Eschaton's mommy never hugged him when he was a kid. It's cool man. We don't want you in the World Peace Donda think tank.
i wish kanye gifs were bannable. fucking unbearable with that shit sometimes. It's like clicking on one of those creepy threads about Korean popstars where every page has like ten gifs of bitches in stupid clothes giving peace signs and winking awkwardly. Kanye's mannerisms aren't adorable or something i wanna see in some fucking huge 1.3 second tumblr gif looped over and over again. I don't give a shit whether you like his shitty albums more than his good ones. Make the point and get it over with without ctrl+ving the same fucking gif of kanye tilting and smiling ad nauseam.
Sorry, i've been wanting to say that for a while.
My moms hugged me plenty. The difference is that i had a dad too fam.
I agree with most of this. However , Graduation does have some good hidden gems too.Graduation was pretty much good for singles and thats it. Don't revisit any of the other songs on the album to be honest, outside of maybe Big Brother. College Dropout and LR are pretty much equal to me. Don't really like 808s, outside of Robocop, Welcome to Heartbreak and Heartless. Some of Kanye's best production though on that album, shame it was ruined by the autotune. MBDTF is pretty much just below LR/CD for me. Amazing album, anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves, or can't accept change. Fucking bet ya'll are republicans too
I agree with most of this. However , Graduation does have some good hidden gems too.
Paranoid was my shit off 808's. Love that song.
I dig all those. Barry Bonds is so bad though.Don't really like Champion or The Glory. D&HG is a guilty pleasure of mine however
I dig all those. Barry Bonds is so bad though.
I dig all those. Barry Bonds is so bad though.
Aside from 808s, yes.Yup, worst Yeezy song.
The Glory is amazing.
So I'm the only one who liked "I Wonder" off Graduation huh? Well, you know what? Fuck you guys
I can't believe this thread is talking about Kanye again.
I like that song Marvin & Chardonnay. The rapping is so good. That guy is super talented.
yera maybe I should change it. the rapping in liquid swords is so dated, and he can't even go fast. I might change it to this:Sarcasm, or do we need to revoke your avatar?
yera maybe I should change it. the rapping in liquid swords is so dated, and he can't even go fast. I might change it to this:
we can be big sean bros.
Finally Famous Over Everything.
i'm really surprised people rank graduation so low. it's by far my favorite kanye album. opinions and all of that i guess. although i agree with the hate for barry bonds and drunk and hot girls. aside from those two i play every song on the album. really great piece of work. the hate for flashing lights puzzles me too. awesome song. it really pushed the boundaries of what a hip-hop song could sound like at the time. in fact, quite a few songs on the album did. you may not like him, but kanye is a GENIUS in the studio. really talented dude.
i like to pretend that the F is for the big ol walking FAIL that Lupe has become.
Kanye needs to do some remastered editions at some point soon. I don't want to have to wait till he dies to get all his albums with proper masters....that shit is going to be forever, especially when he buys the worlds first Louis Vuitton cyborg body. Then he'll never die.
Shits coming 2050, believe.
Guess I'll be doing something else with my time on fridays.Fine. But I'm claiming Finally Famous Fridays.
AW YEAHFine. But I'm claiming Finally Famous Fridays.
25th anniversary of MBTDF is coming up fast.
Damn I will feel old as fuck when that actually does happen!
Anyway 808 > Graduation
We need a GAF-Hop Hall of Fame up in the first post.
Honorary Member: Kanye West
1st Inductee: U-God
2nd Inductee: Big Sean