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GAF-Hop |OTXI| Five Year Nation

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I just don't like when I end up wasting hours not having fun. Demon's Souls ended up being like that, thought there was a reward in progressing.

Dota though... fuck that shit. It's a perpetual carrot and stick. I've never felt so shit playing a game I considered to be good.


I just don't like when I end up wasting hours not having fun. Demon's Souls ended up being like that, thought there was a reward in progressing.

Dota though... fuck that shit. It's a perpetual carrot and stick. I've never felt so shit playing a game I considered to be good.

Can you level up to the point in Demon/Dark Souls where you can't be fucked with
I realized a long time ago that there's something in the broken mechanics, unpolished graphics, glitchy cameras, and general jank that games scoring in the 6 - 7 area have that just speaks to me. Like I really enjoy the frustration of dying repeatedly through no fault of my own because of a dumb design decision. And how satisfying it is to beat those areas. Dark Souls gets me on that level because it's much more polished than your typical 6 - 7 game but still has those same characteristics. It's super repetitive, the enemies are really really easy once you find their patterns, 90% of your deaths are from something stupid (either trial and error or dumb game moments), and the other 10% are unforced mental errors. But that's really satisfying to me.

So franchises like Dark Souls, FEAR, Total War, Mount and Blade, Mirror's Edge, Tomb Raider, etc. all hit me harder than most. High quality jank titles.

RE: why I like those games, it's mostly down to personal experience. I feel like you have more of a connection to games like that where your experiences can be personal and private within the game. There are moments I've had in them that nobody else will ever experience. Completely unique to me. Dumb paths I've taken to solve puzzles, ridiculous enemy spawns, random AI decisions...they make the games personal.

I don't fuck with Naughty Dog games at all because my experience is the same experience everyone else will have with them. Everybody did the same exact thing in Uncharted. Everyone had the exact same experience with Last of Us. It's boring. Especially when you're talking about the game with someone else, because it's just "Remember when that train fell and those dudes came out??" "Yeah that was cool!!!!". Eh.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Dark souls is designed in a similar manner to uncharted except you can't see the cues coming from a mile away. It's the players learning style and temperament that changes. The game stays the same.


Any love for Ratchet and Clank in here?

Man I replayed the HD collection recently. I haven't had that much fun gaming since... well since I played them the first time. Series is transcends gaming perfection.

FEAR: 10/10 some of the all-time greatest gun fights and the AI is still GOAT level. Amazing sound design. fucking AWFUL level design. fucking AWFUL environment design. fucking AWFUL irrelevant story. Poorly balanced. The definition of a high quality jank game that excels overall but has enough niggling jank to keep its soul.

FEAR 2: 7/10 everything was worse. The good parts, the average parts, the bad parts. Everything. Still enjoyable.

F3AR 2/10: lol

An interesting series is Far Cry because I go

Far Cry 7/10: super janky, super open, unsatisfying gunplay, real fun.

Far Cry 2 10/10: possibly the first and only PURPOSEFULLY janky game. Every positive aspect of this game has an equally powerful negative that was a deliberate choice. Every single one. So good.

Far Cry 3 6/10: Tried to bridge the gap between the two and failed to grab me because of it. Should give it another shot. Maybe I'll start it up next week.

STALKER is a great one for this too.


FEAR was a middling shooter that flirted with horror, those levels were kinda uninspired & didn't make me want to keep at it too

The combat is interesting. It's been modeled with historical context and physics to be as accurate as possible, there are duels, the ranged game looks fun as hell. This is pretty much as close to the real thing as you can get. But i guess you aren't interested in realism or first person games, so it's falling on deaf ears. Peep how the siege options sound and how you can fight or stealth your way through. Shit is boss.

this is pretty much unlike anything you've ever played

you're literally linking to cosplay fights
for real though, you're right that i typically don't lean towards realism in most games, as even the best sims get boring if they stick too much to accuracy (my opinion). first person's fine though, P.T. just reminded me how effective horror can be in that mode

really, my shot on boredom is more the setting - western fetishism of medieval settings is just do ne to death for me. it's the equivalent of WW II era shooters pre COD IV - i'll grand you that this one's trying something different & i dig that, but it's hard to get me interested in that setting. i struggled through Dragon Age Origins and that wasn't a bad game.

