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GAF, Let's rate the looks of the poster above you!


Pardon the bad quality.


Rate plz



Thank you very much for your feedback.
Hmm, I don't know, maybe it is all in my brain, and that I have convinced myself that I really am super ugly, so much that people will stare at me like they have never seen something like it - and thus me feeling out of place.

But your feedback will help me a lot in changing my ways of thinking about myself. Thanks man. :)

You're welcome dude.

Hobo just picked a random male model (Pietro Boselli).

You just had to go and ruin it for poor Hobo didn't cha? T_T


See, this is a 10/10. Calibrate your scales.

Hey you have great eyes and a nice facial bone structure, with a bit of work there is a high grader in there.

Ha nah!

Pietro Bosselli as a benchmark is highly unrealistic. He's an outlier. :p

And just like that the scale needs to be re-calibrated.

Nah. Same as above.

Are you...are you superman?

That's not me.

You're welcome dude.

You just had to go and ruin it for poor Hobo didn't cha? T_T

I was hoping the :p would give it away.

Yup thats Pietro Bosselli, so ridiculously good looking.


the only decent picture i have is where i'm half naked but it looks like i'm completely nude

ain't taking any chances with you lewd bastards


Apologies for potato quality. I hate taking pictures of myself, and my phone's camera isn't anything to write home about.

Lost a lot of weight in the last 1.5 years, I think I look way better than I used to. I usually swing from a 6 to an 8 personally depending on my mood and if my acne's flaring up. :p


9/10 wish my hair could grow that big and get styled like that.

My hair was only wet at the time. No product or anything. I have straight but very thick hair and it makes styling it a pain when it gets too long. It begins to curl once it reaches a certain length.


This is probably going to be a very long post, but at last, here are my honest and brutal scores. But first, something to keep in mind. This is based in one picture alone, for most people, and it’s very hard to come up with a score from 1-10. Likewise, this is also from my own perspective. Other people will have different scores because attractiveness and beauty depends on many different things. It’s also rather subjective. Beauty and attractiveness are hard to quantify, meaning that its hard to come up with a criteria for scoring other than personal preferences. With that said, everyone in here is average or above average looking. No one here is ugly. Average is good in my opinion because it means that you are attractive in your own way. It means that while you might not look like an Abercrombie model, you definitely have the “looks” and people will find you attractive.
I am using a point scale from 1-10. The average value would be 5. No one here is below a five, but I consider 5-6.4 average looking. 6.5-7.5 good looking. Anything higher than 7.6 is really good looking I guess, model-like good looking.

Please don’t hate me. D: I know I might seem harsh, but I rated myself a 3/10 so I used my own standard to rate myself. Though on a more charitable way, I would rate myself at 4.5 close to 5 ish...

One more thing, this isn’t a holistic grade. Let us not too self-conscious about what other people might think about ourselves just because they commented or “opined” in one (or perhaps two) pictures of yourself on the internet. I think we’ve all seen really attractive individuals in real life, and then we realize that such person(s) have really nasty attitudes and lacking character. It’s a huge turnoff! Likewise, we also know of perhaps not really good looking individuals who have nice personalities and henceforth they are more attractive because of it. Personality is huge in my opinion. Even more than raw looks. So once again, take my scores with a grain of salt. We all have many more things going for us than our looks!

And now, without further adue, here it is:

