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GAF Running Club |OT| - Couch to Marathons, All abilities


I planned to run all through winter and prepared by buying all kinds of winter running gear but I haven't done any running since temperatures started going below -10 degrees celsius. I've tried to be brave some mornings but I didn't get far because it's really painful on my face.
You just need a balaclava and some eyewear. You'll be good to go.


Running something app something or other. I don't think I've ever tried any running app, can't comment on how bad they are.

Interesting reading at least. As someone who got fairly obsessive about Pokémon GO, at least for those first few weeks, if someone could could create something half as engaging that required running and not just getting out and about, I'd give it a go. From what I read a bit back, the Zombies thing works as a C25K maybe, although it's only audio?

Think Strava has things as gamified as much as I needed - probably the biggest motivating factor when I first started as every time heading out the door it was a quest to slice a few more seconds off the loop, or do a fastest 400m or mile in there. My inner achievement hound/trophy hunter came back hard, only with actual good stuff to show for it, not just time wasted spent.
Interesting reading at least. As someone who got fairly obsessive about Pokémon GO, at least for those first few weeks, if someone could could create something half as engaging that required running and not just getting out and about, I'd give it a go. From what I read a bit back, the Zombies thing works as a C25K maybe, although it's only audio?

Think Strava has things as gamified as much as I needed - probably the biggest motivating factor when I first started as every time heading out the door it was a quest to slice a few more seconds off the loop, or do a fastest 400m or mile in there. My inner achievement hound/trophy hunter came back hard, only with actual good stuff to show for it, not just time wasted spent.

I personally started all of this running stuff with zombies run; still use it on occasion as it's the best interval creator I own. It's an intriguing app, went through the first few seasons as I was building up to my first 10k/half.

I would personally like to see someone take something similar to Strava and "gamify" it even more...but that will still take a lot of time to research and program if it ever happens.
Annoyed with myself.

Woke up at 6.30 looked at the temp and it said -15.

I noped right back to sleep.

Gonna run tomorrow when the temp drops back into single digits freezing :(((


I usually end up running sometime between 8 and 10pm.

If i had to run only in the morning i would end up doing almost no running.
Got my 8k out of the way today. Felt good. Hopefully, I will have a little 5k run tomorrow and then attempt 10k on Friday. I really need to get my distance back up.

Also, it will be touch and go if I meet my 100k goal for the month, but in all honesty, I don't mind if I don't get it this first month. Rather just ease back in and need to think about the long term.


Got my 8k out of the way today. Felt good. Hopefully, I will have a little 5k run tomorrow and then attempt 10k on Friday. I really need to get my distance back up.

Also, it will be touch and go if I meet my 100k goal for the month, but in all honesty, I don't mind if I don't get it this first month. Rather just ease back in and need to think about the long term.
Yeah, take your time. Much better slow and steady (distance increase) rather than too much too soon and burn out.
Felt great to run again for the first time this year (had to let a gash on my leg heal and then got fucked by the flu for two weeks).

Then 5 miles in some prick deliberately speeds into a giant puddle at the roadside as I'm on the pavement. Maaaaaaaaaaan


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I'm getting close to running 10K in less then 45 minutes again (it was a bit slippery sunday so I ran a bit more careful and finished 10 in little under 47 minutes) but I'm having a hard time getting close to under 20 minutes for 5K. In 2015, I could do it in a bit over 19 minutes but I'm currently having a hard time pushing myself to stay on/under the 4 minutes/km mark. Trying to remember how I did this exactly two years ago :).

Gotta say I'm enjoying the longer runs more then I used to. If my knee does not act up (I've had runner's knee on and off through late 2015 and most of 2016 and I'm currently super-careful in building up the amount and length of my runs) I think I can look into 15-20K runs again this summer. But the explosive 5K runs are (I think) more beneficial for my performance in the squash court, where I currently get my ass handed to me on a weekly basis and my only realistic hope of changing that is being in superior shape.
Felt great to run again for the first time this year (had to let a gash on my leg heal and then got fucked by the flu for two weeks).

