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GAF, Let's rate the looks of the poster above you!


If those aren't the best photo taking conditions then you should take a selfie. Based on the photo though I'd rate you highly regardless:


I don't like taking selfies, but here is one of the few that I have.


Your right arm looks significantly bigger than your left arm. Maybe it's the angle of the picture, but it looks a bit ummm... weird once you pay attention to it.

But you look good. A solid 8/10 or a 9ish/10

I think that's just the lighting/angle. I mean there is a difference but it isn't that significant or noticeable usually haha.

You have really sharp and sculpted facial features and very nice bronze skin tone.You look like someone I'd hire in a Nike or Addidas add.

So I am assume you're a pro runner ? Just wondering what you do because I'd like to achireve a similar body.

I'd definitely rate you at least an 8.

I was a middle-distance runner in college (few months ago). I would usually run 65-70 miles a week and do strength exercises on the sides (push-ups, abs, medicine ball, etc). I didn't pay much attention to my diet although I did avoid eating terribly.
See I don't think Vadrigar is harsh, he posts a number and that's it.

For me personally Vadrigar giving someone a 4 out of 10 and leaving it at that is better than someone giving a 6 out of 10 to that same person but then analysing that person and describing their facial features.

Like there was one guy quite a few pages back who posted their pic and he got obliterated with an indepth analysis on his looks. That's harsher than Vadrigar simply posting "3/10"

But everyone's different, some people seem to like the analysis lol.

I like the descriptions because it gives a reason for the madness and a semblance of understanding where it comes from. Ratings in a vacuum don't explain why the what. But I also try to be respectful and don't go in-depth unless specifically asked for it.


I like the descriptions because it gives a reason for the madness and a semblance of understanding where it comes from. Ratings in a vacuum don't explain why the what. But I also try to be respectful and don't go in-depth unless specifically asked for it.

I agree with you that ratings alone don't really mean much, especially when people use the 1 out of 10 scale differently.

Plus people are clearly asking for feedback.

It's also clear that guys generally would prefer feedback from women, I assume a guy telling them they're good looking won't really mean much compared to if a women commented.

That's why many are asking for your ratings, the other main reason being that you will be honest too


Here goes nothing... apologizes for the image dump.

I don't think I'm photogenic at all, and I have a hard time taking a picture where I'm okay with both my face and body. Hence the number of pictures D: Also, surprised at how many hairstyles I've gone through in the past year. Despite liking to change, I think the first picture is still the hairstyle that fits me the best.



You have a nice square jaw with well positioned eyes in regards to your nose and ears. Your haircut games seems on point as well. Never, ever do a chin-strap beard ever again. Ever.

Mouth is a little too high perhaps in relation to the rest of your features, but the nice square jaw diverts attention.



You're the first person I've ever seen where I think "soul patch is a good idea".


Here goes nothing... apologizes for the image dump.

I don't think I'm photogenic at all, and I have a hard time taking a picture where I'm okay with both my face and body. Hence the number of pictures D: Also, surprised at how many hairstyles I've gone through in the past year. Despite liking to change, I think the first picture is still the hairstyle that fits me the best.

Agreed. First hair is best hair.


Here goes nothing... apologizes for the image dump.

I don't think I'm photogenic at all, and I have a hard time taking a picture where I'm okay with both my face and body. Hence the number of pictures D: Also, surprised at how many hairstyles I've gone through in the past year. Despite liking to change, I think the first picture is still the hairstyle that fits me the best.

I think you're plenty photogenic. And since you brought it up, I agree the first hair is the best.


Here goes nothing... apologizes for the image dump.

I don't think I'm photogenic at all, and I have a hard time taking a picture where I'm okay with both my face and body. Hence the number of pictures D: Also, surprised at how many hairstyles I've gone through in the past year. Despite liking to change, I think the first picture is still the hairstyle that fits me the best.

Rather than give a number as such, I'll rate your photos in order from best to worst.

I do personally think you look better with long hair, the picture I chose at number "1" where you're sitting down, is because it's natural (not a fan of selfies, or "forced" poses. It's a very flattering picture in my opinion and you look attractive in it








You don't want none of this prime 24 year old! Go back to playing with marbles old man ;)

I seethe with anger.

I don't think I'm photogenic at all, and I have a hard time taking a picture where I'm okay with both my face and body. Hence the number of pictures D: Also, surprised at how many hairstyles I've gone through in the past year. Despite liking to change, I think the first picture is still the hairstyle that fits me the best.

You haven't picked the best photos, I'd say a 6.5, a 7 in the photo with the blue shorts.
Here goes nothing... apologizes for the image dump.

I don't think I'm photogenic at all, and I have a hard time taking a picture where I'm okay with both my face and body. Hence the number of pictures D: Also, surprised at how many hairstyles I've gone through in the past year. Despite liking to change, I think the first picture is still the hairstyle that fits me the best.

hottie/hottie, ultimate scale.


