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GAF, Let's rate the looks of the poster above you!


5/10. Friendly appearance; nice beard. Weight though.

Did you not see him now though? That transformation...




Texan? Just wondering because stars!

I'd easily give you a 9/10 to 10/10. You're extremely good looking and that second picture legitimately looks like it was ripped from a magazine.

No I'm from the UK.

Aww thanks you've made me blush lol

I cropped the second picture, the original I cropped from was in this post http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=172470044&postcount=1459

Not sure about the rating though, I hate my nose, and my ears are big but still thanks,
I want to hear liliththepale's, Vadrigar's and BigEvilTurtle's (other's who haven't chimed in are welcome as well) critique on this picture. Thanks and sorry for being bothersome.

I'm uncomfortable feeding this insecurity of yours. Every picture you have is filtered, at an odd angle, or has highly unusual lighting. You made a thread about feeling insecure in your looks. Then after getting a couple of great remarks and saying you felt good about that, you come slinking back needing more... what? More truth? More validation?

I don't know why you're this insecure. I don't know why you seem to constantly seek validation but are never happy for long with the responses you get. I suspect a vicious cycle is at play, and I'm not interested in furthering it.


I want to hear liliththepale's, Vadrigar's and BigEvilTurtle's (other's who haven't chimed in are welcome as well) critique on this picture. Thanks and sorry for being bothersome.

Real talk, are you afraid to post a picture of yourself straight on with decent lighting? It looks like you have strong features there but the angle and lighting make it look like you are not very attractive. Sure, you look mysterious, but you also look angry. Post up some straight on shots! Until then DIF/10

Lol yeah I'm over 18. The photos you've quoted were a few years old (2011)

Here are more recent ones

You're an attractive dude with a winning smile and enough money for a well fitting but casual jacket and pants. Same smile and head angle tell me that you have a specific pose for pictures, at least in the later pictures.

I'd guess you're an 8/10 in most cases.

Right, gonna put this out there because I'm quite curious. Though it's an awful photo because I literally just took it and I've just got back from the gym so my hairs all sweaty and I'm tired, but I don't have any other relevant photos as I recently had a significant hair cut.

Also, my phones front camera is shite in poor lighting conditions apparently. Will post some better photos at some point.

Your hair is perfect for your face. Need some jaw definition (could be the potato quality) so a little facial hair wouldn't be untoward. Seem like you lack a certain unique quality to put you at bat with the big leagues. 5/10

Ok, gotta be brave... X<

I'm a sucker for that dress, it's very flattering. Your hair looks good either up or down, your eyes are big and intense and your face shape is striking. Nice legs. 7/10

It's ok. I used to wear Jnco jeans as well. We all make mistakes.

Your updated picture is much more flattering by the way. Not like you're looking for any validation, just thought I'd throw that out there.

I'm wearing Jncos in this picture.
14 years old

I'm glad I'm not alone in my shame.

Yea, that picture was intentionally unflattering for reasons.

Not sure about the rating though, I hate my nose, and my ears are big but still thanks,

All those tiny flaws that you see in your facial features? No one else notices them. Trust me.

Unless you have a severely deviated septum like me. I'm a unique snowflake.
I'm uncomfortable feeding this insecurity of yours. Every picture you have is filtered, at an odd angle, or has highly unusual lighting. You made a thread about feeling insecure in your looks. Then after getting a couple of great remarks and saying you felt good about that, you come slinking back needing more... what? More truth? More validation?

I don't know why you're this insecure. I don't know why you seem to constantly seek validation but are never happy for long with the responses you get. I suspect a vicious cycle is at play, and I'm not interested in furthering it.

Why can't it just be a regular benign cycle? What makes it vicious? I rarely hear anyone use the word cycle without adding "vicious." Why is that? Must we make everything dramatic?
Ok, gotta be brave... X<

Gonna start with the bad because there are some major things that I don't like so much, but aren't that hard to fix:

- I don't like your dress that much, just a style of dress that I personally hate that gives women a less attractive figure, but that's easily fixed.
- In both photos your glasses cut across the middle of your eyes making it difficult to tell exactly whether you have pretty eyes or not. Pretty eyes are a potential 1-2 automatic points.
- Your hair in both pictures is sort of boring. In the first picture, the way it frames your face makes your jawline look too masculine. Easily fixable though.

What I will say is that you do have a lot of things going for you to the extent that with the negatives, I'd pitch you around a 5 / 6 depending on what your eyes look like properly. If I saw a picture with different clothing / more styling with the hair, with either different glasses or a with your glasses sitting right, and potentially maybe a touch more eyeliner (as a blonde your eyelashes / eyebrows blend too close to your facial tone so you need to do something to make your eyes pop more) I'd put you as an easy 7 / 8 (again, variance is based off of eyes).