Then 5 miles in some prick deliberately speeds into a giant puddle at the roadside as I'm on the pavement. Maaaaaaaaaaan

Sometimes the respect you get out of people when you are running is truly terrible. Glad you could get back on your feet though :)


I'm getting close to running 10K in less then 45 minutes again (it was a bit slippery sunday so I ran a bit more careful and finished 10 in little under 47 minutes) but I'm having a hard time getting close to under 20 minutes for 5K. In 2015, I could do it in a bit over 19 minutes but I'm currently having a hard time pushing myself to stay on/under the 4 minutes/km mark. Trying to remember how I did this exactly two years ago :).

Gotta say I'm enjoying the longer runs more then I used to. If my knee does not act up (I've had runner's knee on and off through late 2015 and most of 2016 and I'm currently super-careful in building up the amount and length of my runs) I think I can look into 15-20K runs again this summer. But the explosive 5K runs are (I think) more beneficial for my performance in the squash court, where I currently get my ass handed to me on a weekly basis and my only realistic hope of changing that is being in superior shape.

Doing a 45:00 10K should have you doing around 21:30 over 5km, I wouldn't be too worried about not nearing 20:00 for 5k just yet if you're coming back nicely after time away, that's an equivalent of a 41:45 10K.
I did quite a bit of running last week and seem to have gotten a minor case of the shin splints. It mostly hurts when I'm not running, which is different than what I've experienced in the past. While running I feel mostly fine.

I'm gonna take it easy for the week and cross-train/leg strength training in the gym instead along with some light walking on a treadmill.

I'm in week two of couch to 5k and I'm looking for an app that will let me play my own music, any suggestions?

Do you mean a music app or a running app? Most running apps allow you to play your own music. I use Run Keeper personally, but you can use Strava or other apps as well.


So I went out for a half marathon Sunday without training for 4 months, and ended up being 4min behind my PR.

My fastest half last year is 1:49:59 and my time was 1:54:03.
I really don't understand because I've just been jogging 4 to 6 mile jogs once a week since October.

Even though I was in Coral A, I ended up seeing a 2:15 pacer in C, so I ran with her for the first 3 miles. Afterwards, I felt like I was exerting as much energy as I would be jogging alone, so I took off.

I'm happy with my time, but it doesn't make since!


We've been pretty lucky on the east coast. Temperatures hovering between +5 and -10 but mostly sticking to the freezing point on average. I'll probably go out for a 10k after work today, and it's sunny and -1. Beats the 16k I did on Saturday in -21 windchill. Thank God for my buff- had to wear it over my mouth and nose on the way back with the wind in my face.

Managed to PB that distance as well which is extremely weird considering the conditions. I wonder if my garmin malfunctioned. sub 1:25 for 16k- I'll take it!


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Doing a 45:00 10K should have you doing around 21:30 over 5km, I wouldn't be too worried about not nearing 20:00 for 5k just yet if you're coming back nicely after time away, that's an equivalent of a 41:45 10K.

Thanks, that puts some perspective on it. I'll continue trying to get my 5K time down slowly, right now I'm around 22 minutes on average, but I'm starting kinda slow to warm up a bit. I think I'll see better times if I first run for 5-10 minutes and then measure 5K.

But first, a run of 9K tonight with -4 degrees celcius over this handsome fella:


Some former colleagues have been bugging me to join these monthly organized runs forever so here we are, but those temperatures, not specifically looking forward to that.
Doing a 45:00 10K should have you doing around 21:30 over 5km, I wouldn't be too worried about not nearing 20:00 for 5k just yet if you're coming back nicely after time away, that's an equivalent of a 41:45 10K.

I know these numbers come from race pace calculators and they're more a guideline but they don't match my experience at all. If you can hit 20:00 5k I would be very surprised if that was their 10k time. When I first sneaked under 20:00 (19:50) a few weeks later I went under 40:00 for the 10k (39:54). I suppose it depends on the distances you train at ultimately, if you train for a 5k then you might slow down that much.


