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GAF Post-Election Country Jamboree Bitchfest Catch-All Thread O' Doom

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Diablos said:
That's what I mean. I guess people forgot about wars since their church told them to vote on the issues of gay marriage and abortion. Unbelievable. How can all these people be so stupid? Whatever happened to thinking for yourself?
it wasn't the base the pushed Bush over the top (though it helped matched Kerry's allies that had gone for Nader in '00), it was the pro-"War on Terror" Democrats jumping ship (which is why you saw a 7% jump in Bush support in NJ from 2000) and the 5% increase in Hispanic vote...


The knives are out for Kerry, on Imus people were trashing him saying they had to take away his cell phone twice because he kept asking people for advice too much, Imus said Kerry called him a couple of times, Thereza Heinz was gutted, she was a liability, self absorbed and all about her. Newsweek is supposed to have the inside scoop in a special edition coming out.


siamesedreamer said:

You people need to wake up and realize that this is exactly why y'all lost this election. It is the condescending, elitest, "I know what's right for you"

As opposed to the passive-aggressive, jingoistic, holier-than-thou shrieking of the Neocon-controlled Republican party? No thanks. I'm not going to have a party and it's blind supporters that so deliberately villainized marriage purely for political gain tell me that I'm trying to tell people what's right and what's wrong.


Holy crap, both images are very red... how did Kerry even win California, Pennsylvania, etc.? Both are COVERED in red. How did he win them?? :|

My god...


Ripclawe said:
2000 Red vs Blue by county


2004 Red vs Blue by County

The red states got redder, and so did the blue states...

looks like the libbies are going to stake their future on votes from urban inner-cities, hopefully Republicans have the foresight to go after suburbs now so as to prevent a distaster or something in the '06 midterms...

The party in power (w/ exception of '02) has almost always lost in mid-terms, and I'm sure Democrats are already readying themselves...


Diablos said:
Holy crap, both images are very red... how did Kerry even win California, Pennsylvania, etc.? Both are COVERED in red. How did he win them?? :|

My god...

There's practically nothing in those red areas of CA. Mostly just farms and stuff. Not too many people.

Pennsylvania I can't say, but I'm thinking the same thing.

Escape Goat

Diablos said:
Holy crap, both images are very red... how did Kerry even win California, Pennsylvania, etc.? Both are COVERED in red. How did he win them?? :|

My god...

Most people live on the coast in the cities. I'm assuming the rest are low population desert wastelands.


Looks like the crazy religous people votes and the people libing outside the main cities are who count the most. Based on that its no surprise who own.
"to stake their future on votes from urban inner-cities"

The areas with the worst school systems in the nation. I find that funny given how most angry liberals label republicans these days.


CrimsonSkies said:
"to stake their future on votes from urban inner-cities"

The areas with the worst school systems in the nation. I find that funny given how most angry liberals label republicans these days.

Generalize much?
Bush broke the record for most votes received, yes.

What they don't tell you is he broke the record for most votes against.

Looking at CNN's maps during the voting, it was pretty clear to observe:

Urban areas = Kerry
Rural areas = Bush

The farther away from civilization, the redder the county.


Do The Mario said:
Same with the Australian dollar

Before Bush

1 Australian dollar = 49 US cents


1 Australian dollar = 74 US cents and climbing big time!

Thank you president bush for increasing the strength of foreign currencies against you’re own, who said bush didn’t have a strong foreign policy?
The same with the Euro

Historic Low (around 2000)

€ 1 = $ 0.8-0.9


€ 1 = $ 1.25

Great development for us Europeans, $49.90 games from Lik-Sang only cost € 40 (the same amount we have to pay when we buy games released by NoE).

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Great idea games still cost $100 Australian dollars new but if i imported i would save big time!

Maybe not worth it with shipping?


I order at DVDboxoffice, that way I pay €40 for a game that costs €69 here, they don't charge for shipping.


I've heard a couple of guys(Republicans) saying how good Kerry's speach was. They said that it was the first time they could stand listen to him.

My thoughts: Offcourse now you can fu..ing stand him now! He lost you pieces of SH!T, your brainwashed heads didn't let you see what was going on before when you were scared shit! You just hated him because he was not on your stupid party!

ARRR! You should hear all the stupid things that people say around here(Utah). It pisses me off!

Don't be blinded by political parties, try reasoning next time, do not vote on tradition.

I just had to say something, I'm fine now.

Did Bush get more votes from older people?


alejob said:
I've heard a couple of guys(Republicans) saying how good Kerry's speach was. They said that it was the first time they could stand listen to him.

My thoughts: Offcourse now you can fu..ing stand him now! He lost you pieces of SH!T, your brainwashed heads didn't let you see what was going on before when you were scared shit! You just hated him because he was not on your stupid party!

