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GAF-Hop |OTXI| Five Year Nation

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I fux with it. Sounds like....a FlyLo track. It's not even really a "rap song" so I don't get the focus on that; FlyLo didn't make that thinking "I'm going to put a rapper on this." It's a spaced out jazz record, with Kendrick fading in and out like a horn solo.

He rapped about as well as one could rap on that, especially the run starting at the 50 second mark. What did yall expect? It's like rapping over Lightworks: barring catching the abstract holy ghost you're not going to succeed. And I think Kendrick came as close as anyone would. Why would you expect some lyrical shit?

Agree and disagree here. It definitely isn't a rap track, but Kendrick definitely doesn't "fade in and out" of the song. He raps over it as a rapper would over any beat. It brings the song down because again, like you said, it isn't a rap track. FlyLo's contemporaries are a little bit further ahead of him when it comes to integrating vocal artists with their work and have been for a long time. Stepping further, Esch isn't entirely incorrect when he says FlyLo is mechanical and lacks something soulful when he's not at the top of his game. How clinical and precise his approach is ends up really apparent when he isn't firing on all cylinders. Combine those two things--not being the best at creating tracks with artists instead of featuring artists + being mechanical at times--and it makes for the exact listening experience people are having. Kendrick sounds like a rapper going in on an atypical beat and the beat itself has an "everything but the kitchen sink" element to it. I would also say you can kind of feel the seams too easily and hear how it was sewn together.

Compare it to what FlyLo's peers are doing. Recent stuff, too. Think about Never Catch Me in the context of artists like Shabazz. Listen to it at and Forerunner Foray. Isn't Forerunner Foray more organic? Doesn't it blend together into a more coherent sonic vision? Rap is used as a supporting structure within the song, instead of being dropped on top of it.

I've mentioned Blue Hawaii twice now, but listen to how Raphaelle is used in Follow. That's a singular, harmonious sonic vision between vocalist and producer. It's also patience and allowing elements of a track to grow, hit, and breath, but I still think Never Catch Me will be fine with decent sequencing.

Direct contemporaries, born from the same scene: listen to how Nosaj weaves Kazu Makino into and around Eclipse/Blue. Not on the same level as the above (and not expressly intending to be) but better than FlyLo x Kendrick.

Thinking about jazz-descendant or inspired artists specifically, the mechanical issue (and his occasionally weak transitions/builds) is noticeable in comparison to dudes like Illum Sphere (Near The End, tho he suffers from it worse tbh) and Anenon (Acquiescence). Shit it's noticeable in comparison to his own prior work, since he overcomes it more often than not. And he'll never be on the same level of actual jazz as Bad Bad Not Good or someone like Brandt Brauer Frick (their works w/ orchestration, so like You Make Me Real). Mayaan Nidam is from further back and isn't entirely fair because she's a singular artist, but Milagro works better as a vocal paired jazz/electronic piece.

Obviously these records aren't trying to accomplish the same goals and achieve the same things as FlyLo/Kendrick are on this song. But how they approached their own goals illustrates a weakness in FlyLo and Kendrick's. Being fair the issue changes if you look at it as an actual rap song within typical rap lines. Then the beat just needs to be parsed down and Kendrick should mellow out. I would just be really disappointed if we have two artists as talented as FlyLo and Kendrick linking up, but the extent of their ambition is dope rap songs. Not that they need to aspire to more than dope rap songs, I would just really want that kind of project in my life.

Also at some point I should mention that I still super dig the song. Big fan of it. I'm just more excited by how much they can improve on it (and I have a ton of faith in both of them to recognize it). Future collabs can grow so much from this. And I think it will fit in context of the album. But just this song, in a vacuum? Dope, but disappointing. Little behind the work of both their peers. Highlights both their weaknesses despite their strengths being great enough to over come them.

but fuck all that. We're not gonna talk about Thundercat's bass on this record?!

Dude is a genius, barely needs to be said. He also just blends in better with the track.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
As a fan of jazz I loved that Kendrick/flylo track.

I am assuming this is just a lead in track to the official single


Thinking we're really far from a Kendrick album. Well, at least further than I thought we would be in September. Calling next May.
just stayin up listening to all the stuff in pickles' last post

Ambitious projects/collabs/highly in sync artists are the coolest thing in the world man. The only reason I bring these people up is because someone like FlyLo I would consider a "creator". I'd like to think the same of Kendrick. Dudes who have a style, a defining sense of who they are, but are willing to go where a song or project takes them. Artists willing or actively looking to get outside the traditional framework and restraints of their genre. Willing to try entirely different approaches to what they've learned. So when a "creator" along the lines of Pantha du Prince links up with The Bell Laboratory, we get something like Particle. When Carl Craig meets up with Les Siecles Orchestra, we get the performance of a lifetime. Abstraxion brings in Caroline Duris and gives his music an entirely new dimension. When Brandt Brauer Frick decides to orchestrate minimal techno, they let it drag them into jazz. Shabazz, goes without saying. Nicolas Jaar and Dave Harington blending perfectly into one another during the Darkside live performances. The Knife and literally their entire career. Amon Tobin and his career past the early 00s. And so on and so forth. FlyLo and Kendrick didn't demonstrate the ambition those pairings or projects did, or many others. Not that they need to, maybe that isn't something they're interested in. But the opportunity is there if they both want to grab it.


