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GAF Mafia [Mafia] lOTl Should've Gone for Bagels...

Random thought. I don't think squidy is scum. I believe he's a neutral lyncher, looking for a specific player.

El Topo looking for roy?

Anyway, just a thought.

squidy's definitely my strongest candidate for a neutral right now, but a read like that doesn't mean a whole lot because there's no "right way" to play neutral and we don't know the win condition.


So I was thinking about this, and considering this game was touted as "unbalanced," we should probably at least consider the fact that there may be 4 scum. Again, we don't know and don't need to really worry about it just yet, but it's just a thought.

Hmmm, didn't think of it that way. There might be a lot of them or there might be a few with ridiculously overpowered roles. It's more of a gut feeling but I'm worried whatever 'mysterious power' got rid of Sorian isn't actually a one-shot...

Right. This is why I was concerned about competing theories.

And as it stands right now I have no intentions to vote against you. Everything you did on Day 1 feels very much like what a Town player would do and it's the only reason I trust you right now. If you had come out with this and had acted any differently than you did on Day 1 that would have been another story.


Hmmm, didn't think of it that way. There might be a lot of them or there might be a few with ridiculously overpowered roles. It's more of a gut feeling but I'm worried whatever 'mysterious power' got rid of Sorian isn't actually a one-shot

...oh shit. I just had a terrible thought about what that "power" was...

going dark for a bit.
I believe someone misunderstood me at some point. I said it would be unbalanced if someone didn't look over it. Hyper looked over the game and we hashed some stuff out. Other than that, and the comment about names not being the focus, I've said nothing about the nature of this game.


and again splinter ignores a direct question.
I seem to be the only one pushing anything on splinter and every time I try to interact with him he just fucking deflects or ignores while posting useless fucking bullshit.

Against all odds of response though I'll ask another direct question.
Splinter, what do you mean you were trying to earn the d1 lynch?

I don't buy into the flush as scum, splinter is my top scum target but I think the odds are against ouro being scum and playing us so I want to move on retro today. I think it will help us understand things going forward.
Someone asked me via PM, so I figured I'd make it a matter of public record. Yes, I removed Sorian because I am still salty about NX.

It was a role action.



Also I don't think this has been asked yet but why pick Retro of all people?? He didn't really stick out during Day 1 at all.

I had a weird thought that Launch had a hidden mechanic (you know how he loves those) that the poster with the most posts each day was killed. :p

Anyway, as for Retro, this is from my list the first day:
4.RetroMG - As I just mentioned, Retro made a very weird assessment of Matt's posts:
RetroMG said:
Matt Attack - He's throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.
It was one vote and a short post about it. I hardly call that throwing stuff at the wall. Granted, it's day 1, but it's still kind of a weird thing to say, kinda overblowing what Matt was doing. GUT: Scum.

Since then, he seemed pretty unsure of Scrafty, and then 12 minutes later begrudgingly voted for her. It seemed a little bandwagon-y and "well, you're fucked Scrafty, I'm gonna have to bus you."

Hmm. This is a Dill of a Pickle.

I don't believe that either Rats or Scrafty are scum. At least, not right now. Scrafty seems more likely than Rats overall, but I also don't want to cause a tie so close to Day's end.
That also knocks out Terrabyte.

Gah, I hate Day One.

Hmm, that last part of the Role Claim smells.

As much as I hate to cut down a new Scrafty Character in her prime:

Vote: ScraftyDevil



I had a weird thought that Launch had a hidden mechanic (you know how he loves those) that the poster with the most posts each day was killed. :p

Launch if you actually did this you win GAFia as Best Mod.

Anyway, as for Retro, this is from my list the first day:

Since then, he seemed pretty unsure of Scrafty, and then 12 minutes later begrudgingly voted for her. It seemed a little bandwagon-y and "well, you're fucked Scrafty, I'm gonna have to bus you."



Seeing as we really aren't getting anyway until Retro is able to reply I'm curious of your thoughts on Terrabyte. I know Royal is next on your Scum List after Retro and you're open to the idea of 3 - 4 Mafia members so I'm curious to see who else is scummy to you.


