Bush is much more popular with the military than the public in general. I am most certainly not in the minority for preferring Bush. In fact, I would say I am probably more liberal than the average Naval officer, and prefer Bush less than most of my peers. I don't in all honesty prefer Bush that much over Kerry, apart from I never trusted Kerry to follow through with the Iraq War, which in essence has made me a one issue voter this election. On many other topics I was either indifferent or preferred Kerry's position. I was also driven away from Kerry because I have a strong strong distaste of many Democratic pundits, particularly Michael Moore, who constantly misrepresents the military. I'm not a huge Bush fan, but I will be enjoying seeing Michael Moore, and a few other pundits whine miserably.... particularly Michael Moore, over the next couple of months.
Also, this Bush lied people died crap is definitely stretching the truth to the point of bullshit. Yes, the intelligence was clearly flawed, but the evidence that Bush truly made up something and then lied just does not exist. Crap like this lost the election for the democrats, it's what separates the liberal left from the rest of America and drives moderates towards the Republican party. I speak from experience.