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GAF, Let's rate the looks of the poster above you!



Don't take it to heart. You'll only get rated if the hive mind decides so. Its nothing to do with your pictures. I posted perfectly fine pictures in this thread earlier on but they got looked past. Hurt my self esteem for a minute but then I realized its just the hive mind at work. You could be the most attractive person in the world, but if the average looking guy next to you gets attention first, that's where the attention is going to be drawn to.

Trust me you're better looking than most.

- You have good skin
- You're not fat
- You're not sporting stupid facial hair to cover your double chin


Just stop being a fuck boi :p
I posted some pics early in the thread, and then recently a joke one of me in a Wii remote costume, but here's some more real ones.

They're a bit old now, though. I posted much more recent pics before...but besides the length of my hair (and whether I have facial hair or not), I've looked pretty much the same for 10+ years.

I'm a 28 year old Puerto Rican, by the way. No one believes I'm Puerto Rican, though, and I get weird reactions when I speak Spanish. I also speak both English and Spanish without an accent, so no one can ever tell where the heck I'm from. Haha.


All these people with amazing hair (-.- )

Aside from that I think I'm a pretty cute guy, about a 6/10 on the harsh scale. I've been doing lifting, clothes shopping, and working on hair ideas to improve my general aesthetic.

You do have bad symmetry that I think your hairstyle accentuates but lucky for you nothing is "ugly" just a bit out of place. You have big bright eyes and full lips and a straight nose. Shave tho:


Well, I made a lot of changes to better myself at the beginning of the year, so here goes!

You'd be a lot more attractive with a smile I think, hard to tell. Eyes, nose, and mouth are well proportioned but not unique. Chin is a bit rounder which is slightly negative but nothing crazy, generally good looking, not ugly:


Can somebody rate me please:

That hair <3 <3 <3

Glasses look good, lips TOO big if that's even possible, otherwise good. Jawline needs more definition so a beard would be good for you. Seriously though that hair:


Trying something new. Instead of arguing with people who say anything, I will just say thank you and move on.

So...have at it.

Lost weight over the last few months.

K... ( ._.)

I feel like I can't objectively rate you because I like you as a poster (not that I don't like the others I've rated, I just don't particularly remember them) but here goes

Hip to waist to bust ratio is very attractive. Legs look full and well defined (unsure given pictures) Your eyes are penetrating, not dull. And uh, the second picture accentuates your bust well... *adjusts fake glasses, cough*

However, your chin is very narrow and isn't well matched with your lips (which are attractive) and forehead. That may be because of extra hard to get rid of fat deposits in the face, but it's hard to say because your face is good looking but for the very narrow chin:


Lets bring it back to lighter stuff.

I need someone to add an explosion to the back. Daughter and I


You look attractive, but not overly and well defined and proportioned. 6/10

Good looking guy. I'd agree with your rating but with your potential, and what you're doing to improve it can definitely be higher.

I really don't take/have many pictures of myself but this is the most recent. Obviously not the best photo taking conditions.

If those aren't the best photo taking conditions then you might should take a selfie. Based on the photo though I'd rate you highly regardless:



I feel like I can't objectively rate you because I like you as a poster (not that I don't like the others I've rated, I just don't particularly remember them) but here goes

Hip to waist to bust ratio is very attractive. Legs look full and well defined (unsure given pictures) Your eyes are penetrating, not dull. And uh, the second picture accentuates your bust well... *adjusts fake glasses, cough*

However, your chin is very narrow and isn't well matched with your lips (which are attractive) and forehead. That may be because of extra hard to get rid of fat deposits in the face, but it's hard to say because your face is good looking but for the very narrow chin:


Thank you. I like you as a poster too!

I have a legit baby face haha. It's actually slimmed down a lot with the weight I've lost, but it's always going to be baby face. I still get IDed (I'm almost 28, and the age for alcohol here is 19 lol).


Was screwing around with my new phone and its camera. Just a random side-view shot I took after getting out of the pool and waiting to air dry.


Thank you. I like you as a poster too!

I have a legit baby face haha. It's actually slimmed down a lot with the weight I've lost, but it's always going to be baby face. I still get IDed (I'm almost 28, and the age for alcohol here is 19 lol).

28??? Damn you don't look anywhere near 28. That's not meant negatively. You've got good skin.


In September, yeh. Thanks.

And yeah, get IDed for being under 19, and it even rubs off on my friends (they get IDed just for being with me lol).

