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GAF Running Club |OT| - Couch to Marathons, All abilities


I was hoping that wasn't the answer.
I was hoping that just by increasing my distance that my shorter distances would get quicker. I wasn't really seeing the results doing that though


For longer distances I'm trying to run a flat six minutes on the kilometer, but the longer I'll run the slower my kilometers will get of course. It's key to not start to fast anyways. I could start running five minutes for a kilometer but that will bite me in the end.

I think 5K's are ideal to improve your speed, it's a rather short distance and it's easy to push your self more for a fast 5K. And indeed interval training like mentioned always helps.

For me it's more about endurance than speed though.


I feel that I should aim more for speed - but I tend to always go for more distance.

I just run at a speed which I know is pushing it, but will not kill me too much. My first run earlier this week, after a couple of months off really sucked. I did like 8:30 for my first mile, and then 9:40 for my second (second mile is mainly uphill, but still). I only ended up doing a 2.2 mile route too.

Second run yesterday was better. Average pace of 8:50 on a 2.5 mile route, but I knew I had a fair bit left in the tank actually when I reached the end. I had a stitch around 2 miles so cut it short, but by the end I had ran it off, and should have kept going really.

At my peak before the break I was doing 3.7 miles in 30 minutes, so an average speed of around 8:20 per mile, over a longer distance. So, I want to be back there in a couple of weeks, and then push on. Though maybe I should just stick to a 5k and keep pushing for a better time.
i took a couple year break also right after i got out of the army. when i started again in September i just ran for distance first couple days. just doing 2 miles at like 9 min pace. signed up for a 5k race for the following month and ended up running 23:10 while getting insane side stitch before the last mile causing me to walk a bunch of times. best advice i can give is listen to your body. sign up for a race even with just the goal of just finishing. the pr's will come eventually again.
yeah, good idea. I was signed up to do a half before my first injury but I've never ran in a race.

You guys are meticulous record keepers, its impressive. Besides the winter time when I was confined to a treadmill, I never kept track of my time. Only distance.



New PR on the 5K. I intended to go faster today so I'm glad it worked out.
Finished my first marathon earlier. 3:50:00. kinda burned myself out doing the first 13.1 8:10 pace. lesson learned for next time. my legs were done at 21 miles. most people told me i was insane for picking Central Park as my first but i took the challenge of the hills :)



Awesome man, I don't see myself completing a marathon anytime soon. Congrats!

Next sunday I'll do a 10K recreational run.


Just bought new shoes even though I haven't gotten clearance to start running yet. I wanna go sooooo bad!

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Went for a run today after not going in months (still doing regular exercise, however). 5K in 32 minutes. Horrible, and five minutes slower than my best (which is nothing to crow about in the first place) but it's a start. Think I'll alternate running with cycling so I can one of each each week in between my normal training sessions.

What do you guys recommend for a good post recovery drink/snack? I'm on a strict diet (I don't want a large amount of calories, just enough to recover a bit of energy and not feel like I'm dying) so I've been having a glass of milk (sometimes with a teaspoon or two of drinking chocolate, sometimes plain). I read in a runner's magazine that was a good solution but I'm open to ideas.


I need a bit of advice GAF. I've been running solidly for about 6 years or so, but have recently started getting what I think are shin splints. Sharp pains between my shin and the muscle at the front. I'm not sure why they're starting now. I've been doing about 8k a day for a long time now. Can they be weight related? I am about 220lbs these days, which I suspect doesn't help. Anyone had these before?


Went for a run today after not going in months (still doing regular exercise, however). 5K in 32 minutes. Horrible, and five minutes slower than my best (which is nothing to crow about in the first place) but it's a start. Think I'll alternate running with cycling so I can one of each each week in between my normal training sessions.

What do you guys recommend for a good post recovery drink/snack? I'm on a strict diet (I don't want a large amount of calories, just enough to recover a bit of energy and not feel like I'm dying) so I've been having a glass of milk (sometimes with a teaspoon or two of drinking chocolate, sometimes plain). I read in a runner's magazine that was a good solution but I'm open to ideas.