Your hair is perfect for your face. Need some jaw definition (could be the potato quality) so a little facial hair wouldn't be untoward. Seem like you lack a certain unique quality to put you at bat with the big leagues. 5/10
Yeah, I have a problem with being unable to grow decent facial hair, so that's not happening >.< Part of the problem is that I'm currently on the path to getting in shape so I'm only halfway to where I want to be, at which point, hopefully, my jawline will be a bit more defined.


I want to hear liliththepale's, Vadrigar's and BigEvilTurtle's (other's who haven't chimed in are welcome as well) critique on this picture. Thanks and sorry for being bothersome.

Dude, chill out man. I know I was the one who destroyed one of your pics in this thread, but you really aren't "ugly" by any means at all. Honestly, looks can only get you so far in terms of overall attractiveness anyway. Confidence is arguably more important, and you constantly seeking validation isn't helping your case! You really shouldn't care this much about how we think you look... first of all I don't think anyone even knows you IRL. Just take care of your body (you seem to be doing this well enough) and stop giving a fuck. So yeah, no need to feel insecure about it -- as THAT will truly make you look unattractive.


I'm uncomfortable feeding this insecurity of yours. Every picture you have is filtered, at an odd angle, or has highly unusual lighting. You made a thread about feeling insecure in your looks. Then after getting a couple of great remarks and saying you felt good about that, you come slinking back needing more... what? More truth? More validation?

I don't know why you're this insecure. I don't know why you seem to constantly seek validation but are never happy for long with the responses you get. I suspect a vicious cycle is at play, and I'm not interested in furthering it.

Real talk, are you afraid to post a picture of yourself straight on with decent lighting? It looks like you have strong features there but the angle and lighting make it look like you are not very attractive. Sure, you look mysterious, but you also look angry. Post up some straight on shots! Until then DIF/10

Fair enough, i'll stop posting pictures of myself and just continue observing the thread develop, i'm sorry.
Fair enough, i'll stop posting pictures of myself and just continue observing the thread develop, i'm sorry.

I think the main thing is if you want people to give you an honest rating you need to post a better photo. The photos that you've shared in the thread are all pretty much from the same angle, so it kind of hampers an honest rating.


You really shouldn't care this much about how we think you look... .

Exactly. No matter what you're like you can't please everyone anyway.

Where would you draw the line? What about if someone doesn't like your clothes? Change the way you dress?

No matter what you do, there's always someone out there who will either try and put you down, or just simply not like you for whatever reason.

It's not even worth wasting your time worrying about them, and more importantly I learnt a long time ago to not stress about things you can't change, life's too short. EVERY single person on the planet has insecurities, even the people who you think are attractive, take someone like Kylie Jenner for example who many people would call attractive, the fact she got plastic surgery to get her lips fuller speaks volumes about one of the insecurities she had.

Looks come and go I used to be bullied when I was younger in school because of the way I looked, just try and work on not being an asshole. You'll go a long way. Besides looks might get the door open for you, but your personality is the difference between the door staying open, or it slamming in your face.

Someone attractive but with a shitty personality or just generally a nasty person becomes ugly, whereas someone average in looks who makes you laugh, or is super friendly etc becomes attractive. None of that can be judged online solely on a picture so don't worry about ratings.

That's why dating sites are generally shit, it's all superficial, and often dates end up being awkward. Looks alone aren't enough, I'm not one of these people that say looks don't matter, they do, but not necessarily that you need to be super attractive, just make the best of what you have, keep yourself clean, well groomed, hygiene on point, and work on your confidence and you'll be happier.


Fuck i really hate myself, i feel like jumping off a cliff or something. I've already rolled down one once. I'd hate myself even more if i wasn't me. FMFL.


Exactly. No matter what you're like you can't please everyone anyway.

Where would you draw the line? What about if someone doesn't like your clothes? Change the way you dress?

No matter what you do, there's always someone out there who will either try and put you down, or just simply not like you for whatever reason.

It's not even worth wasting your time worrying about them, and more importantly I learnt a long time ago to not stress about things you can't change, life's too short. EVERY single person on the planet has insecurities, even the people who you think are attractive, take someone like Kylie Jenner for example who many people would call attractive, the fact she get plastic surgery to get her lips fuller speaks volumes about one of the insecurities she had.

