How did you make this photo?
Let's see if I can remember off of the top of my head. This is probably 4-5 photos composited together, though I probably took 20-25 from this spot. Camera (Sony a6000 w/ Samyang 12mm f2.0 lens) is on a tripod set on continuous shooting for 20s exposures. (I spent a lot of time trying to paint the foreground with a flashlight with mostly bad results).
The foreground set is 4 of the 5 photos stacked on top of each other. Looks like I adjusted the shadows to try and get some details in the foreground because I believe the foreground is just black in the raw photos, and I wanted to give some context to what the lightning bugs were/where they are.
I was also very lucky to have such amazing amount of lightning bugs flying that night, and with 4 exposures you get ~4x as many lightning bugs apparent in frame.
The background is a separate photo (from the same spot) that was edited to bring out the Milky Way more and to suck the awful yellow/orange of the light pollution out a little bit. I then masked out the foreground of that photo so the foreground edits I described above shown through.The idea was to try to get a shot of the Milky Way mimicking the orientation of the tree line somewhat, as if it were a shadow or somehow connected to it.
On my to-do list is to re-edit the foreground set because the noise is a little distracting.
Hope that answers your question!