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GAF, Let's rate the looks of the poster above you!


You're good looking. There's sort of an odd mix of having a strong body and top half of your head, yet having a weak jawline and pouty lips, so I think that lack of consistency might bring you down a few points for people who are looking for one and not the other.
Haha! I've actually ALWAYS thought that. What's funny is I've seen a pic of my dad at my age; he actually has the exact same top portion of my head (roughly above nose) except his jaw and mouth are a lot bigger and manlier. I'm like a pussy version of him, lol.

The hairdo's not bad, and in fact I like it a lot.
Thanks. I almost never know how to do my hair, lol.

Try smiling more; that works well for people with big eyes like you have.
I will, thank you. :)

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Brutal Ratings Below
ChubbyHuggs: 5
Cameron122: 4 (Don't think that hairstyle fits your head too well; also unflattering angle)
Chadboban: 6
Kevtones: 6.5 (Almost an 8.5, but your nose doesn't fit with your other facial features, imo)

Please hate and rate

Since you were skipped: 7/10, would smash. Shorter stubble might bump you up to an 8.


I'll try again, i've posted this pictures before but they had been filtered. Now i post them w/o any filters. The one with the white background... i deleted the background because it was messy that's the only thing that i tempered with. I'm a boxer so keep that in mind when looking at my pictures. (first picture is me with a gold medal that i won at a tournament and the second one was used on a poster promoting a fight event).

Wish i could find the un-cropped version this picture.
Erased messy background (gym locker room).


I'll try again, i've posted this pictures before but they had been filtered. Now i post them w/o any filters. The one with the white background... i deleted the background because it was messy that's the only thing that i tempered with. I'm a boxer so keep that in mind when looking at my pictures. (first picture is me with a gold medal that i won at a tournament and the second one was used on a poster promoting a fight event).

Wish i could find the un-cropped version this picture.

Erased messy background (gym locker room).

I don't care for the second photo, but the first is like Cung Le meets Wolverine. It's pretty cool and you're a decent looking dude. You look in shape. you're like a 7/8 or 5/6 on the brutal scale.


Bonus speck of paint on face. Be kind.


You kinda have that look in your face like your better days are now behind you but you still look good and handsome.

I'll jump in on the red hoodie club.

That was a month ago, right before getting the lump removed from the right side of my face. I usually have more beard.

4/10. Sorry, it's a bad angle which brings it down.

Brutal Ratings Below
ChubbyHuggs: 5
Cameron122: 4 (Don't think that hairstyle fits your head too well; also unflattering angle)
Chadboban: 6
Kevtones: 6.5 (Almost an 8.5, but your nose doesn't fit with your other facial features, imo)

Please hate and rate


Nice hair. You look very serious, and somewhat tired in that picture.


If anyone needs me, I'll be in their kitchen.


Sorry, it's scary.

I'll try again, i've posted this pictures before but they had been filtered. Now i post them w/o any filters. The one with the white background... i deleted the background because it was messy that's the only thing that i tempered with. I'm a boxer so keep that in mind when looking at my pictures. (first picture is me with a gold medal that i won at a tournament and the second one was used on a poster promoting a fight event).

Wish i could find the un-cropped version this picture.

Erased messy background (gym locker room).

Maybe your physique and personality can make up for it. Sorry to tell you this but your mother was lying to you, you're not ugly.

Have someone else take pictures for you to find your angle.

Also, dem muscles! :p

You know it's interesting because a lot of girls and guys look at the face to determine a person's attractiveness but for some of us we look at the whole package. :p

I guess I'm speaking for myself, I could look at a guy who has the most beautiful face that there is, but if their physique is not up to my preferences then the attractiveness level goes down.

I remember this one guy who looked amazing on his selfies in Facebook, but then I met him and he was very skinny. It was kind of a letdown. Some people appreciate fit individuals more than a pretty face (both are equally good though :p). I feel like the dadbod craze is not as big it seems, lol.

So yeah, sorry for long post. And for creeping out anyone. ;_;
Please hate and rate

I like your haircut. 6/10.

Bonus speck of paint on face. Be kind.
8/10 because you look the way I imagine women want their men to look.
I'll try again, i've posted this pictures before but they had been filtered. Now i post them w/o any filters. The one with the white background... i deleted the background because it was messy that's the only thing that i tempered with. I'm a boxer so keep that in mind when looking at my pictures. (first picture is me with a gold medal that i won at a tournament and the second one was used on a poster promoting a fight event).