Looks come and go I used to be bullied when I was younger in school because of the way I looked, just try and work on not being an asshole. You'll go a long way. Besides looks might get the door open for you, but your personality is the difference between the door staying open, or it slamming in your face.

Nice, healthy attitude, and good looks to match? You're an ASSHOLE

Fair enough, i'll stop posting pictures of myself and just continue observing the thread develop, i'm sorry.

No need to apologize man, just don't expect people to rate what is essentially unratable.


Fuck i really hate myself, i feel like jumping off a cliff or something. I've already rolled down one once. I'd hate myself even more if i wasn't me. FMFL.

Are you being serious?

What do you dislike about yourself so much? If it's your looks, then don't seek validation online, the Internet is the WORST place as people can say anything behind a keyboard as they don't have to deal with a persons reaction.

Have you spoke to someone about it? Like a professional?

Nice, healthy attitude, and good looks to match? You're an ASSHOLE


Fair enough, i'll stop posting pictures of myself and just continue observing the thread develop, i'm sorry.

Also why are you sorry, keep posting, don't take things too personally. I haven't seen a single person saying anything nasty. To be honest as someone said this thread is almost like a "hugbox" with a lot of sugar coating. Even the criticisms have been constructive from most people.

Even Vadrigar who has posted his ratings, but hasn't said anything nasty on people's appearances.
Fuck i really hate myself, i feel like jumping off a cliff or something. I've already rolled down one once. I'd hate myself even more if i wasn't me. FMFL.

Don't want to get too involved in this since it seems you have a few issues you need to work through right now, but have you considered maybe listening to what people are saying and just posting a picture with decent lighting and not at a weird angle? It's all people really seem to have a problem with and you're getting worked up over things for no reason. :[

There's really no need to hate yourself.


Fuck i really hate myself, i feel like jumping off a cliff or something. I've already rolled down one once. I'd hate myself even more if i wasn't me. FMFL.
Take it easy, sulking isn't gonna do anything. Go do something that makes you happy. What people think about you in this thread is literally of zero consequence.
Fuck i really hate myself, i feel like jumping off a cliff or something. I've already rolled down one once. I'd hate myself even more if i wasn't me. FMFL.

Nobody hates you, or is mad at you, or likely even annoyed by you.

They're just noting it's hard to get a good look at your face in the pictures you've shown, which is important for a thread based on rating looks.

Also, you shouldn't assume people are judging you that harshly. It's a misrepresentation of reality and is detrimental to your self-esteem.


Pixelation, I sent you a PM if you wanna talk about it, otherwise at the risk of sounding unsympathetic perhaps we should keep this thread a lighthearted one in which we tear each other's looks apart instead of a dour one.


All those tiny flaws that you see in your facial features? No one else notices them. Trust me.

Unless you have a severely deviated septum like me. I'm a unique snowflake.

But with insecurities you always exaggerate them, it's like if you have a spot (pimple) and you then think people are staring at it lol. When the reality is they've probably not even noticed it (or even give a shit about it)


But with insecurities you always exaggerate them, it's like if you have a spot (pimple) and you then think people are staring at it lol. When the reality is they've probably not even noticed it (or even give a shit about it)

Yup, for real I hate the way my eyes are situated on my face and how crooked my nose is but nobody ever notices these flaws unless I literally point them out in a picture. The human mind is good at approximating normalized faces.
Fuck i really hate myself, i feel like jumping off a cliff or something. I've already rolled down one once. I'd hate myself even more if i wasn't me. FMFL.
Dont worry about it buddy. You posting your pic in here multiple times to be judged is no more or less curious or strange than somebody that feels the need to revisit this thread over and over to give people harsh number ratings or pick apart peoples physical traits who probably already have low self esteem. At least what you're doing takes some level of courage.


I think the main thing is if you want people to give you an honest rating you need to post a better photo. The photos that you've shared in the thread are all pretty much from the same angle, so it kind of hampers an honest rating.
This one isn't at an angle IMO. But i don't want to be rated anymore.
Are you being serious?

What do you dislike about yourself so much? If it's your looks, then don't seek validation online, the Internet is the WORST place as people can say anything behind a keyboard as they don't have to deal with a persons reaction.

Have you spoke to someone about it? Like a professional?
Also why are you sorry, keep posting, don't take things too personally. I haven't seen a single person saying anything nasty. To be honest as someone said this thread is almost like a "hugbox" with a lot of sugar coating. Even the criticisms have been constructive from most people.