"If it's not Sega then a ninja don't want it" - Irish Ninja, 199X.

you can at least quote me at 20XX

doesnt yet exist for any of what he linked tho
i mean we could do this & say the best PC games are on consoles too but i think you'd agree shit is better where it's optimized

literally, no one cares. otherwise there'd be an active emulation project for it by now. i'm not concerned about backcompat for old ass consoles i've already played and owned.

actually untrue, the scene's been at it but turns out it's way more difficult than people thought it would be for the OG xbox's architecture
Saturn's unique architecture took 10+ years to get to the nearly system-replacing level that it's at, so never say never

I'm gonna be honest, never really got the nostalgia for GCN and Xbox. One was a halobox with some 6-7/10 cult games on the side, the other was a Nintendobox with 6-7/10 cult games on the side.

this kinda reeks of not having explored those libraries tho
again, the same fondness i have for some of ya'll diggin through the crates in this genre, i like doing with games - i too thought xbox was a halobox till i explored it more

Bloodborne looks like the game Souls should've been. Both Demon and Dark I'll never fully understand. They're just not fun, but seemingly people convince themselves they are, but then again people put up with DOTA and WoW for thousands of hours of their lives so I guess I can buy why Demon/Dark Souls is seen as entertaining.

what a terrible conclusion to draw: "I couldn't sort shit out/it wasn't for me so i guess anyone having fun with it is lying to theyselves"
souls games are crazy fun if you're into the challenge/exploration but if you're not inclined, sure it's gonna be a chore. that's applicable to most things wenises.

Mirror's Edge and the first Fear have very little jank about them. Just great fucking games.

Mirror's Edge is about the only title to shut my fucking mouth about my disdain for first person platforming - when that game flowed, shit was beautiful. cannot wait for 2, gonna try for PC on this one since 1 looked so great there


Deus Ex is the goat of antiquated perfection. I absolutely adore fighting the mechanics. The level design is still absolute unadulterated perfection.


Deus Ex is the goat of antiquated perfection. I absolutely adore fighting the mechanics. The level design is still absolute unadulterated perfection.

see this one deserves the hype - i patched the shit out of it & was just digging it, until i realized how very divergent the plot could've gone had i done shit differently. that's amazing, you just don't see that

another one: Planescape Torment plays like butt for those of us who don't know the archaic-ass THAC0 system but goddamn is that writing on another level. years later i finally get why PC snobs didn't enjoy my religious studies 101 level Xenogears plot


u wot m8

FEAR is a 10/10, FEAR 2 is a 8/10, F3AR is a 5/10


FEAR 1, to this day, is the only first person shooter I've played where the AI actually impressed me. Yes I played Crysis on that hard difficulty where they only speaking in Korean.


Far Cry 2 10/10: possibly the first and only PURPOSEFULLY janky game. Every positive aspect of this game has an equally powerful negative that was a deliberate choice. Every single one. So good.

Far Cry 3 6/10: Tried to bridge the gap between the two and failed to grab me because of it. Should give it another shot. Maybe I'll start it up next week.

STALKER is a great one for this too.
STAHP. I hate FC2 so much. So brown and shitty, terrible shooting, respawning damn checkpoints, I can't stand that shit. Shit is so fucking boring. The setting is cool but it's ugly af.

Far Cry 3 is dope breh. I don't get why people dislike it. Hilariously self aware white savior narrative, a perk system that doesn't get too much in the way everything, GOAT animal killing. I love murking an outpost with a well placed tiger rampage.

FEAR 1's AI is so good it creeps me out. It's not Crysis where every fucker just makes a beeline for you if you snipe one guy from 300 yards away with a silenced sniper. It's like... even intelligent in the mistakes and flaws it makes. The way it'll have an enemy retreat for cover is amazing. Feels so lifelike.


Far Cry 2 is garbage tier. At least FC 1 when it first dropped had graphics going for it. FC3 I don't "love" but I dig it the most out of the rest of the series.
More top tier jank: Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, Morrowind, Gothic 2, Neverwinter Nights 2 (expansions expelled the jank and were just amazing), KOTOR, most tactical shooters worth playing that were not SWAT 4, Full Spectrum Warrior.

All at or near 10/10. All super janky.

another one: Planescape Torment plays like butt for those of us who don't know the archaic-ass THAC0 system but goddamn is that writing on another level. years later i finally get why PC snobs didn't enjoy my religious studies 101 level Xenogears plot

^^^ I hope you've played the Baldur's Gate series friend. BG2 is easily my favorite game. Iso RPGs are my favorite genre, the revival has me hyped.


How do ya'll rate Blood Dragon? was curious about that one

Nostalgia wank for 80s babies tbh. The old guys on The Bore tend to love it but I think its just kind of a corny tron mod for Far Cry 3 with a campaign. I get it. You miss the old days when people gave a shit about Kurt Russell movies, get over it.

Any love for Ratchet and Clank in here?

Man I replayed the HD collection recently. I haven't had that much fun gaming since... well since I played them the first time. Series is transcends gaming perfection.

I was a big fan back in the day.


NWN2 pre MotB was bland janky mess you could still lose a summer too. Then MotB dropped and it was like seeing the face of god in the smile of an autistic child. It might change your life, but you're gonna have a hard time explaining it.
STAHP. I hate FC2 so much. So brown and shitty, terrible shooting, respawning damn checkpoints, I can't stand that shit. Shit is so fucking boring. The setting is cool but it's ugly af.

