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GAF, Let's rate the looks of the poster above you!


have we got any 1/10s yet, or are we just fishing for compliments

anyway this is me


I feel an urge to puke...

You look good man. 7.5
Very good looking dude (please put the pic link inside quote tags though, it's huuuge!!!). Also, i think you'd look even better after a clean shave IMHO.


EDIT: On second thought... maybe the fact that i'm using a different (bigger) monitor is messing with my perception so disregard my suggestion about the quote tags if you're already using them. :p

It's a huge image! I quoted it. Thanks!!!

Some advice, shave regularly and wear your hair differently, probably down. You'd have a nice look then. Not trying to hate, but seriously your face shape doesn't suit that hair. Makes your forehead look like it goes on forever lol

Yeah, I have a long face. The only reason I style it the way I do is because I can't find a good style wearing it down. I have very flat hair. And the facial hair doesn't look to good in that photo but it's a bit better in person. I try to keep it shaved down very short. Thanks for the advice!

For a self confidence boost too. Nothing wrong with that. No harm no foul. :p

What no... I disagree. From a non-straight guy, his hair looks really good already. Very stylish and puts a lot of emphasis on his face.

No need to shave either. He already looks extremely good imho.

Thank you a lot :) I really appreciate it

I don't think facial hair suits you, but you're very cute and have good hair. 8 or 9 easy.

Thanks!!! That's very kind!


Grimløck;171032762 said:
just got a new haircut:


Is that really you?

10/10 - You remind me of the girl that got away...

A wild contender appears


You sir have one of those faces and hair cuts that i'd never forget and you're charming smile is just wonderful. Is that really you or some actor I'm not aware of? Looks super familiar.


Honest opinions please. Also sorry for shitty Nexus 4 image.

I'm assuming you are the guy there and that cartoon avatar is you right? I long for a thick head of hair like you. You can't tell from my picture but I can already see my hairline starting to recede. You're not a bad looking guy! 8.5/10. Trying to picture you without a beard, I think you might look even nicer rocking no beard at all. That just might boost you up on my scale. You're girl friend is cute too.



Grimløck;171032762 said:
Honestly, this is the best bowl cut I've ever seen. Maybe Definitely the only good bowl cut I've seen in my life. Whoever this really is (I couldn't find a name), you rock it, girl!


You sir have one of those faces and hair cuts that i'd never forget and you're charming smile is just wonderful. Is that really you or some actor I'm not aware of? Looks super familiar.

He's Markorepairs, a Finnish youtube "star". If I remember correctly, his youtube video of his VHS player collection was featured on Conan O'Brien's show at some point.

EDIT: If that is you in the pic with the guy wearing a tie, you look amazing. Wish my teeth were as white as yours lol.


My first post since a 2 month ban. It's good to be back. Nice idea for a thread as well. This is me and my daughter. Please be honest. Can't say I see any unattractive folks here :).



Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Alright, really, REALLY FOR REAL THIS TIME. No Brad Pitt or cakes (although I did win the thread with that cake, nobody else got 10/10 four times in a row)

Redacted, suckas


My first post since a 2 month ban. It's good to be back. Nice idea for a thread as well. This is me and my daughter. Please be honest. Can't say I see any unattractive folks here :).


You're a good looking dude, but you're no competition for that kid.

Alright, really, REALLY FOR REAL THIS TIME. No Brad Pitt or cakes (although I did win the thread with that cake, nobody else got 10/10 four times in a row)

Helmet hair

Unshaven, short hair

Me browsing GAF

Short hair is the best pic, but I'm curious what you look like without the beard.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Also, i think you'd look even better after a clean shave IMHO
Some advice, shave regularly
I don't think facial hair suits you

BigEvilTurtle: the facial hair clearly improves your face, keep it. You're pretty babyface too, you'd look like a kid without it (hell you already look too young for me xD). You'd look even better with long hair, that'd suit a "long face" really well I think. You'd go from a 7 to a 9, probably. :)

Honest opinions please. Also sorry for shitty Nexus 4 image.


BigEvilTurtle: the facial hair clearly improves your face, keep it. You're pretty babyface too, you'd look like a kid without it (hell you already look too young for me xD). You'd look even better with long hair, that'd suit a "long face" really well I think. You'd go from a 7 to a 9, probably. :)

Thank you!!! I've had facial hair for years now. I'm only 21 so it's still developing but it looks pretty nice right now, especially when I trim it down real short. Yeah, I do have a baby face unfortunately. And a long face. I had long hair for years before finally getting it trimmed short around the age of 18. Everyone I know told me it was a major improvement. I simply can't find a good, long hairstyle that suits me (especially considering my odd color scheme of blond hair, red beard, blue eyes, and black eyebrows).

Again, thank you. Especially for the good rating and advice :)

Grimløck;171095783 said:
you look great, turtle. love your eyes. don't know how long hair will complement your face; i think your hair is fine as is. or you could go for the fashionable bowl cut like myself.

Thanks, Grimløck! Wow I'm surprised at the positive reception. Long hair really didn't work for me back in the day. I mean, considering I was like 16 years old it made sense but I'm an adult and need a more mature style. My hair in the picture I posted is "higher" than usual; it tends to be a little lower and more swept to the side.


you look great, turtle. love your eyes. don't know how long hair will complement your face; i think your hair is fine as is. or you could go for the fashionable bowl cut like myself.
Honestly, this is the best bowl cut I've ever seen. Maybe Definitely the only good bowl cut I've seen in my life. Whoever this really is (I couldn't find a name), you rock it, girl!
Wait, that's a girl?
I'll bite (I'm sorry about the weird lighting)
6/10. The moustache seems a bit off (like it's half grown) but otherwise all good.
Not showing much.


Found another

Fuck, here are some body shots!!

4/10. That's my honest rating. But with a proper hairstyle you can easily go over 5.


I'm feeling narcissistic this morning, notice me senpai!

Hang on, none of you are a senpai to me. Ah well.



Wife and I, go easy GAF.


I'm not sure what's worse, getting a series of brutally honest low scores, or the fact that not a single person commented on my contribution, lol.

To be considered unattractive or invisible... Not sure which I prefer. Damnit GAF, am I a hottie or not?! :p
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