Even Vadrigar who has posted his ratings, but hasn't said anything nasty on people's appearances.
No i have not, i will once i have money.
Don't want to get too involved in this since it seems you have a few issues you need to work through right now, but have you considered maybe listening to what people are saying and just posting a picture with decent lighting and not at a weird angle? It's all people really seem to have a problem with and you're getting worked up over things for no reason. :[

There's really no need to hate yourself.
In this same post i posted one that i had already posted, it's not at an angle though the lighting could be better, but again i'm not interested in being rated anymore. As i honestly find it funny that other posters have posted pictures at angles and have had their pictures rated with no hesitation.
Nobody hates you, or is mad at you, or likely even annoyed by you.
I'm honestly not sure about that... but that's ok. I don't wanna ruin the thread so i'll just stop.


I appreciate you don't want to be rated but honestly pixelation there's nothing inherently wrong with the way you look, and in your body shots you look like you have a very low body fat percentage too.

One thing to bear in mind is I'm not being polite, I tend to take the approach of if I have something nasty to say I just simply won't comment. I don't know you, so I owe you nothing, what I mean by that is I've got no reason to be polite. If I honestly thought you were really ugly I just wouldn't comment.

You're far from being like the ugliest person on here, and I doubt people give you "stink eye". It's just paranoia, I'm sure people are just looking because you're there. What I mean is if I'm walking along the street I'll look at people who are in my field of vision, it doesn't mean anything.

It's not as if people are going to stop, stare, and point at you.

Anyway regardless of what anyone says to you, it won't change a thing, when you feel really insecure about yourself even if someone says something positive you just think they're being polite. I know because I've been through that stage.


This one isn't at an angle IMO. But i don't want to be rated anymore.

No i have not, i will once i have money.

In this same post i posted one that i had already posted, it's not at an angle though the lighting could be better, but again i'm not interested in being rated anymore. As i honestly find it funny that other posters have posted pictures at angles and have had their pictures rated with no hesitation.

I'm honestly not sure about that... but that's ok. I don't wanna ruin the thread so i'll just stop.

I really like your hair dude. You have a unique look with the way your face is shaped and the fact that you are very fit. I wish you were here so I could take you to my friend who's an amateur photographer. He knows how to take the right pictures, at the right angles with his $1000+ camera and his $500 something fancy lens.

One of my friends isn't bad looking, I think he's average. Yesterday I had was looking at his Instagram and my... some of his pictures are almost at model levels. I was surprised and thought to myself "woah that's him?" To my surprise they were taken my photographer friend.

My point being that a picture is a composition of many things, it's essentially the photographer's craft. Most models who would be considered 9's and 10's had their pictures taken by professionals. I think your average looking guy could come close to model beauty if the conditions are right.

You're not ugly so stop torturing yourself.


I appreciate you don't want to be rated but honestly pixelation there's nothing inherently wrong with the way you look, and in your body shots you look like you have a very low body fat percentage too.
Thanks man.

I honestly don't think that i'm below average, i really don't. Certainly not in the area that i live, i am at least a 6 IMO. That's how i see it, i'm not asking for people to agree/disagree with me. That's just how i see it.
If 5 is the average then i'm in no way a 4. Bad angles, creepy faces, bad lighting be damned. Again not expecting for people to agree/disagree with me that's how i honestly see it. And i'm done, i'm not assaulting your eyeballs anymore for the foreseeable future.



Things I know will knock points off:

- bad symmetry on eyes and mouth
- dark area beneath eyes (tanning, working on it)

Aside from that I think I'm a pretty cute guy, about a 6/10 on the harsh scale. I've been doing lifting, clothes shopping, and working on hair ideas to improve my general aesthetic.
Trying something new. Instead of arguing with people who say anything, I will just say thank you and move on.

So...have at it.

Lost weight over the last few months.

K... ( ._.)

Your dog thinks it's invisible.

Congrats on your weight loss! You're good looking as is but you have a very high ceiling if you optimize your look properly. I'm not a fashion expert though.


Your dog thinks it's invisible.

Congrats on your weight loss! You're good looking as is but you have a very high ceiling if you optimize your look properly. I'm not a fashion expert though.

I actually didn't notice her back there lmao.


I whip my hair back and forth. #fabulous #werk

Thank you. Haha I am very much not a fashion person and I doubt I'll ever be. Jeans, t-shirts, cardigans and tank tops are about the extent of my wardrobe. I do need new clothes though soon...don't have money to buy any though :(



Good looking guy. I'd agree with your rating but with your potential, and what you're doing to improve it can definitely be higher.

I really don't take/have many pictures of myself but this is the most recent. Obviously not the best photo taking conditions.

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