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GAF Mafia [Mafia] lOTl Should've Gone for Bagels...


Two of the biggest carries in this game for Town just died what a TWIST. I was really sure I was gonna die myself, but here I am. Anyway, with how this game has been playing out, I really feel bad for the SCUM players, they've lost two already and it will feel like such a hollow victory if I outright tell you who you should kill next is, so I think you should all figure it out for yourselves. There's... How many of us left now 10? I'd assume 2 SCUM & 8 TOWN remain and 1 against 7 just won't be as thrilling.

So, yeah... I choose to sit on the answer, after you all come to a final decision I'll probably let you know if you've made the right decision or not though.

what are you even doing?


Two of the biggest carries in this game for Town just died what a TWIST. I was really sure I was gonna die myself, but here I am. Anyway, with how this game has been playing out, I really feel bad for the SCUM players, they've lost two already and it will feel like such a hollow victory if I outright tell you who you should kill next is, so I think you should all figure it out for yourselves. There's... How many of us left now 10? I'd assume 2 SCUM & 8 TOWN remain and 1 against 7 just won't be as thrilling.

So, yeah... I choose to sit on the answer, after you all come to a final decision I'll probably let you know if you've made the right decision or not though.

You're gonna get a lot of people salty with this one, GC. :p


Royal's flip may actually give us a good amount of info because we can go back and look at what he has done given that we now know his role. Votes against Royal aren't going to matter considering he is a Minion and the Mafia don't know he works for them, meaning they would have been against him 100% yesterday thinking he was a mislynch for Town. However, he knew who the Mafia were and I wouldn't be surprised if his votes reflected this as he tried to protect them. I will go back and see what I can find but you will have to give me some time.

Well, this sucks. yeah, it looks like coppa targeted rats for....some reason? And he himself got night killed. That does solve the misery of N1, Rats protected the NK target. However, that does raise the question: why not protect Ourob N2?

Either this is the case and Coppa -> Rats or Coppa targeted someone else and a Switcher swapped the original target with Rats. Coppa would be the Mafia's target, then. But why? If anything Rats/Terra/GC all essentially claimed something yesterday but GC would have been the only confirmed role so why not go after him? Why Coppa??

Is it possible Coppa could have targeted himself if a Switcher was involved?


Going through the reread and I found this at the start of Day 3..

I think a discussion about what caused a no-kill night 1 will bring us very little.There are so many possibilities and it will just be us speculation about potential PR's with no facts to support any theory. I think continuing this discussion, unless there are some new developments, will help scum figure out things more than it will help us. I am in favor of tabling the "what caused the no kill night 1" discussion for now.

What made you suddenly change your mind Roy? You were pretty against Night discussions early on but now you're more than willing to talk about them.


Going through the reread and I found this at the start of Day 3..

What made you suddenly change your mind Roy? You were pretty against Night discussions early on but now you're more than willing to talk about them.

At the beginning of D3 we didn't had a lot of confirmed PR, so talking about what happened N1 would just be speculating about which PR there are in the game, which wouldn't help us much and could even help scum find our PR if we weren't careful. Now we have a lot more confirmed PR, including one that is very likely the cause of the no kill N1, so the discussion will be a lot less baseless speculation about which PR we may or may not have, we have a lot more concrete information now to work with.


Royal Investigation aka everything notable Royal did.

397 - Isn’t feeling the bandwagon on Swamped, unsure of Sorian, votes Ourobolus.

527 - Unvotes Ouro. Responds to Thunderdome Sorian v. Squidyj question. Posts Top 3 reads. NOTE: All of the scum reads there are confirmed townies save for Terra. The 3 Town on the list have yet to be confirmed. Squidy is the standout here as his has no posts attached to the reasoning for being Town.

529 - Votes Rats.

590 - Calls out Scrafty for her Roleclaim and how she didn’t have to claim yet. Conveniently leaves the wording open for him to possibly changing his mind on her ‘weird claim’.

621 - Still unsure on Scrafty, feels stronger with a Rats vote and gives evidence to support it. Probably a last ditch attempt to save her.

Day 1 Ends

700 - Another list of Top Scum/Town. Town list has one confirmed townie on it ( Coppa ). Scum list is now all unconfirmed players, Squidy is now off the list.

714 - Considered GC and Ouro possible scum players

860 - Calls out *Splinter’s whole ‘fake acting scummy’ bit and claims Splinter is now scummier in his eyes.

