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GAF Running Club |OT| - Couch to Marathons, All abilities


rollin' in the gutter
Normally I try and take a day or two in between runs. However, I have a cookout to go to, I have to go to a clinic to get my medical records for a job, and I have to start training on the job. How bad would it be for me to just run two straight days in a row? Does it increase the risk on injury? Would I see diminishing returns on the amount of endurance I gain because my muscles have properly healed?

There are people that don't take days off for months, so I think you'll be ok. You would see big endurance gains by running 5-6 days a week. The risk of injury increases, of course, but if you keep the pace of the runs at the same level they are right now or slower, you should be fine.


There are people that don't take days off for months, so I think you'll be ok. You would see big endurance gains by running 5-6 days a week. The risk of injury increases, of course, but if you keep the pace of the runs at the same level they are right now or slower, you should be fine.

5-6 times a week is no problem, but you need to increase very gradually or you'll probably get injured (or burned out). But don't just do the same run over and over again. Variation!

Example i found of what a training block gould look like:

Strength: 10 x 2-minute hill intervals with 3-minute jog recoveries

Speed: 10 x 300m with 400m jog recoveries

Aerobic capacity: 5 x 1K with 400m jog recoveries

Lactate threshold: 10K relaxed time trial

Endurance: 20-30K relaxed time trial

Edit: and maybe include some strength training like these: http://running.competitor.com/2013/...rength-training-exercises-for-runners_64348/2
Wish I could run for fun again, but my knees won't hold up (27). Can't play bball either.

Strengthening them doesn't seem to work well either.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Just ran my first ever sub-6 min mile!

Did it in 5:58! Body was on fire after the run (doesn't help that it's so damn hot outside). Of course, my buddy showed me up by running his first ever sub-5 min mile (4:52!), but I'm more than satisfied with my time considering I only started running in the past few months and this is only the fourth time I've recorded my mile time.

5:50 is next!


Ugh, starting to get heel pain, but my massage ball does nothing. What stretches do you guys do?


Just ran my first ever sub-6 min mile!

Did it in 5:58! Body was on fire after the run (doesn't help that it's so damn hot outside). Of course, my buddy showed me up by running his first ever sub-5 min mile (4:52!), but I'm more than satisfied with my time considering I only started running in the past few months and this is only the fourth time I've recorded my mile time.

5:50 is next!

You must have done some other type of exercise right? 5:58 is incredibly fast for someone who just started running


Nah it's very possible, different bodies/styles etc.

Didn't say it was impossible, but it is very impressive. If he started with almost no training. I want his genetics. I don't know anyone who just started that's anywhere near that speed.

If he's not a specialized sprinter, 5:58 would equal running a 5k of 20min, 10k 41:30 1/2 1:32:00 and marathon of 3:11 (I know these predictions are probably highly inaccurate, but it is what it is)


How long did it take for you guys to go from level 0 to 30 minutes of running non stop?

I just started, so my first goal is to get there at least :p. But i´m liking it already, feels good :)

I started the couch to 5k and finished it (well, my own version)

I started in 6 months ago - did 1 minute jog, 1 minutes walk for about 20 minutes
Then increased the jogs by 30 seconds every week until I hit about 2:30 jogs and 1 minute walk
Decreased the walk to 45 and then 30 over the next couple of weeks.

Then started to up the jogs by 30 seconds every week as well until I hit about 4:30 then 30 second walk.

I said 'stuff it' to myself and then just kept jogging.

Took me about 5 months before I went from nothing to 30 minute jog

I now jog about 5.2k's in anywhere between 30:30 and 32 minutes.
I aim to get this below 30 minutes next

Edit - also lost about 11k over this period as well


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Didn't say it was impossible, but it is very impressive. If he started with almost no training. I want his genetics. I don't know anyone who just started that's anywhere near that speed.

