Playing catch up
1) Infinite gets shit on, but it will remain one of favorite games of all times. It absolutely is the best ending to a video game ever. 9.8/10 for me. Missed being perfect because of the half-assing of Elizabeth's powers. The story "shit the bed?" Get the holy fucking hell out of here with that nonsense.
2) Fallout: New Vegas is a much better RPG, but stepping out of the Vault in Fallout 3 for the first time was one of the defining moments of the entire generation. Seeing the wasteland open for actual exploration was awesome. New Vegas fixed a lot of broken shit in FO3, but even still, I enjoyed them equally.
3) Lupe is being Lupe still. The song comes across as try hard. He's technically gifted, but unless he's speaking in abstracts like with The Cool, Streets on Fire or telling a slice of life like in Kick, Push or Hip-Hop saved my life, he's just rambling. The song is a muddled mess of jumbled production, good flow and corny observations. Lupe being Lupe.
4) I haven't touched a Halo since Halo 2, but how the hell can anybody pass up the package they put together with the MCC? I mean, shit. If I'm ever broke living off welfare, at least I know I'll have pew pew gaming needs more or less met for life with MCC.
5) System Shock 1 was butt cheeks, System Shock 2 was as hyped, System Shock 3, if ever made, would likely suck ass. They're not allowed to make games like that any more.
6) Lunchables were the holy grail back in the day. When they came out with those I wanted to be on some ski mask way shit. I may go get one today, just because.