1012 - Still doesn’t trust *Splinter

Day 2 Ends

1292 - Claims the Odd Night Doctor and says he gave hints to his role all throughout the previous Day. Not much here but it would explain why his reads from Day 2 are more varied as he started to plan out his actions and cover his real tracks.

The rest is just him flailing. And lots of role claiming. Points at GC for being scummy and for being El_Topo but that’s it.

Conclusion: I think it’s important to look at who Royal didn’t go after as opposed to who he did he go after. Most of those he went after have flipped Town/Neutral ( Ouro/Retro, Sorian, Rats ) and the one person he actively tried to defend ( Scrafty ) flipped Mafia. It would be pretty safe to say that those he tried to get lynched/thought were suspicious are probably Town, especially those he thought were scummy in the early game.

Of those left alive they are: *Splinter and GC. Going by his early actions I would say it’s safe to assume these folks are Town because it doesn’t look like Royal ever went after Mafia players. I’m also going to throw Terra in here as he is in Royal’s first Top 3 Scum list with Sorian and Rats, both Town players, as well as being on his second Top Scum list.

Royal also defended these people: Swamped and Scrafty. Going to put Squidyj here as well because in Royal’s first Top 3 Town he placed myself, Roy, and Squidy on that list but and only gave links/posts to back up his feelings for myself and Roy, leaving squidy as the odd one out. Squidy also mysteriously gets taken off of Royals second list of Top Town for a very thin reason.

Royal never really talked about StarSketch. At all.

Going by this info my list now sits at:

Top Scum:

Top Town:

Vote: Squidyj
I'm also feeling that squidy is scum.

Looking at Flush's D1 town list, we can see that he had squidy in his top 3 (alongside two of what I consider to be pretty safe picks). On D2, Flush has lowered squidy's position out of the top 3, but still maintains that he thinks he's town. Going back to D1, as suspicion falls upon Scrafty, she votes for squidy. Could this be an attempt to distance herself from him as her lynch becomes more probable? We also have squidy putting Scrafty on his scum list. Of course, it's completely possible that Scrafty was trying to get squidy mislynched and a town squidy really thought that Scrafty was scummy enough for his list. Still, when I consider behavior from squidy that hasn't sat well with me thus far (that chain lynch suggestion, the weird StarSketch read, the 'too bad I'm not scum" post, etc), I'm a little more willing to believe that squidy is scum and go through his interactions keeping that assumption in mind.

VOTE: squidyj


I'm actually not even going to argue, you can turbo me if you want but I'll show up vanilla town and if GC lets me die while he's sitting on a red check then he's a real fucking piece of work.
I'm actually not even going to argue, you can turbo me if you want but I'll show up vanilla town and if GC lets me die while he's sitting on a red check then he's a real fucking piece of work.

If GC is a really a cop and he knows you're town, I'm pretty sure he'll end up letting us know. If he didn't though, yeah that would be something.


We are already at 3 votes for squidyj? 5 is a turbo, so please no more votes on him until GC has told us who he investigated. If we go to 4, and squidyj is actually scum, he could hammer himself to prevent GC from sharing his info.

Also, I want to hear a lot more from star sketch today. She has been very low key and therefore hard to read this whole game. We are nearing the end game, and having someone around that is that hard to read is incredibly dangerous.


Ugh, this is so confusing. Squijy is a role, but also a player, my poor brain...

So Rats was a doctor, which may be why there was no kill N1. I wonder why he didn't save Ouro N2 in that case? Unless Ouro roleblocked him that night?

I guess it's safe to assume that Coppa was the target for the NK, which is strange considering GC should have been it. Maybe there is a switcher, as some have alluded to, but why would they switch those two targets? Generally you try to switch someone you want to save with someone you think is scummy. I personally felt like Coppa had done a good job of being Town. More mysteries I suppose.

Now, Flush knew who the scum were, but the main scum did not know who Flush was. Did the scum know of the existence of an additional scum though? This might seem like a random question, but it will help me look more closely at other players behaviors in a different light. Because if they did, there might have been some players trying to 'reach out' to their lost partner. It would be great to go through Flush's posts (and I see Sawneeks has done that, fantastic). For example, it's clear that Flush was trying to save Scrafty D1 even after the her roleclaim became more and more dubious. He also voted against Rats (we know he's town, but Flush would have known at the time) to do so. I'm going to try and go through his D2 posts, since that is when he was getting a lot of heat on him. If scum knew of the existence of another scum, this is when they might have gotten an inkling that Flush was one of them. I'd like to see how others reacted to him D2.