If he's not a specialized sprinter, 5:58 would equal running a 5k of 20min, 10k 41:30 1/2 1:32:00 and marathon of 3:11 (I know these predictions are probably highly inaccurate, but it is what it is)

Well, when I say past few months, I really mean like 6 or 7, which is a lot of time. But yeah, I do workout often (biking, heavy squats, etc.), and I mix up my running each week. Some days I'll just do quick HIIT training, while others I'll run 5+ miles.

I've always had pretty good explosive power and speed, so running the mile, though exhausting, is more preferable for me to running distance since I haven't built the kind of endurance to keep a really good pace (I average about 8 minute miles on 5-mile runs, for instance).
I did my 11 mile last night was going for 12 but two inner thigh cramps meant I was done at 11.2.

It was a mistake trying to somewhat drastically improve my pace as well.

Live and learn.


The dreaded plantar fasciitis.

My foot had been getting better during my break this past week away from home, but as soon as after one night at home it started hurting again. It occurred to me that I sleep on my back at home but on my side when I was away.

The difference is when I'm on my side, my feet are closer to a right angle, but when I'm on my back they naturally point down making it almost flat. The bf doesn't think this is natural as his feet point up when he's on his back. I know the various braces and socks people use at night force your feet to 90 degrees.

What say you, GAF? Does this sound like it's contributing to the problem?
I'm getting to the point where thinking about a marathon is reasonable.
Problem is, I live in the Midwest and will have to wait past winter.

Any tips/ideas/whatever about staying in shape?
Just run more and keep working on my time?

Also, man was my long run better with more water and better socks. Go figure.


Well, I am officially finished with running competitively (at least for awhile that is). My final times:

800 - 1:57
1600 - 4:24
3200 - 9:46
5k - 15:40

It will finally be nice to take a break from just running. After a month of no exercise, I have decided to start P90X along with short runs a few times a week. It feels so good not having any competitive feelings towards it - just staying in shape for the joy of staying healthy. Hope everyone is enjoying what they are doing!


Well, I am officially finished with running competitively (at least for awhile that is). My final times:

800 - 1:57
1600 - 4:24
3200 - 9:46
5k - 15:40

It will finally be nice to take a break from just running. After a month of no exercise, I have decided to start P90X along with short runs a few times a week. It feels so good not having any competitive feelings towards it - just staying in shape for the joy of staying healthy. Hope everyone is enjoying what they are doing!

Nice times! Out of curiosity how old are you? Were you a HS/college runner?
My competitive running career may be over as well...the bone bruise I got in march from hurdling has gotten much worse and I need arthroscopic surgery. Sucks, as I'm going into my senior year and if they find out my knee is as bad as they think I won't be able to run until spring, which is far too late. Sucks man

My times:

100: 10.9
200: 22.1
400: 48.1
500: Shit
800: Even shittier

And I was the worst 400 guy on the team. We have guys running 20. and 45.


Nice times! Out of curiosity how old are you? Were you a HS/college runner?

Just finished high school. I decided not to run in college for the sake of just getting a little burnt out on the sport competitively. I would rather just stay in shape for fun while sprinkling in the occasional road 5k or tough mudder.

My competitive running career may be over as well...the bone bruise I got in march from hurdling has gotten much worse and I need arthroscopic surgery. Sucks, as I'm going into my senior year and if they find out my knee is as bad as they think I won't be able to run until spring, which is far too late. Sucks man

I'm sorry to hear that man. Injuries in running are the worst in my opinion, for losing just a week of training can affect a runner. Nevertheless, I believe with an altered training program you could come back healthy and ready to go. I wouldn't give up just yet!
Just finished high school. I decided not to run in college for the sake of just getting a little burnt out on the sport competitively. I would rather just stay in shape for fun while sprinkling in the occasional road 5k or tough mudder.

I'm sorry to hear that man. Injuries in running are the worst in my opinion, for losing just a week of training can affect a runner. Nevertheless, I believe with an altered training program you could come back healthy and ready to go. I wouldn't give up just yet!

