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G1 Climax 24 |OT| New Japan Pro-Wrestling

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I'm pretty hyped for the opener;

NJPW, "G1 CLIMAX - DAY 10", 2014/08/06
Takamatsu City Gymnasium

18:30 JST | 11:30 EU | 10:30 UK | 05:30 EDT | 02:30 PDT

01. G1 Climax - Block A: Satoshi Kojima vs Tomoaki Honma
02. G1 Climax - Block A: Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs Bad Luck Fale
03. G1 Climax - Block B: Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs Tetsuya Naito
04. G1 Climax - Block B: Minoru Suzuki vs Karl Anderson
05. G1 Climax - Block B: Togi Makabe vs Toru Yano
06. G1 Climax - Block B: AJ Styles vs Yujiro Takahashi
07. G1 Climax - Block B: Kazuchika Okada vs Lance Archer
08. G1 Climax - Block A: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Yuji Nagata
09. G1 Climax - Block A: Tomohiro Ishii vs Katsuyori Shibata
10. G1 Climax - Block A: Shinsuke Nakamura vs Doc Gallows

Tenzan vs Naito will be interesting - it was just about Tenzan's best match of the G1 last year (out of a string of awful matches) and, as Tenzan's in a rare vein of form, it'll be good if they can better last year's effort. Karl vs Suzuki should be fun and I'm looking forward to Tanahashi vs Nagata. Doc vs Nakamura, though...eeesh. As for Ishii vs Shibata, hopefully Ishii's good to go.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Anderson is gonna get the shit slapped out of him. Ishii vs Shibata is the focus of that night. I doubt, with Ishii's shoulder, they're gonna have a better match than last year but who knows.

I'm looking forward to Makabe vs Yano, it should be hilarious. Tanahashi vs Nagata should be a good one too. Still pulling for the Anti-Aging Hero!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
hmm first match of day 7 between shelton and kojima is already in progress / incomplete on bonski's list :(


Catching up...just watched Nakamura/Tanahashi.

Tanahashi is just going to hand out some sweat to this whole arena after the match.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
day 5 has been pretty good. nothing amazing but most has been enjoyable

Ishii vs Doc Gallows was probably my favorite Doc match so far
Tenzan vs Lance Archer was ok
Kojima vs Davey Boy was pretty good except the ending kinda came out of nowhere.

but yeah enjoyable so far, hard to match day 4 so Im not even mad :p

edit: Suzuki vs Yujiro Takahashi has a disapointing lack of slaps, and if anyone deserves to be slapped around, its Yujiro :p Nasty kick to the face by Suzuki near the end tho
edit: LOL at this Toru Yano win over Karl Anderson... ok, Yano's antics are starting to grow on me :p Karl played the comedy match perfectly aswell, he's also really growing on me
edit: PENALTY KICKUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU never gets old! Great match between Shibata and Shelton, man I love Shibata
edit: AJ vs Goto was again, a good solid match, much like the rest of day 5. a bit too many rest hold spots for my liking, especially for these two. AJ takes lariats like a motherfucking champ tho, good on him
edit: bad luck fale vs Tanahashi was...alright I guess. I dont think anyone can get a great match out of Fale tho :(

man, this day 5 is super enjoyable like I said, just overall good stuff, nothing amazing but im having fun

hyped for nakamura vs honma and okada vs naito, hopefully they dont disapoint


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I like Takahashi. Miami Shine is a dope finisher.

is that the japanese bullet club member? I like him too, why does everyone shit on him?

anyway, Nakamura vs Honma day 5 was good, but could have been great (running theme for day 5 it seems), why give bad luck fale 15min and these two only 10min :/

only okada vs naito left, in theory it should be great

ps: Nakamura takes great lariats, I want a match between him and AJ Styles where its just them lariating each other to see who sells it the best :p

edit: Okada vs Naito was great, but just as it was getting really good...it ended, could have used another 5mins or so (which the lenght of the video seemed to indicate it would), what a shame. Still good tho, like the rest of day 5. I would probably put day 5 in third place right now

Day 4 > Day 1 > Day 5 > Day 3 > Day 2

you guys said that both 7 and 8 are really good correct?

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
Just spent the whole day catching up on the tournament. It was all worth the wait. That Honma/Shibata match though, wow. Wow. There may have been better matches, but no match this year had made me jump up and down and mark out damn so much.
i wish aj styles and shelton benjamin were in the same group so i could see a match, i mean they could meet in the finals, but shelton is probably not going to the finals.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
so Shibata and Suzuki are stiff motherfuckers, who would you say is the best at TAKING hits tho? Ishii is obviously crazy (stop spiking yourself with DDTs you silly silly man), Nakamura seems to not give 2 fucks about how hard people hit him, who else?

also, I wont go as far as "its still real to me damn it", but if I didnt know any better, I sware some of these guys get actually pissed off / annoyed during some of these matches (which, coincidence or not, is when they stiff somemotherfuckers)... like when Nakamura starts slapping Yugi Nagata on the head taunting him for example, he looks fucking PISSED, like "the fuck is this punk think he is" pissed lol

oh and do a lot of them use mouthguards because japanese wrestling is in fact so stiff? I mean you can fake a punch... you cant really fake those hard as fuck slaps tho :p
Day 10 starting shortly.

is that the japanese bullet club member? I like him too, why does everyone shit on him?

