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GAF Plays: Diablo 2


TheExodu5 said:

In Hell, they're the most dangerous enemies in Baal's Throne Room. Burning Souls. People used to get the wisp ring (+ max lightning resists) just for them.

I finished Nightmare yesterday, and the most dangerous enemies I fought were the Tomb Vipers in the Nihlatak level. If they hit me with their green bone spears, they could actually kill me in 1 shot (the spear seems to make contact 4-5 times if it hits you dead on).

I had claw vipers in my run, they were shooting just normal blue bone spears. I had both them and the skeletons with the knockback charge though, so i kept getting knocked back and stunned all the time.

I also had a bunch of those sirens/succubus that shoot the red bloodstar or whatever, those things look scary because they fill the screen like a bullet hell shooter, but the damage isn't that bad.


The damage was brutal on my windy. I had 156 str and around 160 vit though, which was a contributing factor to my frailty. The Frozen River in nightmare was pretty brutal...each shot would take off like 20% of my health. Since they were cold immunes, my hurricane wasn't killing them. I had to stop and shoot tornadoes, which was a tad dangerous.


TheExodu5 said:
Yeah start bow then go jav. I'm pretty sure jav ends up being a much better AoE killer in the end.

Jav is pretty dependent on you getting a good weapon. Titans are a good start. Ethereal titans, upgraded are the best after that.

Nice find!

Thanks for the input guys. Will play around with Bow later tonight. I'm thinking 2dex/2vit 1 left over for str as i need to use items for skill distro for awhile.


I want to play an assassin but I have no idea what kind I want to play. I kind of want to use claws w/ venom and fade and a shadow master but I can't find a build specifically like that which supports noob equipment. I just want a strong PvM that I can have fun with really.

All the builds I'm finding aren't for 1.13 either.


garath said:
I want to play an assassin but I have no idea what kind I want to play. I kind of want to use claws w/ venom and fade and a shadow master but I can't find a build specifically like that which supports noob equipment. I just want a strong PvM that I can have fun with really.

All the builds I'm finding aren't for 1.13 either.

Dunno anything about assassins, don't worry too much about the gear people list in build guides, that's your goal, but basically everyone starts off much lower. Hardly anyone has the kind of wealth to be able to start out with the kind of gear people suggest in build guides.

Main thing to look out for is try to find a build that doesn't require a huge amount of life/mana leech or regen to be viable, because that is one area you may be lacking in until you get some gear. Everything else you should be fine without to start out, it will just take you a bit longer..


cwmartin said:
Thanks for the input guys. Will play around with Bow later tonight. I'm thinking 2dex/2vit 1 left over for str as i need to use items for skill distro for awhile.

I'm not 100% sure about amazons, but usually you want to have min str/dex for your gear, and dump everything else into vit. Survival is a lot more important than a few points of extra damage.


TheExodu5 said:
I'm not 100% sure about amazons, but usually you want to have min str/dex for your gear, and dump everything else into vit. Survival is a lot more important than a few points of extra damage.

Seems to be the consensus after googling for a minute. Thanks Ex
I'm level 12 right now, a little past halfway through Act 1. played a few days ago - trying to get some more time today later.

shrapnelmagnet - shrapnelmagnet - necromancer (char name "Iron_Magnet")

I'm trying to relive my favourite Iron Golem Necromancer character from a long time ago :p We'll see how it goes.
I am. add me VictorSavage.

Anyways I need help with Baal my damge with zeal is 40-80ish and sucks horribly. I can't possibly win


iamblades said:
Jav is the more durable build, and does better single target damage, bow is good at mowing down rooms full of stuff really efficiently.

With respecs in the game now it might be worth it to level bow and respec jav at max level, dunno how much quicker you can do it.
Nowadays, for everything but PvP javazons outclass bowazons: Bowazons can get decent single target damage with top-end gear due to their potential to attack faster than basically any other class in the game but they will never touch the multi-target damage of even a modestly-geared javazon. The largest advantage that bowazons have is that they are more prepared to deal with single immunes than javazons are but seeing as javazons aren't that bad at it in the first place that's not much reason to shy away from playing them entirely.