Looking younger is a good thing. Ironically when you're young you want to look older and when people get older they desperately try to look younger lol.

I'm gonna assume you don't smoke or anything?


Looking younger is a good thing. Ironically when you're young you want to look older and when people get older they desperately try to look younger lol.

I'm gonna assume you don't smoke or anything?

Haha yeah, it's just amusing lol.

I don't, no. No smoking, very little drinking, etc.


Was screwing around with my new phone and its camera. Just a random side-view shot I took after getting out of the pool and waiting to air dry.

Hard to judge a side shot but...

Your face slopes down from the nose making the side view more unattractive than the front view, nice hair and beard though! 5/10

Edit: You're kind of making a Nate Drake face lol

Thank you. I like you as a poster too!

I have a legit baby face haha. It's actually slimmed down a lot with the weight I've lost, but it's always going to be baby face. I still get IDed (I'm almost 28, and the age for alcohol here is 19 lol).

You certainly don't look all of 28. I do think that you'll have that face shape no matter how much weight you lose but it's not a major fault or anything, just an obvious thing when compared to your other good features.

Mind, I'm being needlessly harsh because I feel truthful ratings are better at this point than a deluge of 7/10s.

If "pretty boss" means storing photos from posts that werent quoted or rated and then removed. Sure he's pretty boss.

In real life we might call that a freak and a very weird dude.

*hurriedly deletes his Google Chrome history before he is labeled a "weird dude"*


If "pretty boss" means storing photos from posts that werent quoted or rated and then removed. Sure he's pretty boss.

In real life we might call that a freak and a very weird dude.
Literally a woman programmer and she removed the pic. Her comment was making the point that plenty of people scanning GAF are likely accessing your photos in ways you have no control of. I liked her simple response to you.
In September, yeh. Thanks.

And yeah, get IDed for being under 19, and it even rubs off on my friends (they get IDed just for being with me lol).

I've already told you you're a cutie so I'm glad you're accepting it now! I wouldn't have guessed older than 24 for you.

If "pretty boss" means storing photos from posts that werent quoted or rated and then removed. Sure he's pretty boss.

In real life we might call that a freak and a very weird dude.

I'm sorry I encroached your privacy. There was a point when I had wanted to make a mega post in this thread rating absolutely everyone in it, but then after finishing the first draft I decided against submitting. I still have the post saved, and decided it would be easier to check for a link in there than go back through the entire thread to try to find your picture. It didn't occur to me that you may have removed your picture when it seemed like you were still interested in being rated.

That said, you should know that there are probably over a dozen different people saving all these pictures, current GAF members and not. For malicious purposes or just because they like to have a face to go along with a name, and so will call it up to remember. Posting your picture on the internet is giving consent for other people to use it.


Good looking guy. I'd agree with your rating but with your potential, and what you're doing to improve it can definitely be higher.

I really don't take/have many pictures of myself but this is the most recent. Obviously not the best photo taking conditions.


Thanks dude, and I really do recognize that potential. I'm doing everything I can to live up to it. I used to really struggle with my appearance. Acne, overweight, bad posture, bad hair... I was a mess. I've really turned it around in the last few months and it's made me a much happier person.

You're a great looking guy yourself, I can't even think of any complaints.

You do have bad symmetry that I think your hairstyle accentuates but lucky for you nothing is "ugly" just a bit out of place. You have big bright eyes and full lips and a straight nose. Shave tho:


Haha, I new that shave comments was coming. My facial hair is garbage tier and I was just too lazy to take care of it before taking the picture.

I've already told you you're a cutie so I'm glad you're accepting it now! I wouldn't have guessed older than 24 for you.

I'm sorry I encroached your privacy. There was a point when I had wanted to make a mega post in this thread rating absolutely everyone in it, but then after finishing the first draft I decided against submitting. I still have the post saved, and decided it would be easier to check for a link in there than go back through the entire thread to try to find your picture. It didn't occur to me that you may have removed your picture when it seemed like you were still interested in being rated.

That said, you should know that there are probably over a dozen different people saving all these pictures, current GAF members and not. For malicious purposes or just because they like to have a face to go along with a name, and so will call it up to remember. Posting your picture on the internet is giving consent for other people to use it.

Hey, you, rate my pic from this page (pleaseeeee ;_;). I need the brutality.

I'm also really curious to see what my ex would be rated here, but of course I'm sure she wouldn't approve of being judged so that isn't happening.



