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GAF Running Club |OT| - Couch to Marathons, All abilities


I have a running question. Ok, I used to be 300+lbs and running would absolutely kill my knees. As of a month ago I'm down to 245lbs and feel nearly invincible when running since my legs don't feel banged up anymore. I run 3-4x a week and 3-6miles a session. The only reason why I end a session are time constraints and I feel like I could do more.

I have a pool party in 3 weeks and my people want to post FB pics and don't want me veto'ing photos b/c I look fat n flabby so I want to amp things up. Next week I want to run 5 days and then 2 weeks straight after that, at 5miles minimum per day. Is this stupid? Will I fuck my body up?
Just ran my first 10k trail run at Lake Chabot in Castro Valley, California and all I have to say is screw this mountain =.= .


I went in thinking that I would need to pace myself and while I did run up the entire mountain (very gingerly), my training isn't quite where I want it...yet :x. That being said, can't wait until the 10k Giants run in August where most of it is flat. Gonna be fun :D.


I have a running question. Ok, I used to be 300+lbs and running would absolutely kill my knees. As of a month ago I'm down to 245lbs and feel nearly invincible when running since my legs don't feel banged up anymore. I run 3-4x a week and 3-6miles a session. The only reason why I end a session are time constraints and I feel like I could do more.

I have a pool party in 3 weeks and my people want to post FB pics and don't want me veto'ing photos b/c I look fat n flabby so I want to amp things up. Next week I want to run 5 days and then 2 weeks straight after that, at 5miles minimum per day. Is this stupid? Will I fuck my body up?

You would have better luck fasting/dehydrating yourself than making any significant change with more cardio. Running doesn't really burn that much.


You would have better luck fasting/dehydrating yourself than making any significant change with more cardio. Running doesn't really burn that much.
Explain? Running doesn't burn that much in general or is it that it won't make much of a difference in 3 weeks? I've always attributed my drop from 300+ to cardio (I didn't lift) . I'm looking to drop 6-10lbs in 3 weeks.


Explain? Running doesn't burn that much in general or is it that it won't make much of a difference in 3 weeks? I've always attributed my drop from 300+ to cardio (I didn't lift) . I'm looking to drop 6-10lbs in 3 weeks.

You need a deficit of thousands of calories to lose that much weight. 5 days of 5 mile runs wouldn't be one pound by most estimates.



Weightloss considerations aside- In general is it healthy for the legs to run 5M daily? I want to be running long term. How much do daily runners here run? (lol I obviously don't hang out with fit people).


Weightloss considerations aside- In general is it healthy for the legs to run 5M daily? I want to be running long term. How much do daily runners here run? (lol I obviously don't hang out with fit people).
Common wisdon is to at least take 1 day off per week, to give your body a chance to recover. It's more a question of how much stress you put on your body rather than distance. It's often advised to take it easy the day after you've put in heavy work. 5 miles could be a big deal or nothing at all, depends at what pace and what's your physical condition like.

But if you are pushing yourself every time you go out, I'd suggest taking a few days off per week, like 5 on / 2 off.

Generally, the key is to make it so that your body can recover from thre stress before you stress it again. If it doesn't, it's gonna accumulate fatigue and something's gonna break.

My knee was acting up yesterday and I think I just pushed too hard today. Probably should have taken a day off.
What kind of surface have you been running on?
I have had to take the last 9 days off running, finally my legs feel good again.one run tomorrow morning and then I am off on a drinking drip for a couple days. Hopefully, my likes will feel Ok and I can get back into a good routine for August.


Been using the Tom Tom multisport for a month now. I've been really happy with it. It really takes less than 10 seconds to lock onto the GPS. It has an inbuilt wrist heart rate monitor as well. Love having to not deal with heart rate straps. Accuracy wise, I'd say the HR is in the ballpark range.


I have had to take the last 9 days off running, finally my legs feel good again.one run tomorrow morning and then I am off on a drinking drip for a couple days. Hopefully, my likes will feel Ok and I can get back into a good routine for August.

Take care of your likes and don't drink too much m8
Common wisdon is to at least take 1 day off per week, to give your body a chance to recover. It's more a question of how much stress you put on your body rather than distance. It's often advised to take it easy the day after you've put in heavy work. 5 miles could be a big deal or nothing at all, depends at what pace and what's your physical condition like.