Launch if you actually did this you win GAFia as Best Mod.


Seeing as we really aren't getting anyway until Retro is able to reply I'm curious of your thoughts on Terrabyte. I know Royal is next on your Scum List after Retro and you're open to the idea of 3 - 4 Mafia members so I'm curious to see who else is scummy to you.

A lot of my thoughts on Terra are hinging on whatever Retro flips. If he flips scum, I think I'll consider Terrabyte "likely town." He did have a weird Day 1 (though I kinda agree with his suspicions of swamped - she's pretty good at pretending to be town...and his flip-flopping seems like it was designed to prod people rather than actual voting), but he seems willing to jump on the Retro lynch, so if Retro flips scum I find it unlikely he'd want to bus yet another mafia so quickly.

It wouldn't completely clear him of suspicion, but it would help, I think.


Other thoughts:

- squidyj: I think he's neutral. It's just a hunch, but I don't think he's scum.
- roytheone: I want to believe roy is town, but seeing him play as mafia, he tends to play as the "townie" mafia - basically playing as a townie, lynching team members if necessary. Not sold on it yet, but I'd keep my eye on him.
- swamped: I had originally pegged her as town, but then the whole scrafty/rats thing happened:
At first, I didn't think there was anything particularly damning about Scrafty. Her 'defense' of me didn't strike me as strange, I just saw her as someone who understood my teasing of Splinter. Her unvote for me seemed pretty arbitrary and I called her out on it, but still I let it go. But her recent comment on asking to be investigated is quite telling. How does she even know there is a cop? There were some worrying inconsistencies in her reads post too. To me, this sort of 'weird' behavior falls under 'leaning scummy' rather some other benign reason.

Her bolding. It's a weird thing to say - I don't think Scrafty knew there was a cop so much as it's something she assumed. Cop is a pretty standard role in mafia, so it's not much of a stretch to think it exists (even if it doesn't).

She also believed Scrafty's claim, which seems odd for her to do, considering how vague the fake claim was:

I appreciate Scrafty coming forward with this in advance of the deadline since i wont be there for it. I'm leaning towards believing Scrafty's claim, unless someone counterclaims i guess? If it is a town power, she's probably dead tonight, but at least she could have used her power once and maybe helped us. Still unsure why she asked to be investigated though, still feels pretty weird to me. I'm willing to question her more D2.

I'm going to move down my scummy list.

VOTE: Rats off to ya

She's move up in my scum list, definitely.
Not really sure what to add right now, so I went ahead and looked over most of the thread again and made a read list. It's a pretty safe one, but it is how I feel.

Ourobolus: Town. My feelings haven't really changed since yesterday- once you started posting seriously, I got strong town vibes. I'm curious to see where your Retro hinting leads.
RetroMG: Scum. Okay, this is mostly because of Ouro right now, who seems very confident about you (and I'm mostly confident that he's town).
Rats Off To Ya: Town. I doubt both of our lynch candidates yesterday were scum. I couldn't get a read on you Day 1, but you've definitely improved in my eyes today.
roytheone: Town. After reading through all of your posts, I'm getting very strong town vibes from you.
Coppanuva: Town. If you were scum, you could probably wouldn't have voted for Scrafty when you did.
Royal_Flush: Scum. When I look at your posts from yesterday, I get a pretty strong feeling that you were just sort of skating by, and now the others have brought up some interesting points. I also feel like your reasoning for putting me on your scum list is kind of stretching.
Splinter: Town. Your playstyle is pretty aggressive (not really my favorite way to play) but I've consistently felt that you're town.
Sawneeks: Town. When you post, it's usually pretty quality stuff.
Terrabyte: Scum. Scrafty's read on you on her list has given me more doubt than I had yesterday, but I still find your behavior strange and your defense pretty lacking.
GreatCharleston: Town. Honestly, I don't have much of a read on you at this point, so my feelings could change. Your vote against Ouro is weird, as others have noted, but I can understand not buying into the Scrafty vote (since I didn't either).
squidyj: Scum. I felt odd about your behavior yesterday, and that remains the case today.
Swamped: Town. I haven't really found much reason to doubt you.
StarSketch: Town. I'm really not sure to be honest, but you haven't really done anything scummy yet either.