Skill builds for javazons are very obvious: more than 90% of your points will be going into synergies for lightning strike and lightning fury. You also want one point in every passive and one point in valkyrie if you're planning on soloing a lot/playing hardcore.

Javazons always use shields and benefit from dex in that it will make them more viable at immune breaking, so I highly recommend that all javazons invest enough dex to get max block. Also, with max block, dodge, evade, and avoid, your relatively small vit investment won't really matter.

EDIT: Misread, didn't see that you were going bow. The problem with just dumping vit is that without stupendous gear you actually will have to pay attention to your chance to hit, so it may become necessary to invest a little more than necessary into dexterity (or to get itd/rtd on your items).

Fallout-NL said:
Hmm, very interesting. Maybe you could provide a full breakdown of skillpoint allocation? Or perhaps link to a guide for a build like this?
PREREQS Total - 10
Amplify Damage
Iron Maiden
Life tap
Blood Golem
Skeleton Mage
Iron Golem

Poison Nova - 20
Poison Explosion - 20
Poison Dagger - 20
Lower Resist - 1+
Corpse Explosion - 1+
Bone Armor - 1
Clay Golem - 1+

Golem Mastery - 1+
Summon Resist - 1
Skeleton - 1+
Skeleton Mastery - 1+
Revive - 1
Bone Wall - 0+*

The barebones build occupies 79 points. You should expect to have around 105 to work with after all is said and done, because it is extremely unlikely that you will make it past level 95 (if you do, good for you; you can definitely put the points to good use). I'll explain the plusses below, as well as the inclusion of Bone Wall. There is a LOT of room for variation here.

Lower Resist
This is generally a bad place to invest points unless your gear is very bad. Diminishing returns hit this skill like a rock at around eight points, so if you have more than +6 skills, you should only put one point into this. If you don't, however, this is one of the best investments you can make.

Corpse Explosion
If your gear is high-end, this is where you will want to invest some extra points. I usually invest enough to bring its total up to around skill level 30 once my gear is completed; this usually amounts to around 5 hard points (the remaining 25 coming from gear). This is just preference though, as corpse explosion does not diminish at all and gains exactly .33 yards of effective range every level. If you plan on running Nihlathak, you will need a high level corpse explosion. If your gear is bad, I would still invest a few points into this anyway, although not too many as your minions will likely need the attention more.

Clay Golem
With mid-range gear, your clay golem will probably never die and you won't need to invest more than a single point into it. But at lower levels and with worse gear, you may feel the itch to put in a few points. The build certainly has room for it, so don't feel too bad if that's the route that you decide to go down.

Golem Mastery
Alternate route for points. Golem Mastery offers more health per point at the expense of not receiving a bonus to slow. The latter is more important if you intend to spend a lot of time fighting act bosses or single targets.

If your gear is not good, skeleton (and skeleton mastery) are absolutely not worthy investments because without a serious boost from gear the skeletons simply will not be able to hold up based solely on your leftover points. However, once you get around, say, +8 skills, skeletons become a seriously viable tank without too much of a point investment. If you plan to use skeletons, you should aim for around 30 soft points, as you will find that it takes a very long time to get extra skeletons after that and they're sort of worthless past ten anyway.

Skeleton Mastery
Plain 'ol skeleton is a better investment most of the time as it nets you more skeletons, but once you reach a magic number (that allots you with however many skeletons you want to work with), skeleton mastery becomes a more worthwhile place to put your points because it offers a greater stat boost and also makes your revives more potent.

Bone Wall
Bone wall is here because bone wall actually provides a greater boost to bone armor than putting points into bone armor does. If you don't feel the urge to cart thousands of skeletons around with you and you want to increase your survivability outright, you should consider investing some points into bone wall. Keep in mind that only hard points affect syneriges, so that having a level 10 bone wall that is only base level one and is boosted to level 10 because you have +9 skills will only add an additional 20 health to your bone wall.
EDIT: It is also worth noting that bone wall is a nice utility skill if you are playing with a group of undergeared characters and you need to do something like Baal's minions where you expect the minions to be in a certain place.

I can paste the exact build that I am using if a reference is needed.


