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GAF, Let's rate the looks of the poster above you!

Fuck it. Here's a non-fucked photo of myself.

Give me hell


And yeah my hair is a mess and the lighting does no favours, ah well!

Gain mass and you'd look a lot better. 5/10 as of now.


Better than the duckface for sure, but not really my type (I wouldn't have commented but you really wanted feedback so...). Not ugly, mind, just plain. So... 5.5/10 maybe. But don't feel bad, your lady is very attractive (assuming that's your lady)! So clearly that's just my weird taste.

It's all good, rating people on the internet is tough!

That is indeed my lady (my wife, actually), been together for 21 lovely years.
I had mass. I was 15 stone last year, now I'm 10

obviously that's more of the fat kind of mass though...
either way a 5/10 is good man, average is better than poor

Whoa man, are you super tall then? Congrats on the weight loss. You look super skinny in that picture though!


Whoa man, are you super tall then? Congrats on the weight loss. You look super skinny in that picture though!

I'm 5" 11 And yeah, skinny as all hell. I went from a size 34-36 waist to 30. Which is insane. Buying clothes is a hassle now though...small shirts are too big and medium is huge. That shirt I'm wearing is XS size.

Anyhow yeah thanks! Weight loss has helped me hugely.
*storms out sobbing*
You know I'm just messin with ya.

Unlike things like sports or school, where one would probably have to be an authority to be able to judge others, beauty isn't like that. So no. I don't care about being rated.

Now, if this were a makeup thread, and I was commenting on people's makeup being wrong, I'd probably want to prove that I actually knew how to properly apply makeup before I act as an authority to others.
Fair enough. I just took the "you like your boyfriend" comment to mean you were implying I was hitting on you or something. We were talking about looks, I got confused why you threw that out there. I was pretty buzzed, read too much into it. But you called everyone you didn't comment on "ugly or normal", kinda harsh. You don't care about being rated but you don't mind implying lots of ugly people in the thread. Cool.

Look!, no filters!
just my shitty camera at work :3
That's a cool pic though. Getting some Rocky vibes.
I think you read too much into it. I didn't comment on every single vaguely attractive person in this thread, just those that stood out a lot.

I definitely didn't comment on anyone that was just normal *or* ugly to me.

Wait, did you post and did I skip you or something?

Nah, the comment just rubbed me the wrong way is all. I'm a sensitive butterfly I guess.


I'm chubby and a 6.5 (gaf rated) but I don't caaaarrrreee. Loving life. No shortage of dates. There's hope for us all.

That's probably why you get the dates. Have good hygiene and don't be repulsive and confidence/competence/personality/etc will tend to lead to many good things in life.
That's probably why you get the dates. Have good hygiene and don't be repulsive and confidence/competence/personality/etc will tend to lead to many good things in life.

Being a world-traveling lawyer doesn't hurt. Even though I'm broke as hell.


Being a world-traveling lawyer doesn't hurt. Even though I'm broke as hell.

That falls under the competence category. You've got something going on.

A young kid asked me about girls a while ago, and one of the things I told him was to excel at something. Be really good at something.. And be going somewhere with it.


You know I'm just messin with ya.

That's a cool pic though. Getting some Rocky vibes.
Yeah, i was foolin' around as well no feelings were hurt, and about my pixelated picture... well gotta live up to my username! and i didn't post it to have it be rated, but i'm sooo gonna have my user name changed to filteredassation or something lol!


There should be more tampons in gaming
You shouldn't be. I raised an eyebrow when I saw your picture and said "damn" out loud. You have what I personally think is a super, super hot body. Your abs, your chest, your shoulders, your waist, and what I can see of your arms. holy shit.

Have you considered auditioning for Magic Mike :p

Haha thanks for that, I appreciate the kindness or rather that my body is pleasurable to the eye. Could you do me a favor though...? Could you assign a numerical value to solely my face, the only my body and then a cumulative score? I'm asking a lot but I know my body is fine, my face, while I think it's attractive probably isn't as eye catching/up to par as the rest of me. And since I know you'll give an honest opinion I'd like to hear it.

Liliththepale, I'd also like your opinion too. I feel like the women here will be more critical here as opposed to the guys... Sorry fellas.
Liliththepale, I'd also like your opinion too. I feel like the women here will be more critical here as opposed to the guys... Sorry fellas.

I posted my original pic a few pages back but I didn't receive any numerical ratings, strangely enough but I'll repost mine along with another or so

The second one was/is my tinder pic. Normally I'm apprehensive about showing off my body but I said "fuck it" since I felt it would attract the largest amount of women

You look disappointed in both of your pictures. Maybe disinterested is the better word. I know some girls really like that, but it's off-putting to me. I prefer a guy who looks engaged and generally upbeat. Personally, attitude goes a long way in affecting one's attractiveness level to me.

Your face is above average in framing. Your body is well cut. Your taste in superheros is sublime. So you have a lot going for you.

Miles X

AGITΩ;171354713 said:
I guess I'll join in...ignore my dirty mirror...gonna halfta wipe that down...

7/10 - The Liu Kang headband you're rocking gained you an extra point, and another if you have the balls to wear it outside the house.


I'm 27 but told I look way younger, much to my dismay.


7/10 - The Liu Kang headband you're rocking gained you an extra point, and another if you have the balls to wear it outside the house.


I'm 27 but told I look way younger, much to my dismay.

I actually just came back from the grocery store like this. Its normal for me.
8/10 for you. Also part of the not looking your age crew. Some people still think I'm 19 when I'm 26.


AGITΩ;171354713 said:
I guess I'll join in...ignore my dirty mirror...gonna halfta wipe that down...
Dude i love 80's hair metal!, i heard woo hoo's the moment i saw your pic... but i can't say that i'm a fan of your shirt though.
7/10 - The Liu Kang headband you're rocking gained you an extra point, and another if you have the balls to wear it outside the house.
I'm 27 but told I look way younger, much to my dismay.
To me you look around your age... honestly!

Click only if you wanna see me in a speedo.


So I actually did just change up my hairstyle

Did you actually get a haircut?, to me it looks like you styled it to the side... but anyways. I don't quite agree with liliththepale's rating, then again i ain't no girl. But i'd say you're a seven being subjective.


I'm not comfortable criticizing anyone's appearance directly, but there are definitely some people who would look several points higher and possibly quite handsome if they figured out a better look -- in terms of clothes/hair. Something I've seen a number of times are thin dudes wearing oversized clothes. This generally is not a good look. Get clothes that are more fitted.
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