Deadly Joker: 6.8
FFZPure: 5.5
Discoid: 7.2
SolVahnderLyn: 7.8
Kyzon: 7.0
Pixelation: 6.3
Arjen: 5.6
Pyramid head: 5.0
Seesaw15: 6.7
Team Alucard: 7.0
Pig Speakers: 6.8
THRILL0: 6.5
Transhuman: 6.3
Daveo42: 6.2
Littletran22: 6.0
Absinthegames: 6.2
SPMH: 6.2
Kingwinwin: 7.5
Jpop: 6.7
Rangerx: 5.8
Kdash31987: 6.2
Moggelicious: 5.6
Liliththepale: 7.2
Neoxon: 6.8
Mkenyon: 6.7
Timeaisis: 5.7
Bpooloe: 6.4
Relativ9: 7.0
NoFaceNico: 6.5
TheLostBigBoss: 6.2
Szu: 6.7
AlteredBeast: 6.5
Renoir: 6.3
D15GR4C3D: 6.6
Sesuadra: 6.8
Stilgar: 6.4
Highrider: 6.6
Anarckitty: 6.8
Pulseone: 5.7
Fj083: 6.2
SeigO: 6.8
ZackiChan: 6.5
Blackwind: 6.2
Blackflag: 6.4
Lys Skygge: 6.6
Valhelm: 6.3
Rokkerboy: 7.0
LookAtMeGo: 6.6
JukeJointJezebel: 6.5
Y2dvd: 6.2
CarpeDeezNuts: 6.8
Gtwok: 6.0
Qasiel: 5.8
NateDrake: 6.4
Messofanego: 6.6
Megalosaro: 6.6
Africanus: 7.1
CowMengle: 6.0
InfinityPatriot: 6.3
Ahasverus: 6.8
Creatchee: 5.4
FullMetalX: 6.2 and 6.3
Salaadin: 5.7
My words exactly: 7.0
Fat4all: 5.5
i-Lo: 6.4

Please don't hate me... D:


Phew looks like my submission escaped THE judgement :p

I like how everyone on the list is at least over 5.


5-6.4 average looking. 6.5-7.5 good looking. Anything higher than 7.6 is really good looking I guess, model-like good looking.

NateDrake: 6.4

Please don't hate me... D:

.1 away from good looking! Curse your rating scale! /s

Edit: I just realized you gave Brad Pitt a 7.8 lol.


Phew looks like my submission escaped THE judgement :p

I like how everyone on the list is at least over 5.

Yeah some people removed their pictures. Others posted links and so I might have overlooked them.

A five is average, and no on here is ugly as I said. If anything Gaf consists of average to good looking members. Of course this is all subjective!

My 6.2 might be someone elses's 9.2 and so on.

.1 away from good looking! Curse your rating scale! /s

Edit: I just realized you gave Brad Pitt a 7.8 lol.

Sorry! And yeah, I did, lol.
6.6. I just made it to "Good Looking". I would classify myself between 6.5-7.0 so you pretty much hit the nail on the head!
Apologies for potato quality. I hate taking pictures of myself, and my phone's camera isn't anything to write home about.

Lost a lot of weight in the last 1.5 years, I think I look way better than I used to. I usually swing from a 6 to an 8 personally depending on my mood and if my acne's flaring up. :p

I give you an 8! Like the hair cut

Here's mine:


I too lost some weight off and on this year and feeling alright :)


This is probably going to be a very long post, but at last, here are my honest and brutal scores. But first, something to keep in mind. This is based in one picture alone, for most people, and it’s very hard to come up with a score from 1-10. Likewise, this is also from my own perspective. Other people will have different scores because attractiveness and beauty depends on many different things. It’s also rather subjective. Beauty and attractiveness are hard to quantify, meaning that its hard to come up with a criteria for scoring other than personal preferences. With that said, everyone in here is average or above average looking. No one here is ugly. Average is good in my opinion because it means that you are attractive in your own way. It means that while you might not look like an Abercrombie model, you definitely have the “looks” and people will find you attractive.
I am using a point scale from 1-10. The average value would be 5. No one here is below a five, but I consider 5-6.4 average looking. 6.5-7.5 good looking. Anything higher than 7.6 is really good looking I guess, model-like good looking.

Please don’t hate me. D: I know I might seem harsh, but I rated myself a 3/10 so I used my own standard to rate myself. Though on a more charitable way, I would rate myself at 4.5 close to 5 ish...