My top three from each category (in order):

Top Town: Sawneeks, roytheone, Coppanuva
Top Scum: RetroMG, Royal_Flush, squidyj

I'll be at my computer for a bit, so if anybody wants my opinion on anything I should be able to give it.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
I keep seeing a ton of "defense is lacking" posts about me, can someone spell out for me exactly what that means so I can at least TRY to rectify it?


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
I've got a top 3:

Okay so my Top Town are:


Top Scum:


Not feeling good vibes:
Rats Off To Ya

*I trust what ouro has said along with his playstyles, which is why Retro is on my list.
(Card subject to change)

I'm actually feeling pretty good about Matt Attack too, but he just missed the top 3.


- swamped: I had originally pegged her as town, but then the whole scrafty/rats thing happened:

Her bolding. It's a weird thing to say - I don't think Scrafty knew there was a cop so much as it's something she assumed. Cop is a pretty standard role in mafia, so it's not much of a stretch to think it exists (even if it doesn't).

She's move up in my scum list, definitely.

I'll try and explain my thought process.

On the off chance I'm dead tonight, here's what I propose for the PRs:

Cop - investigate Sawneeks
Roleblocker - block RetroMG
Doctor - use discretion

This post from you feels like you're making an assumption about a cop in the game, you also assume that there are other standard roles. That's fine. However, the tone in this next post by Scrafty makes it sound like she knew with certainty that there was a cop in play. In fact, I was fully expecting her reveal to show her as a godfather, but it's possible that someone on the scum team is a framer. She specifically asks to check for alignment too, even though there are many different types of cops that could be in play. So the tone of her post raised some alarms.

We have precious little time until the deadline for today is up, and to those of you who feel that I am being elusive or otherwise deceitful, I implore you to ask whatever questions you desire directly to me and I promise to answer them with full disclosure. I'd also like to formally invite any town investigator to check my alignment tonight assuming that I live long enough to experience it, as I believe you'll find that the results of your findings shall speak for themselves.

Regarding changing my vote away from Scrafty, it came right after these posts by her.

I really didn't want to have to do this, but it looks like I've forced my own hand with some careless mistakes.

I am [bold]SalvaPot, the Nuisance[/bold]. My power is one that can cause great confusion to the mafia is used correctly, or potentially protect an innocent if my reads are prescient. I'm probably painting a rather target on my back by saying this, but it's better to be killed at night than waste the day lynch.

I can understand construing my vagueness as being suspicious, but trust me when I say that my power becomes nigh-useless once the mafia knows its specifics. It's not something I've ever seen before in a Mafia game, at least.

As it stands I have the most votes, and making a roleclaim less than an hour before the deadline is an exercise in futility. I need to give everyone enough time to think it over and weigh every option. Attempting to frighten everyone into making a snap judgement immediately before the deadline would be a rather scummy thing to do.

Regarding my power, it only works if I can correctly predict who the mafia is going to target for the night kill, but I can't go into much more detail than that without cluing the mafia into the easiest way to avoid or manipulate it. If you have any further questions I'd be glad to answer.

More action-oriented. It doesn't simply reveal information.

This is when I switched my vote.

At this point, I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. It felt like her claim had Town's best interests at heart - she didn't want to reveal too much info in case Mafia caught on, which is something I can get behind. She also claimed 'SalvaPot the Nuisance' which felt like a legit role to me. I'm not in the habit of lynching PRs D1, so I switched my vote. I then had to leave, so I missed the part where she claimed it was a one shot, and that's when her claim started getting iffy. In hindsight I probably shouldn't have been too trusting of her claim in the first place, but she was our first outed PR in my mind. Even if she died that night, I thought she could at least do something useful for town N1.
I keep seeing a ton of "defense is lacking" posts about me, can someone spell out for me exactly what that means so I can at least TRY to rectify it?

I recommend looking at Sawneeks' read on you, as it closely matches my own feelings.

