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GAF-Hop |OT8| Let Blackace Down

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next time he's about to use the toilet crack the lid of the tank and set the tube that fills up the tank so that its aimed directly out. if done right it sprays the fuck out of him the next time he takes a shit

Good idea. I'll bring a wrench next time I'm there


Jay-Z is about to make some mooooooooney this summer

Just how big was Samsung's check? The New York Post's initial report announcing the deal valued the partnership at $20 million, a figure that likely included media spend, but sources put the value of the entire deal closer to $30 million and say Jay-Z likely received as much as $7.5 million in music rights and endorsement fees. And that's in addition to his summer stadium tour with Justin Timberlake as well as active deals with Budweiser, where he's curated the second year of the Made in America festival, and Duracell's PowerMat, in which he has a minority stake.

7 tracks into this Wale album, this is jamming. I'm always surprised at how little Ross interferes w/ Wale's music. between this and Folarin, Wale's had a strong last 12 months.


Guys do I count False Idols as a rap album?

I don't know if it counts as a rap album but you should post it. Its really good.

I think Le1f's voice is one of my biggest problems with him. Like, I think someone with a voice like that would be a cool feature and add some flavor to a song, but I don't want to hear a whole release of it.
Rick Rubin that shit?

Rick Rubin that shit.





you right tho, I copped the drip and i realized it was a clean version before i rescinded my uh, purchase. Maybe i'll listen to it on spotify in three months


Jay Z with that brilliant marketing campaign.

Suddenly his concert with JT seems a lot more exciting if he is going to be performing new stuff in addition to his classics.

I'm flying out to Greece on the 28th. Hopefully the app and album are available to me and my S3 so I can jam to it on the flight.


its nice that I'm browsing on mobile and thus can see the preview screen and know that's no goddamn wu tang video
Man was listening to Yeezus and Born Sinner in the whip... Born Sinner is starting to sound boring as fuck.. now I'm listening to Mac's album again and it sounds a lot better than last time.

EDIT Eh fuck Im tired of ranking there all dope to me.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Ok, I just don't like Yeezus. Not warming up to it at all. I keep wanting to stab the skip button, but I'm powering through it. I'm not having fun or hearing anything thought provoking here.


Jay-Z sampling Nirvana on new album?

As a matter of fact, Love, who owns the Nirvana catalog following her husband Kurt Cobain's death in 1994, just granted Hova permission to use lyrics off of the Seattle band's iconic, game-changing single "Smells Like Teen Spirit." That move comes after she covered Jay-Z's "99 Problems" at a Sundance Film Festival gig in January. "I'm letting Jay-Z use lyrics - Francis would freak [if she knew this.] Jay-Z's huge and we're friends. I mean we're not besties or anything...."



Ok, I just don't like Yeezus. Not warming up to it at all. I keep wanting to stab the skip button, but I'm powering through it. I'm not having fun or hearing anything thought provoking here.

Same. I listened through it again tonight on the way home from work and its just there. Some of the production is great but then he starts rapping, throwing his random jumbled message that lands no where, and overall the experiment only really works on two songs:

Black Skinhead
Blood On the Leaves
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