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Future publishing - The shame



Unconfirmed Member
From http://spong.com/x?msg=6729

A message sent out by HR regarding tomorrow's Golden Joystick Awards

Dear all,

I hope this is really obvious stuff, but I do need to give you this information so that you can be clear of what is expected of you whilst you are attending The Golden Joysticks as representatives of Future Publishing.
I hope you really enjoy the event, a lot of hard work has gone into organising it so far, so for the record we expect you to behave in a professional and responsible manner at all times.

Any poor conduct would result in disciplinary action being taken, in particular in relation to those examples of poor conduct listed below.

Ø Verbal & Physical abusive behaviour.

Ø Actions likely to give genuine offence to customers, suppliers,
or employees of the company.

Ø Provocation.

Ø Disruptive behaviour, unseemly or disruptive conduct.

Ø Serious negligence causing loss, damage or injury to the
Company, its customers and/or fellow employees.

Ø Unauthorised disclosure of confidential business matters.

Ø Acts of violence, including physical assault.

Ø Drunkenness ( I know you’ll be drinking, but remember you are
still at work), or the taking of illegal or non-medically prescribed drugs.

Ø Any conduct liable to bring the Company and/or the employee in
his or her capacity as a representative of the Company into disrepute.

So, that's just for the record but obviously I hope that we won't need to go into any of that.

Any problems please contact me


I love it!


Unconfirmed Member
Kiriku said:
So can we assume they've had troubles before? ;)
Before CVG was bought by Future, it was a Dennis event and legendary drinking and madness would always be guaranteed. Fighting, drugs and general mayhem.

The problem is the schedule:

Turn up at 12.00 – drink Champaign.
Sit at table for awards: Two bottles of wine each, one red, one white.
Drink wine over dinner.
Then drink service starts.
Order cocktails on someone else’s tab.
This goes on until about 7.00
Then go to after-party – Drink for free all night on someone else’s tab.
All powered with serious cocaine usage.

Last year, I went with my girlfriend. She got smashed, dropped an E and had to be carried out by me. (Great) We were in Mayfair and no cabs would take her so I though fuck it, I’ll just book into a hotel.

So we’re in Mayfair and of course, al the hotels are super-expensive – credit card time. But they took one look at her and refused rooms, even though I was happy to spend £500. And I couldn’t leave her outside because she kept wandering off and her tights kept falling down her legs. Not good.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Folder said:
And I couldn’t leave her outside because she kept wandering off and her tights kept falling down her legs. Not good.

God I wish I had a snappy comeback for this part... ;)

There was that article about women having sex in their sleep though.....


Unconfirmed Member
going home now. PM me if you have any specific, might get sued for type questions :)
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