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GAF Running Club |OT| - Couch to Marathons, All abilities


Was going to try and go under 19 minutes for 5K tonight, but legs felt really heavy. I decided to get half way and just stop. Anyone else struggle sometimes?


rollin' in the gutter
Was going to try and go under 19 minutes for 5K tonight, but legs felt really heavy. I decided to get half way and just stop. Anyone else struggle sometimes?

Running is a constant tug-of-war between good and bad days. Don't get too high on the good ones and too low on the bad days. Just keep at it and the times will come.
Was going to try and go under 19 minutes for 5K tonight, but legs felt really heavy. I decided to get half way and just stop. Anyone else struggle sometimes?

19 minutes for 5k is pretty damn quick. Fastest I've managed so far is 20:04 mins (just checked, originally thought it was 20:30) which I thought was quick!

There's often fast and slow days but I don't really stop once I get going, just cop the slow time on the chin and try again another day.

This year I've been trying to push further than I'd bother with last year and go more regularly. I've managed to push up to 8km and go 3/4 times a week which I'm pretty happy with :)

East Lake

Guys, I've been trying to start running for a while now. I think this is the 4th or 5th week. I started slow, part jogging part walking and so on. Then I increased the distance and so on. But it looks I hit a plateau. I usually warm up for a bit and then start running very slowly like a fast walk speed.
Than I run as far as I can before my lungs want to burst and I swear to God my heart starts aching. That is after 1.5 km only. Than I walk until I can breathe easily and start running again. But I run shorter and shorter and walk longer and longer. This is all on flat surface no "hills and valleys".

It is driving me crazy. I see no improvement at all after so much time. I jog/walk for about 3-4 km. I'm 35 a bit overweight and no issues with muscles or joints that I can feel. Mostly my running is regulated by my lungs I feel.

Any ideas? Am I doing something wrong?
Maybe try alternating between distance running and sprints? Do a distance day, rest a day (or until recovered), do a sprint day, rest day, repeat.


19 minutes for 5k is pretty damn quick. Fastest I've managed so far is 20:04 mins (just checked, originally thought it was 20:30) which I thought was quick!

There's often fast and slow days but I don't really stop once I get going, just cop the slow time on the chin and try again another day.

This year I've been trying to push further than I'd bother with last year and go more regularly. I've managed to push up to 8km and go 3/4 times a week which I'm pretty happy with :)

Cheers, I've done 19.37 before, but that was two years ago. I'm normally hit around 26 minutes for 4 miles. I'm going to start pushing the distance back up, as I've got a mountain run in September.


The Austin Heat is killing me. It is defintely nap time after lunch.
Total Distance
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Avg Pace
Yeah, I went after work on Monday, and it was awful. I'm lucky enough that my routine is short enough that I can just go to one of the parks up north that's shaded, but even at 7:30 this morning it was super humid.
Hey guys can you help me find a good pair of shoes? Its been a while since I've needed a new pair, and I kinda forgot what to look for. I know the shape of my foot is important ( Im flatfooted) and I know that my weight can have an imapact, Im 280 something. What other variables should I be looking at?
The Austin Heat is killing me. It is defintely nap time after lunch.
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Avg Pace

Don't run when its hot, yo. Which in Austin, during the summer, means you gotta run at 7 am at the latest.

I plan to kick my training up again this summer and stick with it. Gunning for a sub 40 10k this fall.
Don't run when its hot, yo. Which in Austin, during the summer, means you gotta run at 7 am at the latest.

I plan to kick my training up again this summer and stick with it. Gunning for a sub 40 10k this fall.

I am out there when it is 100. Just my yearly complaining about aclimatizing. It is getting better.
I have only been able to hit sub 40 once on a 10k at about 37m . I think my faster days are behind me.


Was almost happy that my headphones broke when I saw that Sennheiser has released a new model! No more ugly yellow! http://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-PMX-685i-Neckband-Headphones/dp/B0094R4Q6Y

Which ones do you guys run with?

The old yellow version of that model. There really is no substitute, IMO. And Sennheiser support is fantastic, I drowned a pair in sweat last summer, sent them in, and they had a new pair to me in 3 days. Free shipping to and from.

Also, regarding minimalist shoes, I rock Brooks Beast. Screw minimal, I go maximal!

However, I'm ~240 pounds and 5'9", so yeah. Gotta protect my joints, feet, etc... my form also sucks, so there's that too. The Beast gives you a hell of a lot of room for error.