Hard to judge a side shot but...

Your face slopes down from the nose making the side view more unattractive than the front view, nice hair and beard though! 5/10

Edit: You're kind of making a Nate Drake face lol

lol I'll take a 5/10 for a side view. I don't have many photos with my facing the camera and I don't have good facial features for selfies - high cheekbones and a big nose make for a very angular look and requires decent lighting.


Here goes nothing... apologizes for the image dump.

I don't think I'm photogenic at all, and I have a hard time taking a picture where I'm okay with both my face and body. Hence the number of pictures D: Also, surprised at how many hairstyles I've gone through in the past year. Despite liking to change, I think the first picture is still the hairstyle that fits me the best.

So third picture is totally best hair followed closely by second picture which makes you look quite like Clara from Doctor Who.

Rating tho... Your body seems well set in regards to weight and proportions. Nothing looks out of place and your weight compliments your body shape and face shape nicely. Otherwise your facial features are all positioned correctly and your eyes (especially when accentuated with makeup like in Pic 2) draw the viewer in.

Those shorts in pic 4 are legit, but those shoes aren't.

Dress is nice, but not cut for you.

In fact... how hard is it to get a dress cut for you? As a dude I can go to dozens of places with acceptable tailors to get a suit cut specifically for me but I've never seen people recommend a tailor or seamstress based on their skill at fitting dresses :lol

Oh, rating... 8.5/10 you have well defined features that stand out as unique to my eye (big, dark eyebrows, full lips, shapely nose) traditionally British features I've been told.

Double Edit:

It's odd, I feel more self-conscious rating women than I do rating men. Likely because I don't want to be seen as biased even though I clearly am based on preferences.
Did you not see him now though? That transformation...



Oh shit, yeah. I thought he'd looked familiar. I rated his now-thin self. Massive improvement! Congrats man!!!

Lets bring it back to lighter stuff.

I need someone to add an explosion to the back. Daughter and I


From what I can tell? 8/10. Lookin' sharp, Az.

Trying something new. Instead of arguing with people who say anything, I will just say thank you and move on.

So...have at it.

Lost weight over the last few months.

K... ( ._.)

Not a huge fan of the duck/pout lips but I'd say you're a 6.5/10. Decently above average!

Can somebody rate me please:


Nice frames and hair. There's a little lack of symmetry which, unfortunately, brings you down some. 5/10.

Well, I made a lot of changes to better myself at the beginning of the year, so here goes!

6.5/10. Grow your hair out a little more and smile!


Things I know will knock points off:

- bad symmetry on eyes and mouth
- dark area beneath eyes (tanning, working on it)

Aside from that I think I'm a pretty cute guy, about a 6/10 on the harsh scale. I've been doing lifting, clothes shopping, and working on hair ideas to improve my general aesthetic.

Yeah, I'd say 5.5/10. Continue the improvements! Confidence really matters most in the end but those things can help too. Good luck. :)

Good looking guy. I'd agree with your rating but with your potential, and what you're doing to improve it can definitely be higher.

I really don't take/have many pictures of myself but this is the most recent. Obviously not the best photo taking conditions.


7.5/10. The hair is boring but your facial structure is crazy good. Leanness is also a positive trait.

I posted some pics early in the thread, and then recently a joke one of me in a Wii remote costume, but here's some more real ones.

They're a bit old now, though. I posted much more recent pics before...but besides the length of my hair (and whether I have facial hair or not), I've looked pretty much the same for 10+ years.

I'm a 28 year old Puerto Rican, by the way. No one believes I'm Puerto Rican, though, and I get weird reactions when I speak Spanish. I also speak both English and Spanish without an accent, so no one can ever tell where the heck I'm from. Haha.

6.5/10 but with shorter hair you could jump up to a 7.5/10. You've got a great jawline and nice features. The hair really brings you down though. It's not bad but not great.

Was screwing around with my new phone and its camera. Just a random side-view shot I took after getting out of the pool and waiting to air dry.

Jesus your side-profile looks a lot like mine. Facial hair and everything (though yours is dark). From what I can tell? 7/10.


Ok something more serious. 4 years ago:


And me just last month exploring Greece:


6/10. I think your eyebrows are just slightly too close together, but that's personal preference. You're a decent looking dude!

Here goes nothing... apologizes for the image dump.

I don't think I'm photogenic at all, and I have a hard time taking a picture where I'm okay with both my face and body. Hence the number of pictures D: Also, surprised at how many hairstyles I've gone through in the past year. Despite liking to change, I think the first picture is still the hairstyle that fits me the best.

Hm. This is tough. You look drastically different in all of these. I'll rate each one and then average it out. In order:

5.8/10 - You SEEM like you might look a lot better in person but it's hard to tell honestly. Some of your pictures are certainly more flattering than others. I particularly like the one of you in the dark pink!


