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GAF Mafia [Mafia] lOTl Should've Gone for Bagels...


The other points I'll consider, but Splinter's vote was a minute or less after roy's - I just would assume that he voted for Rats without seeing Roy's vote.
Still Rats over Scrafty is a little suspect.

his posts were about a minute apart. Since that's the forum timer my assumption is he was f5ing a fair bit in that time before the end of the day.


So..... splinter.

Misunderstanding a simple question, and then after clarification he never gets back to the point

about me commenting on scrafty's self-read

Won't discuss any of the things he seems to think are worthy of comment, won't say what they are, won't give opinions on them, just wants to berate me for commenting on scrafty.

And then he set up the tie on rats that coppanuva broke with 1 minute left in the day.
Sorian's death presumably removed his vote and brought us back to a tie. If I were scum and had been expecting that I wouldn't need to flip back to Scrafty to bus her.
Unless you think that a town player killed Sorian

Also it only became a tie because someone else swapped at the same time as me, Roy I think

As for your other points, I didn't have much interesting to say in response to your question. I had misunderstood it, but the ideas you raised (to look at people's reactions to the fight) I was already thinking about. It's hard to get much solid from that without knowing either your or Sorian's alignment though, so I filed it under "come back to this later".

I don't think it's accurate to say I'm not discussing things. Sure I ignore stuff that's already been said 5 times by other people but generally I've been commenting on anything that I don't like or could be a slip. I didn't give a HUGE number of opinions but that's because I had been trying to earn the D1 lynch. Clearly I suck at Mafia though as most people gave me strong town-reads. Oh well

In fact you were pretty much the only one who tried to accuse me of anything, I put this down more to you not liking how I was questioning you though.


To clarify: With something I mean something like ^, but with reason if possible.

I'll comment the changes on my list compared to my last day's list 527.
-Sawneeks: I still like her last day's posts
-Coppanuva: last minute vote on scrafty while there still was a chance for a tie. I doubt mafia would do this.
-roytheone: reason for being above squidiyj: Today's premade post
-squidiyj: Not that he had become a lot more scummier, but as it is a top 3 list, someone has to fall off when a new one enters.

And I am not on this list...


his posts were about a minute apart. Since that's the forum timer my assumption is he was f5ing a fair bit in that time before the end of the day.
My posts were a minute apart because I realised I had caused a tie but there is a 1 minute delay between posts?

I was a bit worried that someone else would also flip back when I did but at that point you just have to risk it.


The other target I think is Rats.

Now, maybe the way the day kill worked was it didn't activate until the end of the day phase but I feel like we should consider the possibility that it was meant to be immediateish.

If so why didn't mafia use it earlier in the day phase? they could have killed sorian when he was still talking about me but they didn't.
I think that perhaps when rats was getting voted up they tried to push on him instead of scrafty because he had a power he could use during the day making him vanilla, making his death less harmful to mafia. So they tried to get him lynched and he used his power.

Today he comes back with "i was trying to look scum guys" which is something I never like, it's something town can't afford to trust.

I agree they used their power during the end of D1 to create chaos and hope for a tie/Rats lynch. But I fail to see how that makes Rats scum? It is just as likely they tried to push the lynch to Rats because he is town.
Do you trust me as being town?
What kind of weird question is this?

Really? I thought he was as subtle as a brick
Well, I have an idea what category the thing he wants to say is but I don't know what specifically.

I could understand this sentiment right after her initial role claim. But you made that post after she kept making her power more vague, and literally saying: "yo, this power could backfire greatly but I can't say what it does!" Hell, she even said that she herself didn't know exactly what her power did. So yeah, wanting to test such an incredibly vague and risky role claim is a scumtell for me.
I still don't see the huge upside of getting her one day earlier than otherwise. Well, actually, now that I think of it, it prevents two dead townies instead of "just" one (mislynch + additional NK). OK, maybe it wasn't my greatest call in GAFia history, but I am not part of the scum team.

Now, maybe the way the day kill worked was it didn't activate until the end of the day phase but I feel like we should consider the possibility that it was meant to be immediateish.
If it was to take place at the end, I don't think Launch would have posted the "Please stand by"
And I am not on this list...

So? There are 14 possible people for me to put on the list. Sorry you were part of the 11 that didn't make it on either of the lists. I will consider you next time I make a list. How about the list of Gaffers with the most complicated usernames?
-Matt Attack: He was around during the end of the day (posts in twilight) yet didn't comment or move his vote to the from his perspective more scummy player. Some half-hearted accusation on scrafty after others started going after her 568. Went after Terra early on, so they likely aren't both scum.

I'm having trouble following the bolded section. I maintained all day that Terrabyte was my top suspect, and I never voted for anybody else because of this. Why would I have moved my vote? Also, my suspicions on Scrafty were "half-hearted" because I wasn't entirely convinced of her guilt (something I made clear), so I'm not really seeing the issue here.
What are your thoughts on Retro?