- Terrabyte20xx: Never fully explained his actions Day 1, dodged around questions for a while, never even answered my questions directed at him, etc. Likes to dance around things a lot which is weird considering this taco place doesn't even have music playing. :(

Outside of a sentence or two of acknowledgement that people suspected you, it didn't really feel to me like you were addressing our concerns. That, combined with the fact that I didn't feel like I was getting much out of your posts made alarm bells ring in my head.

As for your defense itself, I'm not sure there is much you can do to fix it. If your explanation is true, than I'd imagine it would be pretty difficult to expand upon it since it was pretty simple. You're probably just going to have to change people's minds with strong pro-town play going forward. For what it's worth, you are at the bottom of my scum list- especially after looking at your top 3 scum (which aligns with my own) and Scrafty's strong scum read on you. If current suspects start flipping scum, then your odds at being scum yourself would probably decrease for me.


I keep seeing a ton of "defense is lacking" posts about me, can someone spell out for me exactly what that means so I can at least TRY to rectify it?

What was all that around the beginning of Day 1? You start off voting Swamped because of DR ( don't blame you there.. ), then become worried when 4 votes pile up against her yet you don't even move your own vote? If you were actually that worried you could have moved it so why didn't you?

You voted for Rats early on the 25th by asking him a question to give some pressure on him and he responds to your question yet you never talk to him again for the whole Day phase. In fact you leave your vote on Rats until the Day ends, never explaining why you kept it there, what you thought of his response, etc.

Your only other major post for that Day was this:

Just saw that, I can see where you're coming g from.

On Scrafty's role claim, I'm not too sure about it. On one hand, I'm glad that she gave us time to actually talk about, but the vague wording just isn't doing enough to sell me. Problem is if she's telling the truth, then she can't tell us anything more without giving it away to the scum. I'm going to need to think about this some more.

You never mention Rats, you don't really voice your opinion on who should be lynched, you just quietly sit by and let it all happen. You were there when the Day ended, you posted shortly after Sorian disappeared so why did you ignore Rats' reply and why did you leave your vote there?

Lot of this is repeats of what others have already asked you and I might have missed something along my quick reread but these are the majority of questions.


I've got a top 3:

Going to add a question before I go off to bed.

What changed about your opinion of Swamped? The rollercoaster of opinions you have on her is one of the major pieces that stick out because you go from joke vote, to worried, to 'staying here to apply pressure', to just breaking off and voting someone else. What has she done in your eyes to make her go from 'I don't know' to 'Top Town' so fast?
What was all that around the beginning of Day 1? You start off voting Swamped because of DR ( don't blame you there.. ), then become worried when 4 votes pile up against her yet you don't even move your own vote? If you were actually that worried you could have moved it so why didn't you?

You voted for Rats early on the 25th by asking him a question to give some pressure on him and he responds to your question yet you never talk to him again for the whole Day phase. In fact you leave your vote on Rats until the Day ends, never explaining why you kept it there, what you thought of his response, etc.

Your only other major post for that Day was this:

You never mention Rats, you don't really voice your opinion on who should be lynched, you just quietly sit by and let it all happen. You were there when the Day ended, you posted shortly after Sorian disappeared so why did you ignore Rats' reply and why did you leave your vote there?

Lot of this is repeats of what others have already asked you and I might have missed something along my quick reread but these are the majority of questions.

Hmm. You raise interesting points. Part of the reason I've been suspecting Flush is that he had a real early vote on me and kept it there. "Seeding" a bandwagon, if you will, so some scum partners could hop on it much later without drawing a lot of attention to themselves. Terrabyte did the same thing, but I kind of overlooked it because Flush was so much more enticing.

I still like a Flush lynch better, but if he flips Town Terrabyte could be next on my list.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
What was all that around the beginning of Day 1? You start off voting Swamped because of DR ( don't blame you there.. ), then become worried when 4 votes pile up against her yet you don't even move your own vote? If you were actually that worried you could have moved it so why didn't you?

You voted for Rats early on the 25th by asking him a question to give some pressure on him and he responds to your question yet you never talk to him again for the whole Day phase. In fact you leave your vote on Rats until the Day ends, never explaining why you kept it there, what you thought of his response, etc.

