It's like saying "I am sure those are fake breast.." and the only answer that you should get is
So what?
It's like saying "I am sure those are fake breast.." and the only answer that you should get is
So what?
Bent over in front of you.. it would look just fine I am sure...
Sometimes she looks so good and sometimes she is trying too hard...
But just saying her breast/ass/sharp knees are fake doesn't mean anything
But I dont have it bent in front of me. I also agree just saying something is fake is not worth saying. Like I originally said, she looked a lot better before. Though she can look good when she isnt trying to one up Lady Gaga.
that video where she is wearing that one piece with Drake.. damn...
i dunno guys. i wouldn't even touch this
the fact that you can find a pic like that is highly disturbing
:/I would fuck a My Little Pony if it looked like Nicki Minaj. Truth.
Yo looks like furry thread found a new member.I would fuck a My Little Pony if it looked like Nicki Minaj. Truth.
I would fuck a My Little Pony if it looked like Nicki Minaj. Truth.
I would fuck a My Little Pony if it looked like Nicki Minaj. Truth.
Yo looks like furry thread found a new member.
white people need to stop embarrassing me. It's bad enough I get grouped into those fuckers that are running in the primaries but you have to say this SHIT!
Hey man i watch what's on tv. Don't give a shit about target demo.Lmao! I was kidding. I, for one, cannot honestly believe there are normal males who are interested in My Little Pony. It fucking hurts my head to think that. To be so engaged in a little girls cartoon leads me to believe they are mentally unstable.
Hey man i watch what's on tv. Don't give a shit about target demo.
As a parent I must say My Little Pony isn't that bad. My son has watched it once or twice and the cartoon was just really kiddie.
It's ethier this shit or the big bang theory. And honestly ponies win every fucking time. Unless it's the pilot ep. Or fucking 2 and a shit men. There's just nothing to watch on tv no more.Lol. Sorry man, I just do not get it. I also do not get the appeal of Adventure Time either. I tried watching the first few minutes of the first episode and I just coudlnt make it.
The. Shit. I. Have. Seen.I understand it is a quality show. I just cannot understand the appeal it has to 20+ year olds. I have seen that pony is a scary fucking place. I am also told that thread is mild compared to other forums on the internets.....
It's ethier this shit or the big bang theory. And honestly ponies win every fucking time. Unless it's the pilot ep. Or fucking 2 and a shit men. There's just nothing to watch on tv no more.
Why would you want to? 75% of Weeknd's appeal is that it's R&B meets faded houston drug swag. It's music to get fucked up and/or fuck to.
Lol. Sorry man, I just do not get it. I also do not get the appeal of Adventure Time either. I tried watching the first few minutes of the first episode and I just coudlnt make it.
Lol. Sorry man, I just do not get it. I also do not get the appeal of Adventure Time either. I tried watching the first few minutes of the first episode and I just coudlnt make it.
Adventure Time (and Regular Show) is funny but I don't see how its funny to little kids. that shit is bordeline [as] level.
I might have to give it another try, while high. Because it was just too nonsensical for me to watch sober.
There a bunch of stuff to watch on TV.
House, White Collar, Top Chef, The Walking Dead, Mad Men (soon), Psych, Community
There a bunch of stuff to watch on TV.
House, White Collar, Top Chef, The Walking Dead, Mad Men (soon), Psych, Community
What's nonsensical about this?
Game of Thrones, Treme, Spartacus: Vengeance, Castle, Homeland, Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, Southland, Archer, Justified, Fringe, Nikita, Boardwalk Empire, Supernatural, Suits, Futurama, Beavis & Butthead, etc. etc.
TV right now is, by far, the best it's ever been in history. If you say you can't find anything to watch, that's because you aren't trying.
Oh man. I can't believe I forgot to post this. D:
Suits is one of the best shows television has shown in YEARS. USA Network is slowly becoming my favorite channel of all-time. AMC too.
Suits is one of my favorite shows on right now. I love anything law related since that is what I will be going into, and it is just a fantastic show. If you want to watch the lead in a pretty good movie, watch The Middle Men.
Hell yeah. *dap*
The chemistry the cast has with each other is perfect. The interactions between Mike and Harvey feel so authentic it's like they're almost improving their conversations. The same aplies between Donna and Harvey. The pop culture references are always a nice touch too. The entire cast is phenomenal. And the ladies in the show? Cot. Damn. The triple threat: Rachel, Jenny, and Donna.
Not enough good things can be said about this show.
Maaaaan. I just found out I have a midterm tomorrow morning but now I want to re-watch the show. AGAIN. I think I've re-watched the first season three times now.
Yeah, the paralegal is fucking fine. If I was Mike it would be such an easy decision.
I don't think it would be that easy.
Rachel >(slightly) Jenny. But still. Smang 'em both in a heartbeat.
Game of Thrones, Treme, Spartacus: Vengeance, Castle, Homeland, Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, Southland, Archer, Justified, Fringe, Nikita, Boardwalk Empire, Supernatural, Suits, Futurama, Beavis & Butthead, etc. etc.
TV right now is, by far, the best it's ever been in history. If you say you can't find anything to watch, that's because you aren't trying.