Don't take it to heart. You'll only get rated if the hive mind decides so. Its nothing to do with your pictures. I posted perfectly fine pictures in this thread earlier on but they got looked past. Hurt my self esteem for a minute but then I realized its just the hive mind at work. You could be the most attractive person in the world, but if the average looking guy next to you gets attention first, that's where the attention is going to be drawn to.

Trust me you're better looking than most.

- You have good skin
- You're not fat
- You're not sporting stupid facial hair to cover your double chin


Just stop being a fuck boi :p

Thanks dude, fuck boi... lol!


I'm sorry I encroached your privacy. There was a point when I had wanted to make a mega post in this thread rating absolutely everyone in it, but then after finishing the first draft I decided against submitting. I still have the post saved, and decided it would be easier to check for a link in there than go back through the entire thread to try to find your picture. It didn't occur to me that you may have removed your picture when it seemed like you were still interested in being rated.

That said, you should know that there are probably over a dozen different people saving all these pictures, current GAF members and not. For malicious purposes or just because they like to have a face to go along with a name, and so will call it up to remember. Posting your picture on the internet is giving consent for other people to use it.


I'll bite, where did I land on the Lilith (the pale) scale?


Literally a woman programmer and she removed the pic. Her comment was making the point that plenty of people scanning GAF are likely accessing your photos in ways you have no control of. I liked her simple response to you.

I simply expect more from GAF members but you're right. Theres no reason I should be separating users from 4chan or reddit from GAF members. Theyre likely one and the same

OP said:
I'm sorry I encroached your privacy. There was a point when I had wanted to make a mega post in this thread rating absolutely everyone in it, but then after finishing the first draft I decided against submitting. I still have the post saved, and decided it would be easier to check for a link in there than go back through the entire thread to try to find your picture. It didn't occur to me that you may have removed your picture when it seemed like you were still interested in being rated.

That said, you should know that there are probably over a dozen different people saving all these pictures, current GAF members and not. For malicious purposes or just because they like to have a face to go along with a name, and so will call it up to remember. Posting your picture on the internet is giving consent for other people to use it.

I hope you can understand how I perceived your post as an attack on my post and myself. I can understand that my post looked like an attack on GAF members and this thread but that was not my intention. I only wanted to explain why his posts were ignored instead of the bullshit "your pics have bad light and angles".

I wasnt aware people were saving the pictures and this is kind of shocking to me and has definitely soured my opinion of the members here.. I shall proceed cautiously in future.


You certainly don't look all of 28. I do think that you'll have that face shape no matter how much weight you lose but it's not a major fault or anything, just an obvious thing when compared to your other good features.

Mind, I'm being needlessly harsh because I feel truthful ratings are better at this point than a deluge of 7/10s.

Haha well, thank you. :p

I've already told you you're a cutie so I'm glad you're accepting it now! I wouldn't have guessed older than 24 for you.

I wouldn't say that, I'm just trying not to be argumentative, even though I want to argue with anyone who said anything...lol.

Excellent, baby face doing its work.
Hey, you, rate my pic from this page. I need the brutality.

I'm also really curious to see what my ex would be rated here, but of course I'm sure she wouldn't approve of being judged so that isn't happening.

You have really great hair, clean eyebrows and a nice smile. The lack of symmetry basically screams for attention, but it veers more towards interesting than ugly for me (compare to, for example, Natalie Dormer's crooked smile). Depending on how that affects people, I think you're in the 4–7 range. Shave your facial hair.


I'll bite, where did I land on the Lilith (the pale) scale?

It was back closer to the start of the thread when I was planning that, but yeah.


I'm not a fan of the leathery skin (ergo my username), but I have a personal bias involved (my skin is very sensitive and doesn't tan, so I'm hypersensitive to the health issues at play). Your head is relatively symmetrical from the eyebrows down, but your forehead up looks like it got shifted over some from the rest of your head. I'm going with 6.


Good looking guy. I'd agree with your rating but with your potential, and what you're doing to improve it can definitely be higher.

I really don't take/have many pictures of myself but this is the most recent. Obviously not the best photo taking conditions.


Your right arm looks significantly bigger than your left arm. Maybe it's the angle of the picture, but it looks a bit ummm... weird once you pay attention to it.

But you look good. A solid 8/10 or a 9ish/10


I wasnt aware people were saving the pictures and this is kind of shocking to me and has definitely soured my opinion of the members here.. I shall proceed cautiously in future.

A couple of weeks ago I came across a forum that had pictures of neogaf members simply to ridicule them.