Made a smoke body armor so i can survive in hell a bit better resistance wise and i made a spirit sword to go with my shield, the three make a nice combo. +4 to all skills, +85 resists, +130% hit recovery, +200 mana and +44 vit and +like 800 def vs missiles between them (yet i still got owned by a quill rat boss in act 1 hell, it had might aura, but still, wtf.)

Not bad for the highest rune being a lum.


TheExodu5 said:
Yeah I need to try to find a 4os monarch. Where did you get yours?

I'm in A3 Hell, now.
The shield? It's just a normal paladin only crown shield, i didn't bother looking for an exceptional or elite cause the runes are easy to get and I'm just using it for the +skills and the crown shield had resists built in bumping the resist up to +45%.

I'll upgrade it to a vortex shield eventually for the defense if i don't find a herald of zakarum.

I found it somewhere in act 3 NM i think, i don't remember. Not that that helps you any since you aren't a paladin...


Hey guys, I'm tempted to jump back in to D2 (for the 1000 time), are you guys playing normally or power leveling old school trist run style? If so I'll create a new sorceress :D


TheExodu5 said:
Yeah I need to try to find a 4os monarch. Where did you get yours?

I'm in A3 Hell, now.
White monarchs are ridiculously common. You shouldn't have to look for one.


i could use some help a4 hell.... the burning souls melt my face off. i need to find some lightning res. a4 fun tonight?
So I've just started playing this game in single player, I'm on the third act and I don't have a clue whats going on in the story, the different loot colours also confuse me, I'm a barbarian hoping to become a frenzy one but I've misclicked points in the wrong talents. I also changed difficulty to 8 to get better loot so far I've enjoyed it although the controls are annoying with all the clicking hurts my hands, shame theres no wasd keys for movement, the talents are all awkward as well having to only be able to assign to 2 mouse clicks, and yes I know this is an old game and can't wait for diablo 3!


UnblessedSoul said:
So I've just started playing this game in single player, I'm on the third act and I don't have a clue whats going on in the story, the different loot colours also confuse me, I'm a barbarian hoping to become a frenzy one but I've misclicked points in the wrong talents. I also changed difficulty to 8 to get better loot so far I've enjoyed it although the controls are annoying with all the clicking hurts my hands, shame theres no wasd keys for movement, the talents are all awkward as well having to only be able to assign to 2 mouse clicks, and yes I know this is an old game and can't wait for diablo 3!
come on battle.net and we could help you out a bit... :)

Anyway for a frenzy barb this is what your skills should look like maxed out:

20 in weapon mastery, either swords or axes
20 in frenzy
20 in taunt
20 in battle orders
20 in double swing(only put one point into this at first, come back and max it later after you've maxed frenzy and your chosen weapon mastery)
1 in each of the prerequisites for the above skills(bash, double throw, howl, and shout)
1 in iron skin
1 in natural resist
1 in battle command

Stat point should mostly go to vit, just whatever into STR/dex you need to equip gear, none into energy obviously.

For a frenzy barb all you need to hotkey really are your battle cries, otherwise you are using double swing and then frenzy for 100% of your attacks(if you run out of mana they will default to standard attacks).

As for clicking, just hold that sucker down 90% of the time, the only time you should actually be clicking is to pick up loot. for move/attack just hold it down till stuffs dead. :)

As for loot colors, white is normal or low quality or high quality, grey means it's either socketed or ethereal(cannot be repaired), blue is magical, which just basically means is that it has 1-3 modifiers. Yellow is rare, which is a step up, and can have more modifiers, 4-6. Set items are green, if you have multiple pieces of the set that are listed on the item you can receive additional bonuses, these can be really nice, but it's kind of a pain for people starting out to collect them, you have to get lucky with drops.

The last item type is the unique, which have gold names, and are the highest quality items in the game. They basically have almost unlimited modifiers, because these(along with set items) are the items that were hand built by the designers, not made by the random generator. Technically rune word items also fit in this category.

Doesn't mean you should always use the more rare item though, a lot of the times rares can be a lot better than uniques and set pieces if you get lucky with the roll of the dice. Occasionally you'll get even magical items that are worth using but after the 20th level or so blues are mainly vendor food, and whites and greys aren't even worth picking up unless you are going to socket them or transmute them.