The old yellow version of that model. There really is no substitute, IMO. And Sennheiser support is fantastic, I drowned a pair in sweat last summer, sent them in, and they had a new pair to me in 3 days. Free shipping to and from.

Also, regarding minimalist shoes, I rock Brooks Beast. Screw minimal, I go maximal!

However, I'm ~240 pounds and 5'9", so yeah. Gotta protect my joints, feet, etc... my form also sucks, so there's that too. The Beast gives you a hell of a lot of room for error.

The only thing I would want is to be able to modify the size of the neckband (or have it come in different sizes). It's so big it makes it difficult to fit it under a hat in winter.
The old yellow version of that model. There really is no substitute, IMO. And Sennheiser support is fantastic, I drowned a pair in sweat last summer, sent them in, and they had a new pair to me in 3 days. Free shipping to and from.

Also, regarding minimalist shoes, I rock Brooks Beast. Screw minimal, I go maximal!

However, I'm ~240 pounds and 5'9", so yeah. Gotta protect my joints, feet, etc... my form also sucks, so there's that too. The Beast gives you a hell of a lot of room for error.
I am coming back from minimalist shoes. It feels like I am running with pillows on my feet.
I still run with some NB and Merrell minimalist shoes though . They definitely put you in touch with your form and the terrain.


Best. Month. Ever



Finished Week 2 of a Couch to 5k program today. It's weird how I feel my lactic acid more during the walking parts than the actual jogging.


Anyone here doing San Diego Rock & Roll Marathon? Had about 2 weeks to prepare for it after not having seriously run for over a year, so think I'll just be doing the Half and relaying that with a friend, depends on how I feel Sunday though.
Slightly worried about the elevation. I get gassed easy on uphill/downhill situations. They ruin my rhythm. :(


Anyone here doing San Diego Rock & Roll Marathon? Had about 2 weeks to prepare for it after not having seriously run for over a year, so think I'll just be doing the Half and relaying that with a friend, depends on how I feel Sunday though.
Slightly worried about the elevation. I get gassed easy on uphill/downhill situations. They ruin my rhythm. :(

Dln't you have any hills nearby? Only way to get better at them is to run them. I hardly ever run anywhere without going over at least one steep and long hill (also because there's hills everywhere here)


Ironman Raleigh is tomorrow! It's my first half-iron and I'm gonna hope to crack 5hrs. Call it a 40min swim, 2h45 bike and a 1h30 run with <5m transitions.

Gotta say though, training for Boston and this back-to-back has been tough mentally. I'm really ready for some time off. Running Boston meant I couldn't really take a December/January break, and had to keep it redlined all the way til now. Only "breaks" were my two-week taper for Boston and one-week recovery. I'm headed to Istanbul for a vacation w/ the GF on Wednesday, and I'll take the rest June off of "training," just doing stuff for fun if I want.

I am thinking about shifting focus and training for a 5 or 10k though. Just get super fast (for me) and do something different. Anyone do a 5/10k focus and have pointers? I'd like to keep up my triathlon training to some degree, but the goal is really to drop my 10k from the high 38s (in a hard, training, trail run, I've never raced one) to 35m.
Dln't you have any hills nearby? Only way to get better at them is to run them. I hardly ever run anywhere without going over at least one steep and long hill (also because there's hills everywhere here)
This. San Diego has really nice mountains for biking, though you /do/ have to leave the city proper and head east into them.


Hey fellow Runners,

I didn't know Gaf has this thread. Glad to know there is one.

Could you help me out? I just finished my 1st marathon last February and after that it seems that my passion and excitement for running have gone downhill.

I guess I find it very difficult to continue training for another run because of the following:

1. My work shift is 2PM - 11PM. Travel is on the average of roughly 4 hours a day. Back and forth.
2. I don't have training buddies anymore. My group works out during my time of work.
3. I kinda missed my gaming life when I was training.

Any encouragement you can share? I just don't have a reason to be excited in running again.

I feel personally like trying to run when you are not enjoying it is a recipe to stop running. Especially for long distance training being able to put in all the time for training can't be done if you feel like it's a drudge every time you go out. My only honest advice on that is to find "how" you like to run, and if you can make the changes to be able to run like that.

For me, I was a pretty indifferent runner, just did it a bit to stay in shape. But now I'm a pretty active long distance runner because I discovered that I love running on trails way more then I love running on roads. Figuring that out turned running from something that I should do to stay in shape into something that I wanted to do to get out in nature, enjoy the woods, and run on more technical and interesting terrain. Totally turned it all around for me.

