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GAF Secret Santa 2016

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...something showed up! A big gift, beautifully wrapped, which is now cozy under the tree waiting for Christmas day!


Thank you to my Santa, magnificent83! In the note, there's a mention of a second gift! :O Thank you!
...something showed up! A big gift, beautifully wrapped, which is now cozy under the tree waiting for Christmas day!

Thank you to my Santa, magnificent83! In the note, there's a mention of a second gift! :O Thank you!

Awesome, glad part 1 arrived, second part should be there pretty soon.


TT, I'm really sorry. illness and terrible weather have impacted me getting part 2 of your gift in the mail. Thankfully you should have received part 1 of your gift, but it seems your second part will arrive after Christmas :'(


TT, I'm really sorry. illness and terrible weather have impacted me getting part 2 of your gift in the mail. Thankfully you should have received part 1 of your gift, but it seems your second part will arrive after Christmas :'(

No worries, the first part is here under the tree. Will open it on Christmas, so excited. :)


I sent out the remaining part today to my TT.

To my SS, I put my parent's address as the mailing address so I won't see it until I visit them on Christmas.
Yay, my TT's gifts were delivered today!

I got it and duuuuuude I'm so excited! (*U*)

I want to apologise to my TT. I won't make excuses for my lackluster gifting so far (a lack of anything resembling a personal touch). An order will be arriving late as well. I feel like an asshat and will get something out to you that has something that has a bit of my character in it. :(


A little worried. Tracking says my first package was left near a door or porch, but my TT hasn't posted about receiving anything in the thread. Someone mind PMing for me?


I got it and duuuuuude I'm so excited! (*U*)

I want to apologise to my TT. I won't make excuses for my lackluster gifting so far (a lack of anything resembling a personal touch). An order will be arriving late as well. I feel like an asshat and will get something out to you that has something that has a bit of my character in it. :(

Yay! I really hope you like everything! :D
A little worried. Tracking says my first package was left near a door or porch, but my TT hasn't posted about receiving anything in the thread. Someone mind PMing for me?

You're having the same issue too? Mines said the same thing weeks ago that it was left near a door or porch, yet nothing. Any elves available to help?


Saint Nic
There's not a ton we can do. If you're gift was delivered and they haven't posted, it's likely because they haven't had time to post on GAF about getting the box or they haven't been home.

I'm sure some of us can help ping your TTs, but I've noticed a LOT of worried posters saying that 'tracking shows it was delivered 20 minutes ago and they haven't said anything yet!' Don't fret! :)


There's not a ton we can do. If you're gift was delivered and they haven't posted, it's likely because they haven't had time to post on GAF about getting the box or they haven't been home.

I'm sure some of us can help ping your TTs, but I've noticed a LOT of worried posters saying that 'tracking shows it was delivered 20 minutes ago and they haven't said anything yet!' Don't fret! :)
Mine is since Friday and they've posted a lot on other threads :p


Saint Nic
I've sent a few additional PMs out for people. Anyone who needs some help can PM me and I'll shoot out an inquiry for you. Include your TT so I know who to send it out to!

John Blade

I didn't get any info if any item have already send out to me from my SS like a tracking number. I guess I keep me occupy a bit on my side till something arrived at my location. The wait is killing me a bit.


So update: Sorry for the lateness for anybody, been a crazy couple of weeks.

1) I received gifts from my SS. I haven't opened them yet, but I wanted to sincerely whomever it was for the effort.

2) I sent out my gifts for my TT over the last week and a half. There are two gifts -- hopefully TT reads the note I placed with them. I hope you enjoy them!


This came in the mail-


I'm not waiting. Props to those that can wait for opeing gifts, but that's not me. Let's see what it is-


Heck yeah! I'm not a D&D guy, however I have one story about D&D. In 7th grade, my friend on the school bus lent me his D&D rulebook and told me to read it. I read it. Had NO idea what it meant and gave it back to him confused. Now, 20 years later, I'm more into it than I was when I was when I was a kid. Kinda weird.

Thank you Secret Santa for the gift!

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Secret Santa!

Thanks unnamed mod for unbanning me for a second so I could post this. I'm done. Thanks!