Thanks y'all for the comments. Long hair, no bangs it is.

You haven't picked the best photos, I'd say a 6.5, a 7 in the photo with the blue shorts.
Is it sad that those are the best photos I have? Better rating than I expected though. (Especially with people who seem convinced that looks follow a normal distribution. Not quite convinced on that end. :p)

So third picture is totally best hair followed closely by second picture which makes you look quite like Clara from Doctor Who.

Those shorts in pic 4 are legit, but those shoes aren't.

Dress is nice, but not cut for you.

In fact... how hard is it to get a dress cut for you? As a dude I can go to dozens of places with acceptable tailors to get a suit cut specifically for me but I've never seen people recommend a tailor or seamstress based on their skill at fitting dresses :lol
Did your sister tell you the Clara thing? She made the same comment. :p Agree on the shorts/shoes. Hard to find pretty shoes that don't result in me bleeding.

The dress thing is something I've thought about since I don't tend fit well in most sizes, but I really have to look into price and stuff. I do worry about a tailor over doing it and kind of losing what makes the dress nice.

I feel weird rating people myself. The number system is so subjective to the point where it's meaningless unless you know what it means to that person individually. I think I tend to think of it in terms of: "your looks are probably gonna be a hurdle in dating/whatever" -> "they won't really hurt or help you" -> "your looks will help you" --> "you're good looking" -> "I can stare at you forever." I also do think people tend to be better looking than not.
6.5/10 but with shorter hair you could jump up to a 7.5/10. You've got a great jawline and nice features. The hair really brings you down though. It's not bad but not great.

They're old pics, so my hair doesn't look like that anymore...though, my hair is actually way longer now. Heh.

People used to get angry at me if I cut my hair short. Haha. I think some girls I know called it a crime.

Thanks for taking the time to comment.


Yo I just had a burger for dinner eyy.

Edit: was pretty shit faced here. @_@
Edit 2: sexy thumbs up/10.

You've got a great shitfaced look. My eyes start moving apart when I'm shitfaced, there is no way I could hide it, but yours is good. I'd never know you were drunk by just looking.


eyy bbee wat up

Nice hair, good thumbs, you can raise your eyebrow which is a big deal. You obviously enjoy a good breakfast burger but not overly so. Round face actually works to soften what I think would otherwise be a mismatched set of features.


Edit: was pretty shit faced here. @_@
Edit 2: sexy thumbs up/10.

You look pretty obviously shit faced :lol

Late 20s? Fading and thinning hair (I feel ya) your crooked little smile seems condescending, but in a friendly way if that makes any sense. I think a genuine smile would change my rating one way or another.

Eyes are in a good line with your ears and the corners of your mouth, but your nose is a bit big and offset:


Did your sister tell you the Clara thing? She made the same comment. :p Agree on the shorts/shoes. Hard to find pretty shoes that don't result in me bleeding.

Nah, but it's no wonder she said it too cause there's an obvious resemblance.

And ya, I feel like I have to say after every post "my rating system is subject to my entire history of influences and cannot be reasonably used as anything but my own subjective rating". Even though "good looks" are probably the most objective quality you can give a person, it's still going to be on a spectrum depending on who you talk to.
Here goes nothing... apologizes for the image dump.

Are all these from the same year? You look a bit different in each one.

Overall, you look like a woman. You look soft/feminine, but not doughy or overweight. We need to start including our heights because I'm finding it difficult judging scale. You could be 4'3" or 8'11".. Tough to tell.



Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Hey, I have a new twist for this thread: rate how well the user above you has aged

High School






Oh, and for this page:

keffri: 7/10

Tricky I Shadow: 7/10

Pau: 9/10

Eatchildren: Thumbs up/10


Hey, I have a new twist for this thread: rate how well the user above you has aged

You aged like a fine cheese, growing hairier, stinkier, but more attractive all the while.

I'd post pictures of my earlier years but I don't have any, they're all under control of my sister and ex-girlfriend who blackmail me into various criminal activities lest they release them into the public.

We need to start including our heights because I'm finding it difficult judging scale. You could be 4'3" or 8'11".. Tough to tell.

That would certainly give me the UPPER hand.

It's a tall person joke.

You're cute.

No you are.


No wonder men have a much lower standard on women. They'd rate the average chick a 7 or 8 as long she isn't fat

Lol there's defintely some truth to that.

That's why I found on dating sites, women that are average get a little hyped up as they get bombarded with attention (messages) from men online. Often it's attention they would NOT get in real life, but it's goes to their head.

Seriously if you were to create two dating profiles, one with an average looking woman, and one with a very good looking man, I would bet my life on it that the woman would get MANY more messages than the man.


Here goes nothing... apologizes for the image dump.

