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GAF, Let's rate the looks of the poster above you!


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Girls want those buns.

2/10 knuckles too dull.

Yo I just had a burger for dinner eyy.

Nice hair, good thumbs, you can raise your eyebrow which is a big deal. You obviously enjoy a good breakfast burger but not overly so. Round face actually works to soften what I think would otherwise be a mismatched set of features.


cool now here's me doing a poo with bonus instagram filter


am i pooping the burger?

it is a mystery


Well now you look like that Werewolf guy from Magic Mike.

I knew i could rely on NeoGaf to get a boost on self confidence :)

We do look alike
in regards to the amount of white facial hair
and we are the same age ! (actually he is a whole week younger than me)

You can have a body like that at 40 ?


wait, look what I found. One of Vadrigars 10/10

I guess he really is a 10. I know its a fake profile but hot damn it must be easy for people like him

Is there a thread for stuff like this?

um that guy is not someone you see on the streets everyday, ill just say if scarjo proposes to give me a blowjob i wouldnt say no

and not all girls are that shallow you just gotta find the right one. it also doesnt help that most girls on tinder or dating sites in general are there for the attention


so I'm gonna try again, only got a 3 and some 4s which was pretty depressing. Maybe it was the pictures, my GF said the angle was bad while assuring me how handsome I am to her.

so here goes:

If it's the hair that makes me ugly would someone mind rating my face only? Because I'm kind of stuck with that.


so I'm gonna try again, only got a 3 and some 4s which was pretty depressing. Maybe it was the pictures, my GF said the angle was bad while assuring me how handsome I am to her.

so here goes:

If it's the hair that makes me ugly would someone mind rating my face only? Because I'm kind of stuck with that.

Dude, a 4 doesn't make you ugly it makes you normal. Some people may rate your higher or lower depending on preferences but if you got a girl who's telling you your handsome than use that for your validation, not some stranger on the internet who prefers cro-mag looking guys.

Don't take these things too seriously, love who you are, blah blah... I'd say get a haircut but I'm not hip or with it so who cares what I think :lol


wait, look what I found. One of Vadrigars 10/10

I guess he really is a 10. I know its a fake profile but hot damn it must be easy for people like him

Is there a thread for stuff like this?

There is some truth to that, but I'm also sure they were selective in order to prove a point.

What I mean is I'm sure even the model got some bad replies back, looking good and talking to people like that isn't going to work with everybody.

But when you look average and talk to people like that then damn, you've got no hope lol.

It's the same principle with one word messages, you get women that state they want more than just "Hi" but if someone ugly writes a specific message based on their profile it won't make any difference if they think you're ugly.

You think if a good looking guy says "Hi" they're gonna ignore them lol.

On dating sites it's easy for women to be picky, they generally get a lot of messages. They need to filter through a lot of creepy messages, a lot of one word messages, a lot of ugly guys etc

Trouble is because of the attention some people get an ego boost and suddenly start thinking they're hotter than they actually are...
so I'm gonna try again, only got a 3 and some 4s which was pretty depressing. Maybe it was the pictures, my GF said the angle was bad while assuring me how handsome I am to her.

so here goes:

If it's the hair that makes me ugly would someone mind rating my face only? Because I'm kind of stuck with that.

you look skinnyfat, it even shows on your face. Hit the gym, add some muscle, cut down your bodyfat to 12% and come back to us.


, my GF said the angle was bad while assuring me how handsome I am to her.


TheDanger, the above is all you need to worry about.

You have a gf, and she's attracted to you, why worry about what mainly men on a video game site rate you.

I've been given a wide variety of ratings, from a 3 to a 9 lol. People have different tastes, one person might think your a 2 another an 8, don't waste your time on negativity.


wait, look what I found. One of Vadrigars 10/10

I guess he really is a 10. I know its a fake profile but hot damn it must be easy for people like him

Is there a thread for stuff like this?

On a somewhat related note, I posted this in the dating thread. My covno from my online dating profile..


She came over on Sunday, hah


I was pretty nervous to post at first, but now I'm curious about what you guys think. I took these just now after deciding that my hair looked kinda nice tonight! Personally, I think I need to lose quite a bit of weight and get toned (especially on my face, it's too chubby right now), and to get my hair cut short again — suits my personality way more, and it frames my face a lot better. Also gotta go get my eyebrows done.

how I wear my hair when it's in my way:

I reckon I look pretty okay though, especially considering I just got out of the shower and I have a bad cold!

You're attractive no doubt.
I was pretty nervous to post at first, but now I'm curious about what you guys think. I took these just now after deciding that my hair looked kinda nice tonight! Personally, I think I need to lose quite a bit of weight and get toned (especially on my face, it's too chubby right now), and to get my hair cut short again — suits my personality way more, and it frames my face a lot better. Also gotta go get my eyebrows done.

how I wear my hair when it's in my way:

I reckon I look pretty okay though, especially considering I just got out of the shower and I have a bad cold!

stunning. i would have to ask you out to dinner if i was single and happened to meet you.


you look skinnyfat, it even shows on your face. Hit the gym, add some muscle, cut down your bodyfat to 12% and come back to us.

lol what skinnyfat? What does that mean? My BMI is normal

yeah I'm not going to the gym, I'm just not gonna spend my free time doing something I hate while paying shitloads of money for it.