I'm trying to decide if I want invest any points in dexterity on my summoner necromancer. Really the idea is I don't ever want to get hit. When I do get hit, where will a point serve better to keep me alive? Dex or vitality?


GiJoccin said:
i found a near perf arreat's face (6/197)

i'm guessing i'm not allowed to trade it with non-gaf members :(

Not if we keep to our playthrough. Maybe we'll open it up at some point, but I don't think we should do so until we're in a position where all we need is high runewords. Opening the game up to battle.net makes it far too easy and not nearly as rewarding.

One member in particular was doing runs outside of GAF last night...not sure if I should remove them from the list or not.

I don't think Arreats is worth all that much anymore anyways. Maybe a Pul rune?


Of all the classes,I suck the most at playing a Barbarian. Any gameplay tips for them? I always get bored slowly killing things with 2 weapons.


Raide said:
Of all the classes,I suck the most at playing a Barbarian. Any gameplay tips for them? I always get bored slowly killing things with 2 weapons.

Honestly, there's not much to be done. If you want to be a dungeon running AoE damage dealer, melee classes aren't a good idea. They're extremely item dependent. The melee classes tend to be more for PvP, or for killing bosses. Smiters were the class of choice for Uber killing back in 1.10/1.11...not sure about now.

Sorcs are obviously a good first choice, though Hell difficulty can get a wee bit tough. Teleport helps a lot to avoid enemies you don't want to fight. I'm playing a Wind Druid and they're quite versatile...lots of health due to oak sage, lots of elemental defense with cyclone armor, and a mix of physical/cold damage from tornado and hurricane. A javazon can be good as well, though it'd be better to have some Titans before rolling one.

If I were starting with the intention of boss/item farming in Hell, I'd make a Blizzard Sorc. Not very item dependent, and more than capable enough to down Andy/Meph pretty easily.


TheExodu5 said:
Not if we keep to our playthrough. Maybe we'll open it up at some point, but I don't think we should do so until we're in a position where all we need is high runewords. Opening the game up to battle.net makes it far too easy and not nearly as rewarding.

One member in particular was doing runs outside of GAF last night...not sure if I should remove them from the list or not.

I don't think Arreats is worth all that much anymore anyways. Maybe a Pul rune?

yeah, i was figuring it wasn't worth that much, but might be worth a bit more on battle.net because it was near perfect

but meh, i'll keep plugging away at andy. i keep getting stuff for other classes but not me :( i'm not even wearing gloves right now, haha, my eth chancies finally bit the bullet


GiJoccin said:
yeah, i was figuring it wasn't worth that much, but might be worth a bit more on battle.net because it was near perfect

but meh, i'll keep plugging away at andy. i keep getting stuff for other classes but not me :( i'm not even wearing gloves right now, haha, my eth chancies finally bit the bullet

Magefists are going to be what you want to look for. Frostburns are a decent alternative.

They're pretty common drops...I'm surprised you haven't seen them yet.


GiJoccin said:
i found a near perf arreat's face (6/197)

i'm guessing i'm not allowed to trade it with non-gaf members :(

Ill trade you for it. That is the best helm in the game for a frenzy barb, even better than my vampire gaze, which you can have, plus i have some other uniques and set items that may have value..


TheExodu5 said:
Magefists are going to be what you want to look for. Frostburns are a decent alternative.

They're pretty common drops...I'm surprised you haven't seen them yet.

yeah, you'd think those would have dropped already. magefists are what i'm going for.

and if one more rare shako drops, i might shit my pants. i've seen 3 of them.


Made it to level 12, haven't reached the Monastery yet. No real idea of what I'm doing in the skill trees. If anyone wants a unique club or a bunch of chips let me know :p

mavs - hrinix - necro

crappy uniques all over the place..
Fugu said:
PREREQS Total - 10
Amplify Damage
Iron Maiden
Life tap
Blood Golem
Skeleton Mage
Iron Golem

Poison Nova - 20
Poison Explosion - 20
Poison Dagger - 20
Lower Resist - 1+
Corpse Explosion - 1+
Bone Armor - 1
Clay Golem - 1+

Golem Mastery - 1+
Summon Resist - 1
Skeleton - 1+
Skeleton Mastery - 1+
Revive - 1
Bone Wall - 0+*

The barebones build occupies 79 points. You should expect to have around 105 to work with after all is said and done, because it is extremely unlikely that you will make it past level 95 (if you do, good for you; you can definitely put the points to good use). I'll explain the plusses below, as well as the inclusion of Bone Wall. There is a LOT of room for variation here.

