that feel when your album flops so bad you quit rapping and leave the country
That feel when I didn't even know dude had an album out
that feel when your album flops so bad you quit rapping and leave the country
can we truly find happiness in this world?
Yes. Probably not in Canada, though.
we invented happiness, so stfu
we invented happiness, so stfu
What a sad day for rap. Hopsin was one of the good ones.
It is a terrible day for the rap industry with loss of one of the greatest to ever do it, Hopsin. Who else was going to become the next Eminem?
Yes, Gleesh is that dudem
Like, my top 3 albums this year are How to Dress Well, St Vincent, and War on Drugs. Nothing in rap came close to those albums for me.
They left the door open and it's cold outside.
is that seth green?
never watched the wire?
This Mike Will-tape is so good.
Wow! This is really cool! Also, it's 2005 again somehow!
what do you guys seriously think of hopsin? imo he's like a black early eminem and still pretty corny. has a couple of good songs tho.