Thanks. I'll have an extra year of eligibility but I don't plan on going to grad school, so this is gonna be my last year.


rollin' in the gutter
Just finished high school. I decided not to run in college for the sake of just getting a little burnt out on the sport competitively. I would rather just stay in shape for fun while sprinkling in the occasional road 5k or tough mudder.

You may be the fastest distance running Gaffer of all time! You put in the work, now it's time to have some fun.


Jesus you guys are all fast.

I was good in HS but not great. 1600 was something like 4:51. Sucked at 800 and 400. Ran a few marathons, but not for a few years since I had a knee injury from swimming that's nagged me on and off.

But I've been slowly building back my training. Hoping to do a half marathon later this year or early 2014.
Hello, everyone. My wife and I started the C25K program a month ago, and we are liking it a lot. We are planning on doing 1-2 5k's in the next 4 months.

I have a question for you all, though. I have an iPhone, and my wife has an Android. She was a sweet app for the C25k workout, which is Run Double. It has the week/day you should be doing, GPS/distance, and the thing I like is that it breaks down your walking and running times.

I've yried a few apps (cant remember now, since I deleted them), but I can't find anything that compares to the app on Android. I looked at RunKeeper, RuntasticPro, and Endomondo, and liking iRunner the best, just because the others I have tried require a subscription to unlock the features that my wife has on her phone after buying the full app.

Really, I want an app that doesn't require a monthly charge, and breaks down my running and walking times. Anything like that on iOS?


I normally run in Brooks pureflow shoes, and they work fine.

yesterday I tried running in a pair of Skora Base, and my feet were on absolute fire after. Would this keep happening if I wanted to keep running in them?
Well, I am officially finished with running competitively (at least for awhile that is). My final times:

800 - 1:57
1600 - 4:24
3200 - 9:46
5k - 15:40

It will finally be nice to take a break from just running. After a month of no exercise, I have decided to start P90X along with short runs a few times a week. It feels so good not having any competitive feelings towards it - just staying in shape for the joy of staying healthy. Hope everyone is enjoying what they are doing!

Damn! My times in high school can't even compete with your talent.

800 - 2:07 (unofficial)
1600 - 4:43.2
3200 - 10:24
5k - 16:07

And for freshman year of college
8k - 28:32


Hey GAF, I was wondering what type of bags do you use to carry around a water bottle and phone/keys during your running? I was thinking of buying a backpack, but the bag bouncing up and down might be a bit irritating. How about a bum bag (aka fanny pack)? Anyone jog with one of those?

I'll be jogging distances of ~7km, which probably doesn't need a bottle, but since I'm just returning from an injury I think I'm better off taking one along while I build up that fitness.
Hey GAF, I was wondering what type of bags do you use to carry around a water bottle and phone/keys during your running? I was thinking of buying a backpack, but the bag bouncing up and down might be a bit irritating. How about a bum bag (aka fanny pack)? Anyone jog with one of those?

I'll be jogging distances of ~7km, which probably doesn't need a bottle, but since I'm just returning from an injury I think I'm better off taking one along while I build up that fitness.

Hi! I wouldn't bother taking water for that distance. It seems to vary between people, but I can't stand running with a bottle - it makes me feel off balance. I'd rather take a Camelbak on longer runs (plastic bladder with a drinking tube that goes into a little backpack). They're designed for sport, so they don't bounce awkwardly. You're right, it can be very annoying when bags do that!

I have a bumbag that I use for shorter runs because although Samsung Galaxy Notes are lovely phones, they're too big to carry in a pouch on your arm. It's okay, but it can be tricky to get it tight enough to stop it moving, but not so tight it's uncomfortable. It also tends to make my top ride up around the waist. That might just be because it's a bit crappy though.

Hope you have fun getting back into running!


I have a fanny pack made for running. It's comfortable and I've never had a problem with it slipping around as long as I wear it at my waist (not hips).