I don't know.... Said he had RL obligation which counts as excuse for doing nothing of significance. That goshu/swamped drama in DR taught me never to question RL excuses. Could be scum, could not be. He and GC were the other two candidates for *Splinter's slot on my scumlist (yes the third slot already is for undecided. I just don't get a lot of scumvibes so far)
I'm having trouble following the bolded section. I maintained all day that Terrabyte was my top suspect, and I never voted for anybody else because of this. Why would I have moved my vote? Also, my suspicions on Scrafty were "half-hearted" because I wasn't entirely convinced of her guilt (something I made clear), so I'm not really seeing the issue here.

Well, if you see that it comes to a showdown between two players, wouldn't it be the right move to move your vote to the one that you think is slightly more scummy than the other instead of wasting it on somebody who doesn't get voted out anyway? Except you want to stay out of the whole thing, but why would you want to do this?


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Okay so my Top Town are:


Top Scum:


Not feeling good vibes:
Rats Off To Ya

*I trust what ouro has said along with his playstyles, which is why Retro is on my list.
(Card subject to change)

I'm actually feeling pretty good about Matt Attack too, but he just missed the top 3.


Congratulations on yesterday everyone! While we did lose Sorian we were also able to catch our first member of the Mafia. We keep this up and we can all enjoy our tacos in peace in no time at all.

If so why didn't mafia use it earlier in the day phase? they could have killed sorian when he was still talking about me but they didn't.
I think that perhaps when rats was getting voted up they tried to push on him instead of scrafty because he had a power he could use during the day making him vanilla, making his death less harmful to mafia. So they tried to get him lynched and he used his power.

I'm not really sure how that implicates Rats as being Mafia. They could have easily used the power to cause confusion in hopes that Scrafty could slip by into Day 2 through the chaos and gets Rats killed on accident. After what happened yesterday there was no way Scrafty was living past Day 2 with all the suspicion on her so why sacrifice a power that can eliminate a player during the Day phase just to give her a chance to live during the Night?

I need to go back and gather my thoughts on Rats ( and a few others ) so maybe there is other information that can implicate him as Mafia but your evidence hasn't really swayed me.


Does anyone have any other reason why there was no lynch last night? I find it hard to believe scum would waste a night after already losing a member.
Well, if you see that it comes to a showdown between two players, wouldn't it be the right move to move your vote to the one that you think is slightly more scummy than the other instead of wasting it on somebody who doesn't get voted out anyway? Except you want to stay out of the whole thing, but why would you want to do this?

I guess that I can see your point, but that's not usually how I play this game. In my past games here, I've generally stuck to my guns and left my vote on who I believed needed to go out- something I was even more comfortable doing this time around because I was definitely not the only one who found Terra suspicious. Hence why I made posts such as this one- I still wanted us to swing towards lynching him.


Hmm. This is a Dill of a Pickle.

I don't believe that either Rats or Scrafty are scum. At least, not right now. Scrafty seems more likely than Rats overall, but I also don't want to cause a tie so close to Day's end.
That also knocks out Terrabyte.

Gah, I hate Day One.

Hmm, that last part of the Role Claim smells.

As much as I hate to cut down a new Scrafty Character in her prime:

Vote: ScraftyDevil



Who do we think were scum's top targets last night?
Well we don't have anything close to "confirmed town" yet, so I'd guess they go the low-information route.

If they're a little bolder they could go for someone who got a lot of town reads. That would be... Me or you? (I doubt it's me, but in case it helps I'm not any kind of bulletproof)


Yeah, I don't think there's a way for me to narrow it down further without the possibility of outing Town PRs, so I'll just drop that line of questioning and stick with what I know.
Does anyone have any other reason why there was no lynch last night? I find it hard to believe scum would waste a night after already losing a member.
Any kind of bulletproof/commuter
Could there be a real doctor in addition to Sorian? Or a town roleblocker? But isn't roleblocker an inherently anti-town role because you're much mire likely to block your doctor/cop than it is to block the one scum that carries out the kill?

Who do we think were scum's top targets last night?
I think Coppa would be a good target. Made solid posts, but didn't stick out too much. The last minute vote to Scrafty is a strong indicator for not being scum so he could hardly be painted scummy if needed.


I'm here but I'm still catching up. I see Ouro is suspicious of me, but I haven't read through the reasoning. At his request, I'll try to do some updated reads, but depending on how much time I have today, they may not be super well informed.

I saw the thing about me saying I believe in Scrafty and then voting for her. Simply put, her role claim was starting to smell fishy, (I said as much before I voted for her,) and, TBH, It looked like it was going to be Rats or Scrafty.

I didn't want to throw my vote away, (and honestly didn't know who to vote for even if I had,) and I was more confident that Rats was town than Scrafty.

Call it a bandwagon, and I guess it was, but to me it was more about protecting the player I felt better about.


OK, Quick, uninformed reads after skimming through the day so far.

Ouro - Most likely Town. I'm pretty sure I know exactly why he thinks he's sunk my battleship, but Ouro, you're thinking you know the shape by seeing the puzzle pieces around it - I am not Mafia. I am, believe it or not, on your side. I do have a plan, but I'm keeping this one close to the chest.

Rats Off to Ya - I like Rats. He's a solid player who does good detective work. I believe in his reads. That's why I was willing to vote for Scrafty (as explained earlier.)