Cliff bars should do some good. They're calorie heavy but on the other hand you'll lose just as much calories because of your run. But to be honest,after 5k there's not really a need for anything extra to recover.
I need a bit of advice GAF. I've been running solidly for about 6 years or so, but have recently started getting what I think are shin splints. Sharp pains between my shin and the muscle at the front. I'm not sure why they're starting now. I've been doing about 8k a day for a long time now. Can they be weight related? I am about 220lbs these days, which I suspect doesn't help. Anyone had these before?

how often do you get new shoes?
I rented a book, "The Everything Running Book" from the library. Inside, it says new shoes should be gotten every 500 miles or so. A bit longer if you are a light weight. I can't back it up from experience. It's just what the book says.


I rented a book, "The Everything Running Book" from the library. Inside, it says new shoes should be gotten every 500 miles or so. A bit longer if you are a light weight. I can't back it up from experience. It's just what the book says.

That's the standard advice, and that's what I've typically done.


I rented a book, "The Everything Running Book" from the library. Inside, it says new shoes should be gotten every 500 miles or so. A bit longer if you are a light weight. I can't back it up from experience. It's just what the book says.

What's the reasoning? That'd be a lot of shoes!
I replaced my lunar 1s after 300 miles which i got about 4 months ago. The heel wasn't giving as much support as when I first got them so just upgraded to lunar 2's about a week ago. I actually ran the marathon only having 6 miles on the shoes.

The pacers from the Nike run club and the people I asked in ny running company told me i could get about 25-50 more miles out of them if i kept them in rotation with different shoes but just decided to get new ones.


I've run about 65 kilometers on my current shoes, a pair of Brooks. I've only started running since last october, not on a steady schedule either. But since this month I've finally actually been going at least twice a week. I expect I'll have to go for another pair by the end of the year.

Quite looking forward to sunday since that's my first big event. Probably 1500 people will do the 10K. The event also films the finish and you get a finish photo besides the obvious medal. So that's fun. Received my starting number and chip yesterday. I hope to finish 10K with a time somewhere around 50 minutes.
I've run about 65 kilometers on my current shoes, a pair of Brooks. I've only started running since last october, not on a steady schedule either. But since this month I've finally actually been going at least twice a week. I expect I'll have to go for another pair by the end of the year.

Quite looking forward to sunday since that's my first big event. Probably 1500 people will do the 10K. The event also films the finish and you get a finish photo besides the obvious medal. So that's fun. Received my starting number and chip yesterday. I hope to finish 10K with a time somewhere around 50 minutes.

that's actually pretty nice. the running photographers charge u like $25-30 a pop here in nyc for pictures. i ended up paying $50 for 4 pictures as the special but i figured why not can only run your first marathon once. mainly just wanted the finish line photo.
I've run about 65 kilometers on my current shoes, a pair of Brooks. I've only started running since last october, not on a steady schedule either. But since this month I've finally actually been going at least twice a week. I expect I'll have to go for another pair by the end of the year.

Quite looking forward to sunday since that's my first big event. Probably 1500 people will do the 10K. The event also films the finish and you get a finish photo besides the obvious medal. So that's fun. Received my starting number and chip yesterday. I hope to finish 10K with a time somewhere around 50 minutes.

Good luck Linius, I ran my first 10K last November. If you are around 50 minutes already then the adrenaline should shave a few minutes off your time. I ran about 3 minutes quicker than I did my 10k run two days before.

I changed my Nike Lunarglide 1, bought them back in 2010 and they had about 600kms plus a whole lot of spinning sessions to their name. two weeks before my 10K the heal started to give out and so I bought some Nike flyknit racers. I am at about 100K with them and I hope to start running a whole lot more regularly instead of go 7- 8 months without running. I will keep them until they start hurting more feet or when i do a Marathon in November.
I gonna run a half marathon on april 27 is my first marathon , so i started training i do tuesday thursday saturday long run and sunday a short run( 3 to 4 miles ) monday and wesdneday i do some weight is this good?


I signed up for a half marathon several months ago for this Sunday.

This is our forecast for Sunday:


I haven't run outdoors really since my last half marathon in October (which was my first).

I'm rather tempted to just not do it. Last time I tried running outdoors a month ago and I fell on my butt once and almost a second time in less than a mile. I'm not sure how to avoid that and I'm also not sure what to wear.

Anybody here want to tell me to toughen up and do it anyways? If so, can you give me links to things I should buy tonight/tomorrow to be prepared for the race on Sunday? Right now all I have to wear is this: (I'm the guy on the left in the blue - it's an underarmour coldgear shirt and tights)


This does not seem like it'd be enough but I don't know what else I should buy, and if I should buy something for my head or not.

