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GAF Secret Santa 2016

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I think I may have missed my SS package. I got a notice from the USPS that there's a package that requires a signature. I'll pick it up before work tomorrow and post my results.

Edit: False alarm, it was an order of something I had forgotten about.
My gift showed up in the mail today. Thank you very much to my secret santa I have always wanted to get the matcha whisk. Also never had this tea before so I am happy to try some new tea. Thank you.



Bitches love smiley faces
Got a package from the UK today! I partially opened it up to see if anything was wrapped, so I spoiled myself on the welsh cakes. I'll formally open the package on Christmas.


Wow, just opened up my gift from my SS! Everything is in japanese but it looks really cool and interesting. Can't wait to check it out after the holidays! I don't have any disc drives in the house anymore but i really appreciate this super cool edition of Ghost in the Shell! Thank you very much Secret Santa :))

Yes! Package arrived today from the U.S. Only one day to wait for me until I can open it (Germans open presents on 24th). Thanks SecretSanta!

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
My SS gift didn't arrive today and since its the last day for mail before Xmas I shouted myself two Blu Rays to make up for it, Predator 3D and the original Alien.


Dear Secret Santa,

I won't be home for Christmas Eve (leaving in an hour to spend Christmas with my brother). Someone should be in to receive it if it does deliver that day. I'll be back on Boxing Day to open it if so!

Hmm... after showing no movement on Canada Post for days, my TT's package suddenly got marked as being in his city late last night. It might arrive before Christmas!

John Blade

Still waiting for now but I might be out for the rest of the days so, I might not see the gift till after Christmas when I come back. Will still post a pics when I get the item. So waiting for something...



Hmm... after showing no movement on Canada Post for days, my TT's package suddenly got marked as being in his city late last night. It might arrive before Christmas!

Hmmm...just received a package from Canada Post this morning. 🤔

I got two separate packages. Will open them after work today and post pics.


Got a letter from my SS letting me know that my present is on its way. Too cool too! Really excited. :)

Thanks SS. I hope i get your username so i can thank you :D


The tracking on the gifts I sent updated today:"item dispatched". So it took a week for the package to finally leave the country? Makes sense, Portugal is such a huge country, things take a long time to travel. This is ridiculous. Unless they're really quick at TT's local post, it does not look good for a delivery before the 25th. Bah. :/

Thanks a lot Eye for an Eye! I got some socks (not with MLP on them lol) and a tshirt from Playstation Experiance. That is so cool. I wish I could go to something like that, so it's awesome to have a part of it. I also got 7 retro PC games.

Lighthouse the dark being
Torins Passage
Journey Man Project 2 Buried in Time
Myst 3
Runaway A Road Adventure

I never PC gamed growing up so could be a real treat. I like to play a wide varity of games and always like replaying games from the past everyonce in awhile. I think Runaway looked the most interesting. It's plot description seemed unique and the art-style looked nice. I hope I am able to run these on my old PC but I don't see why not. It was so nostalgic opening up jewel cases in wrapping paper again. Felt great. I would love to know your reasoning's on your picks. Thanks a bunch Eye for an Eye.


You got Myst 3?! (if you need help getting it to work, make a thread and I'll chime in)

Oh my goodness, your SS is a beautiful person.

You're in for a treat.


I hope TT likes what I've picked out.


I got my package yesterday and even though I didn't open it yet, from the size of it I think I received a gift card or cards. I'll open it on Sunday.


So we meet again AnotherVegan! Get in here you Sonuvabitch!


Amazing choices friend! Literally, items of what I wanted but couldn't find or didn't buy. WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Look at this Lucina Amiibo! LOOK AT HER FACE!!! You found the only Lucina Amiibo without a derpy face. A modern day Christmas miracle. AND THE BOX DIDN'T GET CRUSHED?! God exist man T_T and he's OCD.

I have a confession. I've never seen My Neighbor Tottoro. Always told myself I would but for one reason or another didn't. Now I have no excuses AND I AM JAZZED! It's the ONLY Ghibli movie I wanted but never bought. Amazing coincidence.

Thanks AnotherVegan! Team #quality>quantity

Also, if my TT is reading this after you find out I'm your SS on Sunday. My bad. I sent it out late instead of breaking it down to two shipments. It'll arrive early next week.
Thanks a lot Eye for an Eye! I got some socks (not with MLP on them lol) and a tshirt from Playstation Experiance. That is so cool. I wish I could go to something like that, so it's awesome to have a part of it. I also got 7 retro PC games.

