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GAF Poll: Would you pay $150 for a DS?


Ok, just like my other thread, would you pay $150 for a DS? Keep it simple. Yes or No? And please keep discussions to a minimum.

I'll go first:

No. I can't even remember the last time I touched my SP and I even bought the original GBA and then subsequently upgraded to the SP. Goddamn........


Yes (if I wasn't getting one for free that is :D )

I liked what I played of it, and the list of games comming (plus Wario Ware DS and the potential Advance Wars need to be mine)


Console Market Analyst

Not until I see some more software, and proof that SOMEONE will take advantage of wireless online play.


PIctochat sounds really cool. I'm looking forward to it, but not at 50 bucks. Though on the other hand i'm buying one of these DS's cause i dont know it kicks my ass and i like it.
Yes I certainly will buy a DS.
Even if there will be only one Fire Emblem game for the DS the 150 bucks are well spent :)

And I like the WLAN idea


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Hell yeah! I haven't cared about handhelds in a loooong time. I've been against the GBA generation of them since I first played it. I just didn't think it was a big enough leap from the Gameboy Color for my taste and I really didn't have much use for a handheld. But this generation of the Nintendo DS and Sony PSP really has interested...I need both, they are "Le Sex."

I'll pay $150 for the DS and $300 for the PSP, bring it on! I need some little gadgets.


not an idiot
No. I am VERY tempted (mostly for Madden), but GT4 on PSP just makes me it's bitch, so I will wait for PSP.

However, I will be buying one for my daughter, who loves Nintendo and has already told me I am to get her a DS for her birthday (which is in November).

So I guess yes and no. :)


I don't like the double screen concept (as well as the small screen sizes) and the control scheme + stylus is a turn-off. If it was designed like a traditional handheld with a single large screen, it would be a better deal than PSP in every way. As it is I have no interest in it.

[that means no]


XS+ said:
I don't like the double screen concept (as well as the small screen sizes) and the control scheme + stylus is a turn-off. If it was designed like a traditional handheld with a single large screen, it would be a better deal than PSP in every way. As it is I have no interest in it.

[that means no]

So less screens and no touch screen = purchase?
I don't understand.


Add a game, sales tax, exchange currency to Canadian dollars, and I'm looking at close to $270 ... way too much for a portable.


Goreomedy said:

Not until I see some more software, and proof that SOMEONE will take advantage of wireless online play.


Negative. I will never pay more than $200 for a console and I won't be buying another portable ever. GBA was the last.
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