ARRR! You should hear all the stupid things that people say around here(Utah). It pisses me off!

Don't be blinded by political parties, try reasoning next time, do not vote on tradition.

I just had to say something, I'm fine now.

Did Bush get more votes from older people?

He got more votes from exactly who you'd expect him to get more votes from.

i.e. the people of the bible belt states.

These states are also marked by relatively lower education and IQ levels, more elderly people and a whole host of other things, that are generally difficult to disentangle from the causality of living in a red state.


As for the 'condescending elitist' remark that people like to bandy around so much...

The alternative is joe blow who represents 30% of the people; the white protestant male.

His interests conflict largely with the rest of the the population; if he had his way, the rest of the people would be marginalized and unvoiced. Ultimately, this is not even in his interest.

A condescending elitist maybe a bitch to talk to, but they ultimately have the interests of total efficiency; which involves the interest of all groups in a society, not just one.


I fail to understand what's wrong with being an elitist...if you're actually elite. There's an awful lot of flat-out dumb people standing on the line, "We're all entitled to our opinions!"




From the New York Daily News:

In the biggest fight of his charmed life, John Kerry swung between bewilderment and anger when things didn't go his way on the campaign trial.

"I can't believe I'm losing to this idiot," the Massachusetts Democrat sighed to a staffer when President Bush's poll numbers surged in April.

That, my friend, is called "misunderestimation." It's all part of the Bush/Rove strategery.

The entire article is full of fascinating and revealing moments:

"Why the f — - didn't he take it?" he wondered when Republican Sen. John McCain refused to be his running mate a half-dozen times.

"It's a pack of f — -ing lies, what they're saying about me," he shouted at an adviser as a group of Swift boat veterans stepped up attacks on his Vietnam War record while his team refused to let him respond...

Those are some of the behind-the-scenes stories from the year-long race for the White House revealed in a special Newsweek report out today. The magazine says Kerry's courtship of McCain to be his vice presidential candidate was far more intense than the public realized.

It started in August 2003, but kicked into high gear after Kerry nailed the nomination. He even offered to expand the veep's role to control defense and foreign policy. "You're out of your mind," McCain told Kerry. "I don't even know if it's constitutional, and it certainly wouldn't sell."

Kerry seemed stunned that McCain rebuffed him "after what the Bush people did to him," referring to the 2000 GOP presidential primary.

Meanwhile, in the Bush camp, chief strategist Karl Rove was baffled that Kerry managed to snag the Democratic nomination.

By the fall of 2003, he was focused on the threat posed by former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, saying Kerry had "pissed away every advantage of the front-runner."

Rove started betting hamburgers with other White House staffers that Dean would win - and stuck to his guns even when the campaign flamed out after his screaming Iowa concession.

"Want to double your bets?" Bush needled his adviser, who insisted Dean still had the money to pull out a primary victory.


trying to bribe McCain?!



In another trap, W's team inserted into every speech the question whether Kerry, with the benefit of hindsight, would have supported the invasion of Iraq.

Again, Kerry fell into it, saying he still believed the decision to authorize force was the right one - allowing Bush to lampoon his answer. "We couldn't believe that he went for it," White House communications director Dan Bartlett told Time magazine.

The Bushies also were happy when Kerry referenced Vice President Cheney's lesbian daughter during a debate, Newsweek reported.

Rove was certain Kerry was trying to undermine the Christian right's support of Bush, and just as certain the ploy would backfire, making Kerry look like a politician who would say anything to get elected.

Kerry, though, wouldn't go to any lengths for political gain. When Bill Clinton advised him to back laws banning gay marriage to pick up swing voters, he demurred, telling aides, "I'm not ever going to do that."

I will give Kerry Props for sticking to his guns on the gay marriage issue, but what does that say about Clinton?


efralope said:
we're both on top of this one...


This should be a great read and how many stories are going to come out now that should have during the race?


NEWSWEEK's exclusive, behind-the-scenes account of the presidential campaign
• Introduction
• Chapter One: The Primaries
• Chapter Two: Bush's Inner Circle
• Chapter Three: Kerry Gets Cranky (Live Friday)
• Chapter Four: The Prison Scandal (Live Friday)
• Chapter Five: The Bush Daughters (Live Saturday)
• Chapter Six: Swift Boats (Live Saturday)
• Chapter Seven: The Debates (Live Sunday)
• Chapter Eight: The Endgame (Live Sunday)
-jinx- said:
I fail to understand what's wrong with being an elitist...if you're actually elite. There's an awful lot of flat-out dumb people standing on the line, "We're all entitled to our opinions!"
Unfortunately, there are an awful lot of people who wrongly believe themselves to be elite by delusion or association, or hold elitist opinions when they have no valid right or reason to, or are in fact elite but in a manner that does not necessarily make their opinion more valid than others. The elitist opinions of these individuals are very problematic, and contribute heavily to political tensions.