Brown and shitty aside, these are all of my reasons for loving it. It's the most frustrating game I've ever played. Yet it did so much different with its setting, plot, characterizations, and some mechanics. Perfect sweet spot of awful and great.

FEAR 1's AI is so good it creeps me out. It's not Crysis where every fucker just makes a beeline for you if you snipe one guy from 300 yards away with a silenced sniper. It's like... even intelligent in the mistakes and flaws it makes. The way it'll have an enemy retreat for cover is amazing. Feels so lifelike.

The scariest thing about FEAR AI is that they backtrack through the level and legitimately surprise you with the approaches they take. It's amazing.


^^^ I hope you've played the Baldur's Gate series friend. BG2 is easily my favorite game. Iso RPGs are my favorite genre, the revival has me hyped.

literally watched a roomie in college go through much of both, but they're 100 or so hour games to fully explore yeah? how much would i miss just jumping into 2? i should look into how that HD treatment went

Nostalgia wank for 80s babies tbh. The old guys on The Bore tend to love it but I think its just kind of a corny tron mod for Far Cry 3 with a campaign. I get it. You miss the old days when people gave a shit about Kurt Russell movies, get over it.

ah, that's kind've a bummer. that sounds like what i expect from an expendables flick.
shooters are a bit like fighters & such for me - i dig them casually, but unless a number of friends are playing socially, there's not usually enough there for me solo to really get into shit, especially lately



FEAR 1, to this day, is the only first person shooter I've played where the AI actually impressed me. Yes I played Crysis on that hard difficulty where they only speaking in Korean.

If you just want sheer challenge, honestly Resistance 2 is hard as fuck on above normal difficulties. Aggressive as hell and lots of health. I had some legit mad almost throw my controller moments and I'm not really like that with games. Shit humbled me.


for real? i don't remember a whole helluva lot from Resistance 2, but i know the final boss was some disappointing shit. i guess i could try it again on hard but if i was to revisit that series i'd prolly tie off part 3.


If you just want sheer challenge, honestly Resistance 2 is hard as fuck on above normal difficulties. Aggressive as hell and lots of health. I had some legit mad almost throw my controller moments and I'm not really like that with games. Shit humbled me.

I'm not talking just difficulty when talking about FEAR. The way enemies moved, tried to flush you with grenades, and genrally interacted around you impressed me in a way that I haven't really seen since. That said I know most modern shooters have already rolled that sort of behavior into their games but nothing's been that has made me go :eek:h: since (2004?)


I'm not talking just difficulty when talking about FEAR. The way enemies moved, tried to flush you with grenades, and genrally interacted around you impressed me in a way that I haven't really seen since. That said I know most modern shooters have already rolled that sort of behavior into their games but nothing's been that has made me go :eek:h: since (2004?)

You mentioned Crysis, but I legit found the AI to be smart at times. There were more than a few holy fuck moments. I don't think an FPS campaign has interested me since 2007.

big ander

Mirrors edge probably my #2 game of the past 8ish years. It did have some jank tho, but only in a way that made it feel like the users fault. Like, sure you theoretically shouldntve gotten stuck on that ledge, but an actually good player would see you should've been doing a wall run 50 ft before then onto somethin else. I can't wait for 2, only forthcoming game I'm excited about. Will either buy a console or some computer upgrades just for that
my battle rifle game crazy b.
My 4 shot was always strong and I could place a grenade but I was a mediocre sniper. held my own along srs dudes but never shined
NWN2 pre MotB was bland janky mess you could still lose a summer too. Then MotB dropped and it was like seeing the face of god in the smile of an autistic child. It might change your life, but you're gonna have a hard time explaining it.

this post makes us best friends breh

literally watched a roomie in college go through much of both, but they're 100 or so hour games to fully explore yeah? how much would i miss just jumping into 2? i should look into how that HD treatment went

The EE versions of the game are great now that the bugs have been worked out. I would give BG 1 a go just because the BG2 engine makes it a lot more tolerable these days, but you can definitely skip it. Just fleshes out your characters history a lot. Think of it more as a prelude.

BG 1 shouldn't be more than 30 - 40 hours, if that. BG2 could get you into the 80 - 100 area if you're the type to be detail oriented. TONS of super good sidequests that are really long and involved.


I'm not talking just difficulty when talking about FEAR. The way enemies moved, tried to flush you with grenades, and genrally interacted around you impressed me in a way that I haven't really seen since. That said I know most modern shooters have already rolled that sort of behavior into their games but nothing's been that has made me go :eek:h: since (2004?)