I know these numbers come from race pace calculators and they're more a guideline but they don't match my experience at all. If you can hit 20:00 5k I would be very surprised if that was their 10k time. When I first sneaked under 20:00 (19:50) a few weeks later I went under 40:00 for the 10k (39:54). I suppose it depends on the distances you train at ultimately, if you train for a 5k then you might slow down that much.

They're just a guide. I'd never ran close to a 20:00 5k and did a 39:48 10k, depends on all kinds of factors from the weather to the course to which side of bed you got out that day... right now the calculator has my 5k and 10k out by 2 seconds, but for half a year my 10k was lacking until I lopped 40-odd seconds off. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think I will try 10k tonight. I hate evening running, but the forecast for tomorrow morning is snow and I would rather not be worried about my grip on the road.

I just realised it will be my first time running 10k since July 2015. The last 18 months have been so bad for my running. Injries and then a lack of motivation have been to blame.

I ran that 10k in about 47 minutes, but I am just planning to take this one slow tonight.
Just completed my 10k.

Really glad to get it under my belt with my target time of 55minutes. I wanted to take it really slow and make sure I got home in one piece.

Only annoying thing was that my Apple watch died on me with 200 metres to go at 54 minutes.

I am hoping it doesn't snow too much over night, as I really want to get back out there on Saturday or Sunday.
Just completed my 10k.

Really glad to get it under my belt with my target time of 55minutes. I wanted to take it really slow and make sure I got home in one piece.

Only annoying thing was that my Apple watch died on me with 200 metres to go at 54 minutes.

I am hoping it doesn't snow too much over night, as I really want to get back out there on Saturday or Sunday.

Congratulations! You did the most reasonable thing you could have done, not forcing things and keeping injury free are two very important parts of life.

I hope the weather this weekend is conductive to your training :D


The wife and I after Day 2 - Week 2 of C25K. This is the first time I've worked out before sunrise since Jr. High (I'm 31). Felt pretty good, I'm almost down ten pounds since the new year (started around 250lbs) so the running is starting to get easier on my knees. . It really helps having my wife with me. We are training to run our local 10K, the Bix, at the end of July.

Anyways, if I can get out there and do it, I'm almost positive anyone can!

Gaf, I'm looking for some free advice. I've run 4/5 times a week for the last 7 years pretty much injury free. I took 2 weeks off over Christmas to get some stuff done and went back to my usual daily routine (4.5 miles to work and 4.5 miles back). After the second day, I had some knee pain (front of knee) and the back of my heel was also hurting. I tried to run the next day but had to stop as I could tell I was doing damage. After the failed run I couldn't bend my leg without some pretty bad pain, not excruciating but bad enough. I've had a week off so far and it's a lot better. Seems to randomly start hurting especially after sitting down for long periods. The pain in my heel will again, randomly hurt for a few seconds a day and then disappear. Is this runners knee and I just need to rest? Are the two painful areas linked? Help me! I NEED TO RUN AGAIN!
Congratulations! You did the most reasonable thing you could have done, not forcing things and keeping injury free are two very important parts of life.

I hope the weather this weekend is conductive to your training :D


This might me the best winter for running since I have been in Korea. Temperatures are not to bad and there has been no prolonged periods of snow that then lead to ice. Really is a shame I didn't build up my distances better in October-December(I really just wanted to take it easy) because I would have stood a good chance of doing the Seoul Marathon in early March. Usuallly the weather is not good enough in the winter to build up the miles on the road.

The wife and I after Day 2 - Week 2 of C25K. This is the first time I've worked out before sunrise since Jr. High (I'm 31). Felt pretty good, I'm almost down ten pounds since the new year (started around 250lbs) so the running is starting to get easier on my knees. . It really helps having my wife with me. We are training to run our local 10K, the Bix, at the end of July.

Anyways, if I can get out there and do it, I'm almost positive anyone can!


Congrats on the progress, keep up the great job.

Really helped me in the early stages of my running to run with someone.