I'm trying to think of another definite town, but no one is springing to mind.

Royal_Flush: Rats' and Roy's explanations from last page make a lot of sense to me. I do not have time to type them all out right now.

Squidyj: I said yesterday that my gut said that either he or Sorian were mafia. Sorian flipped town.

Swamped: I don't necessarily know that she's scum, but there's some weird stuff going on there. I'm no ready to call for a lynch, but I'm keeping an eye on her.

OK. Now I have to go process donations for my church, get my house cleaned up, stop by a birthday party for my nephew, and then go back home to entertain my brother and his family who are suddenly coming for dinner tonight. If ya'll could refrain from turboing me at least until tomorrow afternoon, I'd appreciate it. I'll try to stop in whenever I have a free minute, but my Sundays are always crazy.


I can understand that there may be a commuter or BP last night. But at this point, I've basically outed myself, and I don't have a lot to lose.

Unless anyone can come up with an alternative to what happened last night...I'm all ears.


If ya'll could refrain from turboing me at least until tomorrow afternoon, I'd appreciate it. I'll try to stop in whenever I have a free minute, but my Sundays are always crazy.

Of course, a turbo this early doesn't help us at all. I'm curious what you plan is, and how you've been trying to go at it. It;s going to take more than a "Trust me guys! I'm on your side i just have a secret plan I'm working at!" to convince me of anything. If you're not saying what the plan IS, how have you been working towards it these past 2 days?


Who do we think were scum's top targets last night?

This may make me sound like a bit of a ego tripper, but I was pretty scared that I was going to be targeted at night. I seem to be on quite a bit of "most likely town" lists, and looking back at my latest top scum list on D1 with the hindsight of all that happened at the end of D1, I no longer think Squidyj and Rats are scum, so scum could have thought that lynching me would put some more heat on those two.


Could there be a real doctor in addition to Sorian? Or a town roleblocker? But isn't roleblocker an inherently anti-town role because you're much mire likely to block your doctor/cop than it is to block the one scum that carries out the kill?

I doubt we have a second doctor type role unless scum has some pretty powerful abilities to balance it out. That day kill could quality as very powerful if it has more than one use.

Also, No, when used well roleblocker can be amazing for town. You hit a town PR, that sucks, but isn't the end of the world. You hit the scum that did the kill, not only did you save someone, the fact that there was a no kill night will tell you that you probably hit scum, so you can out them during the day. Role blocker can be very, very useful to town.
Rats Off to Ya - I like Rats. He's a solid player who does good detective work. I believe in his reads. That's why I was willing to vote for Scrafty (as explained earlier.)

I'd love to take credit for that one, but I was following Ouro's lead. And I even got called out for doing so!

No regrets.


I doubt we have a second doctor type role unless scum has some pretty powerful abilities to balance it out. That day kill could quality as very powerful if it has more than one use.

Also, No, when used well roleblocker can be amazing for town. You hit a town PR, that sucks, but isn't the end of the world. You hit the scum that did the kill, not only did you save someone, the fact that there was a no kill night will tell you that you probably hit scum, so you can out them during the day. Role blocker can be very, very useful to town.

thre roles so far have had rng elements.n that might be true for all roles. maybe even if you block, the rng is such that you dont know what happened


thre roles so far have had rng elements.n that might be true for all roles. maybe even if you block, the rng is such that you dont know what happened

I swear, if launch filled this game with the same type of RNG nonsense as the election game, I am personally going to steal his taco, take it to the bathroom, fill it with unspeakable things, and then put it back without him noticing.
this is not something I ever said. Rats said he was being suspicious on purpose yesterday and I said I never liked people who said things like that.


So it's not intentional scumminess you don't like, but rather claiming intentional scumminess?

Just want to make sure I understand you.



So it's not intentional scumminess you don't like, but rather claiming intentional scumminess?

Just want to make sure I understand you.

"just jokin guys, i was pretending to act scummy because of reasons!"
what does this statement do to demonstrate its premise? How is a town player supposed to react to this statement? It simply seems like a statement designed to obtain unearned good-will and credit. It acknowledges suspicious behavior while at the same time attempting to excuse said behavior on the basis of nothing.


That's a poor assumption.

I wasn't assuming anything, I have no information about how we wound up with a no-kill night and I likely won't unless someone steps forward (not advocating that btw). I was merely noticing a trend in the roles we've seen so far and postulating that this might extend into other roles.


I wasn't assuming anything, I have no information about how we wound up with a no-kill night and I likely won't unless someone steps forward (not advocating that btw). I was merely noticing a trend in the roles we've seen so far and postulating that this might extend into other roles.
So you've just been ignoring my posts then.


I can understand that there may be a commuter or BP last night. But at this point, I've basically outed myself, and I don't have a lot to lose.

Unless anyone can come up with an alternative to what happened last night...I'm all ears.

Commuter/RoleBlock/NK immune seems to be the only explanation right now. Unless the Mafia were hoping that not killing last night would throw suspicion on another player but that doesn't seem likely.

Although it's now safe to assume there isn't a Vig or SK in play unless they plan to save up their kills. Something we can confirm after tonight I guess.
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