Your only other major post for that Day was this:

You never mention Rats, you don't really voice your opinion on who should be lynched, you just quietly sit by and let it all happen. You were there when the Day ended, you posted shortly after Sorian disappeared so why did you ignore Rats' reply and why did you leave your vote there?

Lot of this is repeats of what others have already asked you and I might have missed something along my quick reread but these are the majority of questions.

I'm an idiot and suck at this game. Seriously, in the three games that I've played, I've done nothing to help the town. I can't read people to save my life, I can't contribute original thoughts to the conversation, and I always die right when I finally the picture. I always get ordinary town, I always get pegged for a day 1 bandwagon at some point, and then I never vote scum. If it weren't for the fact that I actually find this game fun, I would've rage quit by now.

Going to add a question before I go off to bed.

What changed about your opinion of Swamped? The rollercoaster of opinions you have on her is one of the major pieces that stick out because you go from joke vote, to worried, to 'staying here to apply pressure', to just breaking off and voting someone else. What has she done in your eyes to make her go from 'I don't know' to 'Top Town' so fast?

The way I see it there are only two options that make any sense:

1. See above.

2. I'm special: Scum, Town, Neutral. Pick 2, flip a coin, and then Lynch me because I soft role claimed on Day FREAKING 2.

Call me in the morning, I'm going to bed.


Going to add a question before I go off to bed.

What changed about your opinion of Swamped? The rollercoaster of opinions you have on her is one of the major pieces that stick out because you go from joke vote, to worried, to 'staying here to apply pressure', to just breaking off and voting someone else. What has she done in your eyes to make her go from 'I don't know' to 'Top Town' so fast?

I actually wanted to ask the same question. It's curious because nobody else has me down as strong town.
sketch said she was going to write up thoughts a long-ass time ago.

So it turns out I'm incapable of making reads unless I'm being targeted in some way. Go figure. Or maybe my brain only lets me make reads during the second half of the day period, who knows.

Will keep trying anyway.
I'm an idiot and suck at this game. Seriously, in the three games that I've played, I've done nothing to help the town. I can't read people to save my life, I can't contribute original thoughts to the conversation, and I always die right when I finally the picture. I always get ordinary town, I always get pegged for a day 1 bandwagon at some point, and then I never vote scum. If it weren't for the fact that I actually find this game fun, I would've rage quit by now.

Don't feel like that Terrabyte, we all play how we want to. I know the way I play most make some people absolutely hate me or find me incredibly annoying but it's all in the game. There's nothing to really "get" and if people are getting found out right away then they themselves have played poorly and not you so do not fret. We cling together.

So uh... Retro hasn't posted in a good while, I'm not one to bring up the ol' "I wanna hear from him" but well... Any time in the next twelve hours is good. Although it does make me take up Ouro's feelings towards him a bit.

Well if you wanna hear from me...

Rats Off To Ya - Overly confident townie type, instantly goes chaotic good could be a ruse though, he knows how to play all too well.
Ourobolus - Kinda like a more lax Sorian I'd say, could be townie or a killer but atm I feel more townie.
roytheone - Plays really neutral but you're townie, I can feel it.
MattAttack - Just seems very plainly townie to me. You've pulled your weight a bit and never really stood out negatively.
Swamped - I wanna say maybe a killer, your posts have been rather lengthy recently and filled with stuff to assist us so this is probably just a bad read.
Retro - Probably also a killer too but you never know.
StarSketch - I think you're a townie so far, you seem to be a bit out of it but otherwise you really seem to be keeping yourself alive. I know that feel.
Terrabyte20xx - I'm unsure about you honestly, probably just gonna write you off as neutral right now.
Sawneeks - Seems to be wanting to pull his weight around and doing a damn good job, most likely a townie I'd say.

Everyone else thus far I don't really have a solid opinion on so if you post later today I can cover the rest of you. A lot can happen about 12 hours from now.


and again splinter ignores a direct question.
I seem to be the only one pushing anything on splinter and every time I try to interact with him he just fucking deflects or ignores while posting useless fucking bullshit.