Spike Spiegel said:
Unfortunately, there are an awful lot of people who wrongly believe themselves to be elite by delusion or association, or hold elitist opinions when they have no valid right or reason to, or are in fact elite but in a manner that does not necessarily make their opinion more valid than others. The elitist opinions of these individuals are very problematic, and contribute heavily to political tensions.
Yeah, but stupid, misinformed people are still fucking stupid. And that's way worse than just being a snob IMO. Both are wrong, I guess, but at least one has a clue. PEACE.


Junior Member
I wonder what they are going to do with all those songs that have lyrics that run along the lines of "we have a president we didnt elect."


Borg Artiste
not counting the votes of the bible thumbing redneck rabbit breeding morons it is
not to mention voter disenfranchising


nathkenn said:
not counting the votes of the bible thumbing redneck rabbit breeding morons it is
not to mention voter disenfranchising

Yeah... they have a right to vote as citizens of the country, but their vote shouldn't count.



Borg Artiste
W all the way, after we murder all opposition to christian morals we can take those pesky womens rights away then maybe reinstate slavery


Zaptruder said:
He got more votes from exactly who you'd expect him to get more votes from.

i.e. the people of the bible belt states.

These states are also marked by relatively lower education and IQ levels, more elderly people and a whole host of other things, that are generally difficult to disentangle from the causality of living in a red state.
just heard the numbers, Bush got a higher percentage of the vote in 46/50 states...


time to build up and not let go...

2006 is right around the corner and the Democrats can easily field some good "moderate" candidates...


Borg Artiste
it's also funny that when terrorists do attack it's going to be in one of those large cities, not in some rural town thats so afraid of those crazy old terrorists


xsarien said:
I think a more poignant observation is that New York City in particular voted overwhelmingly for Kerry.

Exactly. And these were both cities that were attacked on 9/11. One would believe that their collective voice is louder than any other.



Managing Teresa. Kerry's wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, presented a host of behind-the-scenes drama for Kerry. Early on, the campaign staff regarded Teresa as something of a hypochondriac, and she canceled three trips in October at the last minute, usually for what was described to aides as a "nonspecific malady." Kerry's first campaign manager, James Jordan, had little patience for her strong opinions, sending emails trashing the candidate's wife...which inevitably reached his rivals within the campaign, including Bob Shrum (an old Teresa friend) and helped seal Jordan's eventual dismissal.

Later came Kerry campaign's post-convention "Sea to Shining Sea" tour: a 3,500-mile bus and train trek that was not a happy trip for Teresa. With each passing day she made less effort to hide her displeasure. Audiences were mystified when Teresa turned her back to them at daylight rallies and wore dark sunglasses and a hat at night (backstage, the candidate's wife complained of migraines and sore eyes).

As they reached the climax of the tour, an hourlong "family vacation" hike in the Grand Canyon, the planned happy-family- vacation was disintegrating in plain view. Daughter Vanessa didn't enjoy being a prop, Teresa was complaining of migraines and telling her husband she couldn't walk anymore. The candidate tried to bravely soldier on, pulling his sullen wife and children to show them the magnificent condors flying overhead.


MIMIC said:
Exactly. And these were both cities that were attacked on 9/11. One would believe that their collective voice is louder than any other.

Reminds me of last night's Daily Show. Stewart brough up a similar point, and the response went something like:

"You see, Jon, we're too close to the gay people and the terrorists. Thankfully, the people in the red states can observe from a distance and have a much better feel of what is really going on."




A day after its approval by three-fourths of Ann Arbor voters, the medical marijuana initiative is getting the cold shoulder.

Ann Arbor Police Chief Dan Oates said in a written statement he has directed his officers to continue enforcement of all marijuana sale and possession offenses as they did before the vote.

Oates' decision came after City Attorney Stephen Postema said Wednesday that Ann Arbor's new medical marijuana initiative is invalid.

Although the initiative was legally and appropriately placed on the ballot after a petition drive, Postema said 27-year-old case law dictates that city officials can refer complaints for prosecution under state law even though it would be contrary to the city's new charter language.

In a 1977 decision involving a case in Ypsilanti, the state appeals court ruled that city officials weren't prohibited from referring marijuana cases for prosecution under state law, despite a city ordinance that said they couldn't refer such cases to the Washtenaw County prosecutor.

Based on that case, Postema said, his office and police can't be bound by charter amendment prohibitions that conflict with state and federal law. Those laws, he said, will continue to govern marijuana arrests in Ann Arbor.
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