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GAF Running Club |OT| - Couch to Marathons, All abilities

Hi guys, gonna try taking my running more seriously this year.

Joined the Strava group and will hopefully use that as motivation to keep it up.

Only annoying thing is that my uploaded distance and time from Nike are a bit off.

Was -3 out there this morning. I am hoping January doesn't see a huge drop in temperature.
A week off won't do much to fix shin splint/compartment syndrome issues, personally it was more like a month and then it hadn't gone, it just became sort niggly and manageable, but still hurt for days after anything pacey and the first few weeks back there was plenty of denial and telling myself it was all OK - so tempting to do too much again.

My problems stopped when I rested for around 3-4 weeks, had physio, did daily strengthening exercises several times a day with bouts of icing (horrible). When I started back I had to cut down the weekly mileage as I'd been doing too much too soon - shin splints are often a result of overdoing it. I just did a parkrun a week and a lot of dog walking and cycling. A compression sleeve helped, or maybe it was in my head. Stopped wearing shoes with a large heel-to-toe drop and stopped heel-striking. Wearing a more minimal, flat shoe I soon got the feel for a bit of better form - when every foot that lands hurts you kind of do naturally, especially downhill.

You ran 3 miles + a day for the best part of a month, that's a lot of running without recovery if you weren't already running 30+ mile a weeks before, no matter the pace. I wouldn't fancy doing it now, not a chance! I ran nearly 200 miles in December, but there was a lot of rest and walking in between.

EDIT: Sorry, Festwill, I'll be more careful next time and avoid taking your rightful spot at the top of the page /o\

Yeah, I guess I have this slightly ludicious point of view that I'm fine on my feet in general, I can easily stand or walk around +12 hours day with no issue - which doesn't translate to really anything when it comes to running... I mean my first injuries came after getting too quickily back into it from the first half-marathon and there I was getting a bit cocky that up until then I hadn't experienced any pains.

Thanks for sharing the thoughts, I guess just take it really slow.
I will see what a very gentle slow longer weekend run does for me, as not doing anything seems just plain off...
So, last year didn't go as great as I had hoped, but I did complete my first half-marathon.

I got sick and put on 15 lbs at the end of the year, but I'm going to double down on my goals this year.

Goal #1: Run 1000 miles in 2017.

Goal #2: Lose at least 50lbs, preferably 65 to account for the extra 15. (This is more of a diet goal than an exercise one). BTW, I'm 265lbs right now at 6'3".

Goal #3: Improve my times in races at all levels. Planning on 1-2 5ks, 1 7k, 1 10k, and possibly 2 half-marathons. Since I did all of those distances for the first time last year, I'd like to improve them all.

Goal #4: Complete a marathon.

I think all are doable, provided I stay healthy. I haven't been running regularly Oct-Dec, but I've gradually started training again, and I feel good to go.
I took a week vacation to England for Xmas/New Years. Started back running yesterday and I definitely lost some leg strength. Hopefully I can pick it back up and start to really push my weekly mileage before my half marathon in February. Looking to do 20 miles this week, 25 next, and stay around 30-35 up until the race.


No One Remembers
I've had the last few months off from running. Basically after Tough Mudder I did one run since then.

Goals for the year:

#1 - Half Marathon. Main target is to do the big one in Toronto in October.

#2 - Run atleast 500 KMs over the year. I did 222 last year from March onwards. The first few months I was barely doing 5km over a week. Given that I can do 10k pretty reliably in a run now I should be able to hit that.
Posting year's goals is great idea guys, I think Daante asked the same a few pages back, but great to reassess having done that Advent 5K thing.

I think just keep with it, and avoid injury with better strength training.

Gemüsestäbchen;225598444 said:
I think just keep with it, and avoid injury with better strength training.

I did a sub hour 10K over the summer, but it would be cool to get it under 00:50.

Other milestones - I guess 2 half-marathons again?
That was a fine goal over 2016, and I'm really happy I made it (even if the last one was pretty crap, but lesson learned) - I reckon I'd at least do one half again and try to get below 02:00...