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Running has been really painful on my knee lately. It's weird because walking, squatting, cycling isn't a problem, but running aggravates the outside of my knee. Dunno what it's called, but it's not a sharp pain but more like an achy, sore pain. From what I've read it sounds like IT band syndrome.

Anyone recommend wearing a knee brace for future runs? I'm already icing it and taking anti-inflammatory medication, but the problem hasn't gone away.


Running has been really painful on my knee lately. It's weird because walking, squatting, cycling isn't a problem, but running aggravates the outside of my knee. Dunno what it's called, but it's not a sharp pain but more like an achy, sore pain. From what I've read it sounds like IT band syndrome.

Anyone recommend wearing a knee brace for future runs? I'm already icing it and taking anti-inflammatory medication, but the problem hasn't gone away.

Last year I was in a similar situation, I was running over my pain and was masking it with ice and medication. I maintained this cycle a few months up to the point where the pain was intolerable. It took me 1 year to recover from the injury (including 8 months of physiotherapy) and to start running again the same distances without any pain. You might think about reducing the amount of running and diversify your cardio workouts with some sports/exercices which arent stressfull on your joints, such as swimming, elliptic, indoor rower.
Running has been really painful on my knee lately. It's weird because walking, squatting, cycling isn't a problem, but running aggravates the outside of my knee. Dunno what it's called, but it's not a sharp pain but more like an achy, sore pain. From what I've read it sounds like IT band syndrome.

Anyone recommend wearing a knee brace for future runs? I'm already icing it and taking anti-inflammatory medication, but the problem hasn't gone away.

I've been having this problem for years. It goes away and comes back. I went to a knee specialist and they told me it was my IT band as well, but I stretched it pretty well everyday and it never really made a difference.

Different problem, but I'm getting surgery on the same knee this Wednesday. Microfracture surgery through a scope. Gonna suck


rollin' in the gutter
Running has been really painful on my knee lately. It's weird because walking, squatting, cycling isn't a problem, but running aggravates the outside of my knee. Dunno what it's called, but it's not a sharp pain but more like an achy, sore pain. From what I've read it sounds like IT band syndrome.

Anyone recommend wearing a knee brace for future runs? I'm already icing it and taking anti-inflammatory medication, but the problem hasn't gone away.

Many runners have or had IT band issues, me included. I strongly recommend buying a foam roller and rolling your quad out after runs. This spring I finished the race I was training for and I was limping around for the rest of the weekend. Now after a little rest and getting back into it this summer, with foam rolling, I am pain free. I just roll the outside of my quad after running and before I go to bed. You can find youtube videos on how to properly roll the IT band, remember not to roll on the side of the knee because that doesn't really help and is painful :)
I've been running half marathons and a single full marathon in the past, but these days I focus more on full body fitness. However, once a year there's a 5k that I like to test myself in, and this year I've decided to award myself a pair of racing shoes to do it in (also need a new pair of regular training shoes for that matter). Any suggestions? I've considered the Mizuno wave universe 4, but still haven't had a chance to try them out. Currently I'm using Nike Pegasus 27 (used the 25 before that) which I've run the marathon in. How much difference should I expect e.g. the 200g difference between my current and e.g. the Mizuno to matter?
Just an update - tried out the pegasus 29 and 30 (didn't know the 30 was available) and I think I'm going with the 30 as my general running shoe. I know and trust the model so I don't really want to try out a lot of other brands and get my self all confused.

Trying on a fresh pair of sneakers reminded me how much I really need to replace my current shoes, good the cushioning felt soooo good. Made my current feel like planks. Still looking for a race shoe though, so suggestions are welcome.


Hey GAF, I was wondering what type of bags do you use to carry around a water bottle and phone/keys during your running? I was thinking of buying a backpack, but the bag bouncing up and down might be a bit irritating. How about a bum bag (aka fanny pack)? Anyone jog with one of those?

I'll be jogging distances of ~7km, which probably doesn't need a bottle, but since I'm just returning from an injury I think I'm better off taking one along while I build up that fitness.