But if you are pushing yourself every time you go out, I'd suggest taking a few days off per week, like 5 on / 2 off.

Generally, the key is to make it so that your body can recover from thre stress before you stress it again. If it doesn't, it's gonna accumulate fatigue and something's gonna break.


What kind of surface have you been running on?
I only have pavement to run on unfortunately
One of my friends got back in town this weekend so we went out for a early 10 miler. Ended up finishing right at 80 minutes. The pace felt really easy so I'm pretty stoked considering I haven't done anything over 6 this summer or timed myself at all.

Weightloss considerations aside- In general is it healthy for the legs to run 5M daily? I want to be running long term. How much do daily runners here run? (lol I obviously don't hang out with fit people).

It really depends on your physical condition. Also, it depends on what kind of training are you're doing.

Obviously, there's a big difference between doing an easy paved 5M speed workout and running 3M and doing nothing but hills....
Take care of your likes and don't drink too much m8

Thanks, looks like I started a day early :p

Just finished a 5k, muscles and knees felt great afterwards. Only thing that is playing up is the hip/groin joint. Don't know where that has come from as it hurt when i got out of bed.

Well two days relaxing and drinking on the beach should hopefully give it some time to mend.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
c25k DONE! Did the 5k today, I'm dying. Now to work on pace! Did 5.07km in 33:13, 6:33/km

Everyone please come pat me on the back I am so tired :(

How is that for my first 5k? Now I just need to keep doing it! My goal for the short term future is to get under 30 minutes.

My god the change that can happen in less than 2 months! 2 months ago I couldn't jog for more than 15-30 seconds. Now I just did 30 minutes
c25k DONE! Did the 5k today, I'm dying. Now to work on pace! Did 5.07km in 33:13, 6:33/km

Everyone please come pat me on the back I am so tired :(

How is that for my first 5k? Now I just need to keep doing it! My goal for the short term future is to get under 30 minutes.

My god the change that can happen in less than 2 months! 2 months ago I couldn't jog for more than 15-30 seconds. Now I just did 30 minutes

Congrats on completing it. Getting your first 5k done always feels amazing,


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Congrats on completing it. Getting your first 5k done always feels amazing,

Thank you! I am proud of myself for the progress and follow through.
This is just the beginning :)

Also thank you everyone in here for helping me!


c25k DONE! Did the 5k today, I'm dying. Now to work on pace! Did 5.07km in 33:13, 6:33/km

Everyone please come pat me on the back I am so tired :(

How is that for my first 5k? Now I just need to keep doing it! My goal for the short term future is to get under 30 minutes.

My god the change that can happen in less than 2 months! 2 months ago I couldn't jog for more than 15-30 seconds. Now I just did 30 minutes

Great job man. Very respectable pace too. I think my dad did about the same when he started running in october 2013. Now he does it in under 25 minutes if he's having a good day. Progress will come if you keep at it :)


I have a running question. Ok, I used to be 300+lbs and running would absolutely kill my knees. As of a month ago I'm down to 245lbs and feel nearly invincible when running since my legs don't feel banged up anymore. I run 3-4x a week and 3-6miles a session. The only reason why I end a session are time constraints and I feel like I could do more.

I have a pool party in 3 weeks and my people want to post FB pics and don't want me veto'ing photos b/c I look fat n flabby so I want to amp things up. Next week I want to run 5 days and then 2 weeks straight after that, at 5miles minimum per day. Is this stupid? Will I fuck my body up?

Won't really work. Here is the math:

One pound fat - 3500 calories
One 5k run - 350 calories
Activity foregone because you are either running, have just run or are about to run - 150 calories
Appetite increase due to run - 100 calories

So each run burns a net/net of say 100 calories, meaning that without any dietary intervention you lose a pound of fat a month with a daily 5k (assuming you lose no muscle, etc). Of course dietary habits change, your basal metabolic rate might change a bit, and you also can't eat while you run so maybe you'll end up eating less despite exercise induced hunger.