TheDanger, the above is all you need to worry about.

You have a gf, and she's attracted to you, why worry about what mainly men on a video game site rate you.

I've been given a wide variety of ratings, from a 3 to a 9 lol. People have different tastes, one person might think your a 2 another an 8, don't waste your time on negativity.

I know it's the exact reason it bothers me so much that it bothers me what rating I got.


lol what skinnyfat? What does that mean? My BMI is normal

yeah I'm not going to the gym, I'm just not gonna spend my free time doing something I hate while paying shitloads of money for it.

and you dont have to. only validation you need is from your girl


I was pretty nervous to post at first, but now I'm curious about what you guys think. I took these just now after deciding that my hair looked kinda nice tonight! Personally, I think I need to lose quite a bit of weight and get toned (especially on my face, it's too chubby right now), and to get my hair cut short again — suits my personality way more, and it frames my face a lot better. Also gotta go get my eyebrows done.

how I wear my hair when it's in my way:

I reckon I look pretty okay though, especially considering I just got out of the shower and I have a bad cold!

I think the way your hair looks now is very complimentary to your face shape, I personally dig it. You don't seem from the pictures to need to lose weight, but I understand how that feels. You do need to get your eyebrows did though :lol

I think you look better with your hair down, but that may be due to the rounder face. Once again, I prefer round faces with framing hair on women so I'd rate you a 7-8/10 from shoulders up.
I was pretty nervous to post at first, but now I'm curious about what you guys think. I took these just now after deciding that my hair looked kinda nice tonight! Personally, I think I need to lose quite a bit of weight and get toned (especially on my face, it's too chubby right now), and to get my hair cut short again — suits my personality way more, and it frames my face a lot better. Also gotta go get my eyebrows done.

how I wear my hair when it's in my way:

I reckon I look pretty okay though, especially considering I just got out of the shower and I have a bad cold!

You don't need to lose "a lot" of weight. You'd benefit from a bit more tone especially in your arms, but I wouldnt classify you as fat/chubby.

You're a solid 7 with potential for a 9 give or take 5.


stunning. i would have to ask you out to dinner if i was single and happened to meet you.

Incredibly sweet, thank you.

I think the way your hair looks now is very complimentary to your face shape, I personally dig it. You don't seem from the pictures to need to lose weight, but I understand how that feels. You do need to get your eyebrows did though :lol

I think you look better with your hair down, but that may be due to the rounder face. Once again, I prefer round faces with framing hair on women so I'd rate you a 7-8/10 from shoulders up.

Hahaha, yeah, that's the reality of coming from a Greek background — hairy eyebrows that need to be ultra maintained! Thanks for the feedback.

You don't need to lose "a lot" of weight. You'd benefit from a bit more tone especially in your arms, but I wouldnt classify you as fat/chubby.

You're a solid 7 with potential for a 9 give or take 5.

Yeah, I need to start doing some sort of exercise, too bad I don't really have a lot of time, plus, I hate exercising in winter! Thank you though! What do you mean by give or take 5 though? :0


I know it's the exact reason it bothers me so much that it bothers me what rating I got.

so is my GF extremely out of my league?


I wouldn't say extremely out of your league but if I'm honest I think she's more attractive, but who do you think is more attractive in your relationship?

Either way surely you should be happier with her opinion than a guy online?

I learnt a long time ago not to worry what people say, I was bullied when I was much younger, now though I saw some of the people that would talk shit and how they look now lol.

The majority of the time people that try and bring others down do it because they're insecure themselves. Just make the best with what you have and ignore negativity. I think if people are taking ratings on here too personally maybe posting a picture isn't a good idea.


so I'm gonna try again, only got a 3 and some 4s which was pretty depressing. Maybe it was the pictures, my GF said the angle was bad while assuring me how handsome I am to her.

If it's the hair that makes me ugly would someone mind rating my face only? Because I'm kind of stuck with that.

2/10 if you're letting the ratings of a bunch of random strangers on the internet get to you.
8/10 if you're confident enough to not give a fuck and know that the only opinion that matters to you is your girlfriend.


I was pretty nervous to post at first, but now I'm curious about what you guys think. I took these just now after deciding that my hair looked kinda nice tonight! Personally, I think I need to lose quite a bit of weight and get toned (especially on my face, it's too chubby right now), and to get my hair cut short again — suits my personality way more, and it frames my face a lot better. Also gotta go get my eyebrows done.

how I wear my hair when it's in my way:

I reckon I look pretty okay though, especially considering I just got out of the shower and I have a bad cold!

Definitely a 7.5. I especially love your hair.

Well here goes nothing, it's a picture from a year ago though because i never seem to take new ones.



