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GAF-Hop |OT8| Let Blackace Down

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I need to confess something right now, Yeezus doesn't hold up to repeat listens as well, and must apologize for heralding it as some sort of magnificent evolution. It had the potential to be phenomenal, but Kanye just doesn't bring enough bite in his delivery, and some of his lyrics though quite funny seem so forced and lack in any sort of conviction.

...With that being said Young Father's Tape Two is the truth.

You don't say.....You get too hype really quick. Anyway, the best song this year is "Birds Eye View" Just for the Black Thought verse alone. Nothing is going to come close to that track this. That track alone kills J.Cole's album.


It's fun to read the posts nine months ago leading up to - and after - GKMC. I know dude did/is doing a college tour to get over the platinum hump. With seventy gs to go, you'd think he would make it.
This Jarren Benton feels weird it lacks something to pull it all together and make him focus all the songs feel empty with flashes of something more meaningful. The beats are really nice especially come off the releases from last week, the beats from Kato are the best. Hmmm not sure if there are any standout tracks I like the beats tho 3.5 mics.

I kinda feel the same way. It's a solid album with good production but it doesn't feel like something that will stick with me.

But hell, people in this thread same the same things about ESGN and Patriarch II which I'm really enjoying so I can't even hate. Enough good music for everyone.


Also, my copy of Dessa's album came in the mail yesterday but my record player is currently broken. And I tried downloading it but the code still doesn't work. I can't catch a break.


Next two weeks, new Hov and Run the Jewels dropping

can't wait to


What the hell is happening in this thread

catchin up but i dont even know
RIP in peace cacas

I'd rather go back to when I was younger and the only rap CD I had for my new Discman was Big Willie Style.

i would try to sneak the soundtrack to juice in my walkman at church, those were good times

by big willie style mp3's were starting to show up for me so the floodgates was open, shit was over after that
well once i found places to get them past AOL server rooms, shit that was a mess


Yo Des, Bones bout to make another album lol. dude might have multiple spots on my 10 this year. also looking to the right i justnotieced smilies are back. nice

tipsy as hell and sleepy as hell, boutto g to sleep i nthis muskoka cottage right now. life is good man. 4 year anniversary with my girl in a coupe days. got her a tiffanys bracelet so im out 350$ smh. sorry for the spellign mistakes, dont feell like back spacing, im not confident in my ability to get the words right the seocnd time, dont want to waste time. goodnight brehs

esgn still amazing
I still fuck with Jesus Piece, I don't care if it's shallow or just Game jumping on the religious/witch-rap bandwagon. Two-thirds of it still bumps.

Ali Bombaye has been destroying my cart latley. God damn that track goes so hard.

dont worry. im done. i will take my bullshit underground shit elsewhere. it doesnt sell, so who cares right?

You cant abandon us, stuck in the 90s dudes stick together. Cmon son

I bumped the shit out of WTT last night when I was drinking, and so far it holds up great. Hadn't played it in months and I was getting hype for almost every track.

Ive been listening to it a lot lately. Whole thing goes, The Joy is a great track. Illest motherfucker Alive is great if you edit out that 3 minutes of silence bullshit at the start.

Only song I dont really fuck with is Lift off and that Made in America one. Rest of it bangs.

WTT is very underrated.

I just copped WC's Ghetto Heisman because I like his new record so much.

I was a big fan of this. Post impressions when you get done!


I've only listened up until the nicki song on wales album but this shit is pretty dope.. never been that big of a fan of dude but he's delivered so far on this. Hopefully the rest of it is as good, probably won't get to it till tomorrow. The track with meek is great.
Run the Jewels has me hyped. Might buy my mom the grinder for a late mother's day gift. Or I can buy myself a T-shirt or something.
I think I only like Jarren Benton over Kato production, it's just so ridiculous with him on the boards.


What can I say, she's a pothead. I'm pretty sure she'd love it. Plus I think I just watched a John legend documentary.

I'm jealous. My mom caught me smoking weed in her garage once. She didn't care that much, but still it feels like shit having to hide stuff from your parents as a grown ass man


honestly not really. I can't reconcile my family and social lives like that. shit would be too weird for me breh. Like those kids parents in high school who bought them booze and let them get high and shit. nah that aint me
What about an uncle? Cause I smoke and drink with my uncle. Even went to the club with him once and got some chicks lmao

lmao. I drink with my dad once in a while. But I could never go full ratchet with my parents. Or even hint at the fact that I am capable of such depravities.


bro uncles and cousins are completely different fuckery. An uncle is the guy you can either trust the least or the most in your family if you're a dude. I don't even trust my cousins as much as my uncles cuz they have too much to lose and they're immature as hell.

Damn i need to go to cali and visit my uncle
lmao. I drink with my dad once in a while. But I could never go full ratchet with my parents. Or even hint at the fact that I am capable of such depravities.
You understand man, i know you understand what im getting at, its just not something we can do
I don't smoke but I just like how the grinder looks, figure someone could use it and I'd probably just end up looking at it. My mom's grinder is like some revolver casing and it's missing half the glued on bullets. Can't make my mom grind up her weed with a dinky grinder now.
bro uncles and cousins are completely different fuckery. An uncle is the guy you can either trust the least or the most in your family if you're a dude. I don't even trust my cousins as much as my uncles cuz they have too much to lose and they're immature as hell.

Damn i need to go to cali and visit my uncle

You understand man, i know you understand what im getting at, its just not something we can do

this guy has brown life on a lock with this post right here.


Everybody in my fam is just some combo of boring, old, tired or lame. I cant fault em for it but I envy folks w/ fun relatives.

They treat me like I'm the crazy one when I'm really the only normal one. It's like they're afraid to cut loose and have a good time because they're so concerned w/ being proper. Fuck that.

I'm incredibly disappointed in my oldest cousin. Dude has more money than he knows what to do w/. He works with all women basically and he has no social life. I cant believe how he is wasting the opportunities he has. His idea of a fun Friday night is sitting in the card shop playing Magic. I wanted to shoot myself last time he dragged me to one of those things.


My family know exactly how I am. Whats the point in faking shit? May as well keep it real with your family of all fucking people.
In your family, your culture, that is acceptable. That's not the case with everyone else. Plus I kind of prefer it that way. There are many different facets to my life (work, academia, family, friends) and all of them require a different approach. Unless you're suggesting that you act the exact same way across all of these spectra. If that's the case, I envy you.
this guy has brown life on a lock with this post right here.
Heh. Yeah. It is what it is. I can't wait to be a demonic brown uncle full of fuckery.
I don't smoke but I just like how the grinder looks, figure someone could use it and I'd probably just end up looking at it. My mom's grinder is like some revolver casing and it's missing half the glued on bullets. Can't make my mom grind up her weed with a dinky grinder now.
Meh, well if you're going for quality might as well spring for some Space Case shit. Adults dont really give a shit about weed geekery like that shit though. They prefer what's simple and familiar.
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