that even works) but I will if that's my only option.
I'd usually just watch a Fansub but that appears to of stopped (Or being delayed massively) this week (No 720p)
Netto-kun said:
Regulus Tera said:Ling sounds exactly as I always imagined him.
It has barely started. >Dechaios said:I'm someone who has never read the manga and I was a fan of the old show. That being said, I LOVE this new series a lot. Please tell me it gets really ****ed up!
Danthrax said:OMG they're making new FMA episodes?! holy shit this is my favorite anime! I apologize for being several months late on this, but I had to express my surprise and happiness.
I hope adult swim gets on this STAT.
...... it's not "new episodes." It's a new series that follows the manga more closely.Danthrax said:OMG they're making new FMA episodes?! holy shit this is my favorite anime! I apologize for being several months late on this, but I had to express my surprise and happiness.
I hope adult swim gets on this STAT.
StoOgE said:I think I must have missed something.
Who is the guy that is hanging around with Scar?
B.K. said:That's Yoki. He was the guy in charge of the mining town. He's the one that Ed scammed. They skipped that in Brotherhood, but it was covered in the original series. One of Mustang's men make a quick mention of him in one of the earlier episodes.
You know the Ishvarite village that nursed Scar back to health after his fight with Lust and Gluttony? Yoki was taken in as a refugee by them after losing his military rank (after Ed ousted him for being corrupt as hell).StoOgE said:ok, I remember him from the original now. How did he meet up with Scar? Mutual hate of the military?
Give me a bit, I'll see if VLC doesn't kill my cpu while taking screencaps.GaimeGuy said:by the way, Iwas wondering if anyone could make me a gif of (episode 14 spoilers)The sequence where Bradley stabs Greed with 4 swords, one by one.. It's quite a beauty of animation pulled off in ~2-3 seconds.
memorable and important because his death springs mustang, his best friend, into action. Mustang is basically the 3rd main character of Full Metal Alchemist.Zalasta said:I like how they devoted most of the episode to them finding out about Hughes. Although he was only a secondary character, Hughes was definitely a memorable one.
On a related note. Finally caught up on V. 21-22 of FMA and boy is it going to be an epic finish. I can't remember the last time I was this excited waiting for a manga release.