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GAF, Let's rate the looks of the poster above you!


Your hair is freaking awesome lol 8.5/10

Heh, thanks. I can't believe I used to hate it! Through early high school, I would straighten it most days, and people would tease me for having such strange hair. I seriously considered getting it chemically straightened at one point, but I am so, so glad I didn't go through with it. I really love my hair, it's my best feature, and it's totally me.


You are very attractive: I love your hair (I would say keep it long) and you have a great complexion. Your face is slightly asymmetric but you still look great.

wooooah, thank you!

I am considering keeping it long, but I'm thinking of the practicality of having it short during the summer (it's winter in Australia now), because it just gets so damn hot! As for my face being asymmetric, yeah, I think my jaw is a little off or something, but it doesn't bother me!

Thanks for all the kind words.

Your hair is amazing and you've got great features. But yeah I agree with eyebrows needing to be done. They're a little too defined for my taste.


Thanks. I do like having really thick eyebrows, but I just need to get more of an arch in them I think!
Yeah, I need to start doing some sort of exercise, too bad I don't really have a lot of time, plus, I hate exercising in winter! Thank you though! What do you mean by give or take 5 though? :0

The glass could be half-full.. why assume i mean a 4/10 and not a 14/10? :p

And I'm having a hard time seeing the asymmetry in your face. Can you take a straight-on shot and overlay a grid so we can properly measure?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
keep the eyebrows yo


Oh God GAF, I can't believe I'm doing this. Please be gentle! =D

Okay, but here are some actual, not intentionally shit pictures of myself.

Not looking too bad, though the sideburns seem a bit much. I bet you'd look real nice with a clean shave too or a big, but well kept beard, no halfsies. Eye color is a plus. Nice looking face all things considered.


I don't know if you're talking about mine but I doooo like big brows

Big eyebrows are great, but the other photos you posted make them look a little more fair and less full. When I was talking about getting them did I meant getting them colored darker lol
heehee :>

It's probably more the angle I've posed for the photo, but I've honestly had a few people say that my face looks kind of wonky before. I only see it sometimes. Here's a shot I found, it's a few years old though (2011 or 2012, I think). I'd take one now but it's 3:30 AM and I look particularly bad

I really don't like this photo please don't rate this one

I don't know if you're talking about mine but I doooo like big brows

I second the eyebrows. Everyone should have a visual hook.. Something unique. Your eyebrows are different and set you apart in a hood way.


Big eyebrows are great, but the other photos you posted make them look a little more fair and less full. When I was talking about getting them did I meant getting them colored darker lol

Oh, sweet! I totally agree. Darker and a little bit more of an arch. Right now I feel like it's too subtle. But that's just me.
Oh God GAF, I can't believe I'm doing this. Please be gentle! =D

Okay, but here are some actual, not intentionally shit pictures of myself.

Always keep your part on the left. Every powerful successful influential man in history parts/ parted left. If you want to be a disgusting failure and a major disappointment to your friends and family, part right.


Always keep your part on the left. Every powerful successful influential man in history parts/ parted left. If you want to be a disgusting failure and a major disappointment to your friends and family, part right.

it doesnt seem parted in any direction lol

anyways nova youre hot i wouldnt worry too much


Before I started parting my hair to the left I was a failure to my friends and family but then I learned the left-hand part and now I have a successful job and everyone notices and loves me.


Lol at that rating.

No one in this thread has been a 1 to be fair. There have been some below average yeah sure, even ugly on here you could say but 1 is like hideous.

She's one of the better looking people on this thread in my opinion.

it doesnt seem parted in any direction lol

anyways nova youre hot i wouldnt worry too much

I think kowalski was joking, because I asked in the spoiler tag not to rate it, but at the same time who knows

but yeah nobody here is any lower than a 3 honestly, the vast majority of you have some lovely features, and are super brave for posting in the first place!


Here goes nothing..

You're another one who I'd say is quite good looking.

Allonym is another guy who is good looking too (one of the better ones on here in my opinion), but his pictures don't do him justice on his face, it comes back down to them stupid posed pictures, I bet in a natural photo, or in real life he looks much better..

Rokkerkory is another sample of the curse of the "selfie" in the gym one he posted it done him no favours, in other pictures that were taken by someone else and looking natural you can see he's quite good looking.
I was pretty nervous to post at first, but now I'm curious about what you guys think. I took these just now after deciding that my hair looked kinda nice tonight! Personally, I think I need to lose quite a bit of weight and get toned (especially on my face, it's too chubby right now), and to get my hair cut short again — suits my personality way more, and it frames my face a lot better. Also gotta go get my eyebrows done.

how I wear my hair when it's in my way:

I reckon I look pretty okay though, especially considering I just got out of the shower and I have a bad cold!

Got greek vibes from you the second I saw the pics. You look great.

A strong 5 from me on vadrigar scale


so I'm gonna try again, only got a 3 and some 4s which was pretty depressing. Maybe it was the pictures, my GF said the angle was bad while assuring me how handsome I am to her.

so here goes:

If it's the hair that makes me ugly would someone mind rating my face only? Because I'm kind of stuck with that.

You can look better with a different hairstyle and by losing some weight, and possibly by growing facial hair if you can (to help with your jawline).


Ok I tried smiling this time. I still don't like it. My face is such a weird face. I think it's my cheekbones. I tried different angles and I look so different in all of them I feel.




I think the middle is best.


No pic above me soooooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Friendly look, decent complexion, full lips and nice chin definition. That said your eyes are a bit offset and asymmetrical (much like mine) which makes your face unique, but maybe in a bad way depending on the viewer.