Couple days late here, but I use a spibelt to hold my phone and key. It's obviously not big enough for a water bottle, but it sits nicely above my butt underneath my shirt and is small enough that it doesn't look like I'm wearing a fanny pack.


I knew it! Did a calibration run, and my Nike+ thing has been shortchanging me by almost a minute per mile. Meaning, if I was running at a 7'30" pace, it'd tell me 8'30".

No wonder I'd slowed down so much. Bah!


343i Lead Esports Producer
Soooooooo I just discovered that there's a 5k on September 8th in my area and I'd like to race in it. My goal is to complete the 5k without stopping to walk or anything like that. Right now I can get about 2.2 miles straight without stopping, that's my best. I'm still a noob and aside from just practicing by running. I don't have any idea about different types of workouts and stuff, I just jog for as long as I can until I can't anymore lol.

Is my goal realistic? How many miles a week should I be running? How should I mix up my workouts?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

edit: Just got back from the track. Ran a mile just to see how fast I could do it in. 8:50 was my time. Faster than I thought I could do it so I'm pleased. I probably could have busted my ass during the last half of the last lap and saved like 20 seconds to be honest.
I'm running a marathon in October in Long Beach. I've ran 2 marathons in my life. Even though I've ran 2, I'm still a rookie to this stuff and have much to learn. I ran The LA marathon in 2011 (rain the whole time!) and the OC marathon last year here in SoCal. Both times, I cramped up badly around the 17th mile. I wanna be able to avoid this come October. So, whats the best way to train for a marathon, considering that I'm already in decent shape and could probably go out on a 12 mile run right now without stopping, which would take me around 1:45- 2hrs. My goal pace btw for the LBC marathon is under 4 hours. Very attainable for me, as long as I don't cramp up.

Also, cramping during a marathon, is that mostly due to your training or the lack of fluids in your system?

What are the best shoes to use during marathons? Both times, I used Nike frees, and my feet fucking hated me for a few days.



Hey GAF, I've been trying to get back into running after resting from Achilles tendinitis, but I honestly can't run far without my ankles starting to hurt. Now, however, it's more of a "pain" type of pain and not "dull" type of pain. I've tried to get special shoes (Newtons) and tried inserts, however none work. I asked someone I know who runs marathons, and he told me I might be Over or under "pronating". I do notice that I land more on the sides of my foot than anything. Could this be it? Is there a way to fix this, or am I destined to never run again?


Pronating (Both over and under) can supposedly be fixed by using the right shoes - That's what the shoes salesman will tell you at least :)

That's what I'm afraid of lol. I'm going to a local shop called "The Shoe Smith" to see if they can get me fitted with proper shoes. Thanks!


*grabs a chair*

So yeah, I started running two weeks ago. I always wanted to increase my overall cardiovascular health and stamina and preferred a low-barrier-to-entry solitary way to stay active and get fit.

Got myself a pair of decent shoes and the Runkeeper app and started with the 5K program. 4 runs a week, for beginners.
I'm proud to say that it's actually going great. Followed all the routines and even managed to exceed my expectations.
The apps like Runkeeper are definitely a great motivation to go running. I love to check out the route and split times on the PC after a good run.

I had my first "fast" interval training two days ago and i'm sad to say I went a little too far.
I was anxious to start running after the 5 minute warm-up walk and when the lady in my earbuds told me to go "fast" for the next 90 seconds, I did.

So yeah, shin splints fucked me over something fierce. I did finish my routine that day but I knew after the first interval that I fucked it up and went too fast too quickly.
Instead of my scheduled 3km run today I cycled for 15km because my left leg makes actual running a bad idea right now.

So, my case of shin splints isn't that bad, how long will it take to heal for you guys usually? Is three days of relative rest enough for me to continue my program running normally again? I felt really bad for skipping my usual run today but I figured running on a painful leg can only fuck things up worse.
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