Oh word my man, I know. There's nothing like it on the market. That was a whole other different level. That's a game you literally need to play on PC/ m+k. Play that shit at 120fps, headphones on, raging on caffeine, and eat good. It's such a shame that level of gunplay's never been recreated again

Reinstalled Witcher 2 and Farcry 3 to play a bit cause of these conversations.

Dudes hated way too hard on Far Cry 3. Is it repetitive? Sure. Is it Ubisofty, with the map and objectives and all that? sure. But when it comes down to it, the core gameplay is pretty fucking fun and it just works. It feels natural. The way you can approach dudes and how many different ways you can murk them is fun as hell. What i love, more than anything, is how you can use the environment above all to fuck with people. They just need to take that to like the next next level. Like sleeping dogs, where i can QTE dudes faces into fans. GOTY.

You mentioned Crysis, but I legit found the AI to be smart at times. There were more than a few holy fuck moments. I don't think an FPS campaign has interested me since 2007.

Crysis comes so close with the AI but just doesnt do it. It's TOO smart and responsive maybe.


The EE versions of the game are great now that the bugs have been worked out. I would give BG 1 a go just because the BG2 engine makes it a lot more tolerable these days, but you can definitely skip it. Just fleshes out your characters history a lot. Think of it more as a prelude.

BG 1 shouldn't be more than 30 - 40 hours, if that. BG2 could get you into the 80 - 100 area if you're the type to be detail oriented. TONS of super good sidequests that are really long and involved.

awesome info man, thanks

and yeah i'm not usually an RPG completist these days but i understand BG2 is one of those were sidequests don't waste your time & actually add character/etc so i could see myself going all out there


I'm not gonna lie, I don't care much for BG1. I recall being very frustrated at the beginning of the game, plus I'd played BG2 before it. Just felt like a real step back. It's like what playing Uncharted or Gears sequels and then going back to the first installment. Just meh.

The game I really need to play but I won't is Daggerfall tbh.
Mirrors edge probably my #2 game of the past 8ish years. It did have some jank tho, but only in a way that made it feel like the users fault. Like, sure you theoretically shouldntve gotten stuck on that ledge, but an actually good player would see you should've been doing a wall run 50 ft before then onto somethin else.

I agree with all of this. There was a moment during the Atrium where you have a chance to move slowly and deliberately for once when I just stopped and realized how much fun I was having.

The Mirror's Edge/Dead Space/Mass Effect (soooo good) era of 360 games is my favorite console stretch. Only time I've leaned more console than PC.


As soon as it hits a good sale (sub 20?) you should pick up Wolfenstein Esch. You might like it. It plays a lot like 90s fps and not in the flat nostalgia way. Actual level design, not a total cake walk etc. Story also has way more care and nuance to it than you'd expect too. It's really easy to name it one of the better shooters of the past 5-10 years.


Gaf-hops taste in games may be better than their taste in music. Incredible.

Yeah I've had System Shock 2 lined up to play all summer, I need to jump on it. I think I will love it considering Deus Ex being my favorite game.

Also I agree with Mass Effect 1 being great. God that series went to shit, but all that Syd Mead and sci-fi orchestration was staggering.


As soon as it hits a good sale (sub 20?) you should pick up Wolfenstein Esch. You might like it. It plays a lot like 90s fps and not in the flat nostalgia way. Actual level design, not a total cake walk etc. Story also has way more care and nuance to it than you'd expect too. It's really easy to name it one of the better shooters of the past 5-10 years.

Will do. I was actually shopping around on more opinions on that one and i got a lot of one note DUDE YOU KILL NAZIS AWESOME type one-offs. I don't particularly get that razzed up by the prospects of killing anything tbh, unless it's interesting. Will czech out.

sci-fi orchestration was staggering.

shit was a really great Vangelis knockoff. I don't like ME1 though.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016

my god. it's beautiful.


Any love for Ratchet and Clank in here?

Man I replayed the HD collection recently. I haven't had that much fun gaming since... well since I played them the first time. Series is transcends gaming perfection.
One of my all time favorite series. I didn't have a PS3 early so I just started Future more recently and it's very good.


All this shade at dota, we outchea getting major patches a few times a year that change entire mechanics, skills and introduce new ones; while y'all are thirsty for armour dlc. Just know dota is your favourite developers favourite game.
Will do. I was actually shopping around on more opinions on that one and i got a lot of one note DUDE YOU KILL NAZIS AWESOME type one-offs. I don't particularly get that razzed up by the prospects of killing anything tbh, unless it's interesting. Will czech out.

Have you played the Chronicles of Riddick or the first Darkness? Wolfenstein: TNO is by those devs. If you've played them, you should know what to expect, just a lot heavier on the shooting side of things. If you haven't, I'd say it's more a child of Half Life in design than what people consider "90s shooters," but it's one of the best HL children you can play in the last decade. Feels like an iteration of where shooters were headed after Riddick/HL2/F.E.A.R. Fun characters too.
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