This Drake song is weird but I like it. It's weird though.
And rap concerts need better lighting, mixing, and rappers need to actually RAP all their lyrics over instrumentals, but they need some hype men. The problem is rappers love to "eat". Black Hippy should tour together, and be each others hypemen. Same for Wu. Odd Future RARELY does solo shows and they have the formula for concerts down very well and at least understand and have contributed SOMETHING.
Anyone who has been to a hardcore or punk show knows that rap concerts, generally, suck.
Also the expectations of rap concerts suck. When I went to see ASAP and Brand New Guy is on, how do you expect me not to mosh? Even the dudes on stage are moshing. But I was surrounded by fat chongas and fat black chicks who were just trying to vibe, which is fine IN THE BACK OF THE CONCERT, or the very front. When ASAP is playing songs like Brand New Guy or Bath Salts shit should be wild.
And rap concerts need better lighting, mixing, and rappers need to actually RAP all their lyrics over instrumentals, but they need some hype men. The problem is rappers love to "eat". Black Hippy should tour together, and be each others hypemen. Same for Wu. Odd Future RARELY does solo shows and they have the formula for concerts down very well and at least understand and have contributed SOMETHING.
Anyone who has been to a hardcore or punk show knows that rap concerts, generally, suck.
Also the expectations of rap concerts suck. When I went to see ASAP and Brand New Guy is on, how do you expect me not to mosh? Even the dudes on stage are moshing. But I was surrounded by fat chongas and fat black chicks who were just trying to vibe, which is fine IN THE BACK OF THE CONCERT, or the very front. When ASAP is playing songs like Brand New Guy or Bath Salts shit should be wild.