Ok I tried smiling this time. I still don't like it. My face is such a weird face. I think it's my cheekbones. I tried different angles and I look so different in all of them I feel.

I think the middle is best.

Pft, #3 is the best. You have a very interesting look, not hindered at all by your low set cheekbones as it accentuates your jaw. Everything else is fairly normal.



Ok I tried smiling this time. I still don't like it. My face is such a weird face. I think it's my cheekbones. I tried different angles and I look so different in all of them I feel.




I think the middle is best.

I think you would look great with a big ol' grin. 6/10 right now, you definitely look fine but don't stand out much.

Here's me. only pic I have handy right now:



I was pretty nervous to post at first, but now I'm curious about what you guys think. I took these just now after deciding that my hair looked kinda nice tonight! Personally, I think I need to lose quite a bit of weight and get toned (especially on my face, it's too chubby right now), and to get my hair cut short again — suits my personality way more, and it frames my face a lot better. Also gotta go get my eyebrows done.

how I wear my hair when it's in my way:

I reckon I look pretty okay though, especially considering I just got out of the shower and I have a bad cold!

You are pretty and I have to say, you look a lot like one actress, but I just can't remember her name or any movie she was in, but I know you look like her though.


Ok I tried smiling this time. I still don't like it. My face is such a weird face. I think it's my cheekbones. I tried different angles and I look so different in all of them I feel.




I think the middle is best.

You look good man, and funny you mention the middle picture being the best. I think it's the opposite! (i prefer the first and third ones) :p
Oh God GAF, I can't believe I'm doing this. Please be gentle! =D

Okay, but here are some actual, not intentionally shit pictures of myself.

4/10. Not a fan of the beard, frames or hairstyle.

Thanks. I do like having really thick eyebrows, but I just need to get more of an arch in them I think!

A little bit more of an arch would look great for sure. I'm not a fan of the new super bold eyebrow trend but you seem to be at a good balance with it. :D

No pic above me soooooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There's some asymmetry going on according to this photo but it's not too much of a detriment. Nice skin tone. 5/10.

Most recent picture I have available....I was hammered haha


6/10. Beard looks a little scraggly and I think billed caps are sort of silly but you've got a good look in general.

Ok I tried smiling this time. I still don't like it. My face is such a weird face. I think it's my cheekbones. I tried different angles and I look so different in all of them I feel.




I think the middle is best.

Great beard and jaw structure. But boring hair. 7/10.

I think you would look great with a big ol' grin. 6/10 right now, you definitely look fine but don't stand out much.

Here's me. only pic I have handy right now:

5/10 from what I can tell. It's hard to rate a side profile.


Ehh, what the heck...go easy please...


I'll be 42 in October and this place makes me feel like a fart sometimes.


Ehh, what the heck...go easy please...


I'll be 42 in October and this place makes me feel like a fart sometimes.

Strong jaw, killer hair (You're 40 bruv with the hair of a 20 year old.) Nice skin, beard with that little touch of grey hair. You could easily get with a girl way younger than yourself if you were in the position to do so.

My score: 7/10


You look great for 41, I thought mid thirties. I guess your nose is a little big, but otherwise totally fine.

The big nose, I've grown into, although I think that pic probably accentuates it a bit more than it is (I have probably taken five selfies in all my life) . I used to have a smaller one but clumsiness with basketballs and soccer balls as a kid messed me up going into puberty I guess. It doesn't bother me anymore. LOL.

Strong jaw, killer hair (You're 40 bruv with the hair of a 20 year old.) Nice skin, beard with that little touch of grey hair. You could easily get with a girl way younger than yourself if you were in the position to do so.

My score: 7/10


Don't let my wife hear that. ;)

Then again, it probably explains the 20 somethings that get flirty with me at work. I work at a hospital and I loved the moment I had a couple weeks ago where this guy who was about 6 years younger than me, and with a lot of health issues, said to me "Man, let me tell you...don't ever get old". I just smiled and nodded. heh


Then again, it probably explains the 20 somethings that get flirty with me at work. I work at a hospital and I loved the moment I had a couple weeks ago where this guy who was about 6 years younger than me, and with a lot of health issues, said to me "Man, let me tell you...don't ever get old". I just smiled and nodded. heh

Man, that's awesome. I had a similar moment where someone said "Zombine, you're really handsome. You don't need to work in radio at all, you could be on TV." and that made me feel good. I'm sure it shot your confidence through the roof when he said that.
Man, that's awesome. I had a similar moment where someone said "Zombine, you're really handsome. You don't need to work in radio at all, you could be on TV." and that made me feel good. I'm sure it shot your confidence through the roof when he said that.

I've had similar moments as well where I've had to ward-off hordes of frothing estrus-stricken women by crazily waiving a flaming 2x4. When I move by day, I have to wear a full burka lest risk being ravaged.
Man, that's awesome. I had a similar moment where someone said "Zombine, you're really handsome. You don't need to work in radio at all, you could be on TV." and that made me feel good. I'm sure it shot your confidence through the roof when he said that.

You work on the radio?

Not even TV lol.
You have a nice square jaw with well positioned eyes in regards to your nose and ears. Your haircut games seems on point as well. Never, ever do a chin-strap beard ever again. Ever.

Mouth is a little too high perhaps in relation to the rest of your features, but the nice square jaw diverts attention.


6/10. I think your eyebrows are just slightly too close together, but that's personal preference. You're a decent looking dude!

I really like the way you look in the middle picture, you are one handsome fellow. Can't say i'm a fan of your fashion sense in the third pic though! :p

Very cute. With more defined facial hair you'd be totally hot and less boyish. 8/10 easily.

Tricky I Shadow: 7/10

Thanks for the feedback guys.
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