Against all odds of response though I'll ask another direct question.
Splinter, what do you mean you were trying to earn the d1 lynch?

I don't buy into the flush as scum, splinter is my top scum target but I think the odds are against ouro being scum and playing us so I want to move on retro today. I think it will help us understand things going forward.
I missed your question, I saw you deny you were acting strangely on purpose, but Rats already covered my reply to that: you WERE acting strangely and you claimed that the thing with Sorian was you acting up on purpose.

Anyhoo, you asked why I thought this is suspicious:
thre roles so far have had rng elements.n that might be true for all roles. maybe even if you block, the rng is such that you dont know what happened
We've seen 2 roles so far, trying to call a trend from that isn't much better than blind speculation, and I don't like blind role speculation (speaking as past scum, it's easy to use this to push conversation in a useful direction and gives an early opportunity to float theories that would otherwise be too improbable to gain traction).

In hindsight you might have an RNG role yourself, meh. That only makes your conversation with Sorian stranger since PRs need to avoid attention as much as scum do.

As for why I was trying to be lynched, that should be obvious. I'm not important and didn't want the usual mass role claim / doctor lynch. I figured I'd be obviously scummy for a bit then make a lot of noise on the way out and see how people reacted. I also had a plan to test someone at the same time but that didn't work out. I didn't think it was realistic to hope for a D1 scum lynch (without a crazy last minute swing) so this seemed like the next best thing.

In other words, same reason as Rats. Apparently I suck at acting scummy though, go figure


So now we have three people who defense against suspicion is basically: I am bad at this game (Royal_flush, Terra and Star). Not going to lie, to me that type of defense is pretty damn weak. Everyone makes mistakes, but learn from them and try to become a better player that way, don't just play the "oh I am so bad at this" pity card to try and clear yourself.

So it turns out I'm incapable of making reads unless I'm being targeted in some way. Go figure. Or maybe my brain only lets me make reads during the second half of the day period, who knows.

Will keep trying anyway.

I know this is your first game and it is hard, but this kind of attitude is seriously anti town as hell. By not giving us your opinions on things, we can't read you AT ALL, which means you will be a player we will always have to keep in mind that you may be scum trying to hide this way. And because you made so little posts where people could react to, when we eventually lynch you to make sure you aren't hiding scum and you flip town, we can't really look back at reactions of people on your posts and try to find scum that way. Your flip would give us nothing at all, which would be great for scum! Even a post filled with bad reads, we could use the reaction on that to hunt for scum if you would flip town sometime in this game. I rather have you make a ton of bad posts than to make none at all.

Also, I think I have picked up on something about someone. Not going to elaborate on that any further, hopefully the person in question understands what I mean.


thre roles so far have had rng elements.n that might be true for all roles. maybe even if you block, the rng is such that you dont know what happened
Actually I want to expand on why this bugs me. Ouro suggests he blocked Retro and no kill happened, from this it's likely Retro is scum and we should lynch him to find out. Ouro doesn't claim he had feedback from Tim (and his "other theories" fishing makes me think he didn't get feedback), so there is literally no way that RNG is relevant to the situation. You've brought it up with very little supporting evidence to throw doubt on the only solid lead we've got. I think Ouro struck gold last night and you've been forced to provide this desperate defense.

I'm reminded of the time I was caught red handed as the DR impersonator. My only possible escape at that point was to convince town of a ridiculously convoluted theory and hope that they didn't lynch me anyway to test it (I failed, obviously).

So yeah, I think it's "suspicious"


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
I do. But again, a lot of my thoughts on you hinge on whatever Retro flips.

Also, I don't understand this point
That was actually the part I was referring to.

I thought it was self explanatory, but I guess not.

The first paragraph, which everyone seemed to read, was honestly just me venting some RL frustration. The part you just quoted was the actual response to the accusations.


That was actually the part I was referring to.

I thought it was self explanatory, but I guess not.

The first paragraph, which everyone seemed to read, was honestly just me venting some RL frustration. The part you just quoted was the actual response to the accusations.

I guess I'm just missing the bolded, since I've read your posts and I swear I don't see it.
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