So I'm not saying that trails are the answer for you, but maybe trying mixing it up a bit? Run in different places? Maybe try for a different type of running goal (speedy 5K instead of a Marathon)? See what you can do to find the enjoyment again.


How long did it take for you guys to go from level 0 to 30 minutes of running non stop?

I just started, so my first goal is to get there at least :p. But i´m liking it already, feels good :)
How long did it take for you guys to go from level 0 to 30 minutes of running non stop?

I just started, so my first goal is to get there at least :p. But i´m liking it already, feels good :)

Not long really. Focus on diet also if it's a weight issue. I personally have never been much of a fan of interval running (walk 1 minute, run 2 minutes, etc). I prefer to just run at a slower, steady pace when getting back into training. When I go on runs with friends that aren't as good of runners as me, they always want to take off at ludicrous speed. I'm talking 230lb weight lifters (with not great cardio) taking off at an 8 minute/mile pace when they know we're doing at least 5k including running up bridges.

That seems to be the thing I notice the most about new runners. Give "running" at the 12-13 minute/mile pace and see how it goes is what I always recommend.


How long did it take for you guys to go from level 0 to 30 minutes of running non stop?

I just started, so my first goal is to get there at least :p. But i´m liking it already, feels good :)

I'm personally a fan of the Couch to 5K program. You can download the podrunner episodes on itunes that tell you exactly when to run vs. walk. And it's structured to work pretty well for anyone starting up running. I know the previous poster isn't a fan, but it's worked for me and others I've recommended it to. The program lasts 10 weeks.


I finished the Couch to 5K program last week, and while I can run for 30 minutes, it didn't do anything for my speed. I can barely hit 15 minute miles.

I used Runkeeper and manually entered the program intervals.


Not long really. Focus on diet also if it's a weight issue. I personally have never been much of a fan of interval running (walk 1 minute, run 2 minutes, etc). I prefer to just run at a slower, steady pace when getting back into training. When I go on runs with friends that aren't as good of runners as me, they always want to take off at ludicrous speed. I'm talking 230lb weight lifters (with not great cardio) taking off at an 8 minute/mile pace when they know we're doing at least 5k including running up bridges.

That seems to be the thing I notice the most about new runners. Give "running" at the 12-13 minute/mile pace and see how it goes is what I always recommend.

I'm personally a fan of the Couch to 5K program. You can download the podrunner episodes on itunes that tell you exactly when to run vs. walk. And it's structured to work pretty well for anyone starting up running. I know the previous poster isn't a fan, but it's worked for me and others I've recommended it to. The program lasts 10 weeks.

Thanks for the advice guys! For now i´m also doing the run-walk-run thing. I don´t have any weight issues but i haven´t been running since highschool, and i did have my fair share of cigarettes (quit a few months ago after 10+ years). So i get out of breath quite easy and can´t even run in a slow pace for a longer time :p. I did already triple my running time though, so i feel confident i will make it at some point :p.

I finished the Couch to 5K program last week, and while I can run for 30 minutes, it didn't do anything for my speed. I can barely hit 15 minute miles.

I used Runkeeper and manually entered the program intervals.
How long did it take you to get there?
I have a question. Has anyone ever heard of running letters? When I was on a track team I recall us having to run a W or a U. I have no idea what that means.
I have a question. Has anyone ever heard of running letters? When I was on a track team I recall us having to run a W or a U. I have no idea what that means.
Might be to get your body used to changing directions on a dime.

Had to do it for soccer in HS but yeah I don't know why you'd do it in track then again I never did that.
Lunch workout
1 mile warmup run
Sprints with 30 lb weight 9 rounds
3 rounds of
Run up 5 story stairs
100 flutter kicks

Evening: 5k ,time was rubbish 24 min but it is 97 degrees in Austin so I am happy with it.
I'm going to do a half iron this year. Thinking about either the Miami Man or the Ironman 70.3. Has anyone done either of these races? Any opinions?
I finished the Couch to 5K program last week, and while I can run for 30 minutes, it didn't do anything for my speed. I can barely hit 15 minute miles.
Run faster towards the end of your run or at the very least do sprints after.

Works for me.


Neo Member
Run faster towards the end of your run or at the very least do sprints after.

Works for me.

Its also an option to change change up your route and introduce a few hills if you aren't already. I used to live by the sea and my regular route was totally flat, as was my progress in terms of pace. Since moving into the countryside with the option of running up some ridiculous hills my min/mile average has slowly but steadily decreased.