But if you want to look noticeably different in a few weeks at the pool, running more isn't going to do it. Not enough calories burned. If you run for 90minutes a day you might get through a few pounds but more likely you'll injure yourself or overtrain. What you need to do if you want big fat loss by next month is a hardcore diet, like a protein sparing modified fast. Or the more healthy option is to keep on doing what you've been doing and realize there is always another pool party. Slow and steady wins the race.


c25k DONE! Did the 5k today, I'm dying. Now to work on pace! Did 5.07km in 33:13, 6:33/km

Everyone please come pat me on the back I am so tired :(

How is that for my first 5k? Now I just need to keep doing it! My goal for the short term future is to get under 30 minutes.
Great job! Very nice beginner pace, I started out around 7:30 a year and a 1/2 ago. Keep up the good work! ;D
Anyone here a member of any local running clubs or running classes? I'm thinking about joining up with my local one in Dublin, CA next month and I'm just wondering if the benefits are worth the cost of admission (which I'm guessing that they are...)


Anyone here a member of any local running clubs or running classes? I'm thinking about joining up with my local one in Dublin, CA next month and I'm just wondering if the benefits are worth the cost of admission (which I'm guessing that they are...)

bf and I started training with Austin Runners Club last month. The workouts (4-5 a week) are actually free, though there's an annual membership if you want to support the organization. They also hold an annual Distance Challenge (6 races) that will cover your membership if you participate.

Even if you pay the annual fee (around $40?), that's a hell of a lot easier to swallow than $100/month through one of the running stores here.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
bf and I started training with Austin Runners Club last month. The workouts (4-5 a week) are actually free, though there's an annual membership if you want to support the organization. They also hold an annual Distance Challenge (6 races) that will cover your membership if you participate.

Even if you pay the annual fee (around $40?), that's a hell of a lot easier to swallow than $100/month through one of the running stores here.

What does a running store sell? Do they have a club/gym thing? Or just sell shoes?
Hi RunGaf, so I recently started running and I noticed I sweat a lot. Like a lot a lot. I don't mind too much except that the sweat eventually gets into my ears and my earbuds got all gross and I spend time fumbling to dry everything off while running. Is there anything I can do?


Someone convince me not to acquire the Vivoactive smartwatch. Aesthetics is not a valid argument.
Anyone here a member of any local running clubs or running classes? I'm thinking about joining up with my local one in Dublin, CA next month and I'm just wondering if the benefits are worth the cost of admission (which I'm guessing that they are...)

My local gym hosts a run twice a week which is free of charge for members. It's a nice way to socialize with new people and, when committed, motivates you to keep participating.


Didn't know there's a dedicated thread for running. Cool. For some context, here's what I posted in the Fitness thread:

I haven't really changed my routine since then, though I plan to also do strength training soon.

Anyway, the reason for this post is that since about two weeks, I feel pain on the left side of my hip. As far as I remember, it started the day after I strained myself a bit.
I can't pinpoint the exact location, but it's in this area:


Maybe an inch higher. It's directly on the side. It hurts when walking or when I rotate my leg, but not when my leg is relaxed, so I guess it's a muscle.

Obviously, I quit running for a few days until it seemed to be gone, but after the next run, the pain returned. So I quit for another whole week. Yesterday, I ran again, and now it hurts again. What can I do about that? Taking a break from jogging for even longer?

One month has passed since that post, but the pain is still present. Just like back then, it vanishes after three or four days of rest, but returns when I strain my leg too much. I'm not talking about running; it returns even when I simply walk too much.

Of course, I went to the doctor. He prescribed me an ointment and recommended to refrain from running for two to three weeks. That was exactly two weeks ago. I think it has gotten slightly better, but I'm not entirely sure. Probably just my imagination.

In the last month of not running, I somehow managed to regain all the weight I lost over the course of the last few months, so that's fucking great.
I don't think this pain will go away. I'm thinking about waiting a few more days and then resuming running.
One month has passed since that post, but the pain is still present. Just like back then, it vanishes after three or four days of rest, but returns when I strain my leg too much. I'm not talking about running; it returns even when I simply walk too much.

Of course, I went to the doctor. He prescribed me an ointment and recommended to refrain from running for two to three weeks. That was exactly two weeks ago. I think it has gotten slightly better, but I'm not entirely sure. Probably just my imagination.