Well here goes nothing, it's a picture from a year ago though because i never seem to take new ones.

My ratings are always lower for men, just to let you know, but it's part of a normalized distribution so science says you can't take it personally.


Your eye color is great, but the eyes are a bit squat on your face, close to your nose and spread apart. That said your nose is nice and doesn't stand out much, which is good for a nose. Nice smile, yellowing teeth (I have the same unfortunately).

Is your hair naturally that curly? If so I imagine it's rather hard to handle. I'd suggest a different haircut either way, one that is more complimentary.


+eye color, possible height?

-eye shape and positioning, hair, bulbous underchin

Edit: My ratings are evolving, I should probably reign it in a bit lol
I was pretty nervous to post at first, but now I'm curious about what you guys think. I took these just now after deciding that my hair looked kinda nice tonight! Personally, I think I need to lose quite a bit of weight and get toned (especially on my face, it's too chubby right now), and to get my hair cut short again — suits my personality way more, and it frames my face a lot better. Also gotta go get my eyebrows done.

how I wear my hair when it's in my way:

I reckon I look pretty okay though, especially considering I just got out of the shower and I have a bad cold!

Your hair is freaking awesome lol 8.5/10

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I can't tell if I am a bad person for feeling more critical of people based on their cosmetic choices rather than default features. I was feeling relatively guilty until I thought about it already being a thread where people have their looks rated.

Hair/clothing etc really has an effect on me I guess.



Hair/clothing etc really has an effect on me I guess.

Hair and clothing make a MASSIVE difference though.

Someone being extremely well groomed with a good dress sense makes a difference. There are people on here who in my opinion could see lots of improvment from a few changes.

Someone average looking with bad dress sense, shitty haircut will just look terrible. Fix that person up good with a decent haircut that suits their face, and some nice clothes and people's perceptions will change.

Short of plastic surgery you're pretty much stuck with the way you look, even with plastic surgery the general look of your face is the same. It's better to focus on things you can change, with the two things you mentioned being important ones.

I also think certain people in this thread aren't doing themselves any favours with really shitty selfies at bad angles, or bad lighting, or bad poses.


Junior Member
I was pretty nervous to post at first, but now I'm curious about what you guys think. I took these just now after deciding that my hair looked kinda nice tonight! Personally, I think I need to lose quite a bit of weight and get toned (especially on my face, it's too chubby right now), and to get my hair cut short again — suits my personality way more, and it frames my face a lot better. Also gotta go get my eyebrows done.

how I wear my hair when it's in my way:

I reckon I look pretty okay though, especially considering I just got out of the shower and I have a bad cold!


You are very attractive: I love your hair (I would say keep it long) and you have a great complexion. Your face is slightly asymmetric but you still look great.


lol what skinnyfat? What does that mean? My BMI is normal

yeah I'm not going to the gym, I'm just not gonna spend my free time doing something I hate while paying shitloads of money for it.

Skinny fat is when yuor skinny but most of your fat is accumelated in groups instead of spread out evenly, which gives you some "fat traits".

Also, working out is something you need to learn to love. Fake it till you make it.

Get a haircut, work out (squats, bench presses etc) + cardio. It'll do you wonders


Junior Member
Skinny fat is when yuor skinny but most of your fat is accumelated in groups instead of spread out evenly, which gives you some "fat traits".

Also, working out is something you need to learn to love. Fake it till you make it.

I agree. He should also know that one of the main reasons to go to a gym is to be around like-minded people. It is a good motivator that you aren't the only person working on their body alone.

I personally don't need a gym membership as I have my own routine at home but since TheDanger hates working out, I think the gym would be a good starting place.
I was pretty nervous to post at first, but now I'm curious about what you guys think. I took these just now after deciding that my hair looked kinda nice tonight! Personally, I think I need to lose quite a bit of weight and get toned (especially on my face, it's too chubby right now), and to get my hair cut short again — suits my personality way more, and it frames my face a lot better. Also gotta go get my eyebrows done.

how I wear my hair when it's in my way:

I reckon I look pretty okay though, especially considering I just got out of the shower and I have a bad cold!

Your hair is amazing and you've got great features. But yeah I agree with eyebrows needing to be done. They're a little too defined for my taste.


Definitely a 7.5. I especially love your hair.

Well here goes nothing, it's a picture from a year ago though because i never seem to take new ones.

4/10. Hair needs a change and you've got a bit of a double chin. You could probably be a 6/10 with some changes.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
You're so right. I'm just gonna trust her opinion.
My girlfriend tells me I am the hottest guy in the world like every day, even if I am obviously not. The ratings system is amusing, but the people dwelling on it need to get a life. The fact you are dating someone that you think is out of your league speaks for how pointless these numbers are beyond having a bit of fun.


Also, working out is something you need to learn to love. Fake it till you make it.

thats definitely not true.

i started out at the same time as my cousin and he was always moaning and bitching while we were there. fast forward he quit his membership after a year

i was into it since min 1
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