He's a bit sloppy in the ring on occasion - he dumped Naito on his head this tournament, dropped Suzuki (iirc) on a powerbomb and dropped Tenzan when he tried to get him up for the Tokyo Pimps in last year's tournament. People want to like Yujiro, but he often under-performs in big matches, or simply doesn't make as much of an impact as other guys.

Rhaknar said:
you guys said that both 7 and 8 are really good correct?

Yeah, they're on par with Day 4, I'd say.


Not long arrived at the venue. It's busier than usual for this area but doesn't look like it's sold out. Suzuki is out in the lobby signing stuff

Will post more pics later.


The preshow stream is working on the NJPW Ustream subpage, but not the main page.

They better get this fixed soon, as we will be SOL when it switches to paid mode.
Yeah, this sucks. Hopefully they can get it sorted, don't see why it should be working on one page and not the other.

Have fun at the show Nisa!


Just popping in to say thanks for putting me onto this guys, I'd never heard of G1 before ( i'm not a massive wrestling fan but enjoy the spectacle ).
Managed to watch a handful of the matches last night and wow consider me coverted.
Anyone got any other NJPW matches that they consider "must watch"?
Fucking JEEEEEZUSS! The spinning backfist-style slap was ridiculous and the sound of Ishii's headbutt, ughhhhhh. He totally didn't need to work a match like that with an injury, but did it anyway. Crazy bastard.
Fucking JEEEEEZUSS! The spinning backfist-style slap was ridiculous and the sound of Ishii's headbutt, ughhhhhh. He totally didn't need to work a match like that with an injury, but did it anyway. Crazy bastard.

Yeah as if that match wouldn't be stiff and hard to watch already, the legit injury made it brutal. Ishii's a trooper, man.


Was it as good as last year?

No, but considering Ishii's injury it was still one hell of a match. Ishii is a machine - much respect for him.

That hollow "thunk" when he hit that headbutt though... please don't kill yourself for this Ishii.


Just popping in to say thanks for putting me onto this guys, I'd never heard of G1 before ( i'm not a massive wrestling fan but enjoy the spectacle ).
Managed to watch a handful of the matches last night and wow consider me coverted.
Anyone got any other NJPW matches that they consider "must watch"?

Watch Day 4, if you haven't already. Day 7 and 8 are two of the other top days so far.

If you want to see what the Wrestlemania-equivalent for NJPW is like, then seek out Wrestle Kingdom 8. That will also give you a taste of what the other divisions (Juniors, tag, etc) in NJPW are like.


I won't have a chance to check out the matches until after work, but I'm real happy to see Ishii was able to work with his injury.
I should really go into the off topic boards more. Otherwise I totally would've participated in more puro threads. Although I'm still playing catch up for the tournament though.


Got back about an hour ago. As always it was fun watching these guys perform live. The crowd seemed really into it, at least when the Japanese guys were involved (crowd was pretty dead for Smith Jr/Fale). The second half was definitely more entertaining than the first half with Tanahashi vs Nagata being my favourite match of the night. Ishii vs Shibata was great as well and even Nakamura vs Gallows was fun to watch. Watching Nakamura doing all his crazy mannerisms in and out of the ring was more than enough to keep me entertained.

Managed to take a bunch of photos but a good chunk of them turned out pretty poor due to my iPhone not liking the lighting inside the venue (should have brought my proper camera). Anyway, here's some of the better ones as well as a pic of the inevitable merch purchases.

Got back about an hour ago. As always it was fun watching these guys perform live. The crowd seemed really into it, at least when the Japanese guys were involved (crowd was pretty dead for Smith Jr/Fale). The second half was definitely more entertaining than the first half with Tanahashi vs Nagata being my favourite match of the night. Ishii vs Shibata was great as well and even Nakamura vs Gallows was fun to watch. Watching Nakamura doing all his crazy mannerisms in and out of the ring was more than enough to keep me entertained.

Managed to take a bunch of photos but a good chunk of them turned out pretty poor due to my iPhone not liking the lighting inside the venue (should have brought my proper camera). Anyway, here's some of the better ones as well as a pic of the inevitable merch purchases.

Awesome dood! Jealous that you got to see it live and thanks for the pics!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
so jelly right now, would buy both those shirts too

started day 6, this bad luck fale vs doc gallows match is...not good :( Davey Boy Smith vs Yuji Nagata was ok, bit short tho, Makabe vs Takahashi was ok too, but how do you botch a powerbomb on Takahashi, the dude looks like he weights next to nothing


that was day 1 / 4 good, by far the best Kojima match so far. I love Shibata so much, im sorry Ishii but you have been dethroned :(

I dont think I can handle a Shibata vs Ishii fight lol

edit: Suzuki vs Lance Archer was good, Suzuki is a scary looking dude man. Whats up with the little hug / show of respect afterwards, is there history there?

