It's interesting to see the influx of so many hybrid crooner/rapper artists come along again long after the emergence of Drake. I guess the style is coming back into prominence or experiencing a second wind of sorts. Anyway, many of these rappers possess such an immense talent and at least attempt to wax poetical and perceptive lyrics, so I can't really hate on the trend at all yet. It seems like these artists were just waiting for the right to come out of the woodwork so to speak
Now regarding Pell, there's one artist that will instantly come to mind, so let's just go ahead and address the inevitable comparisons to Chance that he's going to garner. When you first hear Pell it's going to be very hard not to instantly think of the aforementioned rapper. He definitely sounds a bit like him, and even the production has the same mid-tempo atmospheric characteristics found in many of the tracks on Acid Raps.
I think Pell actually might be even more versatile than Chance on some level. His flow really seems quite adaptable. He can rap really fast and then get just sluggish enough on a murky, dense track like Kreation to really insert himself into the depths of the foggy production. Pell's ability to navigate within strong conceptual themes is one of the strengths that he shares with Chance.
However, with a few skits or interludes thrown in to really clarify some of the topics, Floating While Dreaming might have felt as united as Acid Raps. The project does start to feel a bit long by the end, even though it's only thirteen tracks, as there aren't enough uptempo tracks to offer enough change of pace to the somewhat meandering composition of the majority. Pell also croons a bit too much throughout, and while his voice is nice, it's not really quite adequate to carry entire tracks. He also is going to have to find something to separate himself from his peers. He doesn't have any good adlibs or anything to distinguish himself yet, except for maybe his extremely talented circle of friends. Curtis Williams and Dent May really elevate the tracks they're featured on, and electronic producer Tomas Barfod seems to be a really good fit for Pell.
Strong 6