And dunno what to do about falling on my butt trying to run on ice. It's going to be below zero during the race with 10-15 mph winds. 70% chance of snowing the night before and a moderate chance of snowing Sunday morning as well.


Or should I say screw it?

Stupid Winter :(
It depends if you like feeling warm or cold while running. i find for that weather 2-3 layers to be perfect but add more if you like to feel warmer. I personally don't like wearing jackets even in negative windchill but you definitely need gloves/hat at a minimum.


I clocked that 10K run event I did last sunday at 50:29. I was hoping to get anywhere near 50 minutes so I'm satisfied. At the 20K distance some pro runners were participating, one guy was aiming to beat the Dutch record but he didn't succeed. There was a lot of wind and the guys who were supposed to help him make speed did a lousy job. The first one already dropped after 3K and at the 10K point he was alone :p



Any thoughts/recommendations on massage sticks?

I have some really tough spots on the insides of my calves that stretches don't seem to hit. My PT gave me bruises working on that area :(


Are there any apps that let you edit in splits? Runkeeper keeps losing mine whenever my connection is unstable.


Hey Running Club-GAF!

I am new to this thread (and forums), but a long time lurker. I have been running for a few years now and average between 30-40 miles a week. Here is my question:

Do any of you suffer from patellar tendonitis? It seems like something I have been dealing with for as long as I can remember. Its that pain that you feel just below your kneecap. I was wondering what some of you may do to relieve this or eliminate it altogether.

Thanks guys!
So, I took a month break from running. Partly due to the horrible winter we had, partly due to school and work, and partly because I like to get in the way of myself. This probably wasnt the best choice, because I was on week 6 (out of 9) of the couch to 5k podcast produced by the NHS. I was nervous to go back to it, I worked so hard to get up to week 6 that I would be so disappointed if I had to start over again. Long story short, I picked up where I left off, and it wasnt an issue. I was so relieved, because in the moment I felt like I might have given up on a part of myself that I wasnt ready to. I think that unwillingness to let go is the best motivation to keep going.
Ran the NYC 1/2 earlier. probably my new favorite race. the atmosphere was perfect with the spectators cheering and the bands with the live music. Cut 6 minutes off my pr also so can't complain.





Beginner runner here. I ride a bicycle alot but now i want to mix things up.
I have flat feet. Right foot a little bit, but left foot much more. I wear customade insoles with my regular shoes. Should i wear them with running shoes too or it is better to buy stability running shoes? Or maybe both? :)
I tried new nike pegasus model (neutral) and my heels bend inwards in them. But LunarGlide (stability) is ok.


Edit: i will run on soft surface (grass , local soccer field) if that matters in shoe choice.


Will Eat Your Children
Is anyone on GAF perhaps on the four minute mile level? I can't personally even comprehend the task of running at 25km/h stable, the sensation must be amazing


Ran the NYC 1/2 earlier. probably my new favorite race. the atmosphere was perfect with the spectators cheering and the bands with the live music. Cut 6 minutes off my pr also so can't complain.



Congrats! I've been meaning to sign up for a half marathon. I have done a few on my own, but never officially.

Beginner runner here. I ride a bicycle alot but now i want to mix things up.
I have flat feet. Right foot a little bit, but left foot much more. I wear customade insoles with my regular shoes. Should i wear them with running shoes too or it is better to buy stability running shoes? Or maybe both? :)
I tried new nike pegasus model (neutral) and my heels bend inwards in them. But LunarGlide (stability) is ok.


Edit: i will run on soft surface (grass , local soccer field) if that matters in shoe choice.

I "kinda" have flat feet, too. I ended up going to a local running store, and they watched me walk/run, and also tried on about 10 pairs of shoes, with me walking/running in each. Ended up getting Brooks. Don't know the model, but they have a pretty big sole, since I needed the cushioning. I tried Pegasus too, and they made my arches hurt terrible.

Sorry, that's all I have for ya. If you don't have a specialty running store locally, then at least check out Brooks. I wear Nikes every day, but the Brooks feel so much better when I put them on.

Good luck!


Sorry, that's all I have for ya. If you don't have a specialty running store locally, then at least check out Brooks. I wear Nikes every day, but the Brooks feel so much better when I put them on.

Good luck!

I found only one specialty running store in Zagreb Croatia and it is Brooks :), so i might go check it out.

I will start with c25k program although first week seem too easy.


I some how sliced of more than a minute of my 5K PR. Went from 23:48 to 22:41. Was my first run after two weeks of nothing. Need to steady up my runs. Especially since that 12K run is coming up soon.