Once something is on the Internet that's it. It's not like you need to be registered on these forums to view the threads. Anyone could be reading and viewing, and it's not difficult to save images or take screen shots.

Same with dating sites, I've come across someone that used pictures of me on plenty of fish to set up a fake profile from when I was on there a while back.

I'd imagine it's reasons like the above why Vadrigar is concerned about his confidentiality.

I don't give a shit though, it's like people who might post pictures of their car on a car forum but blank the registration plate. Other people won't care.


I hope you can understand how I perceived your post as an attack on my post and myself. I can understand that my post looked like an attack on GAF members and this thread but that was not my intention. I only wanted to explain why his posts were ignored instead of the bullshit "your pics have bad light and angles".

I wasnt aware people were saving the pictures and this is kind of shocking to me and has definitely soured my opinion of the members here.. I shall proceed cautiously in future.

No need to worry about the members here on GAF, there are people who scour GAF threads and posts for any picture that matches a name to a person so that they have something more concrete to hate. You're posting on the internet on one of the most visible video game forums. GAF has also made numerous enemies throughout the years.

Remember that before you post personal information, but also remember that these bitter and old people are ghosts of a previous era who cannot hurt you in any appreciable way besides talking shit about you on a tiny message board full of sock-puppets and racists.


I'm not a fan of the leathery skin (ergo my username), but I have a personal bias involved (my skin is very sensitive and doesn't tan, so I'm hypersensitive to the health issues at play). Your head is relatively symmetrical from the eyebrows down, but your forehead up looks like it got shifted over some from the rest of your head. I'm going with 6.

Haha, I bet I'm going to stare at my forehead for a bit the next time I get out of the shower, although I'm pretty sure it's just the lighting! Either way, I appreciate the candor.
Haha, I bet I'm going to stare at my forehead for a bit the next time I get out of the shower, although I'm pretty sure it's just the lighting! Either way, I appreciate the candor.

Yeah, it could be. Appraising appearance works best if you have multiple angles and lighting conditions to work from.


You have really great hair, clean eyebrows and a nice smile. The lack of symmetry basically screams for attention, but it veers more towards interesting than ugly for me (compare to, for example, Natalie Dormer's crooked smile). Depending on how that affects people, I think you're in the 4&#8211;7 range. Shave your facial hair.


I almost posted when I shared the picture that sometimes when I look in the mirror I see a bit of her in my face, but I was worried people would call me crazy or something. Also, I knew I should've shaved...

Thanks for your kind words.


I really don't take/have many pictures of myself but this is the most recent. Obviously not the best photo taking conditions.


You have really sharp and sculpted facial features and very nice bronze skin tone.You look like someone I'd hire in a Nike or Addidas add.

So I am assume you're a pro runner ? Just wondering what you do because I'd like to achireve a similar body.

I'd definitely rate you at least an 8.


I simply expect more from GAF members but you're right. Theres no reason I should be separating users from 4chan or reddit from GAF members. Theyre likely one and the same

I hope you can understand how I perceived your post as an attack on my post and myself. I can understand that my post looked like an attack on GAF members and this thread but that was not my intention. I only wanted to explain why his posts were ignored instead of the bullshit "your pics have bad light and angles".

I wasnt aware people were saving the pictures and this is kind of shocking to me and has definitely soured my opinion of the members here.. I shall proceed cautiously in future.
I wouldn't worry much about posting pictures. It doesn't bother me. You just simply should be aware that posting on a popular public site that non-members browse means there is a good chance your images will leave the site. Members here are moderated so it's not as bad as some sites. The more sinister and awkward folk are likely browsing GAF as non-members.


Well someone is going soft.
Remember that before you post personal information, but also remember that these bitter and old people are ghosts of a previous era who cannot hurt you in any appreciable way besides talking shit about you on a tiny message board full of sock-puppets and racists.
You are quite the star on those "other forums", i don't know what you've done that warrants their hatred though! :p


This thread type needs to become a GAF staple tbh with Liliththepale and Vadrigar as grandmasters.

Its insanely fun to keep coming back here,a unique break away from the rest of GAF.


Alright for real? I know some people look better bigger (some girls especially) but I can't see this one. I mean, he still looks good big but...

Absolutely. I'm a big ole bear and I like big bears who look like they can wrestle with me. Plus, bellies are awesome to rub.