Lower Resist
This is generally a bad place to invest points unless your gear is very bad. Diminishing returns hit this skill like a rock at around eight points, so if you have more than +6 skills, you should only put one point into this. If you don't, however, this is one of the best investments you can make.

Corpse Explosion
If your gear is high-end, this is where you will want to invest some extra points. I usually invest enough to bring its total up to around skill level 30 once my gear is completed; this usually amounts to around 5 hard points (the remaining 25 coming from gear). This is just preference though, as corpse explosion does not diminish at all and gains exactly .33 yards of effective range every level. If you plan on running Nihlathak, you will need a high level corpse explosion. If your gear is bad, I would still invest a few points into this anyway, although not too many as your minions will likely need the attention more.

Clay Golem
With mid-range gear, your clay golem will probably never die and you won't need to invest more than a single point into it. But at lower levels and with worse gear, you may feel the itch to put in a few points. The build certainly has room for it, so don't feel too bad if that's the route that you decide to go down.

Golem Mastery
Alternate route for points. Golem Mastery offers more health per point at the expense of not receiving a bonus to slow. The latter is more important if you intend to spend a lot of time fighting act bosses or single targets.

If your gear is not good, skeleton (and skeleton mastery) are absolutely not worthy investments because without a serious boost from gear the skeletons simply will not be able to hold up based solely on your leftover points. However, once you get around, say, +8 skills, skeletons become a seriously viable tank without too much of a point investment. If you plan to use skeletons, you should aim for around 30 soft points, as you will find that it takes a very long time to get extra skeletons after that and they're sort of worthless past ten anyway.

Skeleton Mastery
Plain 'ol skeleton is a better investment most of the time as it nets you more skeletons, but once you reach a magic number (that allots you with however many skeletons you want to work with), skeleton mastery becomes a more worthwhile place to put your points because it offers a greater stat boost and also makes your revives more potent.

Bone Wall
Bone wall is here because bone wall actually provides a greater boost to bone armor than putting points into bone armor does. If you don't feel the urge to cart thousands of skeletons around with you and you want to increase your survivability outright, you should consider investing some points into bone wall. Keep in mind that only hard points affect syneriges, so that having a level 10 bone wall that is only base level one and is boosted to level 10 because you have +9 skills will only add an additional 20 health to your bone wall.
EDIT: It is also worth noting that bone wall is a nice utility skill if you are playing with a group of undergeared characters and you need to do something like Baal's minions where you expect the minions to be in a certain place.

I can paste the exact build that I am using if a reference is needed.

Thanks for taking the trouble to type that up! I'm going to give this a try tonight.


mavs said:
Made it to level 12, haven't reached the Monastery yet. No real idea of what I'm doing in the skill trees. If anyone wants a unique club or a bunch of chips let me know :p

mavs - hrinix - necro

crappy uniques all over the place..
Do You want anything from this list? There are some good beginning +skills items for necro.


Great jawbone for Nadir runeword

And anyone has more set items? Their are awesome for beginning chars. I can make one mule to store them for ppl.
I've got 3 items
Isengard sword
Ceglaw gloves
Hsarus shield

Start using IRC please, there are only max 3-4 gafers online, in spite of its so easier to manage games and talk there.

Ps. I'll need act 3 train [normal], because i hate this act. Walking through those rivers is just fucking frustrating.


coopolon said:
I'm trying to decide if I want invest any points in dexterity on my summoner necromancer. Really the idea is I don't ever want to get hit. When I do get hit, where will a point serve better to keep me alive? Dex or vitality?
As a summon necro is unlikely you will ever get hit anyway. I would just pound vitality for the times when you dont have many minions around. Plus it saves you having to look for shields with higher block rate. You can always respec later if you do want to go the max block route and have found a good shield to do it with.