Wish i could find the un-cropped version this picture.

Erased messy background (gym locker room).


Okay. Sorry it's kind of blurry. There's something wrong with my phone's camera or something idk. Probably the lighting too.

Edit: oops did that fix the size? I'm on mobile sorry


I don't care for the second photo, but the first is like Cung Le meets Wolverine. It's pretty cool and you're a decent looking dude. You look in shape. you're like a 7/8 or 5/6 on the brutal scale.
I'm not sure how i feel about the Cung Le comparison... but i dig the Wolverine one!
Also, dem muscles! :p

You know it's interesting because a lot of girls and guys look at the face to determine a person's attractiveness but for some of us we look at the whole package. :p
Thanks dude!



There should be more tampons in gaming
Ahhhh good the topic is back on the front page, I thought it would've been criminally forgotten. It think this is a little jarring for me- I can take criticism but I feel bad if I were to rate someone lowly. But I guess just because that may be my opinion, it's not fact and others will most likely disagree with what I may see.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
You're all so damn fine looking. #jealous

And, here goes nothing. Thanks to a friend of mine, I now have some courage to post a photo of mine on the internets.


Go ahead and be brutally honest. Especially liliththepale.
I think I look weird and a 3/10 at best :\ (this photo may disappear under mysterious circumstances)
You're all so damn fine looking. #jealous

And, here goes nothing. Thanks to a friend of mine, I now have some courage to post a photo of mine on the internets.

Go ahead and be brutally honest. Especially liliththepale.
I think I'm a 3/10 :\ and this photo may disappear under mysterious circumstances

You've got especially obvious features (big ears, balding, large forehead) so I think it's easy for you to pay special attention to what some might perceive as flaws.

But I like how you look. From this angle at least, it looks like your head has a good shape for the bald look. I'd put you on the upper end of average looking.


You've got especially obvious features (big ears, balding, large forehead) so I think it's easy for you to pay special attention to what some might perceive as flaws.

But I like how you look. From this angle at least, it looks like your head has a good shape for the bald look. I'd put you on the upper end of average looking.

If i were you nbnt... i'd be mighty happy with this reply coming from liliththeruthless!!! :O


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
You've got especially obvious features (big ears, balding, large forehead) so I think it's easy for you to pay special attention to what some might perceive as flaws.

But I like how you look. From this angle at least, it looks like your head has a good shape for the bald look. I'd put you on the upper end of average looking.
Well.. I certainly didn't expect that, thanks!


let's try again..




You got it in you to slay some pootang for sure, but who am I telling, you probably already knew that.

A girl might rate you higher. I have a hard time giving a guy anything above an 8, probably on the account of me being insecure about my sexuality :p haha... Jk jk

But yeah dude, you're an alright looking fella. Might want to move the camera back a wee bit for future pics of yourself though.

weird. he's good lookin but I dont think he looks like me

im not participatin here cause I know im gorgeous tho

You sold me. Don't know what you look like but based of that statement alone: 11.5/10
I'll try again, i've posted this pictures before but they had been filtered. Now i post them w/o any filters. The one with the white background... i deleted the background because it was messy that's the only thing that i tempered with. I'm a boxer so keep that in mind when looking at my pictures. (first picture is me with a gold medal that i won at a tournament and the second one was used on a poster promoting a fight event).

Wish i could find the un-cropped version this picture.

Erased messy background (gym locker room).
Dude. You look handsome as fuck in that first photo. Tough as nails too. You're a good looking dude. I think the issue is with taking pics from weird angles with weird lighting. I'd like to see a picture of you straight on with just a smile with no filters and normal lighting. I have this thing where I always try to look like a tough guy because I like what I see in a those pics, when in reality we probably look better without all the filters and angry faces. I feel like I look like 2 different people in both these pics.
I have no idea which picture represents more what I look like in person. I'm self conscious when I probably shouldn't be. I get told I'm good looking and it gives me some confidence but I honestly don't like the way I look. I hate smiling in pictures for some reason. I don't even know what I'm going on about. I'm kinda drunk. I just think you're a good looking dude but you do yourself a disservice by adding filters and trying to look tough all the time. Like me.