In the last month of not running, I somehow managed to regain all the weight I lost over the course of the last few months, so that's fucking great.
I don't think this pain will go away. I'm thinking about waiting a few more days and then resuming running.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Is your doctor a primary care physician? If so, maybe you can ask a recommendation for a traumatologist which may have a clearer understanding of the problem if it is indeed structural. Can you ask for an ultrasonography or a NMR to see if there is any muscle or tendon affected?

I'd say to try stretching to see if it helps, but I'm not a doctor and I don't know if would do any good or actually worsen your situation.

Don't give up on getting rid of this pain yet. I'm sure it will get better eventually :)


Won't really work. Here is the math:

One pound fat - 3500 calories
One 5k run - 350 calories
Activity foregone because you are either running, have just run or are about to run - 150 calories
Appetite increase due to run - 100 calories

So each run burns a net/net of say 100 calories, meaning that without any dietary intervention you lose a pound of fat a month with a daily 5k (assuming you lose no muscle, etc). Of course dietary habits change, your basal metabolic rate might change a bit, and you also can't eat while you run so maybe you'll end up eating less despite exercise induced hunger.

But if you want to look noticeably different in a few weeks at the pool, running more isn't going to do it. Not enough calories burned. If you run for 90minutes a day you might get through a few pounds but more likely you'll injure yourself or overtrain. What you need to do if you want big fat loss by next month is a hardcore diet, like a protein sparing modified fast. Or the more healthy option is to keep on doing what you've been doing and realize there is always another pool party. Slow and steady wins the race.

I'm no expert and I only started running 3 months ago. I went from not being able to run for more than 3 minutes to 7Km in 39m (as of last night) with my best 5K currently being 26m20s.

In the process I lost 20lbs (from 203 to 183) without doing anything else but running 5 days a week and just eating whatever I feel like (avoiding junk). I use Runtastic and Runkeeper on my phone and they both say that I burn on average 600 cal. for a 6-7K run. Not sure if that's accurate, but my weight loss was noticeable.
One month has passed since that post, but the pain is still present. Just like back then, it vanishes after three or four days of rest, but returns when I strain my leg too much. I'm not talking about running; it returns even when I simply walk too much.

Of course, I went to the doctor. He prescribed me an ointment and recommended to refrain from running for two to three weeks. That was exactly two weeks ago. I think it has gotten slightly better, but I'm not entirely sure. Probably just my imagination.

In the last month of not running, I somehow managed to regain all the weight I lost over the course of the last few months, so that's fucking great.
I don't think this pain will go away. I'm thinking about waiting a few more days and then resuming running.

Looks/sounds like IT band issues. Does it hurt when you walk down stairs? Unfortunately, its one of those injuries that never goes away unless you deal with the underlying cause. Luckily, IT band issues are usually caused by hip/leg muscle imbalances. Try foam rolling and start doing core/ab/hip exercises. Even if it isn't IT band, most running-related leg injuries come from weak hips/lower back/core.

My friend is in med school orientation this week so we went out for an easy 5AM six miler. If was still so humid outside! Can't wait for September to get here.

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Started boxing again and just started doing road work. I can now do 3 miles again. My goal is to get up to 5, then start doing timed 5 mile runs. Anybody got a good program so that can help me bridge the gap from 3 to 5? I plan to run 4 times a week. Twice a week outdoors and twice a week on a treadmill. Thanks in advance.


Started boxing again and just started doing road work. I can now do 3 miles again. My goal is to get up to 5, then start doing timed 5 mile runs. Anybody got a good program so that can help me bridge the gap from 3 to 5? I plan to run 4 times a week. Twice a week outdoors and twice a week on a treadmill. Thanks in advance.

Yeah, there are lots of programs that will take you to train for your first 10 K run (that's about 6.2 miles). For example, Zen Labs has an extension called Couch-to-10K that continues from where the Couch-to-5k ends - they have an app for your phone.