His specific look where he's bigger - I know many a guys who would have been up on that. But that's how the bear community is - they like 'em big and hairy. If you're really curious to see what I mean, google "bear run" or "Bear soup" and check out the pics. Almost all the guys there are bigger, bearded, mostly hairy dudes who all want to schtoff each other. The average guy there probably weighs about 1.5 of you!

And after the pic above, he'd be labeled a pretty bear. Because he is :D

I was actually cooler, not hotter. At almost double the surface area, my extradermis kept my body temperature quite comfortable.

But your core was hotter - burn baby burn!


You are quite the star on those "other forums", i don't know what you've done that warrants their hatred though! :p

My view is, who gives a shit? They're neolithic examples of thought and I am a privileged, tall, strong, white dude who cannot be intimidated by their trashing. They've tried multiple times to "troll" my podcast to no avail. They are impotent in the most masculine sense of the word in that they cannot accomplish anything they set their minds too because they are inherently anti-progressive.

This thread type needs to become a GAF staple tbh with Liliththepale and Vadrigar as grandmasters.

Its insanely fun to keep coming back here,a unique break away from the rest of GAF.

I enjoy it too. People might treat Vadrigar (and to a lesser extent Lilith) as harsh or overly negative but I think it's important to have people with proper scales.

I kind of hope I'm the most asymmetrical person on GAF. I need to learn to be proud of what I am instead of ashamed.

Honestly, my nose is rather crooked from a break long ago that I never got fixed... but you still win damnit!


Junior Member
Trying something new. Instead of arguing with people who say anything, I will just say thank you and move on.

So...have at it.

Lost weight over the last few months.

K... ( ._.)

Wow, you look great in that second pic, especially for someone who is 28 years young (as corrected by marrec lol).


People might treat Vadrigar as harsh or overly negative but I think it's important to have people with proper scales

See I don't think Vadrigar is harsh, he posts a number and that's it.

For me personally Vadrigar giving someone a 4 out of 10 and leaving it at that is better than someone giving a 6 out of 10 to that same person but then analysing that person and describing their facial features.

Like there was one guy quite a few pages back who posted their pic and he got obliterated with an indepth analysis on his looks. That's harsher than Vadrigar simply posting "3/10"

But everyone's different, some people seem to like the analysis lol.


See I don't think Vadrigar is harsh, he posts a number and that's it.

For me personally Vadrigar giving someone a 4 out of 10 and leaving it at that is better than someone giving a 6 out of 10 to that same person but then analysing that person and describing their facial features.

But everyone's different, some people seem to like the analysis lol.

Oh no that's me...

29 is still young.

30 is old.

I enjoy it too. People might treat Vadrigar (and to a lesser extent Lilith) as harsh or overly negative but I think it's important to have people with proper scales.

I actually like vadrigar's scale. 4's and 5's are within the bell curve where 3/4ths of us fall under. A 6 is in the top 20%. The gap between a 3 and a 4 is the widest of all thresholds. I don't think he has dished many 3's and below but he has given numerous 4's


My view is, who gives a shit? They're neolithic examples of thought and I am a privileged, tall, strong, white dude who cannot be intimidated by their trashing. They've tried multiple times to "troll" my podcast to no avail. They are impotent in the most masculine sense of the word in that they cannot accomplish anything they set their minds too because they are inherently anti-progressive.

I hope the harshness wasn't directed at me.


I hope the harshness wasn't directed at me.

Nah, mostly toward the shitbricks who constantly come into my Twitch feed to try and start shit. Just got done recording something so it's fresh to mind, sorry about that.

It's time to put you into a home man


I actually like vadrigar's scale. 4's and 5's are within the bell curve where 3/4ths of us fall under. A 6 is in the top 20%. The gap between a 3 and a 4 is the widest of all thresholds. I don't think he has dished many 3's and below but he has given numerous 4's

Yep, that's why I like Vad's scale. It only seems harsh when put in contrast with the first half of the thread.

I'm 37. Fite me IRL.

I knew I could make this thread into RP July if I tried hard enough.


Oh no that's me...

No it's not you. You give constructive criticism.

There's a difference between saying something like yeah you look OK, maybe just do something with your hair, or your jacket isn't flattering, to someone saying your eyes are too far apart, your hair line is receding by 10mm etc.

I just think some people aren't tactful with their replies. But it's a public forum so it's fair game.

I personally just don't say anything when I see something I think is negative as I'm not one to try and tear people apart behind a keyboard, we've clearly seen some people on here are really insecure and I'm not interested in potentially annoying/upsetting them.

I guess I take the "if you've got nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all" approach online....
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