There's a chance I may be in the US for 3 months next year, pondering using the time to train for a real life marathon. Shame it's mad expensive to do one in America, I'm hearing great things about Paris... I'm pondering entering that - main thing is aint-nobody-got-time to raise money for charity, as much as I'd like to, realistically really too much pressure, so London is out for a while... I'll def take the plunge again next April and see if I win the ballot for 2018.

Edit: Bugger me, I think can still enter the 9th April 2017 Paris marathon...
Is it really overly optimistic to start training now for it?

That's moi at the end of Nov.

How I feel now - I like the idea of smaller faster runs for bling ;)
So something like:
1 x 5K (try to go for something really fast!)
At least 2 x 10K (There were some fun "Chase the sun" runs by the RunThrough guys last year)
Half Marathon (Just the one this year I think!)

And work my way up more gently to the half, and the full for Paris marathon 2018

And mileage, got my stats for last year...
Woah, 437 miles?!

I guess let's go for 500 miles for 2017 - I'm genuinely surprised - who'd have thought it all just accrues like that ;)
So that's at least 10 miles each week.

[shamelessly copy-pasta'd from my Facebook feed!]

Okay, so in my first official full year of running, I've inched through a great year of peaks and valleys filled with new PRs and distances; culminating in running 1,243 miles for the year.

2016 milestones:

-sub 2-hour half marathon
-sub 25:00 5k
-sub 50:00 10k
-sub 7:00 mile
-finished my first marathon
-slogged through over 1,000 miles

I managed to hit all of my goals for 2016 with the exception of the big one- run a sub-4 hour full marathon. Was on pace to push it and get this one, but my quads gave out on me during downhill acceleration portion of CIM so now I'm adding a strength routine to compliment my running this year in hopes that I get this goal this year as I feel that I didn't run anywhere close to my abilities....

so my 2017 goals:

-run sub 48:00 10k (current: 49:16)
-run sub 23:00 5k (current 24:16)
-run sub 6:00 mile (current: 6:36)
-run sub 4:00 full marathon (current: 4:29:54)
-run sub 1:48 half marathon (current 1:50:46)
-hit the 1,000 mile mark for the second consecutive year (current: 1,243mi)

bonus "pie in the sky" goal: hit 2,000 miles for the year

Let's see how many of these I can scratch off this year's list!


[shamelessly copy-pasta'd from my Facebook feed!]

Okay, so in my first official full year of running, I've inched through a great year of peaks and valleys filled with new PRs and distances; culminating in running 1,243 miles for the year.

2016 milestones:

-sub 2-hour half marathon
-sub 25:00 5k
-sub 50:00 10k
-sub 7:00 mile
-finished my first marathon
-slogged through over 1,000 miles

I managed to hit all of my goals for 2016 with the exception of the big one- run a sub-4 hour full marathon. Was on pace to push it and get this one, but my quads gave out on me during downhill acceleration portion of CIM so now I'm adding a strength routine to compliment my running this year in hopes that I get this goal this year as I feel that I didn't run anywhere close to my abilities....

so my 2017 goals:

-run sub 48:00 10k (current: 49:16)
-run sub 23:00 5k (current 24:16)
-run sub 6:00 mile (current: 6:36)
-run sub 4:00 full marathon (current: 4:29:54)
-run sub 1:48 half marathon (current 1:50:46)
-hit the 1,000 mile mark for the second consecutive year (current: 1,243mi)

bonus "pie in the sky" goal: hit 2,000 miles for the year

Let's see how many of these I can scratch off this year's list!

those goals, will be easy for you as long as you stay injury free. The first years of running are great as you constantly break your PRs by minutes
those goals, will be easy for you as long as you stay injury free. The first years of running are great as you constantly break your PRs by minutes

Yah, injury-free is going to be the key for me I think. I injured my hamstrings & IT band last year through early overuse, but I'd like to think that I'm smart enough now to back off when my body tells me to.

These are my realistic goals, but I also have more ambitious goals that I plan to replace them with as I start scratching things off of the list.
I don't really know what goals I would want to set this year. Last year I managed

5k: 19:40
10: 39:50
Half: 1:28:50

Unless something drastic happened I can't see myself going under 19 or 39 minutes. I dont really like running at a quick pace, I'd rather run a 50 minute 10k then a 40, so I'm not sure I've got the motivation to go for faster times. Maybe I'll just use this year to build up to a marathon finally, one towards the end of the year.