Also, I doubt scum had the ability to recruit Flush simply because that would make the scum team too powerful for a 16 player game. I'm also not sure how many more scum we have left in the game. A max of two for sure. There could also be just one, given that there were many Town roles that potentially killed two people at once (like Ouro and Coppa) and that Flush had a day kill too. I think we should be conservative and assume 2.

I'm still wary of Terra. Terra, what have actions have I taken that make me Town in your eyes?

I'll try and look at squshy more closely too, especially after Coppa made a pretty convincing argument against him at the end of D3. He is one of the players I'm unsure of, but never got around to looking at because of the other juicy candidates.
Is it possible that GC is scum? Flush knew who his partners were, but they didn't know who he was. Could they have had a role that lets them search each night to try to identify their mysterious partner? We know that it wasn't actually possible to establish out-of-thread contact with them (at least based off of Flush's role PM), but I could imagine such a role existing. It would explain why GC is still alive, despite being a basically confirmed Cop with a night to do more work.

We are already at 3 votes for squidyj? 5 is a turbo, so please no more votes on him until GC has told us who he investigated. If we go to 4, and squidyj is actually scum, he could hammer himself to prevent GC from sharing his info.

Sorry, I actually forgot that we needed such a small number of votes when I voted. I'll take it off for now.



860 - Calls out *Splinter’s whole ‘fake acting scummy’ bit and claims Splinter is now scummier in his eyes.

Of those left alive they are: *Splinter and GC. Going by his early actions I would say it’s safe to assume these folks are Town because it doesn’t look like Royal ever went after Mafia players. I’m also going to throw Terra in here as he is in Royal’s first Top 3 Scum list with Sorian and Rats, both Town players, as well as being on his second Top Scum list.

On D2, Flush seemed half-heartedly suspicious of Splinter. I wouldn't automatically discount him from being Mafia though, simply because his suspicions on Splinter were really soft-ball in my opinion (especially post 1012 you linked). Flush never really pushed Splinter. Even in his reads list, Splinter is just there as a filler. Additionally, D2 was the perfect time to throw shade at another mafia because everyone had to vote for Retro in the end anyway, the perfect mask.

I don't really have any evidence that Splinter is mafia (and honestly, three games in a row? LOL), but I'm just saying I don't think we can so easily discount the possibility. At least in that post you linked, post 860, Flush tries to actively fight my evidence against him.

About GC though, not sure. He claims Crab the Cop, and so far his info has checked out (Flush did anyway). I have no reason to believe he's not a Town Cop, except for his odd behavior D3. Also, hmm...knowing that Flush was a Lost Partner, does that strange convo between Flush and GC right at the end of D1 make more sense (the one where Flush asks GC why he's voting for Ouro? I did initially think that convo was pretty unnatural...).
These are some really good posts, I'm actually laughing to myself how much you all think about all this stuff. I always play neutral really or lawful neutral, at least my intentions are pure I wish I was scum though because that would be just tooooo perfect. I still don't wanna give the game away just yet we've got another full day and a half to go.

Do you really want the answer already?


Post 1278

Squshy, can you explain why you didn't think Flush was a good candidate for lynching up until his (hilariously ridiculous) roleclaim? I personally thought he was, just trying to understand where you were coming from. Obviously, this is a game with lots of players, so we all end up focusing on different ones due to something they have said or done. I just want to hear your opinion of Flush from before D3.


These are some really good posts, I'm actually laughing to myself how much you all think about all this stuff. I always play neutral really or lawful neutral, at least my intentions are pure I wish I was scum though because that would be just tooooo perfect. I still don't wanna give the game away just yet we've got another full day and a half to go.

Do you really want the answer already?

Nah, keep it to yourself until something like, 12 hours until the deadline? Of course, tell us earlier if we are almost turbo ing the wrong person.


Is it possible that GC is scum? Flush knew who his partners were, but they didn't know who he was. Could they have had a role that lets them search each night to try to identify their mysterious partner? We know that it wasn't actually possible to establish out-of-thread contact with them (at least based off of Flush's role PM), but I could imagine such a role existing. It would explain why GC is still alive, despite being a basically confirmed Cop with a night to do more work.

Possibly. I made a side comment yesterday about how GC might just be throwing his own teammate under the bus in order to gain Town's trust but I don't really see much evidence to support it yet. The existence of a Mafia Cop might still be in play only because of a weird conversation between Squidy and Coppa where they go back and forth and squidy suddenly drops this:

as for how random my role is, why don't you come night kill me and find out?