The wife and I after Day 2 - Week 2 of C25K. This is the first time I've worked out before sunrise since Jr. High (I'm 31). Felt pretty good, I'm almost down ten pounds since the new year (started around 250lbs) so the running is starting to get easier on my knees. . It really helps having my wife with me. We are training to run our local 10K, the Bix, at the end of July.
Dude, you're me from a few years ago, only I started at 275. Good job and keep it up!

Man, the cold is killing me here... haven't run all week I HAVE ALL THIS ENERGY AND NOTHING TO USE IT ON!!!!1 I theoretically could go run but I'm finding all the excuses... my hands are turning to shit from the cold (I do have a pretty bad rash), tired from work, icy surfaces are dangerous and annoying, stressed from work, haven't been gaining much weight anyways, my legs can use the rest, I can use the rest (resting HBR still hovering above where it should be), am just doing easy mileage right now anyways who gives a toss about base building amirite...

Still I feel like a failure.


Just ran a little over 4 miles and I'm having a hard time recovering lol. I just had a lot of chicken and brown rice because I was so goddamn hungry! Did 2.4 miles Sat, 3 miles Sunday, 3 miles Tuesday and 4 miles tonight. I usually give myself a day of rest because I feel like my body needs it but I still feel shot.
Man, the cold is killing me here... haven't run all week I HAVE ALL THIS ENERGY AND NOTHING TO USE IT ON!!!!1 I theoretically could go run but I'm finding all the excuses... my hands are turning to shit from the cold (I do have a pretty bad rash), tired from work, icy surfaces are dangerous and annoying, stressed from work, haven't been gaining much weight anyways, my legs can use the rest, I can use the rest (resting HBR still hovering above where it should be), am just doing easy mileage right now anyways who gives a toss about base building amirite...

Still I feel like a failure.

Man, eff that. You may end up hurting yourself badly running on ice, and that means less running afterwards. I'd try to search for some routes that are less exposed and get some windstopping gloves (they make all the difference).

But a failure?

Nah son, you're a goddamn beast
and sometimes beasts hibernate :p (but seriously, you're doing good).

Just ran a little over 4 miles and I'm having a hard time recovering lol. I just had a lot of chicken and brown rice because I was so goddamn hungry! Did 2.4 miles Sat, 3 miles Sunday, 3 miles Tuesday and 4 miles tonight. I usually give myself a day of rest because I feel like my body needs it but I still feel shot.

Feeling kind of hungry after a run is normal, but be mindful of not overestimating your caloric expenditure and end up overeating afterwards. That could be counterproductive for your training. Having said that, keep up the good job!


Cheers for the pep talk you guys. I was just being dramatic. The cold is getting a little old though tbqh. Got surprised by sunset today, and had to bail out of the cold.

Btw, D, I might drop by Barcelona for work sometime in February, I'll let you know the dates when I know, would be nice to go for a run (if you've recovered from your glute problem, hope you get better soon).
I did stationary biking, light jogging on a treadmill, and strength workouts in the gym most of the week and got back to running the last two days outside. Even taking 4 days off made me feel super out of running shape. My shins feel way better though.


Staring to break the back into feeling comfortable running, my pace is still slow but I'm recovering faster and need less breaks. Feels like I'm starting to turn a corner to push more.

Curious to see what people are tracking and running with.

I have

- Arm Strapped iPhone 7 Plus (it's too Big)
- iWatch 1
- Bluetooth Headphones (listen to podcasts)
- 5K Runner App (On to W4/D2)
- Endomondo (ties with My Fitness Pal)

My Watch keeps dropping out tho, think there is too much Bluetooth load.


Staring to break the back into feeling comfortable running, my pace is still slow but I'm recovering faster and need less breaks. Feels like I'm starting to turn a corner to push more.

Curious to see what people are tracking and running with.

I have

- Arm Strapped iPhone 7 Plus (it's too Big)
- iWatch 1
- Bluetooth Headphones (listen to podcasts)
- 5K Runner App (On to W4/D2)
- Endomondo (ties with My Fitness Pal)

My Watch keeps dropping out tho, think there is too much Bluetooth load.
Just a garmin watch. Used to bring a sony walkman but I much prefer hearing my breathing and footsteps now. You should ditch endomondo and join he cool kids on strava. :)
The gusts of wind and rain on my morning long runs I can deal with, but this glute problem is a pain in the ass (
I couldn't help myself, sorry :b
). It starts as a slight discomfort, then transitions into mild pain and this turns into a "if you stop for any reason getting going again is gonna be hell" situation with bursts of sharp pain. Strangely enough, late into the run the faster I went the less pain I had.