5k: 19:40
10: 39:50
Half: 1:28:50

Very similar times to mine. I did one quicker 5k and never got within a minute again, but knowing I've done it I'm going to go out of my way to concentrate on it and try again over the next couple of months. What I really should be doing is concentrating on marathon training for early April, but just cannot be arsed with the long boring stuff, it's just not for me.


Looking to re-invigorate my running this year, kind of spinning the wheels the last year. I'd like to go for a faster than my usual half marathon, my fastest ever was a 1:44, so I'd like to aim for something under 1:50.

I was wondering if anyone had any good intermediate running plans they wouldn't mind sharing? I haven't picked the race, but I'm looking to train for about 12 weeks. I don't mind pace runs or interval runs, looking to get in 4 runs each week.


Morning running gaf. Headed to a running shoe store after work today to get a proper pair of running shoes. Right now I'm running in my nobulls but only about 2 miles at a time. My goal is to get up tov 10k. Anyway.. Any pointers or things to look for when buying a pair?


Any pointers or things to look for when buying a pair?

Don't settle for anything less than something truly comfortable. Hop on the in-store treadmill and make sure you really give them a test. There are many, many options when it comes to the amount of support a shoe offers, toe box width, shoe weight, etc. Everyone's foot is different and there's really know way to know what's going to work well until you've tried several options.
Morning running gaf. Headed to a running shoe store after work today to get a proper pair of running shoes. Right now I'm running in my nobulls but only about 2 miles at a time. My goal is to get up tov 10k. Anyway.. Any pointers or things to look for when buying a pair?

Nike.com is having a 25% off their clearance section sale with code LEGEND25 if you

a) like Nike
b) can wait
c) know what type of feet you have

Only other problem? Sale ends today 1/4.


Impossoble to recommend shoes to others. I stick with saucony for road (inov8 for off road) as I spent many years with pain before I discoveres them and when I tried a different brand (mizuno), the pains came back immediately. My last three pairs have been the exact same model (mirage 3) and findint the last pair took me hours of online detective work. Sacuony have discontinued the entire mirage line now, so I'm dreading my next purchase.


If there's a healthy running community in your city, look for demo runs. Local stores and running clubs sold have them frequently.
My 2017 goals are as followed.

I want to run at least 1200Km this year. 100 a month should be do able.

I want to run sub 20, 40, and 1:30 for the 5, 10, and half.

However, for me, more important than any of these objectives is just to keep running. I need to stop making excuses. There are only two legitimate reasons for me not to run, yellow dust and ice. Otherwise, unless I am in physical pain, my usual excuses are just down to me being lazy. If I go to bed with the intention of running in the morning, then I just have to do it when I wake up.
Damn GAF. I just did a 30 minute run with a 18 degree wind chill. That may be a record for the coldest run i've ever done. I was freezing at first but was smiling at the end. I have a time trial saturday for my pace group selection for the spring and it's going to be even colder. As for year goals

1) Break 1'45" half marathon
2) Break 1'40" half marathon (stretch goal)
3) run 2k total miles.
Damn GAF. I just did a 30 minute run with a 18 degree wind chill. That may be a record for the coldest run i've ever done. I was freezing at first but was smiling at the end. I have a time trial saturday for my pace group selection for the spring and it's going to be even colder. As for year goals

1) Break 1'45" half marathon
2) Break 1'40" half marathon (stretch goal)
3) run 2k total miles.

Sounds like we're at about the same speed. Hope we can both best our goals this year!


Just finished week 4 of the Couch to 5K program. I'm kind of proud of myself making it this far. I feel better already.


Just finished week 4 of the Couch to 5K program. I'm kind of proud of myself making it this far. I feel better already.

Well done, you should be. If you feel better already, imagine what it'll be like soon when you're running 5ks regularly and trying hard to keep yourself from heading out the door at even the slightest opportunity.