Also humor me, based on your post where you begged me to "kill you in the night and see" what do you think my role is (or who am I as a user if you'd prefer a more secretive answer)? Earlier you said I'm on your town list, did this change?

you haven't been particularly townie to me for some time. I have no comment on what your role may be though. no comment at all.

It reads weird and doesn't feel right. Either Squidy had some bad luck in jokingly calling out the Town Vig to kill him or he knew Coppa's role.

Do you really want the answer already?

It's up to you. If you don't say anything you have a pretty high chance of getting NK tonight so that info could be lost.
Well we got a while yet, I'm gonna go to sleep now so I'll be back some time tomorrow and see how far we've gotten, I guess just don't turbo? Then I'll probably reveal who it is.


Post 1278

Squshy, can you explain why you didn't think Flush was a good candidate for lynching up until his (hilariously ridiculous) roleclaim? I personally thought he was, just trying to understand where you were coming from. Obviously, this is a game with lots of players, so we all end up focusing on different ones due to something they have said or done. I just want to hear your opinion of Flush from before D3.

seriously? d1 we killed scrafty and flush wasn't discussed, d2 ouro blocked retro and there was no kill and retro's claim was blarg the neutral. so of course we got rid of him. then d3 GC said he had a red check on flush. I didn't see the super suspicious posting of flush that other people did but is it possible to say flush was a bad lynch d3? or a good lynch on any other day? It seems pretty impossible.


But Mafia wouldn't know the Town PRs, right? ...unless they had a role cop in their midst.
Yeah the bit before those quotes was about a Mafia cop.

GC I don't mind you making us scum hunt for a bit, but if you make us throw the perfect game I will... well... I don't have anything to threaten you with at this moment.

...but I will remember it


Possibly. I made a side comment yesterday about how GC might just be throwing his own teammate under the bus in order to gain Town's trust but I don't really see much evidence to support it yet. The existence of a Mafia Cop might still be in play only because of a weird conversation between Squidy and Coppa where they go back and forth and squidy suddenly drops this:

It reads weird and doesn't feel right. Either Squidy had some bad luck in jokingly calling out the Town Vig to kill him or he knew Coppa's role.

It's up to you. If you don't say anything you have a pretty high chance of getting NK tonight so that info could be lost.

I didn't know what to think of him, he hinted that he had me as a role and I picked up on that but considering Launchpad was the gamerunner I couldn't jump to trusting that meant he was town. When I said I had no comment about what his role was, no comment at all, I was saying "I think you're me"


Yeah the bit before those quotes was about a Mafia cop.

Yeah, I'm just really slow lol.

I didn't know what to think of him, he hinted that he had me as a role and I picked up on that but considering Launchpad was the gamerunner I couldn't jump to trusting that meant he was town. When I said I had no comment about what his role was, no comment at all, I was saying "I think you're me"

I'm finding this really hard to believe. Coppa did end up being you, but why did you think that? Was it something in his posting style that gave it away? And why did you think the role named after you would be a killing role?
I like fun!

I have some ideas about this, but since we still don't really have that much to judge you on: what do you think happened during N3? Who targeted who and what where their reasons?

To be honest, the two Night Kills we got were completely out of left field for me at first. But like GC said, they really were carrying most of the conversation the past few nights, and since we currently have a perfect Lynch record, taking one of those two out makes sense. As for Coppa killing Rats, I agree with the idea that Coppa was trying to take a scum out with Rats- but in that case, why not target GC? He claimed cop and is probably a good target for NK...unless he's Scum, in which case, of course he's not getting targeted.


But Mafia wouldn't know the Town PRs, right? ...unless they had a role cop in their midst.


Yeah the bit before those quotes was about a Mafia cop.

GC I don't mind you making us scum hunt for a bit, but if you make us throw the perfect game I will... well... I don't have anything to threaten you with at this moment.

...but I will remember it



Yeah, I'm just really slow lol.

I'm finding this really hard to believe. Coppa did end up being you, but why did you think that? Was it something in his posting style that gave it away? And why did you think the role named after you would be a killing role?

Literally the fact that he asked me that direct question helped clue me in. I can't point to anything else except a couple of times he brought me into a conversation where he gave his reads. I thought maybe he just wanted to use my name. but it wasn't much to go on. then he asked me "who do you think I am?" and just by asking that question it felt like he was telling me. So I hoped that the way I chose to answer would signal to him what my real answer was.