"Yo you know what I'm sayin' we just wanted to give this track it's proper due, cause I know they worked really hard on it."

As a fan [THIS IS AN LA LEAKERS EXCLUSIVE], excuse me, as a fan of [THIS IS A POWER 106 EXCLUSIVE]... pardon me, ahem, as a fan of jazz [THIS IS AN LA LEAKERS EXCLUSIVE] this shit sucks.


Now that I've listened to more times, I'm really warming up to it (Never Catch Me) but he really should stop screaming man. I really hope he doesn't scream all the time in his new album. And the outro is dope. Nobody can front on that.

Fuck control.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Didn't even bother listening to that FlyLoxKDot track. Those drops and air horns killed any sort of vibe that I coulda cultivated from it. Really don't know how you guys listen to that shit and think you're gaining anything from it. Straight trash like those Yela freestyles.

That Gibbs thou... Wheewwww

We're not getting his new album this year are we :(


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm gonna stay pure until the new FlyLo album in full is out. Don't need to hear that tainted shit. I'm a patient man, at least sometimes. I've either liked or loved everything he's put out so far.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I'm gonna stay pure until the new FlyLo album in full is out. Don't need to hear that tainted shit. I'm a patient man, at least sometimes. I've either liked or loved everything he's put out so far.
We still got a month to go bruther. Unless we get some drip in a week or two :X


Damn, Bronson went to the same high school as I did.

His description of everyone getting high and going to White Castle is pretty accurate.
Don't get the "screaming" complaint, the vast majority of his vocals aren't even loud on the track. His energy picks up alongside the track and he's surprisingly "on beat" - or at least as much as one could be on that type of piece.
Don't get the "screaming" complaint, the vast majority of his vocals aren't even loud on the track. His energy picks up alongside the track and he's surprisingly "on beat" - or at least as much as one could be on that type of piece.

People act like he wasn't rapping that same way on The Heart series.

big ander

Agree and disagree here. It definitely isn't a rap track, but Kendrick definitely doesn't "fade in and out" of the song. He raps over it as a rapper would over any beat. It brings the song down because again, like you said, it isn't a rap track. FlyLo's contemporaries are a little bit further ahead of him when it comes to integrating vocal artists with their work and have been for a long time. Stepping further, Esch isn't entirely incorrect when he says FlyLo is mechanical and lacks something soulful when he's not at the top of his game. How clinical and precise his approach is ends up really apparent when he isn't firing on all cylinders. Combine those two things--not being the best at creating tracks with artists instead of featuring artists + being mechanical at times--and it makes for the exact listening experience people are having. Kendrick sounds like a rapper going in on an atypical beat and the beat itself has an "everything but the kitchen sink" element to it. I would also say you can kind of feel the seams too easily and hear how it was sewn together.

Compare it to what FlyLo's peers are doing. Recent stuff, too. Think about Never Catch Me in the context of artists like Shabazz. Listen to it at and Forerunner Foray. Isn't Forerunner Foray more organic? Doesn't it blend together into a more coherent sonic vision? Rap is used as a supporting structure within the song, instead of being dropped on top of it.

I've mentioned Blue Hawaii twice now, but listen to how Raphaelle is used in Follow. That's a singular, harmonious sonic vision between vocalist and producer. It's also patience and allowing elements of a track to grow, hit, and breath, but I still think Never Catch Me will be fine with decent sequencing.

Direct contemporaries, born from the same scene: listen to how Nosaj weaves Kazu Makino into and around Eclipse/Blue. Not on the same level as the above (and not expressly intending to be) but better than FlyLo x Kendrick.

Thinking about jazz-descendant or inspired artists specifically, the mechanical issue (and his occasionally weak transitions/builds) is noticeable in comparison to dudes like Illum Sphere (Near The End, tho he suffers from it worse tbh) and Anenon (Acquiescence). Shit it's noticeable in comparison to his own prior work, since he overcomes it more often than not. And he'll never be on the same level of actual jazz as Bad Bad Not Good or someone like Brandt Brauer Frick (their works w/ orchestration, so like You Make Me Real). Mayaan Nidam is from further back and isn't entirely fair because she's a singular artist, but Milagro works better as a vocal paired jazz/electronic piece.