It's -14C here in sunny Munich. Was -18 a little earlier... q.q

Sounds like the perfect excuse to run around in PJs.
Yeah so my time trial got cancelled for this morning. There is ice in several locations of the trail and to be honest in Dallas we don't have the running gear to handle it (i sure as fuck am not going to run on ice with a somewhat recently repaired ACL in my left knee).

I guess I will run outside in the afternoon once the temperature gets back above freezing. Blugh, I was not prepared for true winter running.
Some great goals this year, good luck to everyone!

Had a great week of running and future planning this week. I started at GoodGym which is a fantastic charitable running organisation. Joined their race team and now part of UK athletics which has meant a whole lot of races are on the way this year!

The first session was great, and really inspired me to push harder than I originally had intended - which leads nicely to goals:

5k: 18:10
10k: 37:00 (Honestly don't believe my original recording of that - so mainly just want to replicate it
Half: 1:30:00 or below

One final bit of good news, just SMASHED my 5K PB!



Man, the Disney half got cancelled due to weather? I feel really bad for everyone who traveled for it. All the other days look fine too.


5k: 18:10
10k: 37:00 (Honestly don't believe my original recording of that - so mainly just want to replicate it
Half: 1:30:00 or below

One final bit of good news, just SMASHED my 5K PB!

Grats on the PR. That 5K is equivalent* to a 38:30 10K (and a 1h25 semi). A 37:00 10K is worth a 17:50 5K and a 1h22 semi. Your semi goal is soft as hell compared to your other goals. The 10K goal seems ambitious, at 1min30s faster than current fitness level (as suggested by your 5K). But hey, ambition can be good, best of luck to you!

*according to ye olde JD.
Man, I'm supposed to run 10 mi today according to my training schedule, but it's a high of 23F and windy out. No way am I running on the treadmill that far and I might die of hypothermia outside.
Currently residing in the SF Bay Area, and there's supposed to be "the storm of the decade" tomorrow during my 15k run at Golden Gate Park.

lol I can't wait...


Man, I'm supposed to run 10 mi today according to my training schedule, but it's a high of 23F and windy out. No way am I running on the treadmill that far and I might die of hypothermia outside.

Heh, get out there and run, you won't die at 23F. :) I've done a couple runs this week at 5F and the worst of it was frozen eyelashes.


I managed to run close to 5 mi on a treadmill. Tomorrow is supposed to get up in the 30s so I'll do a longer run then.
It's been in the 10s and 20s here, and I've been OK. PJ pants running tights, 2 pairs of socks, 3 layers on top, hat, neck warmer, gloves. With enough layers it aint bad. The worst I got was a bit of irritation on the hands (frost burn?), my gloves are too thin. Right now it's mad snowing out, getting my morning coffee and staring at it. Excited to go play in the snow for my long run woooo! It's warmer right now too (cloud cover), high 20s/low 30s.
Grats on the PR. That 5K is equivalent* to a 38:30 10K (and a 1h25 semi). A 37:00 10K is worth a 17:50 5K and a 1h22 semi. Your semi goal is soft as hell compared to your other goals. The 10K goal seems ambitious, at 1min30s faster than current fitness level (as suggested by your 5K). But hey, ambition can be good, best of luck to you!

*according to ye olde JD.

That's really helpful, thanks man!

I've always loved running but only recently have I started to try and understand pacing and timings so any feedback is really appreciated.

Feels like I'd be more likely to take est times from 18:30 5K and work from there. I should probably add that most of my semi times were from an incredibly hot summer last year too.

Speaking of heat, hope you guys managed to get through the runs without completely freezing over!


The woods look pretty covered in snow tho. <3

Neck warmers are annoying. The spot through which I breathe becomes humid after like 1min. At which point it becomes harder to breathe through it. So I need to rotate the damn thing to get a dry patch of cloth. Aaaah, feels great. For like a minute. Rinse/repeat. Gets worse in colder weather, the humid spot freezes over and I get icy patches against my cheeks/neck. Any tips? Definitely keeps my face warmer, but the breathing isnt great.

New 10k PB 39:02, awww yea :) Those 50-mile training weeks and an enforced week off got me ~2 minutes faster from Dec 4th.
Right, I saw that, WOO! Way to go dude. Feels great to be back dont it. Congrats, and keep on getting better. And not injured.


