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GAF Poll: Would you pay $150 for a DS?

probably yes. I'm sure Nintendo will launch with some worthwhile games.

But I'd get it anyway just to have a true backlit screen for GBA.
No, it's going to take a lot to get me to upgrade from my SP. I play my SP a lot, and there are still a bunch of games out there that I need to get. The DS sounds pretty good, though. Pictochat could be really fun, and all of the wireless stuff seems interesting. I can't see myself getting it unless there's a pricedrop or some really good games start coming out. Once Fire Emblem DS and DS Wars (maybe they'll call it Advance Wars DS, just to be weird) come out, I'll start to get interested.


Probably not. I use my SP a lot (my job requires traveling frequently), but the DS hasn't excited me. Maybe when I can have some time to play with it, but for now, it's left me cold.
Probably yes, i might import even, still impressed that most of the pple who say no in this poll-thread say yes in the PSP one, rich bastards........


Yes depending on the launch games. I play my SP all the time... would keep it just because its an NES one and that has a certain level of nostalgic appeal.



I really shouldn't, since I don't give my GBA:SP all that much love these days, but damn it... I have to have it! I'll say this, though, if there's no confirmation of online gaming with this thing, I won't be getting it at launch.
It would soley depend on my need for new gaming experiences. Anyone with a gaming backlog as ambitious as mine has more than enough games to be busy with.

Parhaps in 2005.


Bluemercury said:
Of course i wont need to go to the PSP poll to see what was your answer.......lol

Well maybe dark's just more interested in snazzy looking hardware than in quality videogames.

I kid, I kid. :D

I WILL buy a DS, I just don't know when. Certainly not until a decent lineup is confirmed.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Bluemercury said:
Of course i wont need to go to the PSP poll to see what was your answer.......lol

My answer for PSP is "no". I don't see what's so "lol" about that...

However, the system does look interesting to me and I may eventually pick one up. I'm not a fan of handheld gaming. When I move to Japan next spring, I plan on picking up JP versions of some of the consoles I already own as well as JP-only games in addition to the already busy Fall 2004 lineup I have to cover.

Well maybe dark's just more interested in snazzy looking hardware than in quality videogames.

Ridge Racer V is my favorite racer this gen, so a new RR alone is tempting.
Yes, definitely. I might wait until the second wave of games though, this holiday season is pretty packed for the systems I already own.
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