Obviously these records aren't trying to accomplish the same goals and achieve the same things as FlyLo/Kendrick are on this song. But how they approached their own goals illustrates a weakness in FlyLo and Kendrick's. Being fair the issue changes if you look at it as an actual rap song within typical rap lines. Then the beat just needs to be parsed down and Kendrick should mellow out. I would just be really disappointed if we have two artists as talented as FlyLo and Kendrick linking up, but the extent of their ambition is dope rap songs. Not that they need to aspire to more than dope rap songs, I would just really want that kind of project in my life.

Also at some point I should mention that I still super dig the song. Big fan of it. I'm just more excited by how much they can improve on it (and I have a ton of faith in both of them to recognize it). Future collabs can grow so much from this. And I think it will fit in context of the album. But just this song, in a vacuum? Dope, but disappointing. Little behind the work of both their peers. Highlights both their weaknesses despite their strengths being great enough to over come them.

Dude is a genius, barely needs to be said. He also just blends in better with the track.
Some really great points here, stuff I could've never come up wtih-- I still like the song but it definitely feels too overtly constructed, particularly to me around the 1:45 mark or so when the "hook" comes in. Which I guess is different from what you're saying in that you think the flylo/k. marriage is worse in the actual verse. I still think that works well even if it is overly busy. As we all keep saying a FlyLo album's gonna come down to sequencing, I'm hopeful.

Blue Hawaii are so good. now I have to check illum sphere and Frick.
love this So It Goes video. every listen to that record brings it a step up my top list for the year.

don't like this chance song at all. dude's been a massive disappointment in 2014.
People act like he wasn't rapping that same way on The Heart series.

Just sucks seeing this narrative get created based on...what exactly. Most of the features he has done post-Control haven't been "scream" rap. Kendrick has always had a variety of voices, including a more agitated one, which I wouldn't even call "screaming." We gonna forget this piff? Kendrick has always had a variety of voices, including a more agitated one, which I wouldn't even call "screaming." Like this. Then you have shit like this which is aite at best, but is clearly not scream rap. Or that time Kendrick out-Eminem'd Eminem on his own shit. Not screaming either.

Outside of the Spider-Man track and that horrible Soul interlude, yall really don't have an argument.


It's not even just screaming tho PD- even on that flylo track his hook is cool, but that first verse is like he's trying to out rap everyone or something- it's a fucking jazz-esque track, ride it instead of trying to lay down this perfect fucking 16 that doesn't fit.
Click image to Listen, remix ft. Kendrick

Wonder if this was the original version songs pretty dope.

Just sucks seeing this narrative get created based on...what exactly. Most of the features he has done post-Control haven't been "scream" rap. Kendrick has always had a variety of voices, including a more agitated one, which I wouldn't even call "screaming." We gonna forget this piff? Kendrick has always had a variety of voices, including a more agitated one, which I wouldn't even call "screaming." Like this. Then you have shit like this which is aite at best, but is clearly not scream rap. Or that time Kendrick out-Eminem'd Eminem on his own shit. Not screaming either.

Outside of the Spider-Man track and that horrible Soul interlude, yall really don't have an argument.

Not mention his verse on Buy The World, then you got this piff.


It's not even just screaming tho PD- even on that flylo track his hook is cool, but that first verse is like he's trying to out rap everyone or something- it's a fucking jazz-esque track, ride it instead of trying to lay down this perfect fucking 16 that doesn't fit.

The song would work better if the tempo was a little slower, but that's Flylo for ya.


Just sucks seeing this narrative get created based on...what exactly. Most of the features he has done post-Control haven't been "scream" rap. Kendrick has always had a variety of voices, including a more agitated one, which I wouldn't even call "screaming." We gonna forget this piff? Kendrick has always had a variety of voices, including a more agitated one, which I wouldn't even call "screaming." Like this. Then you have shit like this which is aite at best, but is clearly not scream rap. Or that time Kendrick out-Eminem'd Eminem on his own shit. Not screaming either.

Outside of the Spider-Man track and that horrible Soul interlude, yall really don't have an argument.

its not really about the screaming, bruv (though that is the nadir of the whole situation). it's about some of breh's verses being unneccessarily syllable crammed and sounding like the 2014 equivalent of this
Man, Jeezy is one of the most uneventful rappers ever. Not bad, not good...he just exists, typically on good production. Lol @ him jacking Hov with this album though.
It's not even just screaming tho PD- even on that flylo track his hook is cool, but that first verse is like he's trying to out rap everyone or something- it's a fucking jazz-esque track, ride it instead of trying to lay down this perfect fucking 16 that doesn't fit.

How is he not riding that beat or "out rapping" people? As I said last night, he did it as well as anyone could given that track is not a hip hop song or "beat." He's literally trying to keep up with the beat lol.
I prefer lyrical rappers, but I enjoy Jeezy, he just kinda coasts on beats and does it well.

Dude just makes enjoyable songs. I don't think anybody's expecting anything else out of him.
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