The training regiment is straight-forward: You alternate run and walking intervals for about an hour and just decrease walk time each week. So, for the Zen-Labs one you start by doing 4 sets of running for 10 minutes and walking for 1 minute, and then 3 sets of 15 minutes running and 1 min walking, and so on till you can run for an hour straight.
This is a 3 day per week program, so for your 4th day, I'd recommend doing some sprints (or cross training if your body needs more recovery time).


Neo Member
One month has passed since that post, but the pain is still present. Just like back then, it vanishes after three or four days of rest, but returns when I strain my leg too much. I'm not talking about running; it returns even when I simply walk too much.

Of course, I went to the doctor. He prescribed me an ointment and recommended to refrain from running for two to three weeks. That was exactly two weeks ago. I think it has gotten slightly better, but I'm not entirely sure. Probably just my imagination.

In the last month of not running, I somehow managed to regain all the weight I lost over the course of the last few months, so that's fucking great.
I don't think this pain will go away. I'm thinking about waiting a few more days and then resuming running.

Dude, I went through this last year. Tthe area you are pointing out to is not your IT band but the tensor fascia latae (TFL). Pain caused in this area is due to your gluteus med muscles not activating correctly, so this is being over worked to compensate. Unfortunately, it's not a big muscle as it's mostly used to assist in stability and the IT band is attached to it. So it's often mistaken that you just need to stretch your IT band and it'll sort itself out, but it'll never get better until you start to get your gluteus med muscles firing again.

Here's a few exercises you can do to start getting those areas to function again:


Start with the clamshells first and don't do anything more until it's easy to do and with no pain.


Make sure to keep your feet like it's shown in the video, don't point the toes downward or upward or you're not using the correct muscles.

You can also do side steps onto a stair or other higher object later on to continue to strengthen your muscles.

My regiment of squats, lunges and fire hydrants keep the hours of sitting at my desk from destroying my hip mobility and ruining my ability to run.

Good luck and if it still persists, visit a good physiotherapist. Mine is a godsend and keeps my recovery times short.

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Yeah, there are lots of programs that will take you to train for your first 10 K run (that's about 6.2 miles). For example, Zen Labs has an extension called Couch-to-10K that continues from where the Couch-to-5k ends - they have an app for your phone.

The training regiment is straight-forward: You alternate run and walking intervals for about an hour and just decrease walk time each week. So, for the Zen-Labs one you start by doing 4 sets of running for 10 minutes and walking for 1 minute, and then 3 sets of 15 minutes running and 1 min walking, and so on till you can run for an hour straight.
This is a 3 day per week program, so for your 4th day, I'd recommend doing some sprints (or cross training if your body needs more recovery time).

Thanks a lot I really appreciate it. Just downloaded the app as well!


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
What exactly can cause a "bad day"? Today was a bad day

I finished my c25k last run, ran a full 33 minutes. Today, I couldn't even do 5 minutes straight and had to eventually stop at only 4k total (walked and ran) after like 25 minutes


Should I try running again tonight? It will be too hot to go out but I can treadmill in my basement. Or should I stop until Friday?


What exactly can cause a "bad day"? Today was a bad day

I finished my c25k last run, ran a full 33 minutes. Today, I couldn't even do 5 minutes straight and had to eventually stop at only 4k total (walked and ran) after like 25 minutes


Should I try running again tonight? It will be too hot to go out but I can treadmill in my basement. Or should I stop until Friday?
What can cause a bad day? lol more like "what doesn't!?"

General fatigue, eaten something wrong, lack of sleep, lack of energy, lack of motivation, there's a hundred gazillion different things that could cause it. Don't sweat it, we all have bad days. You pushed through it, that's already a small victory. I wouldn't bother going out again, unless you're really feeling it all of a sudden. Lick your wounds, get some rest, and come back refreshed.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
What can cause a bad day? lol more like "what doesn't!?"

General fatigue, eaten something wrong, lack of sleep, lack of energy, lack of motivation, there's a hundred gazillion different things that could cause it. Don't sweat it, we all have bad days. You pushed through it, that's already a small victory. I wouldn't bother going out again, unless you're really feeling it all of a sudden. Lick your wounds, get some rest, and come back refreshed.

Yeah I hear ya, I knew that before I asked but this feeling sucks so I wanted more answers that don't exist. Really bummed :(
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