I don't think I'm photogenic at all, and I have a hard time taking a picture where I'm okay with both my face and body. Hence the number of pictures D: Also, surprised at how many hairstyles I've gone through in the past year. Despite liking to change, I think the first picture is still the hairstyle that fits me the best.

/ 10

Dark hair and glasses combo is my weakness. So I may be biased


No wonder men have a much lower standard on women. They'd rate the average chick a 7 or 8 as long she isn't fat

that's true but I think the same for men.
I am a strong believer that unless you had a disfiguring accident everyone can be at least a 7 if the keep in shape, get a good haircut and dress nicely.
If that guy is a 8 and henry cavill is an 8 then hardly anyone is over a 6 irl

No wonder men have a much lower standard on women. They'd rate the average chick a 7 or 8 as long she isn't fat

For me, if I can see myself kissing someone and not feel disgusted after, I would probably not rate them lower than a 7 haha maybe Im just easy idk but I have seen many girls my friends would say are average (like a 5 or 6) and I would be like nah bro shes an 8!

Maybe my standards are low? Who knows.

War Eagle

Strong jaw! Trim up the eyebrows a little. 5/10; could go up to 6/10.

Thanks. Yeah, I ask my barber to 'clean up' my eyebrows whenever I get a haircut, but I'm not sure if I care enough to actually 'do' my eyebrows. I have always been complimented on my jaw and long eyelashes (you can't tell in pics), and my back. Women seem to LOVE my back. It seems as though this thread is more focused on face, but here's a good pic of my back after I scaled Uluru while backpacking the Australian Outback.



Sometimes I feel like a masochist.

And yes, I am fully aware when I smile that my upper lip decides to go and hide. I guess at least I have a full lower lip. =/

A little self-flagellation never hurt anyone.

You've found a really nice hairstyle that accentuates your positive features. Big brown eyes and a symmetrical nose are obvious positives with strong cheekbones and a good complexion. White teeth with a smile that puts one to ease despite your recalcitrant upper lip.

I can't really see any obvious negative qualities to your face to be honest. The roundness is well matched with the hair and eye/cheekbone position:


Yes, i know.

*pinches cheek*

Lol there's defintely some truth to that.

That's why I found on dating sites, women that are average get a little hyped up as they get bombarded with attention (messages) from men online. Often it's attention they would NOT get in real life, but it's goes to their head.

Seriously if you were to create two dating profiles, one with an average looking woman, and one with a very good looking man, I would bet my life on it that the woman would get MANY more messages than the man.

That's a bit of an unfair advantage though because the population is probably skewed. Besides, I get plenty of messages on Tinder despite being a rather average looking dude... just most of them are spam :lol

that's true but I think the same for men.
I am a strong believer that unless you had a disfiguring accident everyone can be at least a 7 if the keep in shape, get a good haircut and dress nicely.

I believe much the same. Most people, like... 80% of people, clean up well and can go from a 4 to a 7 depending on dress, weight, and hygiene.
Lol there's defintely some truth to that.

That's why I found on dating sites, women that are average get a little hyped up as they get bombarded with attention (messages) from men online. Often it's attention they would NOT get in real life, but it's goes to their head.

Seriously if you were to create two dating profiles, one with an average looking woman, and one with a very good looking man, I would bet my life on it that the woman would get MANY more messages than the man.

oh yea dating sites...


etc etc


I just thought i'd make a "Post pics from when you joined NeoGaf VS now -or- ageing sucks" thread, but why not derail this one instead.

So, the funny thing is i was trying to find old images of myself online and found a 6 years old Neogaf thread about celebrities lookalikes that somehow got semi derailed with my pics. Lol, never knew this


Seriously, it was JUST the hair guys.

Anyway, that was roughly 10 years ago (joined Neogaf much earlier than that though).

This is now



oh yea dating sites... etc etc

Being tall or short is one of those things that you just can't work around.

I just thought i'd make a "Post pics from when you joined NeoGaf VS now -or- ageing sucks" thread, but why not derail this one instead.

So, the funny thing is i was trying to find old images of myself online and found a 6 years old Neogaf thread about celebrities lookalikes that somehow got semi derailed with my pics. Lol, never knew this

Seriously, it was JUST the hair guys.

Anyway, that was roughly 10 years ago (joined Neogaf much earlier than that though).

This is now

Well now you look like that Werewolf guy from Magic Mike.
A little self-flagellation never hurt anyone.

You've found a really nice hairstyle that accentuates your positive features. Big brown eyes and a symmetrical nose are obvious positives with strong cheekbones and a good complexion. White teeth with a smile that puts one to ease despite your recalcitrant upper lip.

I can't really see any obvious negative qualities to your face to be honest. The roundness is well matched with the hair and eye/cheekbone position:


Thank you, kind sir.
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