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
These are some huge gifts

I feel a bit bad after seeing some of these as I only just scraped into the minimum amount. I wanted to do more but as I mentioned earlier the day the TTs went out I had just lost my job literally and was weeks away from emigrating with my fiance and kids (move is done now as of last Wednesday). Hopefully my Tiny Tim will enjoy their gifts.
Finally received the last item yesterday and got everything wrapped. Hopefully i can get home before the post office closes tonight and post it. If not then ill have to post it on Friday.
Fingers Crossed my TT likes the gifts and they arrive on time.

They arrived today, good sir!


The entire haul.

Honestly utterly unexpected all around, which makes it all the better. Great stress reliever to come home to.


Saint Nic
More messages have been delivered to the Tiny Tims!

If you sent me a message, I have addressed it.

If anyone needs anything else, shoot me a PM.
Had a hard time this year since my tiny tim doesn't post much on here at all and the threads they did post in were only for games they already owned. Kept trying to find something solid to go off of but ended up settling for something I dont even think they will like but I legit couldnt think of anything else 😰

Definitely not a solid year this year but maybe next year will be better.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
GAF SS can be hit or miss some years, but this year my SS came to play. I received a copy of Titanfall 2, which I was going to pick up after the holiday, some tea that I have already consumed close to my weight in, and this amazing Pokemon art that has promptly been framed and is hanging in my office at work.

Thanks, SS, for making this one of the best GAF Exchanges I've taken part in!
Had a hard time this year since my tiny tim doesn't post much on here at all and the threads they did post in were only for games they already owned. Kept trying to find something solid to go off of but ended up settling for something I dont even think they will like but I legit couldnt think of anything else 😰

Definitely not a solid year this year but maybe next year will be better.

No need to feel that way. You've tried and it's always the thought that counts.


Saint Nic
Had a hard time this year since my tiny tim doesn't post much on here at all and the threads they did post in were only for games they already owned. Kept trying to find something solid to go off of but ended up settling for something I dont even think they will like but I legit couldnt think of anything else 😰

Definitely not a solid year this year but maybe next year will be better.

This happens every year. You did your best and that's straight up all you can do. :)

Also, this year has been fantastic so far. I mean, we're still waiting for all gifts to be delivered and opened, so things COULD change. But communication has been great across the board. Glad I decided to muscle up and run this again. It's been a ton of fun seeing it come together.
I really like giving presents so I get super into it and love doing personal boxes but this year was tough :< I just hope they like it and it gets there in one piece!

But in terms of fluidity of this years overall Secret Santa, its been awesome. Everyone is posting and updating and keeping track of their shit and actually seem to be really into participating. Definitely better than last year ! Im excited to get my secret santas gift and post it up :}


I got part 1 of my gift! I'm going to wait to post abou- uh, I mean wait to OPEN it until Christmas. Hopefully by then I'll have managed to get some people to try it out with me so I can give impressions.

not that I know what it is, of course


I really like giving presents so I get super into it and love doing personal boxes but this year was tough :< I just hope they like it and it gets there in one piece!

But in terms of fluidity of this years overall Secret Santa, its been awesome. Everyone is posting and updating and keeping track of their shit and actually seem to be really into participating. Definitely better than last year ! Im excited to get my secret santas gift and post it up :}

I had a similar problem this year with my Reddit SS. It can really be hard when you have nothing to go on, but as long as you tried, I'm sure they'll appreciate the effort!
I really like giving presents so I get super into it and love doing personal boxes but this year was tough :< I just hope they like it and it gets there in one piece!

But in terms of fluidity of this years overall Secret Santa, its been awesome. Everyone is posting and updating and keeping track of their shit and actually seem to be really into participating. Definitely better than last year ! Im excited to get my secret santas gift and post it up :}
Maybe it's better to just keep a super short timeline for this. Seems like it helps to weed out people who say they can make the commitment and then fail to and doesn't give people time to forget about getting it done.
Oh wow I got another shipment of gifts. I did not expect this at all. Thanks so much Eye for an Eye! I will probably open them all on friday! I hope it's a My Little Pony dvd collection.

Kind of bummed I missed out on it this year since I've been so busy, but I love checking the thread out and seeing everyone's gifts!

Great job as always :D


So I just got my TT's package back in the mail, and It was sent back, but the slip had no reason on it. I checked FedEx and it was refused on Monday 12/19...

I messaged Nic about it, but I am not sure what to do, it won't get there in time now and I already shelled out $20 just to make sure it got there in time.

I'm really really bummed right now.
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