To Lookatmego:

Well I'm just dude but I'd say you're a handsome son of a gun. I'm so fucking jealous of beards like that. I see you scoring some sexy girl with a sleeve of tattoos and nose piercings.
and when you do, ask if she has any friends for me :p

To pixelation:

For what it's worth, I think people are being way more brutal than honest. I mean yeah it's a shittily shot picture with a bad angle, but i see a solid 7.5 in there somewhere.

We need more gay guys and girls in here :p getting a rating from some random straight dude probably isn't the best way of doing this, considering the fact that's not the type of human were trying to attract.

Nonetheless, I will continue rating from the perspective of some random straight dude.
To Lookatmego:

Well I'm just dude but I'd say you're a handsome son of a gun. I'm so fucking jealous of beards like that. I see you scoring some sexy girl with a sleeve of tattoos and nose piercings.
and when you do, ask if she has any friends for me :p

To pixelation:

For what it's worth, I think people are being way more brutal than honest. I mean yeah it's a shittily shot picture with a bad angle, but i see a solid 7.5 in there somewhere.
Thanks, much appreciated. Its funny. Before the beard, I used to attract girls that were all prissy and proper, after the beard its girls with tattoos and piercings. It's crazy how just adding facial hair completely changed the demographic of girls that show interest in me.
I'll try again, i've posted this pictures before but they had been filtered. Now i post them w/o any filters. The one with the white background... i deleted the background because it was messy that's the only thing that i tempered with. I'm a boxer so keep that in mind when looking at my pictures. (first picture is me with a gold medal that i won at a tournament and the second one was used on a poster promoting a fight event).

Wish i could find the un-cropped version this picture.

Erased messy background (gym locker room).

Why not take some normal pics? The weirdness isn't doing you any favors.


Wife took it

You'd look a lot better without the beard (or at least trimmed greatly).


Thanks, much appreciated. Its funny. Before the beard, I used to attract girls that were all prissy and proper, after the beard its girls with tattoos and piercings. It's crazy how just adding facial hair completely changed the demographic of girls that show interest in me.

I wonder what type of girl id attract if I grew out my neck beard.

*goes to cry in a corner*

I'm always attracting the good and proper girls, which is nice because I love when a women respects herself...but still... Im helplessly enticed by the more... "Edgy" female specimen... I guess you desire what you can't get. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I wonder what type of girl id attract if I grew out my neck beard.

*goes to cry in a corner*
Dude. Despite what Lilith said, you're handsome as fuck and I'm sure you kill it with the ladies. You probably just don't get hit on with girls with green hair all the time.
Dude. Despite what Lilith said, you're handsome as fuck and I'm sure you kill it with the ladies. You probably just don't get hit on with girls with green hair all the time.

Yeah. I don't want to pretend like I have the last word on people's attractiveness, I'm just giving my opinion. This thread would work best with people getting multiple answers to normalize the results.

lol, but don't ask me to be brutally honest if you're just going to stick your fingers in your ears.


Dude. Despite what Lilith said, you're handsome as fuck and I'm sure you kill it with the ladies. You probably just don't get hit on with girls with green hair all the time.

Haha thanks man :p The only thing I got from Lilith's rating was: certainly not ugly. Everything else was:



Professional Schmuck
Dude. You look handsome as fuck in that first photo. Tough as nails too. You're a good looking dude. I think the issue is with taking pics from weird angles with weird lighting. I'd like to see a picture of you straight on with just a smile with no filters and normal lighting. I have this thing where I always try to look like a tough guy because I like what I see in a those pics, when in reality we probably look better without all the filters and angry faces. I feel like I look like 2 different people in both these pics.

I have no idea which picture represents more what I look like in person. I'm self conscious when I probably shouldn't be. I get told I'm good looking and it gives me some confidence but I honestly don't like the way I look. I hate smiling in pictures for some reason. I don't even know what I'm going on about. I'm kinda drunk. I just think you're a good looking dude but you do yourself a disservice by adding filters and trying to look tough all the time. Like me.

I think its time to come clean, I'm not a chummy albino gorilla.


...but I do still identify as one.

edit: above poster is 7.895/10

You both are exceptionally good-looking dudes.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Aren't these threads incredibly disingenuous and potentially hurtful? Or do people post them in the hopes of an ego boost from people not honest or mean enough to give real ratings?
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