The whole thing sucks tbqh.

Btw, D, I might drop by Barcelona for work sometime in February, I'll let you know the dates when I know, would be nice to go for a run (if you've recovered from your glute problem, hope you get better soon).

This, on the other hand, is awesome :D. Ain't no ass pain gonna prevent me from running with you dude, I'll take recovery from this twice as seriously.

By the way, if your work dates allow it and you feel up to it the 12th of February is the date the Barcelona Half Marathon takes place.


Curious to see what people are tracking and running with.

TomTom watch that fires activities to Strava when I connect it to my laptop (ensures I keep it charged so not really a hassle). Sometimes take a cheap sandisk clip sport for longer runs, but that never lives up to its name as it always ends up swinging around and causing problems. I found listening to music influences my running too much (pace/cadence/etc) and blocks out other feedback from breathing and feet landing like Festwill says.

The gusts of wind and rain on my morning long runs I can deal with, but this glute problem is a pain in the ass (
I couldn't help myself, sorry :b
). It starts as a slight discomfort, then transitions into mild pain and this turns into a "if you stop for any reason getting going again is gonna be hell" situation with bursts of sharp pain. Strangely enough, late into the run the faster I went the less pain I had.

The whole thing sucks tbqh.

Does up/down hill have any effect on it?

Sounds similar to a problem a friend had this time last year. He tried various stuff but it only stopped being a problem when he took up hot yoga classes.
Does up/down hill have any effect on it?

Sounds similar to a problem a friend had this time last year. He tried various stuff but it only stopped being a problem when he took up hot yoga classes.

It kind of feels like downhill running exacerbates the problem. Left/right tilted surfaces may also contribute.

I think it may be one of three things:

1. ITB related: The location of the pain sometimes feels too lateral. I'm doing adductor, abductor and glute strength exercises to account for this.

2. Piriformis/Sciatic Nerve related: Posterior pain. Doing piriformis, quad and hamstring stretches to account for this.

3. Bursa related: Because I swear I can hear something scrapping against the bone when I finish running. After running I have a really cold shower to help the legs relax. I'll start putting some ice on the affected area and see if it helps

I may try to run a little bit less this next week to let the leg heal (easier said than done!)

Curious to see what people are tracking and running with.

Garmin watch linked to Strava for metrics. In terms of music either my phone or a Sansa Clip Sport MP3 player. I use a pair of broken headphones (had to cut one of them off), this way I can still listen to my footsteps and have some degree of awareness.
Staring to break the back into feeling comfortable running, my pace is still slow but I'm recovering faster and need less breaks. Feels like I'm starting to turn a corner to push more.

Curious to see what people are tracking and running with.

I have

- Arm Strapped iPhone 7 Plus (it's too Big)
- iWatch 1
- Bluetooth Headphones (listen to podcasts)
- 5K Runner App (On to W4/D2)
- Endomondo (ties with My Fitness Pal)

My Watch keeps dropping out tho, think there is too much Bluetooth load.

Nike Apple Watch with Shure sports wireless

I just use the Nike app and listen to my music.

So much easier to run with the apple watch.


Thanks guys!

I guess I've strava is better I better switch now than later, I'll miss my previous recordings and intergration with My Fitness Pal.

What's better?


Thanks guys!

I guess I've strava is better I better switch now than later, I'll miss my previous recordings and intergration with My Fitness Pal.

What's better?

No problem. Strava links with myfitnesspal as well and you can use tapiriik to transfer all your endomondo data to strava. segments is the reason for using strave. Make your own if your local lap/hill isn't a segment yet(keep them private if they're not interesting to other people, and please read a guide on how to make them before you do anything.)
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