Due to a nagging knee injury, laziness, being busy with other things, depression, and a whole slew of circumstances, I've gone in the last 5 years from being a 3-hour marathoner to running once every few weeks.

It's been so, so hard to maintain momentum and build up my running activity. I keep trying to get back in the zone with modest expectations, but I can't seem to sustain any consistency. I still enjoy running, but the past few years have probably diminished my passion.

Thinking about this depresses me. I want to go running later today. I want to get back on track. I don't know if I can achieve my tip top shape. All I know is that I'm incredibly out of shape and inflexible from loads of inactivity.

Good lord, my hamstrings and calves are so TIGHT.


Neo Member
hy guys first post here.

from running at least 70 km a week until year 2006 - including a run of 25 km every week and one of 40/45 every month, and a lot of trail running - and being 68 kilos over 181 cm i went gradually, don't ask how :)D) to be 105 kilos and runned absolute zero in the period from october 12/may 13 and almost zero in the year before.

I realized i become a lazy fat ass, and decided to have a reset, not only for me but also for my newborn daughter.

I've start running again in may, beginning to run again on tapis roulant for 20 minutes and now i can barely run 5k in 30 minutes, at 180 bmp (medium), at the track. i live in a place with a lot of hills and being as fat as i'm now i can't run downhill or uphill without destroyng my back and my knees, so i have to keep at the track or on the carpet.

This is very very hard. i'm almost in pain at every work out :D ( i mange to do 3-4 work outs a week)

Next two months will be very important because if i can lose some weight i june and the first half of july i can restart running outside that is one of the thing i need to do my running properly, out in nature, during the summer holiday, up in the mountains.

i'm here only to share feelings, share results, hopes and fears. i'll check my weight on 30 of july.

Thanks everybody, sorry for bad english and keep the good work.


Signed up for my first 5K in September... pretty much finished Couch to 5K but definitely need to work on upping my speed so I at least run it in 30:00.


My HR band for the garmin 305 stopped working and I decided it was time to upgrade to this little baby, with the full bike-kit (quick-release/mount + speed/cadence sensor)

I'll be wrapping up the second week on the coach to five k thing on saturday. Today I saw my weight go down for the first time in a long while. That was a great feeling. I feel like Im getting stronger. Going from 60 seconds to 90 seconds of running wasnt easy. But it wasnt unbearable either.

I started the whole thing because I wanted to lose wieght. With that being said I'm also learning that its making me a more relaxed person or a calmer person. Theres something about just getting outside, taking in the air and the sun, that makes me feel a lot better about everything really. Also just having a mini goal to complete 3 days out of a week makes me feel good.
I started running half a year ago to get into better shape and lose some weight. Now I run twice a week for 75 minutes. Changed it up to interval running which has had a big impact on my recovery. I just have to rest a couple of minutes and I'm good to go again, really amazing. Can't wait to get a treadmill at my home so I don't have to go the gym every time.
I'm finding it so hard to get out of bed with it being so cold outside. I've dropped down to 3 runs a week from 4 and I feel guilty as but it's so hard to break the habit!

I started running half a year ago to get into better shape and lose some weight. Now I run twice a week for 75 minutes. Changed it up to interval running which has had a big impact on my recovery. I just have to rest a couple of minutes and I'm good to go again, really amazing. Can't wait to get a treadmill at my home so I don't have to go the gym every time.

There's always the footpath outside :)


So I picked up running again two weeks ago after barely doing any cardio since I quit football over two years ago. Doing just fine, pushing myself farther and farther every day and it's all good. The last few times I've been getting a slight pain in my stomach towards the end of the run, which continues some 20 minutes after I'm done. The feeling is hard to describe, but I'd say it feels like my stomach is just empty, feels like it wants to inflate on itself. I'm not running on an empty stomach either, e.g. today I had a large breakfast and started the run two hours after (I get side stitches really easily, especially if I run soon after a meal) and kept going for an hour or so.

It doesn't bother me that much and it's certainly not going to stop me from running, but just wondering if this is common or not. I seem to remember getting the same feeling after especially exhausting footy matches.
Normally I try and take a day or two in between runs. However, I have a cookout to go to, I have to go to a clinic to get my medical records for a job, and I have to start training on the job. How bad would it be for me to just run two straight days in a row? Does it increase the risk on injury? Would I see diminishing returns on the amount of endurance I gain because my muscles have properly healed?
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