I didn't think squidyj would be vigi. the first part was just one-off line. if mafia wants to come kill me as vanilla town who is being scumread by everyone and their dog then that's their mistake to make and I welcome them to make it.


To be honest, the two Night Kills we got were completely out of left field for me at first. But like GC said, they really were carrying most of the conversation the past few nights, and since we currently have a perfect Lynch record, taking one of those two out makes sense. As for Coppa killing Rats, I agree with the idea that Coppa was trying to take a scum out with Rats- but in that case, why not target GC? He claimed cop and is probably a good target for NK...unless he's Scum, in which case, of course he's not getting targeted.

mafia knows they didn't get a kill for a reason. as we saw rats was 3-shot doctor. if there's anyone who's going to get a doctor save or a protective swap it's going to be GC. I don't think mafia believed they could get the kill on GC last night and I'm using information going into it. So if I'm Coppa I can shoot GC and kill some random swapped target, or nobody. Meanwhile GC surviving would give no indication as to his alignment today (although his weird behavior is another story).

Like, flush's roleclaim from yesterday was crafted to induce a counterclaim from rats so his mafia teammates could get the doctor. Even if they couldn't communicate he was trying to help them win the game. He was fairly convinced he would die anyways.


I really want to hear more from Roy though, he's been greenchecked by GC which would be a BALLSY play if they're both scum together so he's pretty much confirmed town in my book. I'm not particularly comfortable with Swamped leading discussion and writing the narrative.


mafia knows they didn't get a kill for a reason. as we saw rats was 3-shot doctor. if there's anyone who's going to get a doctor save or a protective swap it's going to be GC. I don't think mafia believed they could get the kill on GC last night and I'm using information going into it. So if I'm Coppa I can shoot GC and kill some random swapped target, or nobody. Meanwhile GC surviving would give no indication as to his alignment today (although his weird behavior is another story).

Remember that coppa also kills however visits his target. So if GC was swapped, he would have also killed the swapper, and if GC was protected, the doctor would die (and that happened).



Alright, so, ehm, since nobody seems to be here anymore, I guess I can give my top town/scum list:

Top town

Sawneeks: Posts a lot of very good, in depth posts. Her posts looking at what royal flush did was a good example of this. I doubt a scum player would help us like this.

*splinter: Was actively trying to solve the N3 situation. He got some things wrong that scum probably wouldn't get wrong (like Flush is PM). It could be scum faking those mistakes, but I don't find that likely. He also did a last minute vote switch that killed scrafty, even though he could have just kept his vote on rats and create a tie.

Twilight zone

Swamped: after her pretty weird post in D1, she really has become a lot better the last couple of days. Still some weird things here and there like removing her vote on scrafty at the end of D1 and saying she hasn't looked into squidyj yet even though he has been prime suspect for a lot of people for a while now.

Terrabyte:A little bit on the background. His rollercoaster thoughts about Swamped are a bit weird. He was clearly present during the discussion at the beginning of this day about N3, but he didn't really contributed a lot. Also, he keeps hinting that he is a PR, but we have yet to see anything concrete about this.

Matt attack: Some good posts here and there (like how his scum suspects are connected in their top town/scum lists), but also tends to be more in the background. Seems to be suspicious of Terra for the whole game now, but has yet to really go against him outside of a couple of moments during D1. He also got a weird "women's intuition says he's good" read from scrafty. Is now on board with lynching Squidyj, but that could just as easily be a bus. If Terra dies sometime in this game, his flip will influence my opinion about matt.


Starsketch: Is extremely in the background, has to be asked to give input, and even then most of her input is agreeing or disagreeing with people, not a lot of ideas from herself. Makes her very hard to read. She is either a new town player that is a little overwhelmed, or a scum player that is afraid that if she talks to much, she will fuck up thanks to her inexperience and let her team mates down. I am currently slightly thinking it is the latter.

Squidyj: There isn't one big thing that makes Squidyj my top suspect, but more a bunch of smaller ones combined. His aggressive attack against Swamped her post, his good feeling about star even though she had sad very little at that point, asking for a chain lynch against sorian, his thoughts about all roles having RNG elements, his weird theory that both rats and Scrafty where scum and that they wanted to move the vote to a less powerful scum, his explanation why he 'knew" coppa was him that is a bit far fetched, him saying he was suspicious of me during D3 but refusing to tell me why. None of this makes him a scum on itself, but combined it looks very suspicious.