Lighthouse the dark being
Torins Passage
Journey Man Project 2 Buried in Time
Myst 3
Runaway A Road Adventure

I never PC gamed growing up so could be a real treat. I like to play a wide varity of games and always like replaying games from the past everyonce in awhile. I think Runaway looked the most interesting. It's plot description seemed unique and the art-style looked nice. I hope I am able to run these on my old PC but I don't see why not. It was so nostalgic opening up jewel cases in wrapping paper again. Felt great. I would love to know your reasoning's on your picks. Thanks a bunch Eye for an Eye.

Well I couldn't find MLP socks big enough, and I figured my own MLP socks would only be big enough to cover your big toe, so I got you a pair of socks wrapped in MLP paper. Next best thing right?

The PlayStation Experience shirt. It's been hanging out in my closet for a year now. It's a cool shirt, but I figured you'd have a better appreciation for it than my closet does. You should definitely go to one. It's one of those experiences you just gotta have at least once. Be a part of the crowd. Watching youtube clips doesn't count.

The PC games, you should be able to run a virtual pc on a newer computer to let you run the older games. Or you can power up an old computer and remember the slow times of the PC world.

As for the choice of those games. You said you were single and you seem to get new games that you want when you want to (going through your post history). Based on last year's SS, you said you loved personal touches to the gifts. So I knew I needed to go with something different than what you can just walk into a store and buy off the shelf. These games actually came from my boyfriend's personal stash that he has recollected over the years of games he used to play. You always post in every Ace Attorney topic and mentioned how you love off the beaten path games of today's gaming genres.

Here's his explanation of choosing those games for you
Torin's Passage was one of those interesting games from Al Lowe.  I loved the Leisure Suit Larry series and Torin's Passage was an interesting departure from his traditional series.

Keepsake is one of those weird ones simply because it is between an era where Adventure games dominated, died, than started to come back again, but not from the powerhouse companies such as Sierra or Lucasarts or Broderbund.  It's kind of a look at how things changed up from the era into a more modern era.  It's not quite as good as the highs of the past, but it's still an interesting look at history in the adventure games.

Lighthouse is one of those sierra games that was released slightly past the highs that the genre produced, and is on the slight downwards spiral, but was still good.  The game itself has some rather hard puzzles, hell they're significantly harder and less forgiving than the puzzles of a more modern adventure game, but the atmosphere and the style was actually a fair departure from Sierra.  I think only the Shivers games were a comparable one from Sierra.  This would probably follow Broderbund's Myst series a bit more.

Journeyman Project was one of those games that was a huge showpiece for PCs back in the day and so many pcs that were bought from 1995-1997 were bundled with a copy of The Journeyman Project.  However, that version was The Journeyman Project Turbo!  This one is the retail version.

Myst 3 was more of the Ubisoft era transition where Sierra and Lucasarts have kind of faded after King's Quest 8 kind of bombed and Grim Fandango really bombed so the genre was seen as dead or essentially dead.  Ubisoft brought another myst game surprisingly and I think it has an interesting place in history.  Not as good as other adventure games, but more of a interesting curiosity.

Runaway was added simply because I thought it would closely mirror the art style of something of a phoenix wright and be a bit easier to get into rather than the older adventure games. 

The adventure games were my my idea when I heard that you really liked Phoenix Wright so my interesting piqued at that one.  The Jewel cases were a nod to nostalgia, the small box was a nod towards a slightly newer age, and each pick represents a form of adventure game history.  The only thing I didn't do is choose some insanely cryptic pc games like Manhunter that were on floppies which I don't even know if they work anymore.  Or something that is so obscure that there is no hope of ever getting it up and running.


Just got to my parents' house in Miami and turns out my gift has been here all along! My Mum just didn't know it was from Secret Santa. I'm excited to open them but I am being patient and waiting for tomorrow night!
Well I posted my stuff out last week and it seems its not going to arrive until after Christmas until after, I always feel super horrible when this happens :(
I really hope my Tiny Tim likes what I got them when it arrives.


