BoloTheGreat said:This place is a nintendo fantard heavan. Personally i think the little white brick is more of a gadget than a games console.
You were a real member once right?
BoloTheGreat said:This place is a nintendo fantard heavan. Personally i think the little white brick is more of a gadget than a games console.
Vagabundo said:You were a real member once right?
Oh no you didn't!BoloTheGreat said:This place is a nintendo fantard heavan. Personally i think the little white brick is more of a gadget than a games console.
FnordChan said:"I am not a Junior! I am a free man!"
Number Fnord
Durante said:The problem with that is how many ways there are to write many games' names. Of course it would be possible to just specify a canonical name for each candidate and everyone who doesn't use it is out of luck.
AniHawk said:I'm not sure why that is, either. I think GAF has a really sizable fanbase for pretty much anything, but the Sony base seems particularly large, and much larger than the Nintendo one, but whenever it comes to a vote, the Nintendo games get a lot of support.
With Galaxy around? I'd hope not.marc^o^ said:Uncharted 2 could win a Game of the last 5 years voting thread.
Yes please! I'd think that'd be real interesting.I'd say Sony/Nintendo are about equal in fanbase on GAF now with Microsoft being in third position. Maybe we should do another thread to investigate this?
PC gaming is completely dead according to GAF, or does MS include PC's?Durante said:I'm not sure why people always assume that. Three years ago at least the results of a self-identification poll looked like this:
poppabk said:PC gaming is completely dead according to GAF, or does MS include PC's?
Haunted said:Also a short observation - I'm seeing way more "exclusive" lists (only PS3 games, or only Nintendo games etc.) than I expected.
Why in the fuck do you consider games like AA, DA, Borderlands, SFIV,etc. to be surrogates? Just because a game is an exclusive does automatically grant it some sort of superiority over multiplatformersDeadGzuz said:The PS3 had a great year for exclusives, the 360 not so much. I would suspect a lot of 360 only owners are using surrogates like AC2, DA, AA, etc. A few braves souls will put ODST and Halo Wars as top games.
I have no idea what was going on in the Wii scene, mine is in the box for the kids on X-mas.
Durante said:I'm not sure why people always assume that. Three years ago at least the results of a self-identification poll looked like this:
Haunted said:Also a short observation - I'm seeing way more "exclusive" lists (only PS3 games, or only Nintendo games etc.) than I expected.
I thought three years into this generation many of us were past this point of single console ownership. Apparently multi-console ownership is not as widely spread as I thought on GAF. :/or a lot of people are fanboys using this GOTY vote to push their agenda. But I'm an optimistic guy and like to think that's not the case.
BoloTheGreatBoloTheGreat said:This place is a nintendo fantard heavan. Personally i think the little white brick is more of a gadget than a games console.
Sure, there are those people. But with the extremely diverse lineup this year has seen with amazing games on all platforms, I guess I just didn't expect there to be so many of them. That's why I was saying I'm surprised at the number of people whose lists only feature one company/platform.FFObsessed said:Just because there are people who have only voted for PlayStation games or Nintendo games, doesn't necessarily mean they only own one system or are "fanboys." It could simply mean, oh I don't know, they genuinely just thought those games were the best?
Plus, with this year's method, after you've voted for you personal GOTY and allocated 3 points you have less choices than previous years, so maybe some people's lists contain more exclusives because they've had to miss a few titles off.
2004: KonamiSecond said:Nintendo and Sony games always seem to win, though. But you can take that as you will...