Let's see what happens before judging:

GC: He is probably our town cop, but he did some weeeeird as shit. His target selection was weird. How fast he came with his results D3 was completely unnecessary and weird, him refusing to tell us his results today is weird, and heck, him living today is weird onto itself. If he keeps surviving the nights as an "outed cop", that would become extremely suspicious and we probably will have to lynch him then to make sure he isn't a scum playing us all like a fiddle.
I'm here Roy, I just waited for more activity before I posted again but there's been a bit of a lapse. But I think it's fair to reveal the Scum right about now, so should I get to it?


Swamped: after her pretty weird post in D1, she really has become a lot better the last couple of days. Still some weird things here and there like removing her vote on scrafty at the end of D1 and saying she hasn't looked into squidyj yet even though he has been prime suspect for a lot of people for a while now.

This post explains why I moved my vote away from Scrafty. My vote switch came at a time when her claim was still very legitimate, and I did not want to vote out a potential PR. After that, I wasn't able to follow the thread so I could not change my vote once her claim started showing some obvious holes.

Squgee has been on my radar, I pushed against him quite hard on D1, but on D2 and D3 I felt like Flush was a better candidate for mafia. Regarding Squshy, I spent a little time yesterday looking at him more closely which if why I asked him these questions. I was trying to find something he has done that was a very Town action, just in case we are making the wrong lynch today. But I personally haven't seen anything particularly pro-town, although it's possible I missed some stuff.

On D3 I said I was keeping StarSketch on my radar. She did/said something on D2 that gave me pause, but I'm still not sure if this is the best time to share it on the off chance that she is Town.

I am still awaiting Terra's response to my question.


This post explains why I moved my vote away from Scrafty. My vote switch came at a time when her claim was still very legitimate, and I did not want to vote out a potential PR. After that, I wasn't able to follow the thread so I could not change my vote once her claim started showing some obvious holes.

Squgee has been on my radar, I pushed against him quite hard on D1, but on D2 and D3 I felt like Flush was a better candidate for mafia. Regarding Squshy, I spent a little time yesterday looking at him more closely which if why I asked him these questions. I was trying to find something he has done that was a very Town action, just in case we are making the wrong lynch today. But I personally haven't seen anything particularly pro-town, although it's possible I missed some stuff.

On D3 I said I was keeping StarSketch on my radar. She did/said something on D2 that gave me pause, but I'm still not sure if this is the best time to share it on the off chance that she is Town.

I am still awaiting Terra's response to my question.

Just a note about my list: even in the different categories, it is ordered from most town to least. So there are 4 people scummier than you in my opinion, and only 2 more towny. GC is still a wait and see situation for me.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
I'm here Roy, I just waited for more activity before I posted again but there's been a bit of a lapse. But I think it's fair to reveal the Scum right about now, so should I get to it?
At this point, I think it would be best if you did.
I am still awaiting Terra's response to my question.
You're talking about why I see you as town, right? Well it mostly has to do with your posting style. You don't post often, but when you do it's usually filled with your thought process and insights. It very much a quality over quantity approach.


okay so either GC is lying or something fucked up his check, a scum framer, or a swapper or something. I'm vanilla town, ScraftyDevil. I have no powers.

If there's 2 scum left then we have 2 mislynches. It seems like I'm going to be the first. which will leave you in a situation with having one mislynch, if GC is scum he could easily push another mislynch under the "something interfered with my check" angle in which case we would be at LYLO. Likewise if GC is town and his check was fucked up, lynching him would put is in LYLO.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a framer, I would be a great target to frame. I also wouldn't be surprised if GC was lying out of his ass. If you lynch me today, I'll flip town which will tell you I've been telling the truth the whole time and I think that you would want to consider lynching a target that GC isn't talking about.

Give me some time to gather my reads before you kill me. I don't think I can change your minds but I think you might want them when I'm gone.


Alright, I am going to bed, so if you guys turbo Squidyj before I wake up and thus move the day start/end time to a time where I sleep, I will be very mad. And then I will punish you guys with the most evil thing imaginable: posting unmarked MGS V spoilers! (I just completed the game 10 minutes ago!)


Alright, I am going to bed, so if you guys turbo Squidyj before I wake up and thus move the day start/end time to a time where I sleep, I will be very mad. And then I will punish you guys with the most evil thing imaginable: posting unmarked MGS V spoilers! (I just completed the game 10 minutes ago!)

Don't do it! I'm doing the last set of optional missions before the end!
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