One more thing, this isn’t a holistic grade. Let us not too self-conscious about what other people might think about ourselves just because they commented or “opined” in one (or perhaps two) pictures of yourself on the internet. I think we’ve all seen really attractive individuals in real life, and then we realize that such person(s) have really nasty attitudes and lacking character. It’s a huge turnoff! Likewise, we also know of perhaps not really good looking individuals who have nice personalities and henceforth they are more attractive because of it. Personality is huge in my opinion. Even more than raw looks. So once again, take my scores with a grain of salt. We all have many more things going for us than our looks!

And now, without further adue, here it is:

Deadly Joker: 6.8
FFZPure: 5.5
Discoid: 7.2
SolVahnderLyn: 7.8
Kyzon: 7.0
Pixelation: 6.3
Arjen: 5.6
Pyramid head: 5.0
Seesaw15: 6.7
Team Alucard: 7.0
Pig Speakers: 6.8
THRILL0: 6.5
Transhuman: 6.3
Daveo42: 6.2
Littletran22: 6.0
Absinthegames: 6.2
SPMH: 6.2
Kingwinwin: 7.5
Jpop: 6.7
Rangerx: 5.8
Kdash31987: 6.2
Moggelicious: 5.6
Liliththepale: 7.2
Neoxon: 6.8
Mkenyon: 6.7
Timeaisis: 5.7
Bpooloe: 6.4
Relativ9: 7.0
NoFaceNico: 6.5
TheLostBigBoss: 6.2
Szu: 6.7
AlteredBeast: 6.5
Renoir: 6.3
D15GR4C3D: 6.6
Sesuadra: 6.8
Stilgar: 6.4
Highrider: 6.6
Anarckitty: 6.8
Pulseone: 5.7
Fj083: 6.2
SeigO: 6.8
ZackiChan: 6.5
Blackwind: 6.2
Blackflag: 6.4
Lys Skygge: 6.6
Valhelm: 6.3
Rokkerboy: 7.0
LookAtMeGo: 6.6
JukeJointJezebel: 6.5
Y2dvd: 6.2
CarpeDeezNuts: 6.8
Gtwok: 6.0
Qasiel: 5.8
NateDrake: 6.4
Messofanego: 6.6
Megalosaro: 6.6
Africanus: 7.1
CowMengle: 6.0
InfinityPatriot: 6.3
Ahasverus: 6.8
Creatchee: 5.4
FullMetalX: 6.2 and 6.3
Salaadin: 5.7
My words exactly: 7.0
Fat4all: 5.5

Please don't hate me... D:

I'm not in your list


Not at all, this just reminds me how subjective "beauty" can be, some of your ratings left me quite perplexed to say the least lol!

I'm looking at the scores again and I can't stop but re-think things and score differently. I think I could do it again and come up with completely different scores from this! lol

Thing is, it's very hard to give someone a grade, especially based on a picture. I have friend fron High School who always looks amazing in his pictures. He's super photogenic. Yet in real life he looks meh to me. It's weird. Likewise, some of my friends look okay in their pictures but they look so much better in person. I guess it's about your own appreciation and perception of a person that affects how attractive you consider them.


This man looks like he was carved from a holy marble slab by the Greek Artisinal Gods, themselves.

The man has a degree in Mathematics, I think a doctorate. He's also a professor.

He is smart and extremely intelligent. That in my opinion makes him infinitely attractive beyond human reasoning.

From the Guardian:

What’s your favourite piece of mathematics and why?

The Navier-Stokes equations, because together with conservation of mass and energy they are the governing equations of fluid mechanics. They represent the ultimate ability of the modelling of a natural system through mathematics, and they don’t (yet) have a known closed analytical solution.

What was the subject of your PhD?

I specialise in computational fluid dynamics, and more specifically as applied to the design of turbo machinery. My PhD research consisted of the modelling of wet steam flow in large turbines, and the invention of new algorithms to automatically modify turbine blades during the simulation of the fluid flow.

Beauty and brains, dayum... lol
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