Goto vs Karl Anderson was awesome, Karl is really becoming one of my favorites, he is shockingly agile for a big guy. Also the ending sequence with the reversals until he hit the stungun was really good, just like on his match with Okada. When I read he was in the final in a previous G1 I was shocked, but now that ive seen some of his matches, starting to not really be surprised to be honest

edit: Shelton vs Nakamura was...lame. I feel like theres a better match there instead of just Shelton working the knee for 5 minutes and then losing to...a knee. Well 2 knees, but still. Maybe they just dont mesh well together.

I can definitely see Ishii having a big run at the finals this year, not sure if he'll make it all the way though - there's a bunch of directions they can go, but I'm kinda leaning towards the final four being some combination of Nakamura, Tanahashi, Okada & Styles, but then there's guys like Shibata, Ishii, Naito, etc, who I could definitely see in the mix. It's a very open group and, what with Jado & Gedo's love of parity booking tournaments, I could see them keeping us guessing until fairly late in to the tournament.

is...is Bootaaay a NJPW booker or just a wizard? :eek:

edit: AJ vs Tenzan was very good, nice work from Tenzan, but AJ is having the best matches off his career at least since early TNA I think. Also the way that Tenzan took the styles clash was scary. And why doesnt AJ do the springboard reverse DDT anymore, I miss that :(

holy shit Okada vs Toru Yano was actually very decent, and I thought for sure Yano was going to get the win there a few times lol. Okada also gave him a lot more than I expected (actually so did AJ), I guess this is how you sell a comedy guy.

1 more to go on day 6
xpost from wrassle thread

mmmm finally


btw, the actual wrestlers have to be wearing something different. These shirts are XL and they are small and incredibly tight.


Japanese XL T-shirts are usually tiny compared to those in the US/UK. Sizes are never consistent either. Buying clothes over here can often be a complete pain in the arse for foreigners. The NJPW shirts are slightly larger than usual for an XL here but only just about fit me and I'm not even a big guy.

Here's a pic a took a while back comparing a US XL to a Japanese XL.


Watched the matches I missed last night, due to the Ustream issues.

Anderson vs. Suzuki is the standout and should not be missed.

Fale vs. DBS Jr. was surprisingly good for a big-man match that the crowd was not invested in.

Day 10 Top Matches
Ishii vs. Shibata
Anderson vs. Suzuki
Okada vs. Archer
Nakamura vs. Gallows


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
and done with day 6

Ishii vs Tanahashi was great, but could have used a few more minutes. Overall day 6 reminds me a lot of day 5, very enjoyable overall and better than days 2 and 3 but never reaching the highs of days 1 and 4.

hyped to start watching 7 and 8 since you guys say those are up there with 1 and 4

edit: did ishii vs shibata live up to the expectations?
Lol, Tenzan's mad, translated comments after his match with Naito;

"Naito? Eat my shit! FUCK! I will get revenge against those who beat me. You reporters, you must write that Tenzan is the no.1 candidate for G1 25 winner!"

Also, apparently Okada was asked in an interview about the G1 having too many competitors, when it past years there were as little as 8. He suggested having a G2 league to take place earlier in the year, where the top 2 wrestlers win a place in the G1. Also, the bottom two wrestlers in the G1 would be demoted to the G2 for the next year.

I actually think that's a pretty cool idea and would be good for showcasing the young lions or giving some other jr. wrestlers a shot at getting into the G1. New Japan's kinda overloaded with tournaments, though - they already do the New Japan Cup, Best of the Super Jr's, G1 Climax & World Tag League each year, five tournaments might be a bit much.

edit: Suzuki vs Lance Archer was good, Suzuki is a scary looking dude man. Whats up with the little hug / show of respect afterwards, is there history there?

Lance is a member of Suzuki-gun and, as the name implies, Suzuki is the boss of the stable.


Goto vs Karl Anderson was awesome, Karl is really becoming one of my favorites, he is shockingly agile for a big guy. Also the ending sequence with the reversals until he hit the stungun was really good, just like on his match with Okada. When I read he was in the final in a previous G1 I was shocked, but now that ive seen some of his matches, starting to not really be surprised to be honest

He's really good at structuring big singles matches and is certainly adept at that counter-for-counter style that's become a big part of New Japan in recent years. Also, he was a babyface in the G1 final against Okada and had a great title match against Tanahashi early last year before he turned heel, but they never really capitalised on him as a face which is a shame as the fans have always liked him a lot.

edit: did ishii vs shibata live up to the expectations?

I'd say so - it wasn't on the level of last year's match, but still entertaining all the same. There was a great "OH SHIT!" moment from the crowd when they realised Ishii & Shibata were starting the match in similar fashion to last years, in spite of Ishii's injured shoulder, but they wrestled at a slower pace overall. Some of the exchanges were brutal, though. Disgusting headbutt from Ishii at one point.
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