Trying to get back at it, being a new year and all that stuff. Started with a 3,5K run on monday. Will go for a 5K tomorrow. Mainting pace at 5 min/km still for some reason. Before last week my last run was the Disney half back in september :p
I signed up for a 10k park run/race at the end of January yesterday, so in honor I tried to improve my best Strava 10k time. Managed to drop it from ~54 to ~48:30. The 54 min one was just done on a longer run, so I did expect a pretty big improvement. Hopefully I can replicate that in a race/on a hillier course. My typical route doesn't involve much elevation.

It's been in the 10s and 20s here, and I've been OK. PJ pants running tights, 2 pairs of socks, 3 layers on top, hat, neck warmer, gloves. With enough layers it aint bad. The worst I got was a bit of irritation on the hands (frost burn?), my gloves are too thin. Right now it's mad snowing out, getting my morning coffee and staring at it. Excited to go play in the snow for my long run woooo! It's warmer right now too (cloud cover), high 20s/low 30s.

I need to get me some running tights/spandex. I wasn't expecting it to get this cold when I moved to Mississippi. Of course it will be back up in the 60s (which is like shirtless running weather) towards the end of this week here and I doubt I'll need them much after February.


Indoor triathlon today. Placed first in my wave for both the swim and the run, second on the bike portion (although a lot of people were keeping the resistance low to get their milage up).

Running after cycling is a whole different experience. It's like my quads turned to stone.
Indoor triathlon today. Placed first in my wave for both the swim and the run, second on the bike portion (although a lot of people were keeping the resistance low to get their milage up).

Running after cycling is a whole different experience. It's like my quads turned to stone.

That's an accurate description. I remember transitioning out of T2 my first sprint tri and shambling for the first 0.1 miles instead of running.


Wind is gusting and the rain is pouring down, so I'm doing some core work and watching the Barkley marathon documetary on Netflix. Insane race
Currently residing in the SF Bay Area, and there's supposed to be "the storm of the decade" tomorrow during my 15k run at Golden Gate Park.

lol I can't wait...

Hey Running-GAF,

Both red_taiyaki and I ended up doing this yesterday, where the course was shortened to a 9k due to the weather and the Great Highway being closed. The upside was that we still got our medals as well as managed to do this race with family and friends.

Great overall experience and was well-organized, except the shuttles. F that, we had no idea where the pick-up area was so had to take lyft back to SF State to get the car.

That said, I should be posting more in this thread as the two of us do many of our races together (and belong to the same gym).

Hot Chocolate 15k swag pick-up:
Ahhh, such running you're all doing! Even in mad German winters! So jelly.

My right leg is still a bit gammy with a shin splint, I'm not sure if I'm just being overly cautious.
Also my asthma is really causing issues - the air has been so awful in London of late, maybe exaperated by the cold, I was gasping and wheezing last week from a short run...

I might try a short one today, as a proper cold snap hits on Thursday and no way I'll be able to run in that.

Edit: Reading you can "wrap" a leg with shin splints, any one have experience with this?


Gemüsestäbchen;227994878 said:
Ahhh, such running you're all doing! Even in mad German winters! So jelly.

My right leg is still a bit gammy with a shin splint, I'm not sure if I'm just being overly cautious.
Also my asthma is really causing issues - the air has been so awful in London of late, maybe exaperated by the cold, I was gasping and wheezing last week from a short run...

I might try a short one today, as a proper cold snap hits on Thursday and no way I'll be able to run in that.

Edit: Reading you can "wrap" a leg with shin splints, any one have experience with this?

You could pay for a physio to check you out, they will likely tell you to rest, give you strengthening and stretching exercises to do later and tell you to come back slow, cross-train and run less :/

When I came back I wore compression sleeves, no idea if they worked or just did a security blanket thing. After a while it got hot and I couldn't stand to wear them but everything felt fine.

Today I felt that horrible burn myself, this time in the other leg and lower (where MTSS strikes more commonly). I know from before that if I ignore it it can get worse and stop me running. For now I'm going to take it easy and hope it's just a niggle that will go, my legs are a bit battered.
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