Also started reading "What I talk about when I talk about running" from Murakami. His memoirs on running and more personal stuff so to say. It's a good read so far. But I would have expected no less since I love his novels.


Just did my fastest 5k at 28:52. I'm pretty happy with that.
Total run was 5.44k at 31:30

It's weird though as I this was my first fun since last Wednesday and before that I had a 11 days without a run as I was sick.

I thought I'd be struggling but it appears not


Signed up for my first ever organised run, recreational of course.

Above is the run mapped out. Starting on a race circuit with some highs and lows (it's in the dunes), then four kilometers on the beach and I'll end with four kilometers trough the town of Zandvoort. Hopefully the weather will be okay, looking forward to it.

I ran this race two years ago, it's a really fun event! The beach can be tough though, especially entering and exiting as you run through a bunch of soft sand.

The spectators are really good, that's the best thing about this race – also very good variation with the circuit vs beach vs town.

Two years ago I think it was +20, so I ran in shorts & t-shirt. Perfect start for spring.

Today this run finally happened. And we got lucky with the weather, it was 20 degrees Celsius today as well. And dude, you are totally right about entering and exiting. Especially the latter where we had to go up hill to get off the damn beach. It was a good experience, so different from your average run.

Here's the medal for todays event. I finished in 1:01:44, which I'm quite content with seeing the circumstances.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Hey all, checking back in for the first time in a while. A few years back I did couch to 5k and got myself up to running 3 miles a few times a week (and I hate running usually). Since then I've dabbled in the P90X workouts and done most of those. I am now planning to do couch to 5k again and possibly train for a 5k in May.

My main question, what are some solid all-around running shoes that I should look into? I run on a treadmill at times, pavement, and since I moved there is a gravel trail by my place that I'll use a lot, so I'd like them to be versatile. Also I tend to run on the outside of my foot.

Any suggestions? I may look at the sports place tonight.


I've started picking up running again a few weeks ago after a way too long hiatus. I'm still not at the level I used to be, but getting better!

Just finished a 5k run in the sun in under 25 minutes.


My first > 5'00"/km run this year.


You'll get back on that horse soon enough Daniel. And the weather has been great over here lately.

Went on a 8K run this morning.


More than satisfied with how that went.


You'll get back on that horse soon enough Daniel. And the weather has been great over here lately.

Went on a 8K run this morning.


More than satisfied with how that went.
If I can keep up working out, I don't doubt it. :)

Great run man, that's a nice pace!
Ran two races this weekend in Central Park. 10k on Saturday and a 4 miler earlier

actual time was 43:03 i forgot to turn off my watch. i felt like crap most of this race so i slowed it down second half.

felt pretty good for this one but was still drained from the race the day before so didn't push it too hard.


That's a very nice pace. I would be happy to just make that 45 minutes on a 10K some time. 4:30 minute pace on each kilometer is tough on me for now. That 45:33 record by LCD Soundsystem for Nike is the perfect motivation tool to reach that in the future :p

At the moment I'm thinking about signing up for a 14K run in my hometown in june. That run even goes trough the city hall and the mall :p

And I signed up for the Dam to Dam run in september. That's a ten miler (16.1K) from Amsterdam to Zaandam. The biggest running event in the Netherlands besides the marathon distances.

With my current programme I have a nice way to up my distances each time. Started of with that 10K run, then the 12K, 14K and 16K. Leading up to the half marathon eventually.
That's a very nice pace. I would be happy to just make that 45 minutes on a 10K some time. 4:30 minute pace on each kilometer is tough on me for now. That 45:33 record by LCD Soundsystem for Nike is the perfect motivation tool to reach that in the future :p

At the moment I'm thinking about signing up for a 14K run in my hometown in june. That run even goes trough the city hall and the mall :p

And I signed up for the Dam to Dam run in september. That's a ten miler (16.1K) from Amsterdam to Zaandam. The biggest running event in the Netherlands besides the marathon distances.

With my current programme I have a nice way to up my distances each time. Started of with that 10K run, then the 12K, 14K and 16K. Leading up to the half marathon eventually.

i was originally going for sub 40 for the 10k but i realized during mile 1 i couldn't handle the hills at 6:20 pace without hurting even more the rest of the race. i honestly can't complain about that race. my previous best in a race was 43:49 and i cut 46 seconds feeling like hot garbage.
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