Anyway I might join you guys soon, I'll need to re-install and make a new account and stuff first. Probably go bonemancer, or maybe something I haven't used before like an assassin.


KKRT00 said:
Do You want anything from this list? There are some good beginning +skills items for necro.


Great jawbone for Nadir runeword

And anyone has more set items? Their are awesome for beginning chars. I can make one mule to store them for ppl.
I've got 3 items
Isengard sword
Ceglaw gloves
Hsarus shield

Start using IRC please, there are only max 3-4 gafers online, in spite of its so easier to manage games and talk there.

Ps. I'll need act 3 train [normal], because i hate this act. Walking through those rivers is just fucking frustrating.

That eagle bane one looks good. I'll get on irc.

Thanks! Also not 5 mins after you left I found Isenhart's sword :p lordy...
TheExodu5 said:
Not if we keep to our playthrough. Maybe we'll open it up at some point, but I don't think we should do so until we're in a position where all we need is high runewords. Opening the game up to battle.net makes it far too easy and not nearly as rewarding.

One member in particular was doing runs outside of GAF last night...not sure if I should remove them from the list or not.

I don't think Arreats is worth all that much anymore anyways. Maybe a Pul rune?

Who me? I was playing with friends i personally know. It's not like anyone else plays anymore. I'm basically forever alone on hell.


Neo Member
Raide said:
Of all the classes,I suck the most at playing a Barbarian. Any gameplay tips for them? I always get bored slowly killing things with 2 weapons.

Hmm it's been quite awhile last time i played the barb, much less the game, but if you want to be an aoe type, youll want whirlwind, and perhaps a long range weapon (which most 2-handed weapons do like spears,lances) if you want a large aoe, or 2-handed sword's axes for abit shorter aoe (i don't remember how dual wield whirlwind fairs, but it's good if attack speed matters greatly to you while aoeing, but it's range is very short as the damage is).

Stock up on high hp/mp leech gear and youll be whirlwinding past groups of mobs while your health stays full(this is where longer range also comes into use since the more mob's you attack at once, the faster your health/mana will be full, thus increasing your survival while aoeing, and each % of leech helps greatly since your smashing tons of mobs per hit at once, along with high damage your hp/mp bar's should be refilling themselves at a fast to extremely fast rate).

Crit is also a nice skill to get with WW.


coopolon said:
I'm trying to decide if I want invest any points in dexterity on my summoner necromancer. Really the idea is I don't ever want to get hit. When I do get hit, where will a point serve better to keep me alive? Dex or vitality?
There are three things you should know pertinent to this issue.

1. It takes a mammoth amount of dexterity to gain enough dexterity-based defense to really start avoiding hits. Absolutely mammoth. So large that you will never gain enough points to even put a dent in the amount required. It is much more important to get a piece of armour with a high defense.

2. If you are running, your chance to be hit is locked at 95%. Your armour is only relevant when you are not moving. Also, your chance to block is capped at 25% while running.

3. Dexterity is a solid investment for avoiding hits if you are intending to get max block, which does a very, very good job on cutting down the amount of damage you take. With a 75% chance to block you won't need to worry too much about projectiles and you will be able to take/block a few melee hits should you accidentally get yourself in a situation where you are getting hit. However, the amount of points required to attain max block is gear-dependant and the number is too large (as in it requires more points than you get every level) if you are using a shield below, say, 40% chance to block.

Tideas said:
are javazon supposed to be javalin class + shield?

or can u also use spear class as wel?
Jav + shield. Spears are way too slow and you will die pretty quickly using them at any point other than the beginning of the game.


Anyone want to powerlvl in act1/act2 on normal? I'm bored and i dont like act 3, so i can help someone with exping and questing.
Just wanted to say thanks to iamblades for helping me through most of Nightmare. Sorry I ran off when you went to get a snack, just we'd been playing for quite some time and I needed a bit of a break.


Is it worth putting Spirit in a weapon for a Sorceress? They're pretty low runes so it shouldn't be too much trouble getting them again. I thought it was only for shields. I'm level 27 now so it is going to be a while before getting occy/heart.
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