Nothing in the mail today, so I won't be able to pick up any gifts from my apartment management until Tuesday evening when I return home. Looking forward to it though!
Left for home earlier than planned, so I ended up opening my gifts a little early. SS, thank you so much! All of these are right up my alley :) No doubles either! Time to see what Zilla got up to before Godzilla blasted him out of existence >:]
Well I couldn't find MLP socks big enough, and I figured my own MLP socks would only be big enough to cover your big toe, so I got you a pair of socks wrapped in MLP paper. Next best thing right?

The PlayStation Experience shirt. It's been hanging out in my closet for a year now. It's a cool shirt, but I figured you'd have a better appreciation for it than my closet does. You should definitely go to one. It's one of those experiences you just gotta have at least once. Be a part of the crowd. Watching youtube clips doesn't count.

The PC games, you should be able to run a virtual pc on a newer computer to let you run the older games. Or you can power up an old computer and remember the slow times of the PC world.

As for the choice of those games. You said you were single and you seem to get new games that you want when you want to (going through your post history). Based on last year's SS, you said you loved personal touches to the gifts. So I knew I needed to go with something different than what you can just walk into a store and buy off the shelf. These games actually came from my boyfriend's personal stash that he has recollected over the years of games he used to play. You always post in every Ace Attorney topic and mentioned how you love off the beaten path games of today's gaming genres.

Here's his explanation of choosing those games for you

The thought and care that went into this gift is more special to me than the gift itself. You really did your homework. I could actually cry right now. Thank you so much.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
My SS gift didn't arrive today and since its the last day for mail before Xmas I shouted myself two Blu Rays to make up for it, Predator 3D and the original Alien.

Much to my surprise the courier dropped it off today at 3pm (Saturday) at my Mother's house so I will be picking that up tomorrow. Excite!


At least my gift has arrived in my TTs country, but it's stuck in customs at the moment. I have no idea why, I specified the that the parcel was a gift, but hopefully the custom agents move swiftly and my TT get's their gift as soon as possible.

And if they try to stick the customs bill on you TT, hit me up with an PM and we'll sort it out.


I moved houses and nothing yet, I did the postal office address change but still nothing. Hope its yet arrived because there's always a chance that it arrived a week ago and somebody might have stolen it, but my tiny tim hasn't posted a pic yet, I think it shipped and arrived to him as soon as I got his address so he's had it for weeks now. Oh well..


One more hour and I am off to christmas with my family. So far no packet, but I am cool with waiting.

I really hope my TT likes his stuff. Should arrive today at latest. I had a quite stressful december and pretty much ignored most of the awesome hints of my TT. I feel awful for missing the oppurtinity, but hopefully he likes what ge gets.

Next year I promise to be less burned out arund that time. Should work out.

GAF, have a great christmas time!


No notice from the post office as of now.

Merry Christmas guys and I hope no one gets shafted this season.

Off to the eating spree!!
Well I haven't received my gift yet, but that is OK! I'm sure it's on its way!

Merry Christmas everybody. I have really enjoyed seeing the gifts come in for everyone, and I LOVE seeing the creative stuff & hand-drawn GAF logos and things. Love it!
I am giving USPS until New Years to report my package (sent from the UK to the US) as delivered before I call it lost and get something else. Sigh.
Opened the wrapped gifts!

The miniatures will be a nice addition to my army, the teddy bear socks are adorable and the nutcracker is hilarious!

The chocolates are almost devoured, the stars are on our windows and our doggie really enjoys the treats!

Thank you so much SS, you provided something for every member of our pack!
Still no confirmation that my TT has recieved their gift, but I am confident as my tracking confirms it was delivered on Dec 18th. It's probably tucked under a Christmas tree...

No gift has arrived for me, as of yet, so hopefully I will get a nice surprise next week!
Still no confirmation that my TT has recieved their gift, but I am confident as my tracking confirms it was delivered on Dec 18th. It's probably tucked under a Christmas tree...

No gift has arrived for me, as of yet, so hopefully I will get a nice surprise next week!

...Check your post office! They said it had been delivered to your community mailbox!
I see my TT recieved his, and post on GAF but not here. I hope he will like/liked my gift.

I'm so happy to see many people getting their gifts...

I know I said to my SS to not send my gift before the first week of january because I'm 14h of planes away from home but Im still jalous haha I want to open gift too XD

happy holidays everyone ^^
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